Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Anyone else just throw 1/4 theyre money into $gme!!!

Created by Froth Goth 3 months ago, 13 May 2024
Froth Goth
677 posts
4 Jun 2024 8:39PM
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I didn't buy any bitcoin until 2013 even tho I had been ln2 cooling and folding at home since like geese.... 2003 ...

Anyways here's some books for people who want to peel back the veil

It's looking likely the glitch was them realising they're auto traders algorithms had been figured out and gamed... so I'm not sure what happens now that that's been turned off... or changed ... good thing I don't have anything to loose 35 minutes till kick-off

Have you sold much bitcoin? Spending its easy buying easy I find selling it a bit nerve racking. Seems to be just blind faith and trust involved. And my buyers always seem to have generic names like Muhammed or John.... I just feel like it's a bit odd to say the least

QLD, 6120 posts
6 Jun 2024 9:16AM
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myscreenname said..

Froth Goth said..
Yes, the scenario could impact the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) in several ways:

- *Market volatility*: The extreme market volatility caused by the short squeeze in GameStop (GME) could spill over to the ASX, impacting the overall market sentiment and leading to increased volatility in Australian stocks.
- *Institutional exposure*: If Australian institutional investors, such as superannuation funds or investment managers, have exposure to the affected institutions (e.g., Vanguard, Berkshire Hathaway) or the underlying stocks, they may face losses, which could impact the ASX.
- *Global contagion*: In the event of a global financial contagion, the ASX could be impacted as investors become risk-averse and sell assets across markets, including Australian stocks.
- *Sector-specific impact*: If the short squeeze affects specific sectors, such as technology or finance, the ASX-listed companies in those sectors may experience increased volatility or losses.
- *Systemic risk*: In an extreme scenario, if the short squeeze leads to systemic risk concerns, it could impact the stability of the global financial system, including the ASX.

However, it's important to note that the ASX is a separate market, and the impact would depend on various factors, including the specific circumstances of the short squeeze and the exposure of Australian investors to the affected institutions or stocks.

Being a homeless unemployed bum who has been living in his car and washing in public toilet sinks since covid after learning vanguard had a bunch of shorts on gme i basically had to sell all my shares except for amc and gme.

Goodluck with your retirement funds everyone

Also if anyone knows how to self manage my super and figure out what i could even do with it that wont be affected by this or the whole resources issue with china and russia etc etc im all ears i would love to know it seems like anywhere you try to invest itll be impacted

Im not even sure if putting my money into my bank account is safe.

Do i just cash it out into 2 doller coins and bury it ? I could buy a parrot and an eyepatch

You should have bought BTC for $32k when I posted my investment decision back it in June 2022.

Look at the first page of comments. Guess who is laughing now?

Rimmers gunna rim.

should used that money as a deposit and bout a 500k investment property anywhere in perth (or however many u could afford) would have made 250k to 300k per property.

Froth Goth
677 posts
6 Jun 2024 8:25AM
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Im spending all my winnings on full synthetic oils for the bus it seems.

Anyways up 40% now which is nice but not really helpful in the grand scheme of things 40%of nothing is still nothing tho i have snuck a little aside into IVV (literally the same blokes shorting gme and starting a new exchange in texas) and that betashares ymax i believe

Eating my own fingertips everytime i take a bite of the **** sandwhich

Froth Goth
677 posts
7 Jun 2024 8:26AM
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80% in 24 hours hmmmmmm i wonder whats going to happen tonight after rks livestream

Not to mention the joe rogan bump where he pretended he didnt know much about it for 15 minutes.... very coy ..... despite frothing on it 3 years ago for half a hour

Another sleepless night ahead

That 10 million$ worth of ftds @31$ is going to get bloody crazy when its now at.....60? 70?

ET day is gonna be MENTAL!!

15 OF THE 6TH will be an interesting one thats for sure

Froth Goth
677 posts
7 Jun 2024 9:17PM
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Time for kick off midnight roaring kitty hopefully drops the bomb live on YouTube

Froth Goth
677 posts
8 Jun 2024 6:00AM
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Froth Goth
677 posts
10 Jun 2024 5:37PM
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Froth Goth
677 posts
10 Jun 2024 6:34PM
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Froth Goth
677 posts
14 Jun 2024 5:05AM
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$396,200,720 aud ..... thats what roaring kittys 9+million shares is worth at moment.....

The cans been kicked down the road for another month before the short squeeze event so i guess ill have to wait until then.

All the hype and drama can only run hot for so long fluctuations of seeing my money quadruple then halve then double then go to zero then x10 just seems normal now it makes all my other stocks seem absolutely pointless one is like trying to speedride off piste the others are like walking down the aisle of bunnings

Froth Goth
677 posts
15 Jun 2024 6:06AM
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South Korea extended its short-selling ban on Thursday in an attempt to crack down on illegal "naked shorting" practices.What Happened: South Korea announced it would extend its ban on short selling to the first quarter of 2025, per Fortune."The ban on short selling will be extended until March 30, 2025, to establish an electronic system to prevent naked short-selling and relieve concerns about such practices hindering fair pricing in the securities market," the Financial Services Commission (FSC) said.The decision came after prominent firms, including HSBC Holdings PLC (NYSE:HSBC) and BNP Paribas ADR (OTCQX:BNPQY), were fined by South Korea in a crackdown on naked short selling.In a statement on Thursday, the South Korean government said they would penalize illegal short-selling practices with life imprisonment and harsher fines. Penalties could reach six times the amount of the profit from unlawful short selling, according to Fortune.Why it Matters: Short selling, most commonly used by institutional investors, is a way to bet that a company's share price will depreciate. Naked short selling is a financial practice that involves selling a security without first borrowing it or ensuring it can be borrowed.Short selling is not illegal in the U.S., but naked short-selling can carry fines or criminal charges, in extreme cases.Short selling achieved attention in the U.S. following the short squeeze of GameStop Corp (NYSE:GME) in 2021. At its peak, GameStop had a short float of over 100%. Investors on the Reddit community r/Wallstreetbets targeted other highly shorted stocks, including AMCEntertainment Holdings Inc and KOSS Corp (NASDAQ:KOSS).South Korea's decision comes amid continued criticism of institutional short-selling practices by investors, particularly those in retail circles.GameStop received renewed attention in 2024 after investor Roaring Kitty returned to social media and revealed a large position in the company.

Froth Goth
677 posts
18 Jun 2024 8:24PM
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double check it. Remember, Trust but Verify.
I also warn you that Market Makers can decide to manually close these FTDs at any time during this T+35+Bank Holiday waiting period. They do not have to wait for the end of the settlement. Take this into account if you ever are trying to pull a play similar to Roaring Kitty. It is also possible that this settlement period has been reduced by 1 day due to the recent implementation of T+1.
Roaring Kitty's options sale was most likely Wednesday June 12th, and he then purchased at least a portion of his 4,000,100 shares on Thursday, June 13th at 2PM EST. It is possible that he split his purchase into several lots; however, we only need to know the days to have a good estimate on the FTD settlement period.
June 13th + 35 Days + 2 Bank Holidays (Juneteenth, July 4th) = Saturday, July 20th, 2024 FTD Settlement Period Limit
July 20th is a Saturday so this may extend the Settlement Period to July 22nd, or it may shorten it to Friday, July 19th.
If T+1 Affects this:
June 13th + 34 Days + 2 Bank Holidays (Juneteenth, July 4th) = Friday, July 19th, 2024 FTD Settlement Period Limit
As an individual investor, I will be aiming for expiration of July 26th, 2024 to allow some breathing room for the possible stock movement and some timing wiggle room.
I have included my price target for you all below:
Just Up

Froth Goth
677 posts
18 Jun 2024 8:31PM
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Finally going to the moon!

Froth Goth
677 posts
20 Jun 2024 5:14AM
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If you have shares in ETFs that have been hideing the GME FTDs your about to get nuked on the 22nd id suggest you pay real close attention. Im selling my IVV just incase even tho i cant find out if its been doing it but i know other vanguard etfs have been so theyll most likely spread it all across theyre etfs

Good luck everyone

Froth Goth
677 posts
25 Jun 2024 5:48PM
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When I pass out I wake up 5 minutes later in America as Jim Cramer

Froth Goth
677 posts
28 Jun 2024 7:16AM
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WA, 6625 posts
28 Jun 2024 7:55AM
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This thread makes less sense than bitcoin.

Froth Goth
677 posts
28 Jun 2024 9:48AM
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You drive a hard bargain but ill take the 2 purple ones for 24 and throw me in that little yellow and blue one on the right!

Froth Goth
677 posts
28 Jun 2024 9:52AM
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But seriously.

A cat posts a picture of a dog and every single pet related stock gets picked up by the algorithmn amd the hedge funds pump and dump it.

*takes a sharp draw from his crayon*

its all about exposeing how fraudulent the systen is maaaan

Froth Goth
677 posts
28 Jun 2024 11:12AM
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Its self explanatory but

Old mate posts a picture of a dog. Lots of algorithmns and ai are trying to decode what hia memes mean.

(Meanwhile hes trying to SHOW the SEC etc etc that this level of bull**** is going on)

And wahhhhlaaaaa everything dog related gets pumped and dumped in anticipation of us buying in.

If seabreeze was on the finance radar and well all posted $doc or lets goo doctor! Then the algoritjmn would think were all planning on buying shares in thedoctor (which one of you is that guys anyways?

Welcome to web 3.0 where we have to be cryptic enough to trick the robots

Hows dem uphauls goin ya pole dancers ?

WA, 6625 posts
28 Jun 2024 12:10PM
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I may stand corrected.

The only thing making less sense is a US presidential debate.

And the only thing making less sense than that is anything that comes of of Sleepy Joe's mouth. Then again not much actually comes out. It seems to want to make something of a start, then forgets what it was doing, then sort of wanders off to incoherent nothingness.......

NSW, 6848 posts
28 Jun 2024 2:41PM
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Carantoc said..
I may stand corrected.

The only thing making less sense is a US presidential debate.

And the only thing making less sense than that is anything that comes of of Sleepy Joe's mouth. Then again not much actually comes out. It seems to want to make something of a start, then forgets what it was doing, then sort of wanders off to incoherent nothingness.......

Difficult to put words to.

Froth Goth
677 posts
1 Jul 2024 7:25PM
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I cant believe this is real hahajahha

I believe the new PLAY is going to be mergeing GME with Chewy! I think this will add another 12 billion and im not sure of that also means that itll either force the hedgefunds to settle theyre shorts finally (with shares they cant possibly physically obtain ) or if itll just like ....

I have no idea...

This is wild as ****! Dumb money 2 : electric boogalloo just got a 2nd season for sure

I cant tell like if this is just a play to make xrt loose a?lllllll theyre money or its a merger or god what the hell hahahaha homeboys done all this from 52 grand and figuring out the algorithmn traders

The whole system will be falling away like a wet piece of cake soon i feel

No idea where that leaves me and my xxx gme shares but i guess ill be getting some discounted dog treats or something now

There have been no official announcements or confirmations of a potential merger between Chewy (CHWY) and GameStop (GME). However, if such a merger were to occur, it could potentially have significant implications for shareholders of both companies.
Assuming a hypothetical merger where CHWY acquires GME, here are a few possible scenarios

1. Stock swap: GME shareholders might receive a certain number of CHWY shares in exchange for their GME shares. The exchange ratio would depend on the terms of the merger.

Example: If the exchange ratio is 1:2 (1 CHWY share for 2 GME shares), your 200 GME shares might be converted to 100 CHWY shares.

1. Cash acquisition: CHWY might acquire GME for a cash price per share. In this case, GME shareholders would receive a certain amount of cash for each share they own.

Example: If the acquisition price is $20 per GME share, you would receive $4,000 (200 shares x $20) in cash.

1. Combination of cash and stock: The merger might involve a combination of cash and stock, where GME shareholders receive a portion of the consideration in cash and the remainder in CHWY shares.

It's important to note that these scenarios are purely hypothetical, and the actual terms of a potential merger, if it were to occur, might be different. It's always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor or broker for personalized advice on how a merger might affect your specific situation.

Froth Goth
677 posts
2 Jul 2024 6:04AM
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So i think from the begining of this thread we had something like 2 billion now its something like 16 billion...

Me personally ive lost 30% of 1/4 which is like a season of teaching kiteing so probably what you guys make in a couple weeks

But its been fun forces you to learn alot

Learnt that *drum roll*

Typical finance bs theyre all complete criminals thru amd thru

Froth Goth
677 posts
2 Jul 2024 11:31AM
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You're referring to a potential merger between GameStop (GME) and Chewy (CHWY), and the implications for short sellers. If such a merger were to occur, the short positions on both stocks would indeed be transferred to the new entity, and short sellers would need to pay a fee to cover the transfer.
This could lead to a fascinating scenario, as the combined company would likely have a higher valuation than the two individual companies, potentially triggering a massive short squeeze (MOASS). The Kansas City Shuffle reference is a nod to the potential chaos and volatility that could ensue.

Keep in mind that this is still speculative, and a merger between GME and CHWY has not been officially announced. However, the possibility is intriguing, and market participants are likely to be watching developments closely.

Froth Goth
677 posts
5 Jul 2024 9:36AM
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Big banks
Big crimes

Froth Goth
677 posts
25 Jul 2024 6:58AM
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Froth Goth
677 posts
5 Aug 2024 9:13PM
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Froth Goth
677 posts
6 Aug 2024 5:59AM
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Another coupme trillion down

The VIX (volatility/fear) index is thru the freaking roof which apparently is a bit of a precurser to gme going nuclear again

Coulda saved myself alot of stress and sleepless nights if i had of just invested all my money now.

Think im down to 100 shares avg around 21 and 50 avg around $30

Lost any idea of not being homeless even if it was to short squeeze ill probably just pull it all out at around $50 and be glad i learnt just how insanely corrupted the entire system is

Back to being homeless and jackhammering concrete until i die .... it was fun tho bit like playing the lotto but you actually think you have a chance and theres memes and lore to keep you entertained as you eat tinnd soup in ya car


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Anyone else just throw 1/4 theyre money into $gme!!!" started by Froth Goth