Hmm an app that creates wind - that might take some time, but would be worth paying for.
In the meanwhile we might just have to settle for one that predicts and reports the wind
"Coming soon"
Waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting waitingwaitingwaitttzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i hope you guys looked after yourselves and also allow browsing of the buy and sell, and buying sunnies etc.
also I have a moztart WP7 frow work and I would have to say it's the buggiest piece of shxt phone I have ever owned, although the upgrade has helped somewhat. everyone in our company hates them and they have gone to galaxies/ android guys much happier
Seabreeze notifications eh? ie "Wind at Southport Seaway has reached 20knots! Go! Go! Go!"
That's the most obvious one.
Hey if any of you seabreezers are wondering what they are up to, and why so long just have a read of a basic 'Hello World' application:
I must say, Objective C takes a bit of getting used to, but it's a very sweet IDE.
I mean, in my bread & butter language the equivalent would be literally one line of code, and a whole swathe of security would be built in with it.