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Best pranks for year 12 much up day

Created by mcbain17 > 9 months ago, 17 Oct 2008
SA, 26 posts
17 Oct 2008 12:54PM
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Hey i got my year 12 muck up day coming up. Just wondering what the best pranks that you have done,seen or herd of are give as the details and the pics. Cheers Brodie
(oh and i should say celebration day to be correct muck day has the association with vandalism)

WA, 243 posts
17 Oct 2008 11:05AM
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put cement in the school pool if ya have one ;)

WA, 6277 posts
17 Oct 2008 11:07AM
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Writing a rude word using roundup on the school oval is always a favourite...

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
17 Oct 2008 11:23AM
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Well, our yr 12 group got booted out of the school in 2 hours. So we must have done something right.
Where to start. Super glue in locks, litres of chicken stock in the pool, meat in the pool, glad wrap everywhere, air horns everywhere, stink bombs in packed canteen, some dead thing in admin (either a duck, a pig or a dog, but there was something there). Penis's drawn all over the oval and lots lots more.
The years before us were weak, they did stuff like honey on hand rails (we did that as well). We were told do not do ANYTHING. So we did a lot.
Oh , and a few people went and egged the crap outta the school down the road.

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
17 Oct 2008 11:25AM
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ALso, other plans that never took off were to... put mattress in the pool (imagine how heavy they'd be to get out), and to buy a tonne of jello mix and put that into the pool, to turn it into a really big piece of jelly.

QLD, 679 posts
17 Oct 2008 1:32PM
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mcbain17 said...

Hey i got my year 12 much up day coming up.

Gotta love the education system, got to year 12 and can't spell "muck".
Have fun whatever you do, what I regret most is not doing it with as many year 12 girls as possible.

WA waverider
WA, 79 posts
17 Oct 2008 11:39AM
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me too!!!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
17 Oct 2008 12:07PM
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Do something different.

Like shake your teachers hands say thanks for providing an education and give your favourites a neat prezzie.

WA, 8713 posts
17 Oct 2008 12:14PM
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poor relative said...

Do something different.

Like shake your teachers hands say thanks for providing an education and give your favourites a neat prezzie.

Much cooler

17 posts
17 Oct 2008 12:32PM
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our muck up day was pretty tame. we just water bombed everyone. this one kid got like 10 water bombs close range cause he was sitting in a class room alone. i think eggs came out later but i can't remember.

5 year reunion this sun.....

17 posts
17 Oct 2008 12:33PM
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our muck up day was pretty tame. we just water bombed everyone. this one kid got like 10 water bombs close range cause he was sitting in a class room alone. i think eggs came out later but i can't remember.

5 year reunion this sun.....

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
17 Oct 2008 3:34PM
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Dawn Patrol said...

ALso, other plans that never took off were to... and to buy a tonne of jello mix and put that into the pool, to turn it into a really big piece of jelly.

Gold would love to see that

ewan kite
VIC, 926 posts
17 Oct 2008 3:49PM
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2 years ago at my school they put a cow UPSTAIRS (cows cant go down stairs) in the reception area!!!

funny as

WA, 410 posts
17 Oct 2008 1:27PM
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Gee - brings back a few memories I wonder if we are doing the right thing by offering suggestions. Oh well:

Sneak into the girls toilets - put glad wrap over the toilet bowls under the seats and make sure all the lids are down - they probably won't notice as they sit down. But they soon will [}:)]

And another toilet one - plug up the water faucets really tightly - when someone uses them they will just turn the handle more and more until there is an explosion of water out of the tap.

Another really bad thing to do is shove toilet rolls down each of the bowls and push out of sight with the brush etc - may get a few overflows.

If you have any teachers that you really hate and they have a rather denigrating nickname - use roundup as suggested on lawn in a prominent location signwriting their name several days before.

We had a teacher with a mini - a few years before my muck up day about 20 yr 12's picked it up and placed it sideways in the driveway.

WA, 2184 posts
17 Oct 2008 5:27PM
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putting stuff in the pool is stupid... it means a waste of water.
having said that a mattress put in a pool apparently is really hard to get out once full of water but i have my reservations as to how hard it would really be.

WA, 7608 posts
17 Oct 2008 5:31PM
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We blocked off the entrance to the teachers carpark armed with water balloons, water canons, super soakers etc
We charged the teachers $20 to park there. If they didnt cough up the cash they faced the drenching of their life from the water army.
Lets just say we didnt get to wet any teachers. But made a @#$% load of cash to pay for our drugs that night

WA, 2184 posts
17 Oct 2008 5:57PM
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some teachers ride scooters to school... they are very easy to move

Tornado Crew
NT, 55 posts
18 Oct 2008 12:07AM
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My Muck up day this year too..This time next week, I also had one last year (YR12 over 2 years, Stupid Idea)
-Last year we got salt and chlorine and drew a Penis on the grass with a big 'Thats gold' written next to it...We got money from the footy show for that!!
-Re-Paddlocked the bike shed so nobody could get their bikes out
-Put a chain across the Bus lanes, so the buss's all rolled in then we put the chain across and padlocked it!
-Wedges under all the doors that opened outwards
-Made Bongs and put them in the principals office, Took pictures and sent to police with a blackmail note to principal (got in trouble for that one)
-Of course usual spray painting with class of 07 All through canteen
-Wet paint (same colour as original) on all the canteen table's and benches

Cost us about $100 from bunnings but between 10 guys it wasn't much...
This year i have no plans yet, but a teacher here has a moke, but thats already been done, But I am going in my DT's and goggles...

VIC, 574 posts
18 Oct 2008 2:28AM
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Get some pigs, and release them in the local girls school.. on the pigs write 1, 2, 4... they will spend all day looking for 3!!!


WA, 471 posts
18 Oct 2008 12:50AM
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My Brother done a streak through the school, i recommend you do that

SA, 2865 posts
18 Oct 2008 8:22AM
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Dont use round up on the oval use "carrot seed" mixed with sand in old sauce bottles and write what you want.
The words come up in a few weeks and no matter how much weed and feed they use they just grow better.
The only way to stop it is to let them grow and pick them.....the positive side (free carrots)

This is a great gag for a mate with a new lawn

WA, 658 posts
18 Oct 2008 7:43AM
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Sea marker in the pool. eg:

knot board
QLD, 1241 posts
18 Oct 2008 10:06AM
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I don't get it?
Did the school muck up your education?
Why do you need to muck up the school in return?

EDIT: Sorry I just noticed your spelling, you probably have a good case against your teachers.

VIC, 51 posts
19 Oct 2008 6:29PM
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if you have fans at school put flour on top of them, then when they're turned on...

works especially well if its in your school hall, at an assembly for example.

lol picking up a car sounds like a great idea

WA, 107 posts
19 Oct 2008 4:35PM
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We built a rock wall at the school entrance about a meter high and it was pretty solid, caused chaos at drop off time, total gridlock.

We wrote "trespassers will be circumcised" in shaving cream on the concrete verandah outside the staff room. That stained for days.....

Some idiots went a bit to far with porno pictures glued up on walls out of reach.

The funniest was the grave yard we built. Each teacher was represented by a tombstone out the front of the principal’s office.

As we had no security at the school (this was the mid eighties) we struck at night after our graduation ceremony.

The effigies of the teachers’ on the school roof were pretty funny as well.

WA, 5921 posts
20 Oct 2008 9:36PM
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some lads that worked for me noticed a hotel neaby that had ben arsoned. the place HAD lots of police tape all round the verandahs.
they had an awful lot of fun with that stuff at every school gate in town

WA, 444 posts
21 Oct 2008 2:14AM
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Select to expand quote
conor said...

if you have fans at school put flour on top of them, then when they're turned on...

The flour will stick to the moist bits?

QLD, 679 posts
21 Oct 2008 6:47AM
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dirtyharry said...

Select to expand quote
conor said...

The flour will stick to the moist bits?

Lucky that, how else would you find them on fat chicks.

WA, 444 posts
21 Oct 2008 8:47AM
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wormy said...

dirtyharry said...

Select to expand quote
conor said...

The flour will stick to the moist bits?

Lucky that, how else would you find them on fat chicks.

I'm assuming his fans are all fat chicks.

QLD, 318 posts
21 Oct 2008 12:15PM
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haa the pranks have already begun.,25197,24529197-2702,00.html

thats funny.

WA, 15849 posts
21 Oct 2008 5:04PM
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DL said...

Sea marker in the pool. eg:

That is pure gold DL that would be perfect and no dammage..


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Best pranks for year 12 much up day" started by mcbain17