Lenny takes it all in Abu Dhabi

It was a case of the usual suspects in the flat water racing, with Connor Baxter, Kai Lenny and Zane Schweitzer all in leader pack, and out first aussie Beau O’Brien placing 5th overall when you take into account the sprints and long distance events.
Canadian Lina Augaitis with a first and second place dominated the women’s event and sealed her title in Abu Dhabi. Unfortunately for Aussie Stand Up Paddler, Angie Jackson, a DNF in the distance racing put her way down the fleet at 5th place, despite her winning the sprints!
Winning a sportsman award was Casper Steinfath, who after finishing the sprints noticed a local competitor still paddling, struggling to complete the course. He jumped back on his board and helped the guy finish by providing moral support, of course resulting in a finish for the guy, and a big (and really pointy) award for Casper. Acts of sportsmanship like this are great to hear, and you should take it as a bit of inspiration to help out if you see a stand up paddler in need!
The next big stop on the tour is on May 26th – June 2nd where the stand up paddlers will be heading to the Tahiti Pro. In such a beautiful location we’re sure to see some incredible footage and of course great stand up paddling from the worlds elite. Don’t miss it!