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As you get older do you turn more right wing?

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 7 Jun 2011
1862 posts
7 Jun 2011 6:03PM
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I think I am (turning more right wing as I get older)

When I left uni, I used to think all these stupid things.

Now whenever Julia Gillard talks, I think she's just a twat and has no idea. Bob Brown's ok, but I'm not gay so I can't really relate to him, and some of his ideas.

I used to listen to Peter Garrat and do all those dumb dances to US forces and beds are burning - but now when I hear him - I think he's just a twatt too.

Australian politics has lost me over the years. I used to believe in a future - Is there any hope for us?

I don't think I could vote for Tony but I could for Malcolm.

My Liberal mates used to describe me as a "small L" and I didn't quite understand it until now - I think they are right.

NSW, 9028 posts
7 Jun 2011 8:26PM
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I am not turning right or left wing as I age. I'm turning more anti war and anti big government. Both the ALP and the Lib/Nats believe believe in tax and spend to fix all our problems. They believe individuals can't be trusted to run our own lives and we need regulation to save us from ourselves. Meanwhile they take our money and then give some of it back, telling us how generous and awesome they are.

Australian soldiers die for no reason in the Middle Bloody East. They don't learn anything from history. Aussie soldiers died for no reason in Gallipoli about 100 years ago. Turkey never threatened or attacked Australia. Aussie soldiers die today in Afghanistan. Again a country that has never threatened or attacked Australia.

SA, 472 posts
7 Jun 2011 8:14PM
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adolf said...

I think I am (turning more right wing as I get older)

When I left uni, I used to think all these stupid things.

Now whenever Julia Gillard talks, I think she's just a twat and has no idea. Bob Brown's ok, but I'm not gay so I can't really relate to him, and some of his ideas.

I used to listen to Peter Garrat and do all those dumb dances to US forces and beds are burning - but now when I hear him - I think he's just a twatt too.

Australian politics has lost me over the years. I used to believe in a future - Is there any hope for us?

I don't think I could vote for Tony but I could for Malcolm.

Try not to get cynical. Its just that as you get older and mature your brain starts to realise that its hearing the same crap over and over and it subconsciously rejects it. Truth is a grey area in poltics and has been since humans lived in caves.
Modern comunications may make it more transparent but we'll probably just get politicians puting dirty pictures of themselves on twitter. (What a loser.)
Your probably realising the socialist ideals of your youth were and will always be fantasy. You have nothing to worry about, the country you live in has more going for it than any other. Our politics may seen inane, it is also very stable. Politicians talk and act the way they do to stay in business. by necessity they need to keep the majority happy to survive. It's a beautifull thing.
I feel sorry for Peter Garret. He is a man of deep conviction who gained the ear of the people through music. he entered politics and all he has achieved is finding out how very,very difficult it is.

VIC, 5904 posts
7 Jun 2011 9:13PM
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adolf said...

I think I am (turning more right wing as I get older)

When I left uni, I used to think all these stupid things.

Now whenever Julia Gillard talks, I think she's just a twat and has no idea. Bob Brown's ok, but I'm not gay so I can't really relate to him, and some of his ideas.

I used to listen to Peter Garrat and do all those dumb dances to US forces and beds are burning - but now when I hear him - I think he's just a twatt too.

Australian politics has lost me over the years. I used to believe in a future - Is there any hope for us?

I don't think I could vote for Tony but I could for Malcolm.

My Liberal mates used to describe me as a "small L" and I didn't quite understand it until now - I think they are right.

I think I may be going left if anything, started my working life as a union bashing contractor 30 years later i,m on the payroll and looking for all the brothers lurks and perks!
bring on the queens birthday and roll on the next RDO .

But really, none of these Polys have got the goods IMO . Far too grey , we need more black and white radical thinkers and achievers to lead the way.

And I,m not one of them, I just want to go SUPing and Sailing and have a nice time

WA, 14513 posts
7 Jun 2011 7:22PM
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I think it depends on how much you own and what your life was like.

I am guessing that you have a good job, some sort of financial assets, and good health. Screw the government, what have they ever given you!

Of course, if you have nothing, no assets, and good health. Viva la Revolution.

WA, 12057 posts
7 Jun 2011 7:30PM
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Don't think I'm turning more right wing. Less idealistic perhaps, but I still don't like big power groups controlling our lives. Be it greedy multinationals or heavy handed unions.

Guess I fall into the green small L bracket myself, couldn't bring myself to vote for Tony, but maybe could Malcolm. Julia deserved a chance, but she's not making the best out of it.

NSW, 6830 posts
7 Jun 2011 9:43PM
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^& Gwendy,

I have gone from making Ghengis Khan looking like a liberal to someone who thinks

This has taken 40 years

I came to shortly after arriving in Aus. Private school in South Africa and smothered with propaganda, short transition through the UK where Margaret was king (but too soft) and then a shock fall into working class life in Aus.

I was classed as a wog, not pom, not coon, but not from here, but they said it with a smile and I exerted myself and I was accepted. Within two years I was put forward as a Union rep..

The backbone of this country is the people.

Our values have been distorted by debt but at the end of the day it is only people that matter.

If something is skewiff, question why. The average Joe Blow is more likely to help you out in times of dire need than ever any naffwit who works for government be it parliament or Centrelink.

Peter Garrat is going to have a very interesting story to tell when he eventually backs out or Canberra

1862 posts
7 Jun 2011 7:46PM
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japie said...

^& Gwendy,

I have gone from making Ghengis Khan looking like a liberal to someone who thinks

This has taken 40 years

are you on the turps japie?

NSW, 6830 posts
7 Jun 2011 9:55PM
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Yup! Old Smokey, how did you guess

1862 posts
7 Jun 2011 8:03PM
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japie said...

Yup! Old Smokey, how did you guess

poor grammar and illusions of grandeur.

NSW, 1317 posts
7 Jun 2011 10:06PM
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adolf said...

japie said...

Yup! Old Smokey, how did you guess

poor grammar and visions of grandeur.

see killer chilli for end result!!

VIC, 1299 posts
7 Jun 2011 10:10PM
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I agree with Decrepit, I think Malcolm has a more balanced and considered opinion, whereas the others are victims of populist politics driven by not only the media's insatiable appetite for "news",but also opinion polls and sportsbet, who has the best odds at any given time. I too, am becoming more cynical about how our values are being driven by superficiality and selfishness. the quest for growth at any cost, its time for a rethink, USA is having the worst recession in 70 years not to mention the bankrupt countries in Europe and still we have to keep the market analysts happy, tell them from me to get f.......

NSW, 6830 posts
7 Jun 2011 10:16PM
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adolf said...

japie said...

Yup! Old Smokey, how did you guess

poor grammar and visions of grandeur.

What the fark is with the grammar?

The visions of grandeur escape me completely I never took up the job of Union Rep.. I got promoted to management and it took a long time for the scars to heal

NSW, 6830 posts
7 Jun 2011 10:20PM
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ockanui said...

I agree with Decrepit, I think Malcolm has a more balanced and considered opinion, whereas the others are victims of populist politics driven by not only the media's insatiable appetite for "news",but also opinion polls and sportsbet, who has the best odds at any given time. I too, am becoming more cynical about how our values are being driven by superficiality and selfishness. the quest for growth at any cost, its time for a rethink, USA is having the worst recession in 70 years not to mention the bankrupt countries in Europe and still we have to keep the market analysts happy, tell them from me to get f.......

People mate, it is all about people!

My dog tore the claws of next doors dog today. His feet were underneath the fence and he has been swearing at him for past year.

We sorted the problem out, the neigbour and I. No coppers, no F16's, no raised voices or a crack on the jaw.

1862 posts
7 Jun 2011 8:29PM
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japie said...

What the fark is with the grammar?

1. Fark is not a word

I was classed as a wog, not pom, not coon, but not from here, but they said it with a smile and I exerted myself and I was accepted.

2. I don't think using the word "but" should be used twice in the one sentence.

It doesn't sound right - you sound pissed.

NSW, 6830 posts
7 Jun 2011 10:34PM
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Artistic licence and fark was not in the original post.

I'll get back to you. Just rolling a very nice, very long, perfectly symetrical Champion Ruby durry

QLD, 12321 posts
8 Jun 2011 12:29AM
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I think I have become more anarchist with age. Just find it hard to trust pollies because there is hardly a bugger amongst them that will give a straight answer to a straight question.

An interesting development is the formation of the "Australia Party" by Bob Katter. Let's hope THIS message gets through loud and clear:-

"For those people that have been out there in a comfortable cocoon of big-party endorsement, well, happy days are at an end my friends.

"You're going to have to stand up and represent your people or you're going to lose your seat," Mr Katter said.

Full article here:-

SA, 472 posts
8 Jun 2011 12:06AM
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japie said...

Artistic licence and fark was not in the original post.

I'll get back to you. Just rolling a very nice, very long, perfectly symetrical Champion Ruby durry

anything more interesting than tobacco getting crushed up in that?

WA, 986 posts
7 Jun 2011 11:32PM
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adolf said...

I think I am (turning more right wing as I get older)

When I left uni, I used to think all these stupid things.

Now whenever Julia Gillard talks, I think she's just a twat and has no idea. Bob Brown's ok, but I'm not gay so I can't really relate to him, and some of his ideas.

I used to listen to Peter Garrat and do all those dumb dances to US forces and beds are burning - but now when I hear him - I think he's just a twatt too.

Australian politics has lost me over the years. I used to believe in a future - Is there any hope for us?

I don't think I could vote for Tony but I could for Malcolm.

My Liberal mates used to describe me as a "small L" and I didn't quite understand it until now - I think they are right.

A man that is a rebel in his youth often becomes conservative in his latter years. He has been to the edge and seen what's there.

NSW, 176 posts
8 Jun 2011 8:07AM
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elbeau said...

adolf said...

I think I am (turning more right wing as I get older)

When I left uni, I used to think all these stupid things.

Now whenever Julia Gillard talks, I think she's just a twat and has no idea. Bob Brown's ok, but I'm not gay so I can't really relate to him, and some of his ideas.

I used to listen to Peter Garrat and do all those dumb dances to US forces and beds are burning - but now when I hear him - I think he's just a twatt too.

Australian politics has lost me over the years. I used to believe in a future - Is there any hope for us?

I don't think I could vote for Tony but I could for Malcolm.

My Liberal mates used to describe me as a "small L" and I didn't quite understand it until now - I think they are right.

A man that is a rebel in his youth often becomes conservative in his latter years. He has been to the edge and seen what's there.

well said elbeau x1

QLD, 7932 posts
8 Jun 2011 9:48AM
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elbeau said...

adolf said...

I think I am (turning more right wing as I get older)

When I left uni, I used to think all these stupid things.

Now whenever Julia Gillard talks, I think she's just a twat and has no idea. Bob Brown's ok, but I'm not gay so I can't really relate to him, and some of his ideas.

I used to listen to Peter Garrat and do all those dumb dances to US forces and beds are burning - but now when I hear him - I think he's just a twatt too.

Australian politics has lost me over the years. I used to believe in a future - Is there any hope for us?

I don't think I could vote for Tony but I could for Malcolm.

My Liberal mates used to describe me as a "small L" and I didn't quite understand it until now - I think they are right.

A man that is a rebel in his youth often becomes conservative in his latter years. He has been to the edge and seen what's there.

cant agree more. Yet i have a son with big ears who listens to some old school times about questioning authority. Now everything starts with, with all due respect dad but you are. i do think we are a lackadaisical nation which loves to have a whinge but are too lazy to do anything about it.

WA, 229 posts
8 Jun 2011 8:28AM
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More right wing for sure.

You realise more that the 'left' is not reality. I've been unlearning all this leftist information I was given.

WA, 15849 posts
8 Jun 2011 9:49AM
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QLD, 3610 posts
8 Jun 2011 12:08PM
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"if you are not left when you are young, then you have no heart
and if you are not right when you are older then you have no brain"

NSW, 1317 posts
8 Jun 2011 12:48PM
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bjw said...

"if you are not left when you are young, then you have no heart
and if you are not right when you are older then you have no brain"

does that make the center "left right out"!
(yeah i know, can't resist an opportunity.....punishing!!)

WA, 3519 posts
8 Jun 2011 10:56AM
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Well I guess I was part of the love and peace generation, I liked the idea of living in communities and all the green lefty stuff that came with it. I am not right wing now but after I have been immersed in the rat race after I turned 20 and that for now just over 30 years I found that I became cynical and see all pollies as acrobats (blowing in their ass to become big and important they became contortionists)
Wish I could find refuge in a desert Island but at my age I would not go without all the creature comfort.

NSW, 4188 posts
8 Jun 2011 2:20PM
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doggie said...


That's my right and your left, which leaves me happy but confused...

WA, 15849 posts
8 Jun 2011 12:36PM
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GalahOnTheBay said...

doggie said...


That's my right and your left, which leaves me happy but confused...

As long as we get along

WA, 3519 posts
8 Jun 2011 2:56PM
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should we have a topic that reads "as women grow older they turn more like their mother" [}:)]I am not courageous enough to start that one. She could read it

NSW, 5778 posts
8 Jun 2011 5:47PM
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elbeau said...

A man that is a rebel in his youth often becomes conservative in his latter years. He has been to the edge and seen what's there.

WA, 986 posts
8 Jun 2011 4:11PM
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theDoctor said...

elbeau said...

A man that is a rebel in his youth often becomes conservative in his latter years. He has been to the edge and seen what's there.



Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"As you get older do you turn more right wing?" started by adolf