Forums > Kitesurfing General

Do you know ---- aka ---, QLD? Fraudster

Created by laurie > 9 months ago, 9 Nov 2009
WA, 3848 posts
9 Nov 2009 4:12PM
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There was a topic posted which named & shamed an individual. That topic has been removed.

Sorry, but whether your perception of the event is factualy true or not, a forum is not the place to be writing public accusations about people and running down their character. You need to follow this things up with the appropriate authourities.

There are always two sides to every story - not saying your side is wrong, but you can't go slamming someone like that here.

There are many reasons a transaction could fail, apart from fraud. For example, in our local area, kids have taken to setting fire to letterboxes.


WA, 4485 posts
9 Nov 2009 4:27PM
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What - no flaming terd in there too?

Pfft.. kids today.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
9 Nov 2009 6:31PM
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I am surprized at you Laurie...

It took a post on Seabreeze for him to reply to me today (for the first time in a month) with more excuses. I have emails dated 1 month ago politely requesting his phone number and for him to contact me - he never bothered to reply.

I used your site to purchase the goods and he used to advertise. I don't know if you know him but his attitude sucks - and you are condoning this type of attitude?

All I wanted was for this matter to be exposed and not repeated to anyone else. You know full well that I pursued all avenues legal and otherwise correct already - I mentioned it in the post.. I am sure you read it.

Now you tell me - this is ok to do to another kiter? Aren't you supposed to protect us from this type of behaviour or are we supposed to accept it as normal?

If you are going to moderate - do it properly, and fairly. Am I not the one who got screwed? I paid him within 30 minutes of the time I accepted to buy it.. so what the hell did I do that was wrong?

QLD, 91 posts
9 Nov 2009 6:33PM
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what did I miss??

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
9 Nov 2009 6:42PM
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Dear Laurie,

I suggest you read my original properly. It states that all attempts were made to sort the situation amicably and politely. I can write English and I know exactly what was said and done, and when. I have all the email requests for explanation saved and also all requests for his phone number for this matter to have been sorted properly - he never replied, there were never any messages.

When all the plausible explanation have been extinguished there is no other conclusion but to assume the improbable - I was hard done by. And now you say I am the one at fault here..

Please explain to the forum your action and attitude.

Vasco - that is my real name by the way. I, on the contrary, have nothing to hide.

WA, 4485 posts
9 Nov 2009 4:44PM
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Dunno if this applies to online content but in print etc if a defaming or similar comment is broadcast/printed by a 3rd party (ie Seabreeze) then that entity is also held responsible for the defamation.

Hey Sir V - you obviously have your viewpoint and feel frustrated but Seabreeze is not responsible nor should it be expected to carry your accusations (accurate/false or whatever).

Good luck getting a result anyhoo.

WA, 705 posts
9 Nov 2009 4:56PM
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getfunky said...

Dunno if this applies to online content but in print etc if a defaming or similar comment is broadcast/printed by a 3rd party (ie Seabreeze) then that entity is also held responsible for the defamation.

Hey Sir V - you obviously have your viewpoint and feel frustrated but Seabreeze is not responsible nor should it be expected to carry your accusations (accurate/false or whatever).

Good luck getting a result anyhoo.

the word is "ANYHOW"

NSW, 836 posts
9 Nov 2009 7:56PM
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What happened V. You sound really angry. Hope you are ok. Did someone sell you a kite with non matching colours or faulty bearings for your blades? Missed your story but wanted you to know that if you can't work the frustrations out at body pump classes, then seabreeze is the place.

PS I hate scammers too. So I hope it works out for you.

WA, 3848 posts
9 Nov 2009 5:10PM
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Sometimes in life we're presented with challenges, and it's how we deal with them that defines us.

Given what you're going though, I can understand you're a bit distraught. We all want the things we pay for to roll up earlier than we hope, and be in better condition than we visualised.

In time, you may come to see that your response might have been be a tad hasty, and indeed your reading of my post may well have been misinterpretted.

For example:

>> And now you say I am the one at fault here..

Nope .. I said "not saying your side is wrong"

>> and you are condoning this type of attitude

Nope .. not condoning anybodies attitude .. his, or yours, but I am hopeful that between the two of you, it can be resolved amicably.

What I am suggesting is two things:

1. Their may be other reasons for your gear not arriving, apart from fraud.

2. This is not the place to post someones private details and acuse them of fraud.

>> Aren't you supposed to protect us from this type of behaviour or are
>> we supposed to accept it as normal?

I may look & smell like Buzz Lightyear, but there are limits on my capabilities.

In three years, I've yet to hear of a single case of fraud in the classifieds. I've had two nervous enquiries about long transactions (three if I include this topic as an 'online enquiry'), and a dodgy Jetski listing, but they've all sorted themselves out ok - I hope yours does too.

Hope it all pans out for you...

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
9 Nov 2009 8:05PM
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Laurie, thanks for your Post's explanation but unfortunately it changes nothing.. except perhaps to hide further the actions I wanted here exposed.

A couple of facts that have not been taken into account as yet...

1- The puchase was paid via Paypal on September 23rd.
2- supposedly "posted" 6 days later
3- registered number given doesn't exist with Post Office, never did
4- when an investigation was started at my end I was told to request a HN number. I requested this from the seller - he never replied to me
5 - more than 10 emails asking for resolution up to today. 6 were totally out of concern and politeness, 2 of "not happy, reminder I would take this further if no reply was received" and the last 2 emails were right down pissed off.
6 - no reply was received till today. And the email received today in consequence to this post it is saying the matter is still being investigated by the Post Office.
7- how long do you think I should wait until I get pissed off?
8- when we buy anything through ebay we can and are constantly reminded to place FEEDBACK. Is that not what my post was?

Do I not have the obligation to warn my fellow kiters of such bhaviour before it happens to them?

9- by removing my post you just assured he can do it again.

10- Misfortune or not, such blatantly rude behaviour of no reply and keeping the money is unacceptable.

May I repeat point 7? - how long do you think I should wait until I get pissed off?

My post was simple feedback on a transaction that took place from an add on Seabreeze - otherwise I would not have taken it here.

- that is all I have to say about this - the post was for the consideration of my colleagues.

Furthermore, I am currently writing an article about an absolutely amazing experience I recently had while Kitesurfing up North and how good behaviour should be rewarded with appreciation.

Are you going to veto that too?


Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
9 Nov 2009 8:17PM
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By the way Laurie, I have no bone to pick with you

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
9 Nov 2009 7:18PM
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VIC, 4501 posts
9 Nov 2009 10:41PM
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laurie said...


Sometimes in life we're presented with challenges, and it's how we deal with them that defines us.

Given what you're going though, I can understand you're a bit distraught. We all want the things we pay for to roll up earlier than we hope, and be in better condition than we visualised.

In time, you may come to see that your response might have been be a tad hasty, and indeed your reading of my post may well have been misinterpretted.

For example:

>> And now you say I am the one at fault here..

Nope .. I said "not saying your side is wrong"

>> and you are condoning this type of attitude

Nope .. not condoning anybodies attitude .. his, or yours, but I am hopeful that between the two of you, it can be resolved amicably.

What I am suggesting is two things:

1. Their may be other reasons for your gear not arriving, apart from fraud.

2. This is not the place to post someones private details and acuse them of fraud.

>> Aren't you supposed to protect us from this type of behaviour or are
>> we supposed to accept it as normal?

I may look & smell like Buzz Lightyear, but there are limits on my capabilities.

In three years, I've yet to hear of a single case of fraud in the classifieds. I've had two nervous enquiries about long transactions (three if I include this topic as an 'online enquiry'), and a dodgy Jetski listing, but they've all sorted themselves out ok - I hope yours does too.

Hope it all pans out for you...

Sorry Laurie, I thought the onus was on the both parties to prove their portion of the transaction happened. Its sounds like Sir V can prove he paid, it doesn't sound like the other party can prove he shipped if the tracking number doesn't exist. Lack of communication is no excuse, if the other party really did ship, he/she would be doing everything in his power to try locate it, not ignoring emails or telephone number requests.

As someone who has recently bought and sold on Seabreeze, I for one would like to know that if one party tries to rip me off, I'd be able to post the details here, after all, it was sold here. Otherwise, I'd prefer to use ebay where I have some form of recourse to get my money back if a deal goes sour.

The fact that the classifieds has not had any dodgy deals to date is not proof that it is immune to any such transactions, its simply an indication that its been lucky to date.

QLD, 2 posts
9 Nov 2009 10:07PM
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Well it's good to know the Defamation Party has been pacified..So pistols at dawn Sir V?.....

Here's the otherside

RE: Missing Items (Posted 23rd SEPTEMBER!!!)

After numerous phone calls,personal visits and buckpassing at the local PO,It appears the woman behind the counter failed to register my 'Registered Mail'. Hence no registered number.
After a couple of weeks I was instructed to submit a formal written complaint to Aust. Post with Stat. Dec. a procedure I was told could take several weeks.This I did and relayed the info to Vasco.I trusted the items would turn up in the meantime.This was all done in good faith,but has turned into a fiasco (for me and Vasco):D
OK...apart from the fact that I will now have to sell any future gear at Mums garage sales....I Consider this mess sorted.(unlike the mail)
Cheque's in the mail. Thanks for nothing Australia Post.

NSW, 318 posts
9 Nov 2009 11:17PM
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another wonderful buying experience on eBay .....

VIC, 772 posts
9 Nov 2009 11:42PM
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chronic said...

another wonderful buying experience on eBay .....

You didnt read it did you... It was sold via seabreeze buy and sell

Still sounds fishy to me though

VIC, 4501 posts
10 Nov 2009 12:01AM
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manicskier said...

chronic said...

another wonderful buying experience on eBay .....

You didnt read it did you... It was sold via seabreeze buy and sell

Still sounds fishy to me though

I agree. There would be so many easy ways to have prevented this if it was legitimate including answering mails for a starter. You could easily scan the proof of postage even if the tracking number wasn't captured into the system.

WA, 3848 posts
9 Nov 2009 10:06PM
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Saffer said...
I for one would like to know that if one party tries to rip me off, I'd be able to post the details here, after all, it was sold here.

Sure you can - the forums are always open to discussing most topics, but are closed to topics disclosing personal details/defamatory remarks.

I'd also hope that you'd contact myself/Seabreeze -first- to assist in the resolution, much like you'd contact ebay/paypal in the first instance as well.

I've had stuff go missing via Australia Post, and from personal experience getting a refund/tracking takes weeks and is full of red tape.

And no wonder .. there are plenty of unscrupulous folks that could "post" stuff that didn't arrive, and then claim the lost value from Aussie Post .. it makes sense that AP limit their liability, or they'd go broke pretty quick via claims!

I always use registered post for high value posting. $15 seems a lot at the time, but when you consider the poop you have to go through when they lose something (as I have), it works out pretty cheap & good piece of mind.

QLD, 280 posts
10 Nov 2009 6:36AM
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Why would you buy off someone who has never even made a post on seabreeze? Just no feedback on eBay....Asking for trouble.

A seller feedback score would be awesome to stop people taking/demanding immediate payment and then posting your items when they feel like it a week or so later and can't work outwhy you're pissed.

41 posts
10 Nov 2009 5:11AM
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Hey Laurie, i'm keen to hear more about this "dodgy Jetski". Is it still for sale?

QLD, 98 posts
10 Nov 2009 9:48AM
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"Cheques in the mail"....What happened to the good old days of electronic transfers?

TAS, 97 posts
10 Nov 2009 11:08AM
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manicskier said...

chronic said...

another wonderful buying experience on eBay .....

You didnt read it did you... It was sold via seabreeze buy and sell

Still sounds fishy to me though

I think he was highlighting that this wouldn't have happened at eBay and it would have been a 'wonderful experience'...

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
10 Nov 2009 11:02AM
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This gets stranger and stranger...

Cheque's in the mail ????

1 - I paid via Paypal and he's already labelled as having lost the case and being at fault there
2 - If he really has any intentions of sending the money shouldn't it have been sent via Paypal to reverse the transaction - therefore perhaps cleaning a bad feedback...?
3 - if the goods were "Lost in the Mail" (yeah, right) - why would he send the money back via the mail, again?
4 - No requests were sent to me asking for an address to send this supposed refund and no communication was sent to me directly.

A mention on Seabreeze of 'cheque is in the mail' means nothing - anyone else smells this funny? What is wrong with people these days?

Sir V

WA, 598 posts
10 Nov 2009 9:42AM
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Dear Laurie,

I agree it is appropriate to remove a post specifically accusing someone of fraud as was originally the case here.

However, would it have been ok for V to have set out his version of the facts (essentially forwarded payment by paypal, item not received, steps taken to obtain the item), identified the person (at least by forum name), and invited a response? (Ie, without saying the words: "X is a fraud")

Seems to me there would then have been no "running down ... character" or "slamming", and there would have been an opportunity to obtain the second side to the story.

(At the risk of sounding like Slave and his rantings about commercialism), you do make money out of the For Sale section, so only seems fair to allow appropriate feedback from somone who perceives they have been ripped off.

I have purchased stuff on this forum before, and I always felt protected by the preception if the sale turned to sh1t I could resort then resort to the forum.

I look forward to your response.


WA, 598 posts
10 Nov 2009 9:47AM
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And sorry, just to add ...

V's original post was removed because of public "slamming". Yet, it is ok for a moderator's perennial favourite in another topic to suggest violence on another:

"I'd really like to put one end of my 'death leash' on a concrete pad and the other end on Slave. Slight nudge off the end of a pier. There! Everybody is heaps happier."

WA, 4485 posts
10 Nov 2009 11:42AM
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Eh Trev? Perrenial favourite? Pfft.. don't think so.

Never heard of a light dig? Do you take everything literally? I don't have spare leash at the mo anyway.

Lord knows i have copped a fair bit of stick in the past. P!ssed me a bit at the time - but hey everybody cops a bit now and then. Best not to take the forums too seriously.

BTW - I am sure I have had posts moderated in the past. No one is immune to the omnipresent moderator.

BTW - hope Sir V gets his $$ or kite soon but I still think he is barking up the wrong tree a bit.

WA, 635 posts
10 Nov 2009 11:53AM
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I want to know the guys name

QLD, 460 posts
10 Nov 2009 2:25PM
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Have to put my 2 cent to it. I didn’t see the post so I can’t comment on that.

But I have bought and sold a few items on seabreeze and never had an issue what so ever, until I recently bought a Kite on seabreeze. Paid for the kite within a couple of hours and received an answer the next day that the money arrived and the kite will be sent off asap. And then.......... well you can guess it. When I inquired about the whereabouts of the kite the excuses with blaming the lady behind the counter started, it got returned, delayed, didn’t give them a tracking Id etc. And the story went on for another couple of weeks. Eventually, after about 6 weeks, the kite did arrive - wet.

I would have done the same, name and shame them. The buy and sell section is awesome, but if people abuse it and scam others, or just can’t be asked to send it after they get the cash, then what else are you going to do? Go to the cops?? Yea right. Having a go at V just sends the wrong message to anyone trying to buy or sell gear on seabreeze.


Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
10 Nov 2009 2:55PM
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Hey RayQ - read his post... that's the lamest excuse ever, again. I cannot name him as I've had the post removed because of it - but since he decided to reply here with more excuses I just quote his reply..


Well it's good to know the Defamation Party has been pacified..So pistols at dawn Sir V?.....

Here's the otherside

RE: Missing Items (Posted 23rd SEPTEMBER!!!)

After numerous phone calls,personal visits and buckpassing at the local PO,It appears the woman behind the counter failed to register my 'Registered Mail'. Hence no registered number.
After a couple of weeks I was instructed to submit a formal written complaint to Aust. Post with Stat. Dec. a procedure I was told could take several weeks.This I did and relayed the info to Vasco.I trusted the items would turn up in the meantime.This was all done in good faith,but has turned into a fiasco (for me and Vasco):D
OK...apart from the fact that I will now have to sell any future gear at Mums garage sales....I Consider this mess sorted.(unlike the mail)
Cheque's in the mail. Thanks for nothing Australia Post.


And by the way, this mess is NOT SORTED - It won't be until I am refunded in full. If I have to involve the cops so be it. I am an honest person and proud of it - no freakin way I am sitting this one out..

Sir V

WA, 3848 posts
10 Nov 2009 1:00PM
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It's all very interesting isn't it.

No, I'm not a fan of "name & shame" ... there is no proof of anything, it's all heresay, and it all ends up being a kangaroo court with each side puting their "correct" version of events up. Not good for anybody.

The main reason I'm against it is because it generally moves you further away from a resolution, than closer to. It creates resentment and makes resolution even harder than it was before.

Why, why, why couldn't Vasco have written to me first to assist in mediating, rather than the heavy handed approach of running a guys character down in the forums with a "XYZ is a fraud" topic and now have all this poop going on?

Crikey, I accidently trashed all my PM's, and I know there are folks waiting on replies, but what can I do? I lost addresses and all sorts. I can't remember everybodies usernames .. should I wait for someone to write a topic & call me a fraud in the forum so I can contact them again? Am I being a fraud .. I don't think so. Poop happens.

Why does everybody jump to the "I've been ripped off" assumption? Computers crash, people have accidents, they get sick, they work away, ISP's lose emails, Australia Post lose things .. there's a whole swath of reasons, and there's also reasonable & fair ways of dealing with them.

The sellers phone number was in the advert, why not "ring him up", rather than waiting for an email reply? Lost it advert/phone number.. write to me & get, as others have.

So.... here I am "firefighting" public perception of whether an upset buyer should be able to "name & shame" somebody in the forums for something he may not have done, rather than getting on with the job of helping one guy get his two ripped kites for $350, or a refund.


To sum up:

No, please do not post peoples identity, emails, and call them frauds in the forums.

Yes, please do contact me first if you feel a transaction is/has gone pear shaped.

Like I say, I've yet to see a case of fraud in the Buy & Sell in 3 years, and I'm pretty confident that this incident is an honest communication failure like the other two.

Hope that helps...


Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
10 Nov 2009 3:22PM
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All well and good Laurie but,

There simply is no excuse for lack of communication. How many times did I email asking for his phone number to get this matter solved? Never I got a reply - verbal, email or any other way. It took a post in the forum where we all are, including his mates, to make the guy jump up - in 2 hours - to reply.

I am happy to supply all the emails I sent from work, home and on Seabreeze, but you can access those so you know they exist.

I made several requests and he didn't bother. Instead he has been sitting on my money, I've had to buy another bar, go and pick it up, and still no answer.

You may have the patience of a Saint, but then again, we are not talking about your money. I am not a Saint and I gave plenty of warning about what would ensue if I didn't get a reply - all it would have taken was consideration and manners. I am sure we all remember what they are supposed to be.. you know, do onto others?

I was perfectly prepared to conduct any investigation alongside the seller and to immediately pay back should the darn things ever turn up. But I will not put up with the attitude of having my good manners abused and trodden on.

Should we have principles or have we forgotten what they are supposed to be? I am proud of mine.

Sir V


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Do you know ---- aka ---, QLD? Fraudster" started by laurie