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Attadale Foreshore

Created by poor relative > 9 months ago, 28 Aug 2007
poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
28 Aug 2007 8:33PM
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Whats the deal for kiting there.

I was told by a calm ranger some three years or so ago that the Nature reserve, sort of East from where the fence starts is off limits for kiting. (parallel to the dog exercise area)

Is this true as of late it seems to be becoming more popular..

WA, 2119 posts
29 Aug 2007 8:35AM
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a nature reserve right next to a dog exercise area.... Thats funny

WA, 2331 posts
29 Aug 2007 9:36AM
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I would say, it is fine to kite there, as long as you dont launch or land on the beach.
i.e. the water is fine, the land is not.

WA, 6 posts
29 Aug 2007 11:43AM
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My understanding is that launching from the small dog beach at the Pt Walter end of the Nature Reserve fence is OK. Rigging on the big grass area and crossing the Nature reserve to get to the water will draw the wrath of the rangers...

Good Luck

QLD, 280 posts
29 Aug 2007 4:24PM
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Yeah it’s kinda crazy, the area to the east is a nesting ground for Siberian magpie geese ( I think ), apparently they scare easily . So only dogs can have fun in this area? Go figure, most likely the reason for the reserve is to stop more development that may spoil the view of existing local residents.

QLD, 68 posts
31 Aug 2007 2:43PM
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I'm a foreigner (live in Qld now) though grew up a few hundred metres back from the now grassed area on the foreshore adjoining Burke Drive. I kited there a few weeks ago in a NW and had a blast. Nice grass to launch and land on with just the short walk across the beach and over the short fence to/from the water.

A couple of days later I was tuning a big foil in a light NE breeze. Someone, I think his name was Paul, was strongly, and somewhat less politely than I thought reasonable, discouraging kiting there - because of some (not formalised) agreement b/w Melville Council and WAKSA. He said there was info on the WAKSA site about it...I couldn't find anything there.

I'm pretty sure no magpie geese go as far south as Perth. But there are plenty of migratory waders, about 4 species, who go to Siberia for our winter but spend quite a few months (I think from about September to May) in the Swan River estuary, mostly from Attadale around to Alfred Cove. I think it would be reasonable to leave the little waders in peace over the summer and go the km or so west to the sandy dog beach. It would also be better to kite there than go back to the birds' area, even if you stayed away from the foreshore itself.

As to the official position, I think someone from WAKSA should clarify.

And, BTW, my understanding is that the short fence is intended to keep dogs away from the foreshore and birds - that seems to work well. So the dogs are happy on the grass and the birds are safe on the other side of the fence.

WA, 1119 posts
31 Aug 2007 3:32PM
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Originally posted by Audion

My understanding is that launching from the small dog beach at the Pt Walter end of the Nature Reserve fence is OK. Rigging on the big grass area and crossing the Nature reserve to get to the water will draw the wrath of the rangers...

Good Luck

there are gates, and short paths to the beach. it is quite accessible. plenty of people walk dogs up and down the beach.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
31 Aug 2007 4:34PM
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The big signs next to the gates say no dogs.

WA, 311 posts
31 Aug 2007 5:11PM
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Bloody CALM eh

WA, 1441 posts
31 Aug 2007 7:19PM
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your good as long as u launch and land west of the end of the fence. ie. where stock road ends. and stay a minimum of 50m from the shore (out of the nature reserve bits).

apparently there has been an amendment to the above. But i cant access it because calm are f**cken retarded and spend all there money servicing the needs of decrepit 75yr old bird watchers then the greater public. WEBSITE IS ****ING S**T!!!!!!. If it was clear wat was allowed and what isnt it would prolly make the biggest difference to conservation.

WA, 1119 posts
31 Aug 2007 7:29PM
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a bit of a skim through the calm management plan seems to indicate that the use of the areas (peli and aflred cove) for recreational boating including specifically windsurfing/sailing is a value that the plan is attempting to maintain.

WA, 685 posts
31 Aug 2007 10:33PM
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I think the location map that is displayed at Peli Point showing where to kite is an excellent idea and it will help keep kiting acceptable on the river.

t o b y
WA, 530 posts
31 Aug 2007 11:44PM
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Originally posted by Slack

I think the location map that is displayed at Peli Point showing where to kite is an excellent idea and it will help keep kiting acceptable on the river.

"spend all there money servicing the needs of decrepit 75yr old bird watchers then the greater public"

which was installed because the said 75yr olds who jerk off over rare seagulls chucked a sad.

WA, 3619 posts
1 Sep 2007 3:34PM
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Originally posted by carbine

your good as long as u launch and land west of the end of the fence. ie. where stock road ends. and stay a minimum of 50m from the shore (out of the nature reserve bits).

Excellent post Carbine. The pdf policy doc. specifically allows "windsurfing & sailing" in the offshore section of the marine park (the light grey bit). Kiting in and staying sensibly offshore should therefore be OK. IMO

WA, 48 posts
3 Sep 2007 9:55AM
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Definitely a non kiting and launching area in the Nature Reserve east of fence approx. at Page st (check the streetsmart). This area has a history of residents, friends of Attadale forshore group and dog users all feuding over this space.

This area is looked after by a group called “The friends of Attadale Foreshore and they continually maintain and plant seedlings. Quoted in recent article of the Melville news of having planted 25,000 to 30,000 seedlings in this area and they also receive funding from Swan River Trust. I have seen kiters launch on the lawn dog exercise area which is risky as lots of dogs, kids and public to watch out for. If you launch there then it means you have to step over the fence and through the reserve to get to the water, this is not permitted. Common sense tells you the fence is there for a reason. This area is out of bounds to dogs also which is why the fence was put up in the first place, they were destroying the bushland and endangering wild life. Imagine what a bunch of kiters will do it.

If you want to kite the Easterlies in this area you must stay West of the fence area to launch and kite (Page str). Once you are in the water you could venture a short distance East but remember if you drop your kite and need to come in then you will be in this restricted area. This area is also permitted as a dog beach area. There is not a lot of beach space for kites so it can only cater for a few kites. Better to go to the Pt Walter spit area.

I think WAKSA/me should contact Melville Council and be proactive in sorting some signs out for this area before we get totally banned.


Originally posted by poor relative

Whats the deal for kiting there.

I was told by a calm ranger some three years or so ago that the Nature reserve, sort of East from where the fence starts is off limits for kiting. (parallel to the dog exercise area)

Is this true as of late it seems to be becoming more popular..

WA, 3464 posts
3 Sep 2007 5:18PM
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Why would you even consider lanching in a dog park and then climb over a fence..............crap for brains and no respect.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
3 Sep 2007 6:46PM
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Its happening gruzitski.
Most days there is a north West there is a kiter out.
Rigging launching and landing in doggie heaven

WA, 1119 posts
3 Sep 2007 6:55PM
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Originally posted by sue
If you launch there then it means you have to step over the fence and through the reserve to get to the water, this is not permitted. Common sense tells you the fence is there for a reason.

There are gates. And from memory short path ways. It is a bit hard to tell from the management plan which parts on land are the nature reserve, but all of the water way is marked as accessible for boating, sailing/windsurfing.

Perhaps better maps would help.

WA, 273 posts
3 Sep 2007 7:48PM
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Originally posted by gruezi

Why would you even consider lanching in a dog park and then climb over a fence..............crap for brains and no respect.

Quite a few of youre mates from Woodies did exactly that a few weeks back and I did it myself also. As stated there is a gate with a path to the water near the west end of the park that most people used, also you can step over the fence without even touching it as it's only about 600mm high.
I would have launched from the dog beach where most people normally do but on the day everyone was launching from the park so I thought that must be the go.
The situation here needs to be cleared up so we can do the right thing as it is a great spot for the easterly's.

WA, 813 posts
10 Sep 2007 3:27PM
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This topic was discussed at last Wed's WAKSA meeting. A stategy involving all the interested parties has been put in place which should bring about a mutually acceptable policy re this area.
With two premium kite beaches at each end of this CALM management area - each with their own 'sensitive' issues - we believe we must get this area right.
A site guide with all the answers will be posted on the WAKSA website shortly.
In the meantime WAKSA strongly advises that all kiters avoid this area altogether to give us some negotiating time without the risk of creating any ill-will - esp with the local 'friends of Attadale foreshore' group.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Attadale Foreshore" started by poor relative