Forums > Kitesurfing General

Advanced kiter forum? :-)

Created by laurie > 9 months ago, 13 Jan 2010
WA, 3848 posts
13 Jan 2010 11:02AM
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Like others, I've been noticing that when a fantastic video is posted of somebody doing something way beyond my skills, guys are lobbing in and bagging it out as "pathetic", "old school", "wouldn't know a trick if it slapped them in the face", "not pushing the sport"

Clearly these fellas are way ahead of the average kiter, and mostly, these highly skilled guys are are truly amazing to watch.

So here's a challenge ... what can we do about it?

How can we have a forum where average joe, and beginners can share the buzz, learn, and post without concern about having a testosteroned grommie dumping on them because they're not up to par?

If you ARE an advanced kiter, how can you turn your collosal skills into giving advice rather than taking the p1ss?

Is it just the nature of the beast? Do grommies need a "Hard Core Forum" where they can give each other stick to push themselves to new heights?

Ideas & thoughts?

VIC, 702 posts
13 Jan 2010 2:15PM
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usually those who like to show of and demean others do so because of personal insecurities...

i guess if such posters feel the need to bash someone's video, instead they could just post the better video of them selves without any verbal abuse, and then we'd all simply just have more kiting videos to watch... (i'm not refering to anyone in specific, as i've been on holidays last few weeks and haven't been up to date with the seabreeze)

WA, 762 posts
13 Jan 2010 11:15AM
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what like this one:

I think a forum is just that and users will forever judge and take the piss under the alias they have created. In there lies the problem.

People forget to quickly that THEY where once the KOOK dangling and crashing everywhere. They can string a few tricks together and suddenly they become the jury and authority on style, legitimacy and piss taking.

The truth is though their comments do not really serve anything other than their own imagined egos and inflated heads.

Its important to look back to when YOU where the one connecting the wrong lines, bodysurfing through the butter, dangle passing, locking kites with others and generally KOOKING the line up.

How about a little respect and mindfulness before your next post?! Why not offer some positive critique or take it one step further and start putting back into the sport with a selfless act of kindness or manning the BBQ at Kitestock!?


WA, 4485 posts
13 Jan 2010 11:20AM
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Advanced forum reads: Know it all toss-pots and fuly loaded with self adheasive tickets. Also for those who want to boof Ben Wilson but are in denial.

Perhaps just a bit of leniency from the 'experts' towards Noobs who inevitably ask the same old Q?s (you know- the same ones the experts got away with asking before everyone became a know-it-all) and sometimes get the wrong end of the stick.

Sci got it 110% correct and said it in a far less know-it-all way than I BTW.

WA, 637 posts
13 Jan 2010 11:33AM
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What's missing is a sense of "We" instead of the constant "I". The realization, that we are individually responsible for kiteboarding as well as for the quality of the forum.
Werbal bashing, personal insults are daily on this forum. Some use this forum as an emotional toilet to let out their frustration and anger simply because they can get away with it (as they would obviously not in real life situation), and no one rises a (verbal) finger.
This is an open forum, so I am not sure how to prevent people throw their rubish onto it, especially when so many members go along with character bashing and off topic stuff.
Ah....and would you, please, make that damn "search" button a bit bigger, red, hot, highlighted, that new members would not miss it

WA, 363 posts
13 Jan 2010 11:41AM
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i notice alot of people's first contact on a forum is on the waksa site, i know thats where i went to make my first post, not really knowing much about forums at the time. alot of new guys and gals are getting together to learn with eachother, for safety and social reasons, this needs to be commended and nurtured. Im too scared of starting my own threads for fear of being shot to bits and torn to shreds by other users, so i jump on other peopls threads of simiilar issue to get thje info i need. i didnt appreciate being told once that my "ribs arent broken!" and i need to htfu, cheers for that whoever you were - trust me they were, but i did the the info i need eventually to land my backrolls without killing myself. As i progress into the sport and continue to slowly add a few tricks to my repitoire, i do notice just how busy and pressured all the spots are becoming, and i really hope somehow i am able to contribute something positive to the sport. As stated in another thread, the sun is shining and i have all my faculties about me, im truly lucky to be able to enjoy this beautiful sport thank you

WA, 363 posts
13 Jan 2010 1:28PM
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so yes - an advanced forum would be good! - i was kind of getting to the point that there should also be a total new kiter forum??

WA, 4485 posts
13 Jan 2010 6:09PM
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bingles said...

i notice alot of people's first contact on a forum is on the waksa site, i know thats where i went to make my first post, not really knowing much about forums at the time. alot of new guys and gals are getting together to learn with eachother, for safety and social reasons, this needs to be commended and nurtured. Im too scared of starting my own threads for fear of being shot to bits and torn to shreds by other users, so i jump on other peopls threads of simiilar issue to get thje info i need. i didnt appreciate being told once that my "ribs arent broken!" and i need to htfu, cheers for that whoever you were - trust me they were, but i did the the info i need eventually to land my backrolls without killing myself. As i progress into the sport and continue to slowly add a few tricks to my repitoire, i do notice just how busy and pressured all the spots are becoming, and i really hope somehow i am able to contribute something positive to the sport. As stated in another thread, the sun is shining and i have all my faculties about me, im truly lucky to be able to enjoy this beautiful sport thank you

You do realise a waffle on like that would cop an almaighty caning on the advanced 'I wanna boof Ben' forum dontya?

Nice points though.. best you stick to the general section.

QLD, 344 posts
13 Jan 2010 8:40PM
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sci said...

what like this one:

This above web site is for wake style riders, clearly some people don't appreciate that style. Having a back ground in wake boarding I do, hence member of the Scoop Troop.

I'm not offended my 'we did nothin' vid got flamed. I thought it was interesting how many people preferred different styles.

NSW, 2707 posts
13 Jan 2010 10:06PM
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WA, 563 posts
13 Jan 2010 9:41PM
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I reckon vast majority are happy lumping (and only checking) it all in the 'General' forum.

If we want some fun, we sneak over to the poley's forum![}:)]

WA, 3464 posts
13 Jan 2010 10:15PM
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Not a good idea...I couldn't even begin to even define "advanced kiter."

NSW, 147 posts
14 Jan 2010 1:30AM
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as newb to kiting but an old boardsaillor, I would say an advanced kiter is one who can get around in all wind strengths, specialising in heavy airs.

With regards to a newb forum, its a great idea, to go some where to ask dumbass questions of other very keen kiters without getting verbally blown to bits.

WA, 4263 posts
13 Jan 2010 10:32PM
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laurie said...

How can we have a forum where average joe, and beginners can share the buzz, learn, and post without concern about having a testosteroned grommie dumping on them because they're not up to par?

What do you want, Laurie ?
Do you want a forum with a bit of spunk...
or would you prefer all the posts to be sugar-coated and sickly sweet ?

QLD, 344 posts
14 Jan 2010 5:32AM
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Andrash said...

Ah....and would you, please, make that damn "search" button a bit bigger, red, hot, highlighted, that new members would not miss it

Do we really need to do a search on a topic in case it has already been discussed 2 years ago? There are other people who may have joined since, whose opinions are equally as unimportant which may be good for a laugh. Too often ppl are shut down with "done to death"... yea done to death in 2005 yer old fogie

VIC, 273 posts
14 Jan 2010 1:45PM
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Would having a beginners forum reduce the amount of replies from more advanced kiters offering to help them?

NSW, 625 posts
14 Jan 2010 1:53PM
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kiter77 said...

Would having a beginners forum reduce the amount of replies from more advanced kiters offering to help them?

I think those that genuinely want to help newbies would browse that forum and provide advice as they can. This has worked well on a English sailboarding site. That way people that want to help can and those that dont can stay away - and those that just want to bag/criticise/provide sarcastic negative comments can go elsewhere or get themself sinbinned by Laurie and co.[}:)]

WA, 4485 posts
14 Jan 2010 12:01PM
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Try to notice the icons and don't forget a sense of humour.

QLD, 362 posts
14 Jan 2010 9:25PM
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and how would you pick the wright people ,,,,,,,its a forum thats why anyone can have a say .....what do you think will happen will still have people cry that was to harsh or you are wrong its human just keep this one

WA, 637 posts
14 Jan 2010 10:29PM
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tatkins said...

Do we really need to do a search on a topic in case it has already been discussed 2 years ago?

Yes we do..........unless you already know that it was discussed 2 years ago.....but then it means that you already know the responses as well, so why would you ask the same question again...?

Just resign to the fact that the search function is there for a reason, and it is to help you find the answer to your question quickly....ok?

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
15 Jan 2010 3:10AM
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A newb forum full of newbs offering newbs advice.... Hmmm.. Well that should be argh um .... Interesting.

For those concerned about being flamed for a post.... Don't be !!! If you don't ask you won't Learn and therfore you won't improve... you can be annon if you like.

so harden up a little ! zip up your fire retardant suit and post away !!!

Besides, after a bit of time and a bit of reading you will get a pretty good idea as to who's advice to take, who the professional 5h1t stirrers are and which arrogant so and so's just like to put people down at every opportunity. Ignore those and you are on your way.

Also don't worry about what others are saying about the search function just ask your specific question.... the sport is evolving so quickly and there are constantly new ideas.... Those who are so worried about the prospect of a question being asked for the second third or fourth time need not reply ( it always amazes me when people type " use the search function this issue has been discussed many times " , so they are annoyed by what ? they don't answer the question but take the time to open the topic and post the above If it annoys them so much why take the time to respond at all. ....weird

WA, 637 posts
15 Jan 2010 8:18AM
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One idea would be to create a FAQ list of the last 3-4 years, and ask new members when they set up their account to read it first, and visit it time to time, as it may get updated.

Unfortunately there are very few members left on this forum, who can advise / contribute beyond beginner / intermediate levels, while the number of self declared heroes has increased dramatically. I believe, this is the motivation behind the original post.

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
15 Jan 2010 8:48AM
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Hi Laurie,

I think a noobie forum is a better idea than an advanced kiter forum. Kitescoop and Kitesurf General are for the hero's and the yahoo's.

A Noob specific forum would be a great idea where noobs could ask legitimate questions and have decent thoughtful responses by willing participants. A couple of admins should be assigned who heavily regulate posts. Anyone contributing drivvle or posting useless crap should have their post promptly deleted.

It would be nice to allow newcomers to the sport to feel free to ask noob questions without copping a hammering from the usual suspects.

How many kiters do you think are actually using the forums, I think from my experience, it is a tiny fraction of the kiting populus. The answer why, is the general kiting demographic is turned off by the mindless negative postings of the usual suspects.

I think you could greatly increase your membership if you allow people the time and place to get useful information whilst they get used to the forums. Then they may join in the General section once they have purchased and gotten used to their new flame proof suits.

Just a thought.


WA, 637 posts
15 Jan 2010 9:12AM
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harry potter said...

A newb forum full of newbs offering newbs advice.... Hmmm.. Well that should be argh um .... Interesting.

There are few guys (some of them are instructors) on this forum who have been giving valuable advices to noobs....and they would likely to keep doing it on a noobs forum as well, unless (of course) the same question is asked over and over again....but that's what the FAQ list is for...

WA, 637 posts
15 Jan 2010 10:22AM
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waveslave said...

laurie said...

How can we have a forum where average joe, and beginners can share the buzz, learn, and post without concern about having a testosteroned grommie dumping on them because they're not up to par?

What do you want, Laurie ?
Do you want a forum with a bit of spunk...
or would you prefer all the posts to be sugar-coated and sickly sweet ?

...just a little more friendliness, understanding, intelligence.....maybe..?

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
15 Jan 2010 3:38PM
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Kitehard said...

It would be nice to allow newcomers to the sport to feel free to ask noob questions without copping a hammering from the usual suspects.

Very true as many Noobs are just getting flamed constantly. I remember when I joined ( about 2006 ) everyone was so helpful with advice and I had no concerns about asking questions etc.......

My theory is that the the demographic is changing ie : more 16 -22 year old riders as opposed to the sort of 27 - 30+ bracket majority back in 2006. With this the ego's have crept in and the flaming and chest beating kicks in. Thats my 2cents on why there seems to be a changing of seabreezers attitudes.

WA, 4485 posts
15 Jan 2010 2:01PM
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My theory is that society is changing and most folks are just getting way too selfish, insular and f"k u Jack - it's all about my kn big Plasma" than specific to age groups. BTW - kiteboy got canned ages ago.

WA, 637 posts
17 Jan 2010 9:52PM
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Hey started the fire.....good one...and some thoughts followed.... any action..?...or just run out of Coopers...??

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
18 Jan 2010 1:44PM
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TAS, 753 posts
18 Jan 2010 5:01PM
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How about an "Elderly kiteboarder" forum, where people over the age of 38 can go and complain about young people's bad spelling, grammar, laziness and the way where going to destroy society with our "bad attitudes". Can also provide a place for them to reminisce about how things were "Back in their day."

WA, 637 posts
18 Jan 2010 5:04PM
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Beersy said...

How about an "Elderly kiteboarder" forum,

...a "Rebellious Grommies" forum would be more appropriate....


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Advanced kiter forum? :-)" started by laurie