2024 Severne Gator 4.0
4 metre
Gator in as new conditions. Adjustable head, 150 boom, 370 + 12 luff.
Windsurfer One Design
12' 0" x 227 litres
Third hand Windsurfer One Design, sailed in Belmont World Championship in 1989. Good condition, ideal for learner or someone wanting to get back into the sport. 2 sails.
2017 Tricktionary 3 Windsurfing Bible Hardcov
After more than 3 years, finally this extremely comprehensive brand new Windsurfing Tricktionary book is finished! Countless hours of detail work have gone into this book. It is a great book to have and study for windsurfers of every level!
Neil Pryde
Harness line 20"
2023 Fanatic Gecko
250 cm x 147 litres
As new condition
Can include new sails , mast, boom etc
Neil Pryde 460Cm Sdm Mast (Recent Vintage)
After a fairly recent 460cm NP SDM mast. I already have an old X6 460 but when running that with a recent NP sail, the cams do not rotate well as it seems NP reduced the diameter of the mast some time around 2017.