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Poley loops aren't real loops.

Created by waveslave > 9 months ago, 13 Jun 2010
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WA, 4263 posts
13 Jun 2010 2:44PM
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This is a kite loop. ^^^
The definition of a loop is a figure made by a curved line crossing itself.
It's called a kite loop cause the 'kite' is making a loop ...
but not the rider.
It's not called a rider loop.
The rider might do a roll during the move,
but he never does a loop.

When poleys do forward 'loops', backies, and pushies ...
They aren't doing real loops, they are rolling.
Rolly poleys.

WA, 3183 posts
13 Jun 2010 2:47PM
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can you, do them ?

WA, 4263 posts
13 Jun 2010 2:50PM
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Yes. ^^^

WA, 4263 posts
13 Jun 2010 3:12PM
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I like how the rider's tracks are still clearly visible on the surface of the water ... ^^^
even after the rider has half completed a swooping 25m radius L00P.

NSW, 69 posts
13 Jun 2010 5:13PM
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ive seen some very rolly poley loops but i have also seen some pretty straight up and down front loops(well on video)

VIC, 1572 posts
13 Jun 2010 5:14PM
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waveslave said...

I like how the rider's tracks are still clearly visible on the surface of the water ... ^^^
even after the rider has half completed a swooping 25m radius L00P.

Yeah... whatever gets you off.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
13 Jun 2010 5:14PM
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Wave slave is really clever and good.

He must get loads of sex from hot bikini models and be totally confident. He has loads of friends who all think he is cool.

He is really sure of himself and a great guy.

WA, 6650 posts
13 Jun 2010 3:40PM
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You may well be technically correct, I am not sure.

But one day a kiter will do the ultimate true loop, that where both the rider and kite do a loop, with the centre of rotation between the kite and the rider, such that kite is flying backwards for a period of time.

That will be impressive. I believe it can be done, just a matter of time. Paragliders can do it, so kites should theorically be able to. The speed and G force will be pretty big though and you would need decent height.

Sorry but these kite loops you talk of are not that impressive. I am sure I couldn't do one, but my 2 year old daughter can stand on the beach and make her kite do loops, and that ain't impressive. The kite is, it is only small, I made it for her from two kebab sticks and some tissue paper. It is nice colours.

SA, 3025 posts
13 Jun 2010 5:59PM
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Like anybody gives a f/(k

QLD, 5610 posts
13 Jun 2010 6:56PM
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QLD, 1927 posts
13 Jun 2010 7:57PM
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who can't kiteloop?

must be bored I heard it's not very windy in WA at the moment.

WA, 6650 posts
13 Jun 2010 6:14PM
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waveslave said...

This is a kite loop. ^^^
The definition of a loop is a figure made by a curved line crossing itself.
It's called a kite loop cause the 'kite' is making a loop ...
but not the rider.
It's not called a rider loop.
The rider might do a roll during the move,
but he never does a loop.

When poleys do forward 'loops', backies, and pushies ...
They aren't doing real loops, they are rolling.
Rolly poleys.

Genuinely not trying to wind any one up, because personally I feel that what kiters do at present is just the tip of the iceberg - but can a kite do a back loop or anything else, or is it just a 360 forward rotation with lines tight all the time ?

I have to equate it to paragliding because that is my way of understanding it.

Paraglider can do a B line stall for example, where all weight is removed from the lines, or a loop where centre of rotation is such that one tip flies backwards.

I appreciate that paragliders inflate to form the wing and have shorter lines, thus making the speed of the pilot more matched to the speed of the wing, but I still reckon one day I will see kiters looping over their kite - in the sense that mid loop the rider looks down onto the kite or looping around the kite, where mid loop the rider is dead downwind of the kite.

Like others imply, as impressive as it is kite looping at present still only involves only the kite, or only the rider. Yes, each may do something simultaeously, but they are not performing the same manovre.

Looping over your kite would beat a poley pushloop for sure. You would be very high and moving very fast.

Post me a picture of you doing one of them, before somebody else does.

VIC, 1214 posts
13 Jun 2010 8:24PM
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Waveslave look my friend! dont get me started! you kiters cant even loop at all. all you guys do is whats called a half loop, that is so out of controll, that even ya gran ma would laugh at ya look my friend try saying that the windsurf loop is not a real loop to the 'king of the loop' 'Ricardo campello' he pulls triples with his eyes closed.. If you said that the windsurf loop is not a real loop to Ricardo he would just laugh at ya with a massive belly laugh

NSW, 6451 posts
13 Jun 2010 8:32PM
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Pitty they cant land them and ride away

NSW, 1353 posts
13 Jun 2010 8:57PM
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I'd be happy if the buggers would just look down-wind occasionally.
Nearly got cleaned up by the same guy twice within 2 mins today with a wildly out of control kite, then had another guy drop his rig right in front of me, even though I'd gone a 100m down-wind to try and avoid him. He'd just re-launched and decided to take off without checking downwind first.

Large footprint on the landscape, with no regard for the fact.

NSW, 6451 posts
13 Jun 2010 9:17PM
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^^^sounds like a learner.Did you stop and give him a headsup, so it dosent happen again?

If it was a learner,you should have moved upwind of him if you were concerned.
A newbe cant go upwind,they tend to get blowen downwind and out of the way pretty quick.

QLD, 6481 posts
13 Jun 2010 9:58PM
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that's a nice parachute

i was told that once one makes it go past 3 o clock, one is considered ubercoolxtremo, and that one's at 3:05pm

QLD, 14393 posts
13 Jun 2010 10:18PM
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wait until he manages a half pike rail grab

or even better, a half pike rail grab rail grab

QLD, 6481 posts
13 Jun 2010 10:22PM
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now you're just being sarcastic

QLD, 14393 posts
13 Jun 2010 10:43PM
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yes i am.

everyone knows a double rail grab is impossible as you have to let go of the mirror.

3777 posts
13 Jun 2010 8:52PM
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This lack of wind has created some sledging.....Ease up turbo.. ;-) Its WAR untill we get 25 knots.....

NSW, 6451 posts
13 Jun 2010 10:55PM
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busterwa said...

This lack of wind has created some sledging.....Ease up turbo.. ;-) Its WAR untill we get 25 knots.....

Had that today

QLD, 14393 posts
13 Jun 2010 11:16PM
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just a bit of fun buster.

VIC, 1214 posts
13 Jun 2010 11:26PM
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This time of year every one gets abit nasty and cheeky cause of the crapy wind, but its all good i like a good agurment and till we all get a good 25 knots in our system again we all might get a little jumpy but its all good

Ben Severne
WA, 194 posts
13 Jun 2010 11:05PM
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The funny thing is, the closest I've seen to a LOOP as Pete described it was when he used to throw the most insane endo's back in his poley days...

WA, 4263 posts
13 Jun 2010 11:17PM
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Out of the big three,
The backie is the only one that comes close to being legit ...
but it's not a loop.
It doesn't quite fit the definition of a loop.
The forward and the pushie are both just tucked rolls.
Nice rolls, but no loops.
Actually the forward was initially named a barrel roll, sometimes referred to as a cheese roll.
So keep on rollin', poleys.

NSW, 1353 posts
14 Jun 2010 7:57AM
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lotofwind said...

^^^sounds like a learner.Did you stop and give him a headsup, so it dosent happen again?

If it was a learner,you should have moved upwind of him if you were concerned.
A newbe cant go upwind,they tend to get blowen downwind and out of the way pretty quick.

Would have if I could have, but he started out 100m upwind of me and so I elected to give more room downwind, and then I played duck and weave for a few secs until it was all over.
There should have been plenty of room, but his kite was just going all over the place.
And yeah, I gave him some "advice" while we untangled the strings.
The same hassles were what made me quit kites after a year or so. Too much footprint for my peace of mind.
I don't think he was a total newb either.

NSW, 6451 posts
14 Jun 2010 8:53AM
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kite going all over the place,
blowen 200m down wind,
crashing his kite,
Thats a newbe,
best to hang upwind of him ,
or just HTFU

The hightide washes away the footprints that your worried about

VIC, 4982 posts
14 Jun 2010 8:57AM
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That's not a loop. This is a loop.

I could never do sailboard loops but I got pretty close a few times. Kite loops are easy.

I reckon a sailboard foward with full vertical orientation qualifies as a loop. As long as the mast is vertical and pointing at the water and the rotation is straight you've got a loop.

NSW, 1737 posts
14 Jun 2010 9:51AM
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Hang on for a sec, windsurfing forward, back and push loops were invented in the 1980s.

Kiting is only a "recent" sport, made popular in the last 10 years.

The sports have little in common as the equipment is totally different.

So do the moves and the terminology associated with them.

Who cares if a kiter posts that windsurfing loops are not real loops.

NSW, 1353 posts
14 Jun 2010 9:56AM
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lotofwind said...

kite going all over the place,
blowen 200m down wind,
crashing his kite,
Thats a newbe,
best to hang upwind of him ,
or just HTFU

The hightide washes away the footprints that your worried about

Whatever dude, like I said, if I could have gone upwind, I would have.
Several near misses in a short space of time eroded my sense of tolerance.

A bsic look downwind would save a lot of these hassles, and some idea of how windsurfers work would also help.
My other fav kite move is "kissing the beach" when downwind of a windsurfer, which leaves no fricken place for me to gybe. Windsurfers need a bit of water to gybe in. We don't do teh stop and reverse thing.

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Forums > Windsurfing General

"Poley loops aren't real loops." started by waveslave