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Animal cruelty

Created by petermac33 > 9 months ago, 23 Dec 2015
WA, 9675 posts
27 Dec 2015 3:05PM
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Mrknownothing said..
How can you humanely kill an animal?...

Using that same theory it would be alright to humanely kill a human being? Or is that different?

euthanasia .......yes it is a good thing

QLD, 1451 posts
28 Dec 2015 9:50AM
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djt91184 said..
Take a tree for example snap a limb get sap Id call that pain.
" Some plant scientists believe plants can be intelligent - they can sense, learn, remember even react in ways that would be familiar to humans" taken from the first site I came upon.

Vegetable is mass murder. Burn the slaughter houses to the ground, what a waste of our land of our time of our humanity.
Now its time to defend the oppressed vegetable.


4 posts
29 Dec 2015 9:24AM
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That happens in all abotoirs not just halal ones...

4 posts
29 Dec 2015 9:29AM
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That happens in all abotoirs not just halal ones...

4 posts
29 Dec 2015 9:35AM
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A bolt to the head then slice the throat? Or gassing like we are starting to do to pigs? No? Why not do that to people? Oh right cos it's not humane...

4 posts
29 Dec 2015 9:37AM
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chrispy said..

Mrknownothing said..
How can you humanely kill an animal?...

Using that same theory it would be alright to humanely kill a human being? Or is that different?

euthanasia .......yes it is a good thing

A bolt to the head and then slice the throat? Or gassing like we are starting to do to pigs? No? Why not do that to people? Oh right cos it's not humane...

9106 posts
29 Dec 2015 10:45AM
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Bluebeard said..

chrispy said..

Mrknownothing said..
How can you humanely kill an animal?...

Using that same theory it would be alright to humanely kill a human being? Or is that different?

euthanasia .......yes it is a good thing

A bolt to the head and then slice the throat? Or gassing like we are starting to do to pigs? No? Why not do that to people? Oh right cos it's not humane...

Mmmm gassing you say.

you may of heard of this bloke,he thinks gassing is a humane way of killing humans.
Phill has helped plenty of humans end their suffering with gas.

if i needed to die,i would take a bolt to the head, looks fine to me ,and yes I've seen it happen to cattle.

9106 posts
29 Dec 2015 11:03AM
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Do any of you think of how all other animals die in the wild.
fish are swallowed whole to die a hideous death in a stomach of acid or parts of their body chomped or bleed to death by other fish, bears ect ect.
cattle in africa are disembowelled while still alive screaming in pain as animals feed in them.
deer are chased down exhausted and killed the same way as the cattle in africa but by dogs wolfs ect ect.
even the free spirited whale can have its new born baby separated from its side to have its tongue eaten out of its head by sharks killer whales ect ect.
or what about just plain starvation.

so it don't mater how you spin it everything dies a hard death in this world.
i think humans do a pretty good job of a fast humane kill.

WA, 2940 posts
30 Dec 2015 6:05PM
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Cobra said..

Ladies and Gentleman
i introduce the T Rex burger
best $14 burger I've ever had.

yougotta love bacon on a burger
hope this cow didn't die in pain because its killing me trying to finish it.
to the chook that back out the egg,, thanks.
real team effort.

WTF are you doing with a knife and fork eating a burger ?

9106 posts
30 Dec 2015 7:22PM
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Mate that thing is as big as a Human head ,Can't you see that.

QLD, 1211 posts
7 Jan 2016 5:22PM
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That's a whole calf

QLD, 4177 posts
8 Jan 2016 12:14AM
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You certainly don't need to eat meat to maintain health, it's a personal choice.I think it's a good choice to eat food, meat whatever that is grown in ur local area, so support local producers instead of the multi nationals.I have been vego in the past and reaped the benefits, but I do like meat. my daughter is total vegan and is as healthy as a mally bullWatched a vid the other day of a bull that had been chained it's whole life, be let off, and it went nuts with glee.The point is respect others point of view, the most important thing is to give thanks for thefood that sustains you weather it be plant or animal, and give ssome thought as to where it comes from and how it is treated.

QLD, 1344 posts
8 Jan 2016 6:05PM
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Cobra said...
Do any of you think of how all other animals die in the wild.
fish are swallowed whole to die a hideous death in a stomach of acid or parts of their body chomped or bleed to death by other fish, bears ect ect.
cattle in africa are disembowelled while still alive screaming in pain as animals feed in them.
deer are chased down exhausted and killed the same way as the cattle in africa but by dogs wolfs ect ect.
even the free spirited whale can have its new born baby separated from its side to have its tongue eaten out of its head by sharks killer whales ect ect.
or what about just plain starvation.

so it don't mater how you spin it everything dies a hard death in this world.
i think humans do a pretty good job of a fast humane kill.

Everything you stated above about how other animals kill other animals is true. It isnt pleasent, Those animals killing other animals are carnivores. They relay on that source of food to live. That is nature at its purest. They also are catching their food with their bare hands or mouths and eating it raw skin and all because their bodies are made to handle it that way.

Humans use weapons to catch animals to eat. And our bodies simply do not rely on animal flesh at al to survive.

If you can go outside and catch a rabbit with ur bare hands then eat it raw skin and all only using ur hands and teeth and then the next day tell me u enjoyed that meal and you don't fall ill or have stomach issues from digesting it then I will rest my case and say humans were made to eat animals also.

Being plant based is new to me but im so glad i now look at what I fuel my body with in a diferent way to the way i was raised and taught.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Animal cruelty" started by petermac33