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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Never saw this coming )-: Andy Muirhead

Created by GypsyDrifter > 9 months ago, 11 Jun 2010
WA, 2371 posts
11 Jun 2010 4:29PM
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ABC personality charged over child porn
June 11, 2010, 1:06 pm

ABC personality Andy Muirhead has been charged with a child porn offence, the broadcaster's website said on Friday.

Muirhead has become a household name as the host of Collectors.

The ABC website said the Australian Federal Police had charged Andrew Robert Muirhead with downloading or accessing computer images of child pornography.

"The Australian Federal Police has confirmed computer equipment was seized from the 34-year-old's home in Hobart during a search on Tuesday," The ABC said.

"Muirhead, the host of popular ABC program Collectors, has been charged with one count of using the internet to access child pornography."

"The ABC was notified late yesterday by Muirhead's management that he had been charged with a serious offence."

"ABC Corporate Affairs says Muirhead has taken unpaid leave."

The Collectors website was taken off-line this afternoon and the ABC said Muirhead would not present Collectors on ABC TV, nor the breakfast program on ABC Local Radio in Hobart pending the outcome of the legal proceedings.

The ABC said the Collectors program on ABC1 would be off air until further notice.
Muirhead will appear in Hobart Magistrates Court on August 2.

WA, 15849 posts
11 Jun 2010 4:42PM
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Dunno if posting that is a good thing, he hasnt been to court yet.

WA, 2371 posts
11 Jun 2010 4:49PM
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I know doggie.. you really think they would put it in the news..if they did not have enough
evidence? It does say charged!

And I am hoping they got it all wrong
I really like him...but this will ruin him.
and if he is found not has still ruined him..and that won't impress me

WA, 15849 posts
11 Jun 2010 4:56PM
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Yea I know, gives me the creeps that stuff.. Sorry GD

WA, 4485 posts
11 Jun 2010 5:10PM
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Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
11 Jun 2010 5:17PM
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doggie said...

Dunno if posting that is a good thing, he hasnt been to court yet.

In WA you can't release somebody's name until they have been to their first appearance in court (so they have chance to apply for a suppression order).
I gather other states are different

3952 posts
11 Jun 2010 5:23PM
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Reminds me of the downfall of Pee Wee Herman. Something doesn't seem right.

WA, 2371 posts
11 Jun 2010 6:03PM
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oliver said...

Reminds me of the downfall of Pee Wee Herman. Something doesn't seem right.

Like what oliver? Pray tell?

NSW, 1000 posts
11 Jun 2010 8:19PM
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I'm a bit confused by the assasination by media.
If he's innocent, his name is mud.
If he's guilty, well....

What about the rest of the Collectors folk? One of my favourite Oz shows.

and now for the bad joke-

This weeks Mystery Object is?

Andy's Hard Drive.

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
11 Jun 2010 6:24PM
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Yeah I was wondering if he'd show his collection on telly this week?

74 posts
11 Jun 2010 6:34PM
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I bet he claims it was research!!!! Why would he get a suppression order?? Justice behind closed doors is only good for the conspiracy theory people.

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
11 Jun 2010 6:46PM
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A supression order does not mean it is behind closed doors, anyone can go in and listen a sper usual but it simply means the press cannot print their name.
They are only granted in exceptional circumstances and I can't think of very many

NSW, 9029 posts
11 Jun 2010 9:32PM
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As of now, guilty or innocent, his career is over. If he is guilty then its no good but honestly the way its presented.... its as if he is worse than Hitler. Child pornography is obscene and disgusting. However why is the same not argued for movies displaying gratuitous violence including torture, sadism and murder? Some violent shows are on prime time TV.

If its untrue and he did not possess this material it doesn't really matter. His career is over and he is an unperson.

3952 posts
11 Jun 2010 8:06PM
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Mark _australia said...

Yeah I was wondering if he'd show his collection on telly this week?

I guess that's the sad reality that comes from these allegations. The guy has gone from a very likable and credible person into an instant source of good jokes. Thanks for telling me the first one.

74 posts
11 Jun 2010 9:47PM
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Mark _australia said...

A supression order does not mean it is behind closed doors, anyone can go in and listen a sper usual but it simply means the press cannot print their name.
They are only granted in exceptional circumstances and I can't think of very many

True enough not quit closed doors however you cant be at every case to hear whats going on so we have the press. If they are gaged then how will I know whats going on. Maybe in WA they are rare but in Vic they are common place in fact im sure VCAT can issue & lift them!!!! If you lived in a state with so much corruption you too would be suspicious.

only exceptional circumstance is that i could ride in his taxi. Sorry for going off topic

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
11 Jun 2010 10:10PM
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oliver said...

Mark _australia said...

Yeah I was wondering if he'd show his collection on telly this week?

I guess that's the sad reality that comes from these allegations. The guy has gone from a very likable and credible person into an instant source of good jokes. Thanks for telling me the first one.

Sorry can't claim it - Tobes joke was before mine and funnier

VIC, 851 posts
12 Jun 2010 12:45AM
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Don't know the law on this but if you googled something and clicked through a link and inadvertantly brought up some of this child porn are you immediately breaking the law 'cos it's now stored in the cache/internet history on your hard drive?

Or do you have to show intent and repeat behaviour? The report says "one count" - so does that mean a single web page viewed once? or what?

Anytime you go a google image search you always get dodgy stuff back buried amongst the intended stuff. Is that enough to turn you into a child pornographer?

I reckon it's 99% likely that he was looking at porn (not illegal!) and ended up somewhere more dodgy before he realised. It's a personal disaster for him whether he's innocent or guilty. Once it's reported no one cares whether it's alleged, charged or convicted. The masses get to vent their ill-considered outrage, the guilty witch is burnt at the stake and the masses go home happy that their children can sleep safe again. Sad but true.

WA, 444 posts
11 Jun 2010 11:12PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

I know doggie.. you really think they would put it in the news..if they did not have enough
evidence? It does say charged!

And I am hoping they got it all wrong
I really like him...but this will ruin him.
and if he is found not has still ruined him..and that won't impress me

I don't think it's a safe assumption that because something is put in the news that it is correct. Just a week or 2 ago there was the case of the woman who was pretty much reported as murdering her 2 kids and then trying to kill herself. Turns out it was a gas leak or something like that and the poor woman had done nothing wrong at all. But by the time that came out the media, and as a result the Australian population in general, had already convicted her. I realise this situation is a bit different, but can't help but see some parallels.

If you really do like him and do hope they got it all wrong, then posting the story first place seems a strange move.

Having said all that, if the bloke is a kiddie fiddler then let him fry.

j murray
SA, 947 posts
12 Jun 2010 11:00AM
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The abc of tv and rad stars mostly seem a little limpwristed, a little sooky, and

somewhat perverted. Just cany handle most of them and that grandstand

group are up themselves to the bollics. They seemed to start turning about 20

year ago. Its all gone down the gurgeler big time, its basically crap,

WA, 2371 posts
12 Jun 2010 4:01PM
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j murray said...

The abc of tv and rad stars mostly seem a little limpwristed, a little sooky, and

somewhat perverted. Just cany handle most of them and that grandstand

group are up themselves to the bollics. They seemed to start turning about 20

year ago. Its all gone down the gurgeler big time, its basically crap,

WT******oes this go for the whole of the peoples on the abc?
Goodness Thats a far and wide statement for the whole of the abc...there murray

NSW, 4188 posts
12 Jun 2010 6:51PM
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Sad sad news for all concerned.

doggie said...

Dunno if posting that is a good thing, he hasnt been to court yet.

Should be ok as all the major news sources named him.

The ones to look out for is when one of them "accidentally" names them, because even if you quote their article you are still breaking the law.

WA, 2371 posts
12 Jun 2010 6:38PM
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Well There is "NO" collectors on tonight..

3952 posts
12 Jun 2010 9:21PM
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Cambodge said...

Don't know the law on this but if you googled something and clicked through a link and inadvertantly brought up some of this child porn are you immediately breaking the law 'cos it's now stored in the cache/internet history on your hard drive?

Or do you have to show intent and repeat behaviour? The report says "one count" - so does that mean a single web page viewed once? or what?

Anytime you go a google image search you always get dodgy stuff back buried amongst the intended stuff. Is that enough to turn you into a child pornographer?

I reckon it's 99% likely that he was looking at porn (not illegal!) and ended up somewhere more dodgy before he realised. It's a personal disaster for him whether he's innocent or guilty. Once it's reported no one cares whether it's alleged, charged or convicted. The masses get to vent their ill-considered outrage, the guilty witch is burnt at the stake and the masses go home happy that their children can sleep safe again. Sad but true.

The person who reported the offending material would have also witnessed it - maybe he/she should be on the same charges.

It would have to be a crap job investigating people who download and propagate this horid stuff. I hope they got it right.

It's going to devastate Tas ABC - that's the only TV program they produce there. I met some of the crew last year. Can't wait to hear the gossip.

NSW, 4188 posts
13 Jun 2010 4:04PM
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Cambodge said...

Don't know the law on this but if you googled something and clicked through a link and inadvertantly brought up some of this child porn are you immediately breaking the law 'cos it's now stored in the cache/internet history on your hard drive?

Interesting question indeed, especially given the following, which seem to paint a pretty clear picture of the way these are treated in a court:

WA, 2371 posts
13 Jun 2010 3:18PM
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GalahOnTheBay said...

Interesting question indeed, especially given the following, which seem to paint a pretty clear picture of the way these are treated in a court:

1st link:-

Martin Kear admitted visiting a child pornography internet site and using his credit card to pay for a subscription.

And this was dismissed..WTHELL!!!!!

2nd link:-

Storer claimed the downloads had been accidental and that the child porn files had come along with adult pornography he had intentionally downloaded.

Well Thats is Utter CRAP!!!!

However, despite claiming to be disgusted by the images and film, the court heard Storer had saved 58 child porn images and videos to his computer, compact discs and DVDs.

I'm sorry a suspended sentence WTHELL again!!!!

QLD, 7428 posts
13 Jun 2010 8:50PM
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^^^^^ Moral panic?

QLD, 12353 posts
13 Jun 2010 9:12PM
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If a (legally) child views or downloads child pornography, has a crime been committed?

Just a question on moral and legal issues.

WA, 2371 posts
13 Jun 2010 7:18PM
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NotWal said...

^^^^^ Moral panic?

It's not moral panic at at...
it is the lack of Justice in the Justice system..
I don't pretend to understand the legal justice system (thats far enough)
But then the people that do know about it..come up with these verdict..
I thought we were more intelligent than that.

QLD, 12353 posts
13 Jun 2010 9:25PM
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GypsyDrifter said...
I thought we were more intelligent than that.

One would at least hope so.

NSW, 7071 posts
13 Jun 2010 9:35PM
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Pornography gives me the ****s full stop. My house mate is an afficiando but knows my feelings. My explanation is that it is demeaning for any human being, in my opinion. People who argue soon shut up if you ask them how they would feel if it were their mum, their sister or any family member participating.

As for kids, it is abnormal in our society.

The frightening thing is that the guilty get sent off to one of those state universities/penitentiaries with little regard to why it is that they find it necessary to get their rocks off watching and so the problem persists.

I like to think that for every bastard caught on the internet so many kids are saved from a horrible expereince.

QLD, 12353 posts
13 Jun 2010 9:59PM
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No arguement with you on that one japie.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Never saw this coming )-: Andy Muirhead" started by GypsyDrifter