Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Slingshot REView

Created by dustin > 9 months ago, 19 Sep 2007
QLD, 448 posts
19 Sep 2007 11:36AM
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Prefer C kites
08 kites flown this year: Fone Bandit 9m, Naish Helix 12 & 9m, Naish Cult 9m
07 kites: Fuels, Link, Havoc, Assault, Mig, Torch, Turbo 2, Switchblade 2 and a few more

Kite: 11m
Board: 132cm
10 minute session 18knts
2 hours session 10-14knts with tide

Similar to 07 bar, seems to be of better quality. Better grip material and centre insert. Same spectra lines but the front lines are twice the thickness of the backlines and look extremely strong.

Kite on Ground
Kites still has slingshot construction with same materials as 2007. Struts are not splitstrut like the Fuels and Links but like the T2 struts, all black 2 panel. Bridle is very short with 1 pulley connecting the front and back lines on the wingtip.

Kite in the Air
I could easily say that this kite is just plain amazing but i know lots of you out there would like a bit of detail. First thing you notice about the kite is the stability. In the light winds it sits rock solid, no falling back in the window or hindeburgs etc. riding the kite the power delivery is like that of a C kite and the turning is also. Extremely low par pressure on this kite, less than the Fuels or Torches and faster aswell! Easly one of the fastest kites ive ever flown. Doesnt fly through the window as fast as a Sigma but turns faster. Unhooking is very good on this kite, havnt tired it in the waves yet but wakestyle its very good, doesnt have that painfull pull that comes with unhooking a Bow, basically like a C kite aswell in this department. Relaunch is good aswell, just pull a side line and it turns around and up it goes, even in 10knts it was fine. Didnt get to try the new safety system so cant comment on that. This kite has the power of a Bow, easily equivalent to a 13-14 C kite and the boost is very good, a halfway between a C and Bow boost.

overall i would say that the feeling/characteristics of this kite are about 90% C kite and 10% Bow. I would have to say that this is probably the best kite ive ever flown. Seems to have all the good things about a Bow and a C eliminating all the cons. 2008 seems to be a high calibre year but this is the best so far, definetly worth demoing at your local shop i gaurantee smiles all round. Feel free to PM me any questions

WA, 2184 posts
4 Oct 2007 9:27PM
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i would agree with what dustin said but add that the chicken loop is a bit cluttered and makes hooking back in a bit of a pain but otherwise its smooth, responsive and doesnt go to **** on the edge of the window.

also i was on the smallest kite and still performing well in the light conditions.
very light construction and tidy bridal also the bag is good
light bar pressure and its easy to control in the turns.
very fast back and forth, allows upwind performance i wasnt expecting.
relaunches nicely
no batterns to cause grief

Will be a good seller this season as it will perform to almost everyone's needs and is well thought out not just a good flyer

6 Oct 2007 12:15PM
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Agree with everything Dustin says and would only add that I reckon it is as fast across the window as a sigma kite, it is very quick and lifty.
Best SS kite for a couple of years IMO.

Cya and



WA, 3464 posts
8 Oct 2007 7:50PM
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Thanks to Puppet I got 1 hr. on 08 13 mtr. Rev in light winds. First impressions:

Nice SS build and smooth kite. A bit less "grunty" than 08 Xbow 12, but a bit faster turning and smoother through the loop. Nice boosting kite, get C pull off water. Very simple and safe set up. Love the kite and had a blast....thanks again Puppet.

QLD, 3 posts
8 Oct 2007 10:33PM
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I just purchased a 13m REV on Saturday and am in love! I have been kiting for 3 months, well trying to. The new rev has made everything so much easier. I used to ride a 13m Fuel, n was having heaps of trouble riding switch and relaunching. Now can ride switch and haven't had to relaunch after 2 smallish sessions... but played around on the sand and is a **** load easier to relaunch... It takes so little effort to fly the Rev. I don't have much experience but I know that it has helped me heaps already and can't wait to get back out on the weekend to see how much more I can progress. let ther b wind !!

QLD, 119 posts
9 Oct 2007 3:21PM
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Originally posted by gruezi

Thanks to Puppet I got 1 hr. on 08 13 mtr. Rev in light winds. First impressions:

Nice SS build and smooth kite. A bit less "grunty" than 08 Xbow 12, but a bit faster turning and smoother through the loop. Nice boosting kite, get C pull off water. Very simple and safe set up. Love the kite and had a blast....thanks again Puppet.

Has anyone been able to compare the 13 mtr Rev to a 12 mtr Switchblade2? I'm interested in comparing the low end power between the two.

NSW, 509 posts
10 Oct 2007 10:27AM
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A friend compared the 9m rev with the 10m switch he said the sb had a little more pull and felt like it hung longer, but the rev was alot faster and you cold easily generate the same power, rev pulled harder during turns.. Hope this helps

WA, 3464 posts
10 Oct 2007 7:55PM
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Thanks sorse, all info. on new kites helps.

Had a good hour in ugly, no wind, cold weather and the 7m still put a smile on my face. SS have got it right with this kite me thinks. Love the simplicity, depower and so easy to pack away.....the whole thing was a pleasure....need to keep it a bit longer and try it on a sunny and windy day.


WA, 2184 posts
11 Oct 2007 12:21AM
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u got up on a 7m today? nice one, these new kites are so efficient

WA, 3464 posts
11 Oct 2007 9:15AM
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No way did I get going.....I just played with it.

1357 posts
12 Oct 2007 8:07AM
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Had a quick session on an 11m in about 15-16 knots, very smooth, turns quickly for its size, great bar setup, nice light-medium bar pressure. Very similar charateristics to my 11m Sonic.

Can anyone compare the 11m to the 13m, is there much difference with turning speed and bar pressure, how's 13m low end ???

NSW, 19 posts
12 Oct 2007 5:06PM
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I have been using a 9m REV the last week or so, the kite has a huge wind range! The first day on a twin tip in around 20kns, it has more pop than any kite Ive ridden yet with smooth constant power and light bar presure. Very easy to handle along with the safety set up being the best and simplist Ive used.
The past few day have been light 12-13kns with guys just riding on 15m and surfboards, I was riding up wind on a surfboard a little more and had maybe even more power for wave riding in the cross shore cond because of the turning speed and constant power.
I am looking forward to tring out some of the larger sizes.

REV's are going to be the ideal kite for all types of wave riding while giving most riders more pop then they need!


QLD, 448 posts
12 Oct 2007 7:22PM
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Flew the 7m rev in 20+ conditions for two days last weekend. All i can say is that its rock solid (stable as), insanely fast and probably one of the best boosting kites ive ever used. Also its super responsiveness was soooooo good for the waves. defiently a kite to amp up the fun levels.

QLD, 416 posts
13 Oct 2007 9:39AM
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Totally agree Dustin I'm so happy with my 9m-11m I've had a grin ear to ear for two weeks now

WA, 1222 posts
13 Oct 2007 5:18PM
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i cant beleive the low end of these kites. i weigh 87 kgs and in 12 knots i would be walking up the beach after 1 run on my 15m fuel but i got a 11m rev to replace the 15 and has more bottom end than the 15 , gets going earlier and goes upwind better than any kite i've flown yet. great in light winds in the waves as your turning a smaller kite. i used to hate those 12-15 knt days coz i'd struggle on a massive kite but now the 11 rev is my biggest kite in my quiver and has a massive range . other riders were on 14-18 meter kites in 12 knots and i was going as good or better on the 11.

WA, 47 posts
14 Oct 2007 7:01PM
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Took the REV out today and OMG it is such a sweet kite.

Wind: 12-15 patchy
Board: New Protoy 135

Wind was marginal but on first impressions the kite is super stable, quick turning and with the usual high build quality from Slingy. Very lofty on the jumps aka Switch Blade / Crossbow but has a much lower bar pressure and direct feel about it. Turns so fast it catches you out until you get your timing right.

Kite turns incredibly fast and even in light winds as previously mentioned it sits beautifully in the air with no signs of falling out of the sky even in really light patches.

I normally ride a 13M Fuel and there is NO WAY I could have even attempted to hold ground in that sort of wind but the REV i was able to make ground.

The lock and leave stopper on the main lines is amazing, had not used this before as my last upgrade was late 2006 but that has to be the best invention ever.

I think this kite will be the benchmark and i am sure that when people have a ride they will get that " I can't believe how good this kite is" feel and they will, like me, be off to the shops tomorrow.

Who has them in stock and what are they worth? Want a 13 and a 9

Cheers to AP for the demo. Thanks again mate


WA, 644 posts
14 Oct 2007 8:35PM
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Flew the 9m rev a few weeks back and the bar pressure is way to light causing delays when flying it in the surf.

Kite construction is solid and found the bar a little to small, is probably ok for intermediate rider's or peoples that like a delay when flying their kites.

WA, 1441 posts
14 Oct 2007 9:40PM
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Originally posted by meerkat

Flew the 9m rev a few weeks back and the bar pressure is way to light causing delays when flying it in the surf.

Kite construction is solid and found the bar a little to small, is probably ok for intermediate rider's or peoples that like a delay when flying their kites.

are u on ****en crack?

they are one of the fastest kites out there. insanely quick.

Well the 7 i tried was dangerously to fast. That was the same call from 2 other people who tried it in 20+knots. 3m trainer kite speed.

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
15 Oct 2007 8:40AM
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Has any one tried one back to back with the 08 rebel? Saw the head to head review on Kitesnorum but there's to much pimping in that site to get a good read of it.

QLD, 200 posts
15 Oct 2007 10:05AM
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Have had 2 goes on the Rev now. Pretty much the best bridled kite I have tried to date (although quite liked the Bandit as well; the Rev does have a much better control system compared to the Bandit). However, with 4 pulleys on the kite I did find the steering a bit vague. The Fuel provides very positive feedback to the extent that you simply don't even have to look up to know where the kite is. The Rev did not have this same characteristic. I also found that it still did not have the same immediacy when looping the kite compared to the Fuel. A good kite, but not my cup of tea.

QLD, 448 posts
15 Oct 2007 5:54PM
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Coming from my Fuel i found it hard with feedback as it was way lighter than the fuel. A few accdental kiteloops etc. Since ive borrowed my way into flying the Revs for about 10 sesions you become adjusted and you can fly without looknig at the kite like you could with the Fuel. Im spewin now becasue whenever i go back on my Fuel it just feels to slow! And thats crazy becasue the Fuels are a very fast kite. Rev is definetly a dominator for wave riding, hooked or unhooked.

NSW, 509 posts
15 Oct 2007 7:13PM
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I'm finding it the same, our demo is never here for me to ride any more so i'm back on my 07 fuel and it feels so slow compared to the rev. Wondering if we'll ever have enough kites so I can get one myself :-)

WA, 3619 posts
15 Oct 2007 9:20PM
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Originally posted by sorse

I'm finding it the same, our demo is never here for me to ride any more so i'm back on my 07 fuel and it feels so slow compared to the rev. Wondering if we'll ever have enough kites so I can get one myself :-)

You could always try buying one

NSW, 509 posts
16 Oct 2007 9:28AM
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I did originally buy my kites but ended up letting everyone else have a spin on them, so the boss kindly said to me if your going to let everyone demo your kites plus teach on them we should give you a hand..
Hence I usually ride the demo gear. Plus teach ont it, this year I'm doing lessons on t2'S, But would like to be riding the rev"s whoever there always on the water with someone else, so I may have to buy my own to up grade and get a ride on the new gear..

SA, 501 posts
21 Oct 2007 9:58PM
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Originally posted by sorse

A friend compared the 9m rev with the 10m switch he said the sb had a little more pull and felt like it hung longer, but the rev was alot faster and you cold easily generate the same power, rev pulled harder during turns.. Hope this helps

I got the opportunity to ride the 11m Rev over this weekend. I also have a 10m SB2. Not sure on whether a 9m Rev could be compared to the 10m SB2 as I would say the 11m Rev was about the same. Having said that I haven't ridden the 9m. Is this making sense?
In short I am saying the 11m Rev is very similar in bottom end grunt to that of the 10m SB2. I didn't get the chance to test the top end of the kite. I think all the rest has been said. Great kite, excellent for unhooked moves as very stable. Now all I need is a lazy $1800.

NSW, 17 posts
31 Oct 2007 2:01PM
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I have recently used the Rev's 13, 11, 9 & 7m and all are amazing kites.
The kite is incredibly stable, predictable, light and fast both at the top end and bottom end. The wind range is huge, they relaunch extremely easily and they are just a pleasure to use.

I have used them in the waves on a surfboard and on flat water for freestyle riding. I am extremely happy in both situations.

Congratulations Slingshot on a great product!

WA, 78 posts
31 Oct 2007 9:19PM
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kitecrazzzy said...

i would agree with what dustin said but add that the chicken loop is a bit cluttered and makes hooking back in a bit of a pain

Shouldnt be thinkin about hookin back in in the first place

WA, 2184 posts
31 Oct 2007 10:36PM
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^ possibly the biggest piss take or crave for attention ive seen in a while right there ^
I still cant work out what one though.

NSW, 509 posts
9 Nov 2007 11:41AM
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Finally spent a solid ful day on the water. Squids the wind anywhere from 6knots to 20knots. Rode the 13m rev, loved it to death. I had no trouble with anything. I did stop a couple times when wind really died but, but kite was super stable and just hung in the sky.
Whe the wind really gusted up I could still trim in and unhook without any issues, landed one of the sweetest slims I've ever done. plus had some of the narliest crashes trying raley 3's but kite remain solid and relaunched time after time no tangles.
Can't wait for another great run..


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Slingshot REView" started by dustin