2022 Severne Pyro & Nano
224 cm x 99 litres
2022 Pyro 99
Excellent condition, no dings or repairs.
Comes with thruster fins, quad fins and extra set of larger Maui Ultra thruster fins for every possible setup.
2021 Severne Fox 105
239 cm x 105 litres
A few marks in paint , new footstraps , comes with a select fin . No repairs , $2000 less than new one !
2020 Tabou Manta Carbon
233 cm x 116 litres
Has had small repair on nose , very good condition , super quick slalom board
New bigger rad pads
2010 Mistral Syncro
249 cm x 103 litres
Mistral Syncro 103L, 62cm W, 249cm L. Great condition, bump and jump blasting machine. With Fin, and board bag.
Price is negotiable.
2006 Starboard Hypersonic 111
218 cm x 111 litres
2006 Hypersonic 111 Wood, 218cm x 77cm, fair condition. Original weight, sails 5.8 to 9m. Comes with 38cm BP fin. $500
2015 Starboard Slalom One
230 cm x 110 litres
Starboard Slalom One. Is a more durable version of the Isonic.
Board is in very good condition. No repairs or damage.
Bic Techno
273 cm x 125 litres
Fair condition, one repair on the nose, comes with foot straps fin and board bag.
For more information please contact us
F2 Xantos
290 cm x 144 litres
Great, condition, come with foot straps and fin
For more information please contact us
21 Mayes Avenue
Tabou Rocket 115
242 cm x 115 litres
Paint is faded as it's been sitting in the sun for a few years. Slight chips on the nose sealed with araldite. Hasn't taken on any water that I can tell. A shop did a check on the serial number and it can NOT be used as a foil board. The versions after apparently can.