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Alternatives to Shark Culling Forum

Created by Elcee > 9 months ago, 20 Mar 2014
WA, 4642 posts
27 Mar 2014 2:32PM
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Bonominator said..
"Doing exactly what they're doing now but in a slightly different way"

Well that self contradictory statement pretty much summarises this person. Amazing to see so many green thumbs. Was it the sheer illogicality that you liked, or just patting your pin up boy on the back?

Go on. Red thumb me. You know you want to.

Gee aboominator, since your comprehension skills are aparently still minimal, and at the risk of copping your usual complaint that I explain things in too many words, I will tell you what it means.
It means doing the same job and achieving exactly the same result, but in a slightly different way.
I'm surprised that a person of supposed 'superior intellect' would not work that one out in two seconds flat.

The rest of your same post is baloney so not worth responding too. Not even a red thumb from me.

WA, 2222 posts
27 Mar 2014 2:41PM
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jbshack said..

On such a small day, surf wise, shouldn't you be out bullying young kids

You still going on about that?

Check this out:

The story and pictures are way worse than the pissweak story I told.

Recognise any of those names and/or faces?

WA, 6913 posts
27 Mar 2014 3:16PM
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Legion said..

jbshack said..

On such a small day, surf wise, shouldn't you be out bullying young kids

You still going on about that?

Check this out:

The story and pictures are way worse than the pissweak story I told.

Recognise any of those names and/or faces?

You can't justify your actions by saying others do it worse..

WA, 2222 posts
27 Mar 2014 3:39PM
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What were those actions again? Oh yeah, nothing.

From that link, check the tortured faces, the pain, the agony and the humiliation. Check how they were so upset they went on to win ASP world titles and rookie of the years. It's broken their lives. Please, somebody think of the children!

WA, 6913 posts
28 Mar 2014 10:17AM
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Alternatives to Shark Culling Forum in Perth THIS SUNDAY!

Recent surveys about the shark bait and kill initiative in WA show that
on average 80% of people are against this policy.

But what are the alternatives?

Come along to the forum THIS SUNDAY at 1:30pm at the Alexander Library
Theater (25 Francis Street, Northbridge) to hear from the experts. Make
up your own mind about what the best way is to reduce shark incidents

You can here from people like this

WA, 2222 posts
28 Mar 2014 11:22AM
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Anti cull forum THIS SUNDAY at 1:30pm at the Alexander Library Theater (25 Francis Street, Northbridge) to hear from a bunch of tree huggers and Dave.

WA, 4642 posts
28 Mar 2014 11:39AM
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This is a bit like the JW's sending you an invitaion to attend an unbiased information evening on your afterlife isn't it?
Not that it would be anything to do with indoctrination and gathering new members of course.

jbhack, you are inviting us to nothing more than a recruitment drive for the shark hugger movement.
Oh, and in case it's an RSVP affair, here is my response;-

Dear Shark huggers,
I will not be attending your recruitment drive.
This is because I am assuming it will be a whole lot of people we have already heard from telling us stories of how warm and friendly sharks are and how we should open up our inner self and give them a big hug.

If it turns out that you actually have some great new mitigation strategy which we haven't been told about ten time over already, then please make sure our good friend jbhack is well informed of such, so he can pass the good news on to us all here. It would be nice to hear something new and different from him for a change.

yours sincerely

There. That should do it. Saved 60c postage as well.

WA, 792 posts
28 Mar 2014 11:58AM
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jbshack said..

Recent surveys about the shark bait and kill initiative in WA show that
on average 80% of people are against this policy.

What percentage of the West Aus voting population completed this survey?

Or to simplify

How many completed surveys did they recieve back to come to this figure of 80% of people?

WA, 6913 posts
28 Mar 2014 1:02PM
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Legion said..

Anti cull forum THIS SUNDAY at 1:30pm at the Alexander Library Theater (25 Francis Street, Northbridge) to hear from a bunch of tree huggers and Dave.

If you'd had a mobile phone they could have called you and maybe you could provide your expert views, that is as you know everything already

Nice to see you back Woodo..

WA, 2222 posts
28 Mar 2014 1:43PM
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Yeah, they just did.

I'm going to provide my expert views on the myriad benefits to surfing of a fenced off inflatable pool on the Rockingham foreshore and free Eco tours towed behind friendly sharks during the snapper spawning season.

Proceeds from the entry fees will go towards my pockets.

8 posts
29 Mar 2014 10:13PM
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Just a reminder this event is tomorrow (Sunday) and there are still a few tickets left. You're not likely to get a collection of scientists & interested parties of this calibre at a public event again so make the most of it. And just to re-iterate there will be no discussion on baiting, the focus will be purely on alternatives. Hope to see you there

WA, 2222 posts
29 Mar 2014 10:29PM
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Elcee said..
The forum will be followed by a free panel session at 4pm where you can hear from a range of people including senate candidates about what they will be doing going forward.

I want to hear from Clive Palmer and the PUP about how they're going to win me back my gst dollars. I'm still sitting on the fence but Clive is winning over the honest, hard working Aussie battler in me.

WA, 6913 posts
29 Mar 2014 10:43PM
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Legion said..

Elcee said..
The forum will be followed by a free panel session at 4pm where you can hear from a range of people including senate candidates about what they will be doing going forward.

I want to hear from Clive Palmer and the PUP about how they're going to win me back my gst dollars. I'm still sitting on the fence but Clive is winning over the honest, hard working Aussie battler in me.

Its my understanding they may have a representative there, so why not come along and ask the for yourself..

I do find it rather amusing that a group of scientists have been assembled to talk and ask questions regarding a problem that effects water users. So many of you said something needs to be done, we need change. But none of you are even willing to give up half a day to either educate yourselves, or try and educate the scientists..Legion you are so educated and understand it all, why not come along and share your smarts.

After the next attack, please don't jump up and down and say we need change

WA, 6913 posts
29 Mar 2014 10:47PM
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pweedas said..

This is a bit like the JW's sending you an invitaion to attend an unbiased information evening on your afterlife isn't it?
Not that it would be anything to do with indoctrination and gathering new members of course.

jbhack, you are inviting us to nothing more than a recruitment drive for the shark hugger movement.
Oh, and in case it's an RSVP affair, here is my response;-

The meeting is about Alternate shark technology. Not about wether you support sharks, drum lining or not.

For the same reason the meetings down south have been so successful as they are looking for ideas that work..

Honestly time to get over your own prejudices and really contribute to the issue.

8 posts
30 Mar 2014 7:02PM
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It was a great afternoon at the forum and a lot of alternatives discussed for various different ocean users. One of the underlying themes of the afternoon was sadly the lack of interest, funding & cooperation from government given to the entrepreneurs trying to make our waters safer for us. Another common theme being the financial & personal cost over the years to the developers of these great products that, as Sharon Burden (mother of Kyle Burden) so poignantly stated, may have saved the life of her only son had he had access to them.

These are real products that are either already available or very nearly ready and that have a proven track record. With a bit of funding & support they can become an effective alternative to culling which has no track record at all. I can't suggest strongly enough that if you want to put your energy into this debate or making your water safer then write to your MP and demand they send some funding to these guys to get their products to the market instead of the black hole that is drum lining.

I'll endeavour to get a transcript of the event as soon as it's available?.

Check this link out to see David Smith in action with Surf Safe :)

WA, 2222 posts
30 Mar 2014 8:52PM
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Good onya, Dave. The one promising thing I can 100% agree with.

WA, 4642 posts
30 Mar 2014 11:47PM
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Elcee, you will have to accept that if wahtever they come up with is something which has to be bought and then maintained in working order,. and then make sure to have it with them when they actually need it then the device or devices will be of limited use and solve nothing.
All it will do is enable people to say things like "Oh if only he had taken his Widget with him he might not have been attacked.
For every person who uses one there will be ten who do not, and the attack rate will remain unchaged.
I suppose the next step would have to be the government to step in and make them compusory the same as bike helmets, and I don't think many would take too kindly to that.

The best option is to make the oceans safer for people rather than to try and make people safer in a dangerous ocean.
So that's the present plan.

If someone can come up with something as simple and cheap as a roll on shark repellant deoderant or similar then this might change the situation, but so far all I've heard about is mitigation strategies which wont be or can't be used by the majority.

WA, 6913 posts
31 Mar 2014 12:46PM
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pweedas said..

Elcee, you will have to accept that if wahtever they come up with is something which has to be bought and then maintained in working order,. and then make sure to have it with them when they actually need it then the device or devices will be of limited use and solve nothing.
All it will do is enable people to say things like "Oh if only he had taken his Widget with him he might not have been attacked.
For every person who uses one there will be ten who do not, and the attack rate will remain unchaged.
I suppose the next step would have to be the government to step in and make them compusory the same as bike helmets, and I don't think many would take too kindly to that.

The best option is to make the oceans safer for people rather than to try and make people safer in a dangerous ocean.
So that's the present plan.

If someone can come up with something as simple and cheap as a roll on shark repellant deoderant or similar then this might change the situation, but so far all I've heard about is mitigation strategies which wont be or can't be used by the majority.

Sorry but now i understand why you have trouble. That is really the most stupid statement that could possibly ever be made. You talk about changing something as big as the worlds oceans and yet you expect people to take you seriously. It simply can't be done, thats why your argument is categorically flawed..

BUT what can be done, is you can protect yourself in that environment. Thats what the talks were about and as Elcee said, they were very well received.

This is a site that may interest a few.

WA, 6913 posts
31 Mar 2014 12:55PM
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Legion said..

Good onya, Dave. The one promising thing I can 100% agree with.

Then why not get onboard and help support his product. Their were Pro Cull folk at the meeting, if it wasn't for events like this one, he would be getting very little support really.. Today there is now a few hundred people out talking about his product, there are tweeting, Face booking and getting the word out. His product was displayed, discussed and demonstrated in front of Local political parties, international media and he now has some seriously great connections with Marine Scientists world wide, all thanks to Anti Cull movement that you bag out so much..

One other point from yesterday that may be directly helpful to others especially down south was that in all of the talks they found out that Grace Town doesn't even have mobile phone coverage. So one the products you so heavily bagged out, the guy is now trying to get a free WiFi network set up in the car park, to help the local community. Free to users, he will pay and support the set up What a jerk.

There was so much more on offer yesterday than you could imagine.

But yes good onya Legion, for saying good onya to Dave

WA, 3028 posts
31 Mar 2014 1:03PM
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jbshack said..

pweedas said..

Elcee, you will have to accept that if wahtever they come up with is something which has to be bought and then maintained in working order,. and then make sure to have it with them when they actually need it then the device or devices will be of limited use and solve nothing.
All it will do is enable people to say things like "Oh if only he had taken his Widget with him he might not have been attacked.
For every person who uses one there will be ten who do not, and the attack rate will remain unchaged.
I suppose the next step would have to be the government to step in and make them compusory the same as bike helmets, and I don't think many would take too kindly to that.

The best option is to make the oceans safer for people rather than to try and make people safer in a dangerous ocean.
So that's the present plan.

If someone can come up with something as simple and cheap as a roll on shark repellant deoderant or similar then this might change the situation, but so far all I've heard about is mitigation strategies which wont be or can't be used by the majority.

Sorry but now i understand why you have trouble. That is really the most stupid statement that could possibly ever be made. You talk about changing something as big as the worlds oceans and yet you expect people to take you seriously. It simply can't be done, thats why your argument is categorically flawed..

BUT what can be done, is you can protect yourself in that environment. Thats what the talks were about and as Elcee said, they were very well received.

This is a site that may interest a few.

Pweedas is an old fella and very old school, he rather kill off a threat than use any tech weather it worked or not

WA, 2222 posts
31 Mar 2014 1:45PM
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I like how Dave dressed in his best suit and tie for his presentation. Did he wear thongs or just bare feet?

I would have liked to attend but I was ...

... surfing and watching the fisheries boat cruising past. It was good, too.

WA, 2222 posts
31 Mar 2014 1:49PM
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jbshack said..
... one the products you so heavily bagged out, the guy is now trying to get a free WiFi network set up in the car park, to help the local community. Free to users, he will pay and support the set up What a jerk.

I can't say if he's a jerk or not but I can say a product that allows public alarms to be set is a dumbass product. Say someone was to buy a mobile phone and notify of a 5m fish at a particular break day in/day out. That renders the product effectively useless for users in that particular area and all it takes is one person, 30 seconds a day.

WA, 6913 posts
31 Mar 2014 1:56PM
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Legion said..

jbshack said..
... one the products you so heavily bagged out, the guy is now trying to get a free WiFi network set up in the car park, to help the local community. Free to users, he will pay and support the set up What a jerk.

I can't say if he's a jerk or not but I can say a product that allows public alarms to be set is a dumbass product. Say someone was to buy a mobile phone and notify of a 5m fish at a particular break day in/day out. That renders the product effectively useless for users in that particular area and all it takes is one person, 30 seconds a day.

Mate as i said and will say it again, if had been there you'd know how that is got around. A similar site works for car traffic world wide with over 70 Million users. From what i saw and every one else their, its a great system..

Dave presented himself as he is, so did the other people. See this is about REAL solutions from REAL people. Not political ploys to win votes

WA, 2222 posts
31 Mar 2014 2:22PM
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jbshack said..
Dave presented himself as he is ...

Yeah, I was just teasing. Wouldn't have expected him to wear anything else.

WA, 6913 posts
31 Mar 2014 2:36PM
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DARTH said..

jbshack said..

pweedas said..

Elcee, you will have to accept that if wahtever they come up with is something which has to be bought and then maintained in working order,. and then make sure to have it with them when they actually need it then the device or devices will be of limited use and solve nothing.
All it will do is enable people to say things like "Oh if only he had taken his Widget with him he might not have been attacked.
For every person who uses one there will be ten who do not, and the attack rate will remain unchaged.
I suppose the next step would have to be the government to step in and make them compusory the same as bike helmets, and I don't think many would take too kindly to that.

The best option is to make the oceans safer for people rather than to try and make people safer in a dangerous ocean.
So that's the present plan.

If someone can come up with something as simple and cheap as a roll on shark repellant deoderant or similar then this might change the situation, but so far all I've heard about is mitigation strategies which wont be or can't be used by the majority.

Sorry but now i understand why you have trouble. That is really the most stupid statement that could possibly ever be made. You talk about changing something as big as the worlds oceans and yet you expect people to take you seriously. It simply can't be done, thats why your argument is categorically flawed..

BUT what can be done, is you can protect yourself in that environment. Thats what the talks were about and as Elcee said, they were very well received.

This is a site that may interest a few.

Pweedas is an old fella and very old school, he rather kill off a threat than use any tech weather it worked or not

Actually this quote really has got me thinking. I feel for you Pweeda, and i want to help you. I've thought long and hard and I'm pretty happy with the answer. I can't believe how easy it will be for you to get just what you want. Its been under our nose for so long and we all missed it.
Guess what its called

WA, 3028 posts
31 Mar 2014 2:40PM
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^^No sharks there Pweedie

WA, 4642 posts
31 Mar 2014 3:04PM
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DARTH said..
^^No sharks there Pweedie

No you're right, and you will notice, I'm not in it either,.. and wont be.
I'm still the one who sits out on the reef at sunset over the summer, even when the drumlines are within sight.
At my age I'm not risking much.

I'm more concerned that what I had for all my life is now being given away for nothing so that the next generation will have to be content with very much less.
And that is, the simple right to swim in the ocean at a metropolitan beach without being eaten alive.

It's unbelievable to me that some people are happy to give away such a basic right.
I guess times are changing. Not for the better though.

WA, 3028 posts
31 Mar 2014 3:17PM
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pweedas said..

DARTH said..
^^No sharks there Pweedie

No you're right, and you will notice, I'm not in it either,.. and wont be.
I'm still the one who sits out on the reef at sunset over the summer, even when the drumlines are within sight.
At my age I'm not risking much.

I'm more concerned that what I had for all my life is now being given away for nothing so that the next generation will have to be content with very much less.
And that is, the simple right to swim in the ocean at a metropolitan beach without being eaten alive.

It's unbelievable to me that some people are happy to give away such a basic right.
I guess times are changing. Not for the better though.

Not giving anything away, go surfing and enjoy. If you dont because you are scared of sharks, your loss not mine. At the end of the day I will be enjoying that uncrowded line up and you will be in a retirment home or similar

Oh and body surfing during summer isnt a risk at all because it isnt the season for GWS but you knew that already

WA, 2 posts
15 Apr 2014 8:43PM
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Anyone have opinion / experience with "surfsafe" device: ?

WA, 933 posts
15 Apr 2014 8:51PM
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I've got one and have never been eaten by a shark once

I do feel more confident about being in places that have history with sharks, and Dave is pretty bloody confident they work with all types of sharks

Price is okay, cheaper than gov funded shark shield....go figure. Will be even better if one day it's removable and interchangeable like a fin system!!!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Alternatives to Shark Culling Forum" started by Elcee