Don't forget to check the shark forecast before you paddle!
No really, there is, thanks to the organization Ocearch, which are tagging Tiger Sharks on the QLD coast with trackable tags you can see on your smartphone!
Last week off Fraser Island, researches attached three tags to Tiger Sharks, with plans to tag another 23 in the very near future. Using an app called Global Shark Tracker, you can see exactly what those Noahs are doing right now, where they have been earlier in the day and even use that data to predict where they’ll end up.
Right now, there's a shark called 'Jedda' swimming around near Lady Elliot Island, just north of Fraser Island, QLD. While the little orange dot on your screen may look innocent enough, keep in mind what it represents. The picture adjacent is Jedda, and we'd very much like to know if she's coming anywhere near us on a paddling session thankyou-very-much!
QLD Tiger shark researcher - Bonnie Holmes says that the app could be lifesaving to swimmers and beach goer’s (that means us on stand up paddle boards!) as well as contribute immense amounts to research and awareness of shark breeding and behavior patterns.
Leader of the recent expedition to tag the Tiger Sharks was Chris Fischer from Ocearch, a company based in the US. He’s pretty excited about the possibilities the trackers present to the general public, saying: “The new data will help provide Australia with a better understanding of when, how and why tiger sharks forage, particularly near public beaches. There’s a real public safety element in turn. The whole world will be able to track these sharks every time they stick their fin out of the water, so when people go to the beach, they will have more information than they have ever had.”
Will checking the shark tracker be as normal as opening up before you go paddling? Maybe we need to incorporate a new graph, with red, yellow and green sharks?