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Alternatives to Shark Culling Forum

Created by Elcee > 9 months ago, 20 Mar 2014
WA, 166 posts
25 Mar 2014 8:58PM
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But a human life more important ?

2614 posts
25 Mar 2014 9:00PM
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jbshack said...
kiterboy said..

Meh, IF* small bleeding sharks attract and get eaten by bigger sharks, bigger sharks get caught by drumlines.

Problem solved.

*and that's a big 'if' considering that there is zero evidence for this happening over on the east coast, after decades of drumlining.

SO IF you were bleeding heavily in the water, would you get out

IF Sharks are not attacked to blood, why bother..

If I was bleeding heavily in the water, I'd get out to seek medical assistance since I don't usually haemorrage spontaneously.

If you were bleeding heavily while swimming, you'd have to go put your tampon in.

WA, 6913 posts
26 Mar 2014 11:18AM
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Kneeling said..

But a human life more important ?

Yes and hence why it is so important to look after the Ocean. As a ecosystem that is 100% dependent on sharks as the controlling factor. It always comes back to this. 60 to 70% of the worlds CO2 comes from the ocean. We really need to be spending more money and time looking after our oceans than we need to look after the rain forests

Check out the footage at 3:40 of the shark emptying its stomach..Tell me again that having one of these hanging for 10 hours plus over night, then the stomach release is not going to attract other sharks.

WA, 6913 posts
26 Mar 2014 11:22AM
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kiterboy said..

jbshack said...

kiterboy said..

Meh, IF* small bleeding sharks attract and get eaten by bigger sharks, bigger sharks get caught by drumlines.

Problem solved.

*and that's a big 'if' considering that there is zero evidence for this happening over on the east coast, after decades of drumlining.

SO IF you were bleeding heavily in the water, would you get out

IF Sharks are not attacked to blood, why bother..

If I was bleeding heavily in the water, I'd get out to seek medical assistance since I don't usually haemorrage spontaneously.

If you were bleeding heavily while swimming, you'd have to go put your tampon in.

If you had a half decent clue at about surfing you'd know many times you will end up bleeding heavily, but thanks again for showing us your true ability and knowledge of our sport

2614 posts
26 Mar 2014 11:42AM
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jbshack said..

kiterboy said..

jbshack said...

kiterboy said..

Meh, IF* small bleeding sharks attract and get eaten by bigger sharks, bigger sharks get caught by drumlines.

Problem solved.

*and that's a big 'if' considering that there is zero evidence for this happening over on the east coast, after decades of drumlining.

SO IF you were bleeding heavily in the water, would you get out

IF Sharks are not attacked to blood, why bother..

If I was bleeding heavily in the water, I'd get out to seek medical assistance since I don't usually haemorrage spontaneously.

If you were bleeding heavily while swimming, you'd have to go put your tampon in.

If you had a half decent clue at about surfing you'd know many times you will end up bleeding heavily, but thanks again for showing us your true ability and knowledge of our sport

You still haven't put it in.

WA, 166 posts
26 Mar 2014 12:47PM
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So lets stop taking fish out of the ocean full stop is what your saying, there's no difference on what comes out of then ?if you don't control the apex predictor with fish stocks dropping what are they going to eat?

2614 posts
26 Mar 2014 2:17PM
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jbshack said..

kiterboy said..

jbshack said...

kiterboy said..

Meh, IF* small bleeding sharks attract and get eaten by bigger sharks, bigger sharks get caught by drumlines.

Problem solved.

*and that's a big 'if' considering that there is zero evidence for this happening over on the east coast, after decades of drumlining.

SO IF you were bleeding heavily in the water, would you get out

IF Sharks are not attacked to blood, why bother..

If I was bleeding heavily in the water, I'd get out to seek medical assistance since I don't usually haemorrage spontaneously.

If you were bleeding heavily while swimming, you'd have to go put your tampon in.

If you had a half decent clue at about surfing you'd know many times you will end up bleeding heavily, but thanks again for showing us your true ability and knowledge of our sport

If you keep bleeding heavily while doing 'your sport', perhaps you should give it up there lady.

WA, 6913 posts
26 Mar 2014 2:24PM
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Kneeling said..

So lets stop taking fish out of the ocean full stop is what your saying, there's no difference on what comes out of then ?if you don't control the apex predictor with fish stocks dropping what are they going to eat?

No what I'm saying is it needs to be better managed. Both locally and world wide. Their is also a big difference to catching a fish and eating it, then just catching a fish, wounding it then throwing it back to attract more fish/sharks. You forget that what our state government is doing is Illegal. It is only allowed for this short window thanks to a relaxed period from the federal government. Why is it illegal in the first place
Also remember that this entire drum line cull was to make ocean users safer from attacks from sharks. Now i guess the fear is Great White's, as thats what has attacked us, how many great whites have they caught Kneeling Please consider how we are now safer.. After only killing a few hundred Tigers

Comercial fishing was been removed from local waters a long time ago. You of all people should be well aware of that.

Im not saying don't remove fish, hell even i have no issue with a guy catching and eating a small shark, but what the Fisheries are doing is not that. What they are doing is the same thing I've said from day one, they are simply burying up attacking more sharks to the area. They are out to Cull down a species that is pivotal to the eco system, and then what happens after that who knows But they have IMHO deliberately not even attempted to catch GW sharks. Most commercial people can see that. What they have done is try throw a band aid at a issue and hope it goes away. Sadly though it won't.

All this time as a state we have seen less sharks then before. The SLSWA shark spotter saw less sharks then previous years by a large amount, even though they spent more time flying then ever before. We are now entering into a 5 year low on shark attacks. We are not the shark attack capital of the world, we lost that tittle.

Our waters especially local state waters have changed, we need to get a better understanding of whats happening, we need the technology that will make water use safer for all water users and that funding and organisation should not be left up to private groups to promote. It should be a government program.

So many on here said after the last attack, the government has to do something.. Well they've done something. Shame is it will do nothing but the uneducated on the issue can't see that. But next time there is an attack, what will you say then

So many issues surround this. Like were did the money approved to by that the state government to Cott council to build a shark tower. $300000 grant i believe. The Planing council knocked it back but were is that money gone. Buswell had a smaller amount but still over $200000 for a netted enclosed area in his electorate . Also knocked back and money is no now in limbo. Yet there is no money for a product like Surfsafe to help develop and test, a product that could potentially make a massive difference to safety of surfers.

Reports are now out stating a tender for the contract down south was submitted at $2000 a day cheaper than the current operator. And from a commercial fisherman who has previous shark fishing experience. Have you ever wondered how someone gets paid $6000 a day, when most of that time is spent at anchor in Cowaramup bay.. I have..

Even if you support killing sharks, you have had the wool pulled over your eyes..

The good news is that this has gone viral and now a big support and push to remove nets and drums from the East is now also well underway..

Some surfers respect the ocean and accept the consequences
Some surfers are worried and have spent money to help themselves feel safer, and have taken responsibly for that.
Both of these groups i congratulate.
But some just whinge and complain that someone else needs to look after you, to help you feel safe and wipe your little bottoms. These people i really pity.

Educate yourselves some and attend the meeting. At least after you have sat through it you can then try discredit the info.

WA, 4642 posts
26 Mar 2014 2:48PM
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jbshack said..
Yes and hence why it is so important to look after the Ocean. As a ecosystem that is 100% dependent on sharks as the controlling factor. It always comes back to this.

jbhack, you really do spruik sooo much rubbish!
What evidence do you have that the ocean depends 100% on sharks?
My guess is that you are just repeating what those bleeding heart hug everything groups are feeding you.

If you removed every shark in the ocean, the oceans would still be here, doing exactly what they are doing now but probably in a slightly different way.
To the average Joe in the street, they probably wouldn't notice any difference.

Did all of europe turn to desert because they removed the apex predators? Lions, bears etc? NO.
The balance of the eco system does change but it is not destroyed and the land does not turn to desert.
Nor would removing all sharks make the ocean turn to mud.

Your other error is in assuming that removing sharks of a specific size from such a very small section of the planet will result in the destruction of the species over the entire world.
Unless the species is unique to this area only, it will make little difference.

Here we are in yet another shark thread with you saying the exact same rubbish as you said in all the other threads on the matter.
It's the same fearmongering rubbish that the groups which have alligned themselves with this issue spit out regarding every issue they get involved in.

Taking a few sharks out of the ocean will do far less damage than families going out in their family boats on their family fishing trips and throwing their empty plasic bags and plastic rubbish overboard to choke all sorts of wildlife in family sized proportions.
The most effective thing you can do to help the oceans survive is to stop selling family boats so families can't go out wreaking havoc on the environment.
When you have done this then come back and tell us. But then I'm not expecting you will becuase that will inconvenience you.
Be aware it will not inconvenience you as much as it inconveniences others to have their sons/ daughters/ mother/ father/ friend, or whoever, fanged over by a shark.
Or is your inconvenience more important?

WA, 6913 posts
26 Mar 2014 3:01PM
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pweedas said..

jbshack said..
Yes and hence why it is so important to look after the Ocean. As a ecosystem that is 100% dependent on sharks as the controlling factor. It always comes back to this.

jbhack, you really do spruik sooo much rubbish!
What evidence do you have that the ocean depends 100% on sharks?
My guess is that you are just repeating what those bleeding heart hug everything groups are feeding you.

If you removed every shark in the ocean, the oceans would still be here, doing exactly what they are doing now but probably in a slightly different way.
To the average Joe in the street, they probably wouldn't notice any difference.

Did all of europe turn to desert because they removed the apex predators? Lions, bears etc? NO.
The balance of the eco system does change but it is not destroyed and the land does not turn to desert.
Nor would removing all sharks make the ocean turn to mud.

Your other error is in assuming that removing sharks of a specific size from such a very small section of the planet will result in the destruction of the species over the entire world.
Unless the species is unique to this area only, it will make little difference.

Here we are in yet another shark thread with you saying the exact same rubbish as you said in all the other threads on the matter.
It's the same fearmongering rubbish that the groups which have alligned themselves with this issue spit out regarding every issue they get involved in.

Taking a few sharks out of the ocean will do far less damage than families going out in their family boats on their family fishing trips and throwing their empty plasic bags and plastic rubbish overboard to choke all sorts of wildlife in family sized proportions.
The most effective thing you can do to help the oceans survive is to stop selling family boats so families can't go out wreaking havoc on the environment.
When you have done this then come back and tell us. But then I'm not expecting you will becuase that will inconvenience you.
Be aware it will not inconvenience you as much as it inconveniences others to have their sons/ daughters/ mother/ father/ friend, or whoever, fanged over by a shark.
Or is your inconvenience more important?

Actually i would suggest your the one who doesn't want to be inconvenienced, Why spend $20 million dollars on a problem that effects so little, when that money could help so many more directly. I would say your the one with the issue. Yes mate I'm still saying the same old crap, because its what the truth is. Who teaches Ecosystems, the importance of them and the protection of them? Well the state education system for a easy start. Maybe you should read some of the kids work that comes home..

This thread was about an opportunity to try and educate yourselves a little. Seems that was too much to expect..Luckily though, others are out their with TP ready to start wiping your arse..

Oh and once again can you explain how you are now safer from an Attack from a great white this season..After they have killed all those tigers sharks..

WA, 4642 posts
26 Mar 2014 3:02PM
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jbshack said..
All this time as a state we have seen less sharks then before. The SLSWA shark spotter saw less sharks then previous years by a large amount, even though they spent more time flying then ever before. We are now entering into a 5 year low on shark attacks. We are not the shark attack capital of the world, we lost that tittle.

Isn't that positive proof that the program is working?
Not one single shark alarm this year at my local beach, and last year there were many.
Do you think that's just a coincidence?
Or do you think the number of sharks has miraculously declined from some natural process?

Do you think if the drumlines were not in place the reduction in shark alarms would have happened anyway? I don't think so.

Do you think if the sharks were not being removed, be it officially or unofficially, the shark attacks would still be reducing? I don't think so.

Why do you interpret the present drop off in shark sitings and shark attacks as being due to the overall widespread demise of a species rather than the success of the culling program.
I see your current point of view as the complete inability to see the obvious, which I think confirms your inability to see the logic of the present program right from the start.

The simple facts are, sharks large enough to attack and eat people are being removed, resulting in less shark alarms and less shark attacks.

WA, 4642 posts
26 Mar 2014 3:11PM
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jbshack said..
Oh and once again can you explain how you are now safer from an Attack from a great white this season..After they have killed all those tigers sharks..

I always said, and I will say it again, the cull of great whites should be done in spring time, not summer when they are all down south.
They will be back in September through to december and that's the time to cull them.
Hopefully it will be done.
I also said that many of the supposed great white attacks were wrongly identified as such due to very few people being able to make the distinction in those circumstances.
The buzz word is great white, they see a big shark attacking someone, it must be a great white. They are probably wrong.
So, the fact is, people are safer in the warmer months from any shark attack without arguing over what sort of shark they are safe from.

And I have no problem with children being taught to look after the environment. I support that and I do the same myself..
But I do have a problem if they are being taught they have to do this at the risk to, or cost of their lives.
But then I don't believe thay are being taught that. That is only your interpretation of the lesson.

WA, 6913 posts
26 Mar 2014 3:26PM
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pweedas said..

jbshack said..
Oh and once again can you explain how you are now safer from an Attack from a great white this season..After they have killed all those tigers sharks..

I always said, and I will say it again, the cull of great whites should be done in spring time, not summer when they are all down south.
They will be back in September through to december and that's the time to cull them.
Hopefully it will be done.
I also said that many of the supposed great white attacks were wrongly identified as such due to very few people being able to make the distinction in those circumstances.
The buzz word is great white, they see a big shark attacking someone, it must be a great white. They are probably wrong.
So, the fact is, people are safer in the warmer months from any shark attack without arguing over what sort of shark they are safe from.

And I have no problem with children being taught to look after the environment. I support that and I do the same myself..
But I do have a problem if they are being taught they have to do this at the risk to, or cost of their lives.
But then I don't believe thay are being taught that. That is only your interpretation of the lesson.

Oh thats right i forgot you have changed your idea on what shark has actually been attacking people to try and support your argument

Truth is that you could kill as many great whites as you like but it still will not protect you from an attack. What will happen then is Tigers and bull sharks will increase in size, then we will be dealing with 40 plus attacks a year, like what is happening in other places around the world.

I say there is less shark sightings because there is less sharks in the water. Its not that hard. But that also explains why we need to stop killing sharks. That is common sense. You keep talking about the "Illegal poachers" I call that "Bulls-t". I think you simply want to make yourself seem brighter because you have some connection to these so called shark wranglers.

Drum lines will kill only in September through hey, well why have they not caught any of the Great Whites that have been sighted in our Local Perth waters over the duration of the drums? I said it before, even Kneelings family who are professional fisherman said the same thing, why are they using the wrong bait. Change the bait and you'll start catching GW's.. Anyone with any idea of fishing or marine environment have all said the same. Also the hook being used is not suited either. 12 months has gone by, nothing has changed in my opinion, you've slightly changed yours saying Tigers "MAY" have been responsible for previous attacks, but yet nothing has changed one little bit to make anyone any safer..

WA, 4642 posts
26 Mar 2014 3:50PM
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jbshack said..
Oh thats right i forgot you have changed your idea on what shark has actually been attacking people to try and support your argument

Truth is that you could kill as many great whites as you like but it still will not protect you from an attack. What will happen then is Tigers and bull sharks will increase in size, then we will be dealing with 40 plus attacks a year, like what is happening in other places around the world.

What,.. like over east? where they have been doing exactly what we are doing here, for the last fifty years,. but with the addition of shark nets? and on a much bigger scale???

I must have missed the reports of all the dire consequences you refer to. Or will it take a nother hundred years for those effects to take hold?
jb, how about putting up a few links to that information so we can make a more informed assessment.
And I mean links to what has happened, not links to what someone thinks might happen.

And yes, you could kill every shark except one and there would still be the remote possibility that one shark left might attack you.
But the un-deniable fact is, if there are less large sharks in your area there will be a much less probability of being attacked.
That's all the program guarantees. That's all anyoine ever said it would.
So far this summer, not one single attack and not one shark alarm.
No plague of sharks coming to shore attracted by the drumlines, like you said they would.
No plague of sharks coming to shore attracted by the contents of shark stomachs, like you said they would.
No plague of sharks coming to shore attracted by bleeding sharks, like you said they would.
No plague of sharks coming to shore attracted by threshing sharks, like you said they would.

Let's face it, nothing like all the things you said would happen, has happened.
I call that a success.

WA, 6913 posts
26 Mar 2014 4:29PM
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pweedas said..

jbshack said..
Oh thats right i forgot you have changed your idea on what shark has actually been attacking people to try and support your argument

Truth is that you could kill as many great whites as you like but it still will not protect you from an attack. What will happen then is Tigers and bull sharks will increase in size, then we will be dealing with 40 plus attacks a year, like what is happening in other places around the world.

What,.. like over east? where they have been doing exactly what we are doing here, for the last fifty years,. but with the addition of shark nets? and on a much bigger scale???

I must have missed the reports of all the dire consequences you refer to. Or will it take a nother hundred years for those effects to take hold?
jb, how about putting up a few links to that information so we can make a more informed assessment.
And I mean links to what has happened, not links to what someone thinks might happen.

And yes, you could kill every shark except one and there would still be the remote possibility that one shark left might attack you.
But the un-deniable fact is, if there are less large sharks in your area there will be a much less probability of being attacked.
That's all the program guarantees. That's all anyoine ever said it would.
So far this summer, not one single attack and not one shark alarm.
No plague of sharks coming to shore attracted by the drumlines, like you said they would.
No plague of sharks coming to shore attracted by the contents of shark stomachs, like you said they would.
No plague of sharks coming to shore attracted by bleeding sharks, like you said they would.
No plague of sharks coming to shore attracted by threshing sharks, like you said they would.

Let's face it, nothing like all the things you said would happen, has happened.
I call that a success.

Over east is completely different. They use nets and drums, oh and yes they still have attacks, and even fatalities..

Did you not go to the beach this summer. No alarms are you serous

As for what i said would/could happen. I have said it from the start that we will not see the results of this for years to come, decades even. If you remember i would have used words like the "Ocean is not ours, it belongs to our children" To suggest this will have a short term effect is as stupid as saying "Now we've killed all these tigers sharks, we'll be safe" And "Numbers of sightings have reduced because they killed all those Tiger sharks"

This is a global issue. Why else did we have members of both foreign and domestic media services, including a Korean 4 person TV crew from KBS, a team from SBS, a German newspaper reporter, a JJJ Hack journo, a film crew from California to mention a few, all just in the last few weeks out on the monitoring boats

WA, 6913 posts
26 Mar 2014 4:42PM
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pweedas said..

jbshack said..
Oh thats right i forgot you have changed your idea on what shark has actually been attacking people to try and support your argument

Truth is that you could kill as many great whites as you like but it still will not protect you from an attack. What will happen then is Tigers and bull sharks will increase in size, then we will be dealing with 40 plus attacks a year, like what is happening in other places around the world.

What,.. like over east? where they have been doing exactly what we are doing here, for the last fifty years,. but with the addition of shark nets? and on a much bigger scale???

I must have missed the reports of all the dire consequences you refer to. Or will it take a nother hundred years for those effects to take hold?
jb, how about putting up a few links to that information so we can make a more informed assessment.
And I mean links to what has happened, not links to what someone thinks might happen.

And yes, you could kill every shark except one and there would still be the remote possibility that one shark left might attack you.
But the un-deniable fact is, if there are less large sharks in your area there will be a much less probability of being attacked.
That's all the program guarantees. That's all anyoine ever said it would.
So far this summer, not one single attack and not one shark alarm.
No plague of sharks coming to shore attracted by the drumlines, like you said they would.
No plague of sharks coming to shore attracted by the contents of shark stomachs, like you said they would.
No plague of sharks coming to shore attracted by bleeding sharks, like you said they would.
No plague of sharks coming to shore attracted by threshing sharks, like you said they would.

Let's face it, nothing like all the things you said would happen, has happened.
I call that a success.

Sometimes in life the answers aren't just that simple. But as an example what about Hawaii as a start. They culled over 4700 sharks and now look how they are going. 40 plus attacks a year and 2 or 3 fatalities.. Oh and surprise surprise they are now saying to our WA government "STOP" the cull. I wonder what their reasoning is? Oh wait thats right, they now have more attacks then ever before

Brazil they also actively culled sharks did it help them? No more attacks than ever..Have you not heard of any of these places

SA, 4034 posts
26 Mar 2014 8:17PM
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smicko said..

First thing you need to do is lobby the government to ban cage diving in South Oz.

It's the signs on the side of the cage they should ban "WA 1,000km that way"

Found this on the book of many faces might not have to worry about sharks soon

That equates to 100 MILLION sharks killed every single year. To put that into perspective, that?d be about like losing the entire human population living in Bangkok, Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, all five boroughs of NYC, Mumbai, Los Angeles, and Shanghai every single year.

WA, 14731 posts
26 Mar 2014 6:37PM
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Keep in mind that in lots of parts of the world, sharks are not quite the same as here.

In Isla Margarita, Venezuela, they were telling me it was funny that there they eat sharks and back in Aus, sharks eat people. The reason it was funny for them was that sharks there are generally the size of Tuna and treated as any other fish. They eat them.

So, lots of sharks are killed each year? Probably to eat no doubt.

Where do we stop next, allowing redbacks into our houses because they are part of nature and were here before us?

WA, 6913 posts
26 Mar 2014 7:07PM
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If this is about saving lives, why not ban quad bikes..

I especially like how they have added all states involved

WA, 4642 posts
26 Mar 2014 9:43PM
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jbshack said..
As for what i said would/could happen. I have said it from the start that we will not see the results of this for years to come, decades even. If you remember i would have used words like the "Ocean is not ours, it belongs to our children" To suggest this will have a short term effect is as stupid as saying "Now we've killed all these tigers sharks, we'll be safe" And "Numbers of sightings have reduced because they killed all those Tiger sharks"

jb, all your short term predictions have amounted to nothing. They were all WRONG!
And now you expect us to wait around for another few decades doing nothing about the problem just in case your long term predictions are correct?
You've got to be kidding! Specially when all logic tells us that removing a few sharks from a small area will make no difference at all to their survival. Even fisheries research says this. But you say differently and you expect us to believe you?

If you had a history of being correct on everything, or even anything you've said, then maybe that could be justified, but on past performance we would wait another twenty years, only to confirm you were equally as wrong on your long term predictions as your short term predictions. All wrong!
You can have all the meetings and discussions of possible shark mitigation procedures you want, but in the meantime, something effective is being done.
If you come up with anything revolutionary then let us know and it will probably be tested, but to sit around doing nothing for another ten years while you lot waste another decade going over old ground is silly.
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This is a global issue. Why else did we have members of both foreign and domestic media services, including a Korean 4 person TV crew from KBS, a team from SBS, a German newspaper reporter, a JJJ Hack journo, a film crew from California to mention a few, all just in the last few weeks out on the monitoring boats

"Why else?" you ask,. because they are the media and they know a media circus when they see one.
And that's all you have provided,.. A media circus.

WA, 4642 posts
26 Mar 2014 10:04PM
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jbshack said..
If this is about saving lives, why not ban quad bikes..

Another silly and meaningless comparison.
Don't worry though jb, they are doing all they can to reduce the quad bike problem, such as outlawing the sale of the original 3 wheel bikes and placing various safety design requirements on those still sold.
Plus there are regulations on who can use them and under what conditions.

I've spent many hours on them and so long as you use them sensibly they behave as expected,.. unlike sharks.

With sharks you can be as careful as you like and still get eaten,. there's the difference.

WA, 2222 posts
27 Mar 2014 9:56AM
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jbshack said..
If you had a half decent clue at about surfing you'd know many times you will end up bleeding heavily, but thanks again for showing us your true ability and knowledge of our sport

Um, I think you're doing it wrong. I rarely, rarely end up bleeding heavily. In fact, once or twice ever (touch wood). I rarely, rarely see other people bleeding heavily. In fact, none that spring to mind.

WA, 2222 posts
27 Mar 2014 10:13AM
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jbshack said..
Their is also a big difference to catching a fish and eating it, then just catching a fish, wounding it then throwing it back to attract more fish/sharks.

So now you're going to campaign against catch and release sport fishing? Or throwing back bycatch? From a boat sold from a boat dealer?

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jbshack said..
You forget that what our state government is doing is Illegal. It is only allowed ...

It's illegal. It's allowed. Oxymoron. For the record, the latter is correct.

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jbshack said..
What they are doing is ... they are simply burying up attacking more sharks to the area.

Burying up attacking? I'm not sure what you indicd by that?

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jbshack said..The good news is that this has gone viral

I think your posts could go viral. Reading them certainly brightens my day. Best laugh of the morning.

WA, 2222 posts
27 Mar 2014 10:15AM
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jbshack said..
We are now entering into a 5 year low on shark attacks.

This bit is fascinating. You can predict the fuuuuuture!

I hope you're right. Then it'll show the drum lines are working.

WA, 2222 posts
27 Mar 2014 10:17AM
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jbshack said..
Who teaches Ecosystems, the importance of them and the protection of them? Well the state education system for a easy start. Maybe you should read some of the kids work that comes home..

This thread was about an opportunity to try and educate yourselves a little.

Um, jb, I don't know if you want to go ahead and promote the state education system. Something tells me they might want to proofread your posts before they indicd you as their poster boy.

WA, 2222 posts
27 Mar 2014 10:19AM
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jbshack said..
I say there is less shark sightings because there is less sharks in the water.

Hooray! So you agree that the drum lines are working, or is it in fact that the drum lines are working?

Good to have you on board!

OK, back to my popcorn.

WA, 6913 posts
27 Mar 2014 10:36AM
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Legion said..

jbshack said..
I say there is less shark sightings because there is less sharks in the water.

Hooray! So you agree that the drum lines are working, or is it in fact that the drum lines are working?

Good to have you on board!

OK, back to my popcorn.

I can always count on you to help push it along. Thanks..

On such a small day, surf wise, shouldn't you be out bullying young kids

Being a Cott boy, maybe you should have pushed for the beach pool, at least you'd be safe from sharks and think of all the kiddies you could pick on from their..

WA, 3028 posts
27 Mar 2014 10:38AM
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jbshack said..

Legion said..

jbshack said..
I say there is less shark sightings because there is less sharks in the water.

Hooray! So you agree that the drum lines are working, or is it in fact that the drum lines are working?

Good to have you on board!

OK, back to my popcorn.

I can always count on you to help push it along. Thanks..

On such a small day, surf wise, shouldn't you be out bullying young kids

Being a Cott boy, maybe you should have pushed for the beach pool, at least you'd be safe from sharks and think of all the kiddies you could pick on from their..

Possibly your best post JB

VIC, 5477 posts
27 Mar 2014 3:00PM
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pweedas said..

jbshack said..
Yes and hence why it is so important to look after the Ocean. As a ecosystem that is 100% dependent on sharks as the controlling factor. It always comes back to this.

jbhack, you really do spruik sooo much rubbish!
What evidence do you have that the ocean depends 100% on sharks?
My guess is that you are just repeating what those bleeding heart hug everything groups are feeding you.

If you removed every shark in the ocean, the oceans would still be here, doing exactly what they are doing now but probably in a slightly different way.
To the average Joe in the street, they probably wouldn't notice any difference.

Did all of europe turn to desert because they removed the apex predators? Lions, bears etc? NO.
The balance of the eco system does change but it is not destroyed and the land does not turn to desert.
Nor would removing all sharks make the ocean turn to mud.

Your other error is in assuming that removing sharks of a specific size from such a very small section of the planet will result in the destruction of the species over the entire world.
Unless the species is unique to this area only, it will make little difference.

Here we are in yet another shark thread with you saying the exact same rubbish as you said in all the other threads on the matter.
It's the same fearmongering rubbish that the groups which have alligned themselves with this issue spit out regarding every issue they get involved in.

Taking a few sharks out of the ocean will do far less damage than families going out in their family boats on their family fishing trips and throwing their empty plasic bags and plastic rubbish overboard to choke all sorts of wildlife in family sized proportions.
The most effective thing you can do to help the oceans survive is to stop selling family boats so families can't go out wreaking havoc on the environment.
When you have done this then come back and tell us. But then I'm not expecting you will becuase that will inconvenience you.
Be aware it will not inconvenience you as much as it inconveniences others to have their sons/ daughters/ mother/ father/ friend, or whoever, fanged over by a shark.
Or is your inconvenience more important?

"Doing exactly what they're doing now but in a slightly different way"

Well that self contradictory statement pretty much summarises this person. Amazing to see so many green thumbs. Was it the sheer illogicality that you liked, or just patting your pin up boy on the back?

Go on. Red thumb me. You know you want to.

WA, 3028 posts
27 Mar 2014 12:10PM
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Bonominator said..

pweedas said..

jbshack said..
Yes and hence why it is so important to look after the Ocean. As a ecosystem that is 100% dependent on sharks as the controlling factor. It always comes back to this.

jbhack, you really do spruik sooo much rubbish!
What evidence do you have that the ocean depends 100% on sharks?
My guess is that you are just repeating what those bleeding heart hug everything groups are feeding you.

If you removed every shark in the ocean, the oceans would still be here, doing exactly what they are doing now but probably in a slightly different way.
To the average Joe in the street, they probably wouldn't notice any difference.

Did all of europe turn to desert because they removed the apex predators? Lions, bears etc? NO.
The balance of the eco system does change but it is not destroyed and the land does not turn to desert.
Nor would removing all sharks make the ocean turn to mud.

Your other error is in assuming that removing sharks of a specific size from such a very small section of the planet will result in the destruction of the species over the entire world.
Unless the species is unique to this area only, it will make little difference.

Here we are in yet another shark thread with you saying the exact same rubbish as you said in all the other threads on the matter.
It's the same fearmongering rubbish that the groups which have alligned themselves with this issue spit out regarding every issue they get involved in.

Taking a few sharks out of the ocean will do far less damage than families going out in their family boats on their family fishing trips and throwing their empty plasic bags and plastic rubbish overboard to choke all sorts of wildlife in family sized proportions.
The most effective thing you can do to help the oceans survive is to stop selling family boats so families can't go out wreaking havoc on the environment.
When you have done this then come back and tell us. But then I'm not expecting you will becuase that will inconvenience you.
Be aware it will not inconvenience you as much as it inconveniences others to have their sons/ daughters/ mother/ father/ friend, or whoever, fanged over by a shark.
Or is your inconvenience more important?

"Doing exactly what they're doing now but in a slightly different way"

Well that self contradictory statement pretty much summarises this person. Amazing to see so many green thumbs. Was it the sheer illogicality that you liked, or just patting your pin up boy on the back?

Go on. Red thumb me. You know you want to.

Pweedie still thinks he is in the debating team at school, takes a side (right or wrong) and runs with it


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"Alternatives to Shark Culling Forum" started by Elcee