yeah i agree,
how dare we expect people here to have the right to earn a livable wage...
I also want that extra week in the sun with the thick fecal humid air so I can chase down knock off t-shirts and wood carved ash trays
...don't forget to braid your hair...!
I went to Bali in 1973 as a sailor on an Aus Navy Parolley Boat.
My impression then was that the Balos were magic people who were being screwed over big time by the Indons.
I haven't been back since mainly because I do not want to spoil my memories of the Elephant Caves and Mount Batur.
From what I hear and see the only change is the magnitude of the screw over the Balos are getting from the Indons.
Phuck the Javans like they phuck over everybody under their influence.
Sukhano and Suharto would have be the two most hated names in Indonesia.
I agree lots more to Bali than pissed boguns buying wooden ashtrays and wanna root T-shirts...had some amazing surf, seen beautiful scenery, walked through far away local markets full of the hussle and bustle of life that is far away from our concept of normal suburban life, not to mention sharing a cold bintang watching the sunset, we are all guilty of directly or indirectly, letting our money go overseas, look past all that crap in the tourist areas and you can get back in time and enjoy the simplicity of life in Bali, surf, massage, food, surf,rest, surf ,food, bintang, sleep
Wouldn't bother if you have a family with young girls, a 9yr old got raped over there in last couple of days in kuta