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Bicycle registration - again(Hav'n a rant)

Created by bobajob > 9 months ago, 18 Feb 2012
QLD, 389 posts
22 Feb 2012 1:54PM
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Ahhh Karen Pini she was a real sort in the late 70's, from good old West Oz too, my old man was a fan, remember he had a signed pic of her in a bikini hanging up in his office.

shi thouse
WA, 1141 posts
22 Feb 2012 5:46PM
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Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
22 Feb 2012 10:08PM
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Ah a great twist to and old classic .Love it

WA, 20 posts
22 Feb 2012 7:37PM
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That cyclist proposal is a bit silly, So the cyclist with a catheder down his willy wonker and fractured skull or dead can say "yeh baby I was in the right", not to mention the upheavel to our legal system of innocent until proven guilty, we wouldnt need courts anymore.

WA, 7322 posts
22 Feb 2012 9:20PM
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I ride a motorbike and a pushbike to work. All motorists should be made to do it. Nothing like walking in someone else's shoes to see the other side of the argument.

Australian drivers in their tin tops are the rudest most self indulged ignorant on the planet. Original post was made up cyclists do not overtake on the outside FFS. How did they disappear with wrecked bike??? Dented panels!!! done that you do not walk away. Good troll you got a bite. Fn sick and tired of being run off the road everyday, not once in a while.

Just give us a couple of feet that is all we ask.

QLD, 1534 posts
22 Feb 2012 11:41PM
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hilly said...

I ride a motorbike and a pushbike to work. All motorists should be made to do it. Nothing like walking in someone else's shoes to see the other side of the argument.

Australian drivers in their tin tops are the rudest most self indulged ignorant on the planet. Original post was made up cyclists do not overtake on the outside FFS. How did they disappear with wrecked bike??? Dented panels!!! done that you do not walk away. Good troll you got a bite. Fn sick and tired of being run off the road everyday, not once in a while.

Just give us a couple of feet that is all we ask.

No troll,
The missus was taking the kids to a nippers carnival, couldn't wait around to kiss them all goodbye. Funny enough they apparently were more concerned about the damage to 'ol mates bike than him.

You get run over when the brain gets out of gear.

wave knave
306 posts
22 Feb 2012 9:55PM
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Gorgo said...

Their hands are on the hoods so they can barely reach the brakes. Even if they could the brakes on road bikes are for slowing down, not stopping. Everyone has seen what happens on any road race when the pack tries to stop.

I reckon the scale speed these guys are doing is the equivalent of a car doing 130kph. ie. Racers on high performance machines going at race pace. That's hooning. They cannot stop for anything. They have killed people. They constantly terrorise people. I think their bikes should be impounded like any hoon.

wtf? you seriously have no idea do you?

WA, 7322 posts
22 Feb 2012 9:55PM
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bobajob said...
You get run over when the brain gets out of gear.

Yep the car drivers usually if you look at the research. Not many car drivers hurt by cyclists, 9 times out of 10 cars fault.

WA, 229 posts
22 Feb 2012 10:34PM
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I stopped riding bikes about 10 years ago, I got sick of the abuse, the half full choc milks in the face, cars bumping into me. I wasn't a pack rider just a commuter.

One trick motorist like to do is scream out as the drive past to scare ya. I'm usually deep in thought then a group will drive past and scream. One time a group drove past me holding a meal rod and tried to wack me. Just missed.

seriously ride to work a few times a week bob a job see the other side and I still gon't buy that story. Too busy looking for a parking spot than driving I reckon. No indicator or indicated at the last second. Plus female driver in SUV.

VIC, 4982 posts
23 Feb 2012 10:36AM
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wave knave said...

Gorgo said...

Their hands are on the hoods so they can barely reach the brakes. Even if they could the brakes on road bikes are for slowing down, not stopping. Everyone has seen what happens on any road race when the pack tries to stop.

I reckon the scale speed these guys are doing is the equivalent of a car doing 130kph. ie. Racers on high performance machines going at race pace. That's hooning. They cannot stop for anything. They have killed people. They constantly terrorise people. I think their bikes should be impounded like any hoon.

wtf? you seriously have no idea do you?

Nup. No idea at all.

I ride to work every day through the off season. It's only 25k each way so I can only claim 200-250k a week riding. Sorry I'm not more hard core.

I've got a shiny new name brand road bike for commuting and a mega mountain bike with disk brakes. The mountain bike stops ok.

I ride on cycle tracks for almost the entire commute. I ride on the road outside peak hour (after 7:00 pm in the off season).

I'm pretty fit but I'm old so I just cruise on the commute. Generally around 25kph. In the evenings on the road I get up to 30 with 45 peaks. My best speed is 49kph on the road with a tailwind.

I live near Beach Rd in Melbourne and have to dodge the packs that pile on through the Black Rock roundabout. I have seen what happens when anything requires them to try and stop or avoid anything. (It's usually consistent with the pile ups I see on the bike racing on the TV.)

I park on Beach Rd every day in the season to go kiting. I've never personally copped any abuse from the cyclists for doing the wrong thing. I have seen how aggro they get when anybody gets in their way.

All this is a moot point. You know that almost all riders have their hands up on the hoods. You know that pulling the brakes with your fingers from the hoods is ok for slowing down but crap for trying to stop. You know that any time a pack of speeding cyclists needs to stop in an emergency they generally end up in a messy pile up. You know that road racing bikes have extremely skinny tyres and barely adequate brakes.

Just to add fuel to the fire, I just went out to get a coffee and was almost cleaned up by a cyclist riding the wrong way down a divided road. He abused me.

WA, 229 posts
14 Mar 2012 6:48AM
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There was a fatality last week of a cyclist in Cottesloe.

Didn't even call emergency services.

WA, 1347 posts
14 Mar 2012 2:21PM
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There are idiot road users driving/riding all kinds of vehicles on the road.

We need not discourage cycling with impractical registration rules. Cycling should be encouraged for reasons of congestion, health and pollution.

Would you prefer more cyclists driving cars instead?

QLD, 1534 posts
14 Mar 2012 8:04PM
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Tune out now if you're alergic to harsh language!

I think this was posted on another thread here somewhere, can't remember where but worth a laugh to put it up again

VIC, 8020 posts
14 Mar 2012 9:25PM
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The best solution I can come up with is a LBT. Luxury Bike Tax ! 25% after $2k...

But that does open a can of worms...

(Edit: And we could also apply it to Lycra, maybe call it the a BLT - Bike & Lycra Tax!)

At least it would be a simple upfront transaction... I would think that most cyclists would already be paying for car taxes... guessing 90%+. So an extra rego system would be cruel, and costly to maintain...

The other option would be for Adult Cyclists to as least have to carry their drivers license by law. At least the police could stop a cyclist and have identification... Running a red light tied into their drivers license, "drink riding", etc... In the rare situation of no drivers license, then they should have to pay an annual license and registration fee equivalent to a small motorcycle.

Just trying to come up with a constructive solution !!

QLD, 1534 posts
14 Mar 2012 8:54PM
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No extra fees, but need to apply for a smaller version ( for free) of their car rego plate and can get multiples which can be used for the kids too.

The government would reap a fortune in red light camera offences alone!

50 posts
16 Mar 2012 2:19PM
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okay first things first,

let's apply australian road laws.....

your wife has pulled into oncoming traffic and was hit in the side.

the law says her fault.

now here is the other thing, you sound like you weren't there, so this story is a second hand account and does not include all the facts, such as road width, road conditions, etc.

thirdly, while i cycle to work every day (and own three cars and a boat - so i don't agree with paying any more registration) i absolutly agree we are surrounded by people with no brains be it either cyclist, driver, kite surfer, wind surfer, jet skiier, etc.

yesterday for instance,

riding up johnston st in fitzroy, road conditions good, 4 lanes wide, bikes are allowed by law to ride 2 abrest. (heheheh brest)

i don't encourage or want to partake in it as it's a busy road and people in 1+ tonne metal shells are in a hurry to wait to get into the queue to get through the five sets of lights. (wee, i'm straight through)

anyway, some guy rides up next to me and starts having a chat about how a car came reasonably close where the bike lane dissapears, now drivers that would normally get around now have to que up behind us and pull out around.

queue horns and yelling......

anyway moral of the story is pretty simple, we are going to be surrounded by idiots and @sshats no matter what we do. if you don't provoke by being a massive jerk, i'm sure we will all get along fine. I know the car was close, i was the one riding. i don't need to have a discussion about it on a busy road during peak hour, even if the law says i can.

unfortunatly common sense is too hard a thing for most people.

QLD, 1534 posts
16 Mar 2012 5:34PM
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^^^ WTF?
Oncomming traffic?

No one mentioned on comming traffic.

Australian road rules? Next time wear a helmet as per the rules and save yourself some brain injury.

QLD, 1534 posts
16 Mar 2012 10:42PM
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hilly said...

bobajob said...
You get run over when the brain gets out of gear.

Yep the car drivers usually if you look at the research. Not many car drivers hurt by cyclists, 9 times out of 10 cars fault.

And mostly stupidity on the cyclists part.
I'm 10 ft tall, full of caffien and bullet proof

WA, 229 posts
17 Mar 2012 11:12PM
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bobajob said...

hilly said...

bobajob said...
You get run over when the brain gets out of gear.

Yep the car drivers usually if you look at the research. Not many car drivers hurt by cyclists, 9 times out of 10 cars fault.

And mostly stupidity on the cyclists part.
I'm 10 ft tall, full of caffien and bullet proof

a poor lad who was dragged a for a few hundred metres and left for dead Why aren't people outraged by this?

Can't believe the dude who's wife caused an accident but still believes the Ms's story...

QLD, 1534 posts
18 Mar 2012 9:36PM
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wodgina6722 said...

bobajob said...

hilly said...

bobajob said...
You get run over when the brain gets out of gear.

Yep the car drivers usually if you look at the research. Not many car drivers hurt by cyclists, 9 times out of 10 cars fault.

And mostly stupidity on the cyclists part.
I'm 10 ft tall, full of caffien and bullet proof

a poor lad who was dragged a for a few hundred metres and left for dead Why aren't people outraged by this?

Can't believe the dude who's wife caused an accident but still believes the Ms's story...

Ha Ha,
You just keep riding around with your head up your ass. Your right, no cyclist ever does anything wrong. Always the drivers fault.

50 posts
20 Mar 2012 8:54AM
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okay bob,

let me try to paint a picture for you but this time i'll use words.

car that your wife is in, intending to turn right.

<please let me know if you don't get any of this>

she starts to turn right and gets hit in the front right quater panel.

this is oncoming traffic

<this could be anything - bikes, tractors, elephants>

as she has pulled out into oncoming traffic.... the LAW says her fault.


now as mentioned you have not given us anything except a third party account of an incident.

no facts about where your wife's car was, how wide the road was, you have only given us a rant to stir up the masses.

while i have had my head out of my ass this weekend i had a bit of a think about your proposal of registration for bikes.

it actually made me think about all the other things you need to register thanks to the nanny state we live in.

cars, boats, personal water craft (owners should be shot), motorbikes.

pretty much anything that people can hurt other people with.....

so here's the point.

your "bike registation idea" is solid and will gain backing ONLY if you also support luxury activity registration.

your grounds being a pack of knobs got hit on their bikes by your wife pulling out infront of them.


register your kites, there may be wind

register your boads, they float and may cause damage if un-attended

register your shoes, because you may run into someone and running shoes cost a premium

register your football, those things are hard

register your kids scooter, it's got wheels

register your kids bikes... same thing isn't it?

getting the point..... probably not but you cannot say i haven't tried.

p.s. those lycra clad morons are someone's kids, they are someone's partner, they are someone's parent.

what would your reaction be if someone turned their car into your kids while they were riding their bikes?

blame the cyclist????? have another think about it and get back to us.

WA, 2775 posts
20 Mar 2012 9:23AM
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Exarch- I dont like raining on your parade, but its illegal (and pretty stupid) to overtake a turning vehicle. Which is just what the bikes were doing in the incident that started this discussion.

I dont particularly agree with rego. of bikes- (it would be a pain to administer and maintain the records) but if it works so well for cars, motorcycles, trucks, boats etc- why not bikes as well if it encourages responsible riding.
For years, motorcycles here have got away with speeding offences due to no number plate on the front- now that cameras can take rear pics- and the bikes owner is held accountable the incidents have dropped markedly (or so I hear)

If it is too hard to rego bikes- why not apply the same logic- and scrap rego of everything else on the road? thats the last thing I would want to see myself, the hoons are bad enough around my area- without them being granted anonymity.


50 posts
20 Mar 2012 10:11AM
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yep i get that, there is clearly a reason for it, but Bob (remember was not there) couldn't tell us that.

so the only safe assumption we can make is his wife's car has pulled out into traffic.

i don't have all the facts just as much as bob dosn't. simply applying the law to what we have been told.

WA, 4642 posts
20 Mar 2012 10:47AM
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exarch said...

okay bob,

let me try to paint a picture for you but this time i'll use words.

car that your wife is in, intending to turn right.

<please let me know if you don't get any of this>

she starts to turn right and gets hit in the front right quater panel.

this is oncoming traffic

<this could be anything - bikes, tractors, elephants>

Can I take you up on your offer when you say "<please let me know if you don't get any of this>"

I think I see a small large error in your reasoning.

It's quite clear from the very first post that the bike was aproaching from BEHIND the Mrs car, NOT from in front.
For the record, ONCOMING traffic is any traffic coming from in front, that is towards you from the front.
To make this quite clear, that is, you will see it looking through the FRONT windscreen, that is the clear glassy stuff in front of the driver.
You got the next bit correct. All that stuff you have to give way to.


anything coming from BEHIND the Mrs car is overtaking traffic and overtaking traffic can only overtake WHEN IT IS SAFE TO DO SO. That's the law.
SO if a collision results in the process of riding past then it was clearly UNSAFE to overtake and according to the law, the overtaking traffic is in the wrong, be it "anything - bikes, tractors, elephants".
If someone is parked in the middle of the road with the blinker on to turn right you are NOT legally able to pass them. It might be annoying to sit and wait but that's the law. And as you said, it applies to "anything - bikes, tractors, elephants"

and, (quote) "<please let me know if you don't get any of this>"
(just trying to be of service)
{edit} gee exarch,... I hope you're not a police officer are you?
On more than one occasion I have run into police officers with equally bad understanding of the law as you seem to have displayed here.

WA, 2775 posts
20 Mar 2012 10:50AM
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Yes- but Bobs wife has pulled out into traffic that would have been driving(riding) on the wrong side of the road- otherwise there is no way they could hit the r/h side of her car.

As much as I hate relying on assumptions- (and I really hate having to assume anything) from the info supplied we can work out the following.

she is turning right :I assume she was indicating.
:I assume she was in the r/h side of the r/h lane.
:she has waited for a gap in oncoming traffic before turning.

the bicycles have hit the r/h guard of her car- this would mean they have:
: tried to overtake a turning vehicle,
: been riding carelessly and not paying attention to thier surroundings,
:most likely crossed the dividing line (double lines?) meaning they are riding on the wrong side of the road,
:Left the scene of an accident (incident)

If the bike riders were the innocent parties, they would have hung around to claim damages to the bike (the bikes these fellas use can be worth thousands- and you dont find them in K Mart or Big W.)
The only reason for them leaving the scene is they know they were in the wrong, they didnt want to be busted for traffic offences and they know they can get away with it as they cant be easily identified.

as much as I hate relying on assumptions- I am siding with the car on this one.

WA, 4642 posts
20 Mar 2012 10:57AM
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Hmmm,. I wonder if it was flysurfer on the bike.
From recent reports he seems to have a penchant for this sort of thing.

NSW, 561 posts
20 Mar 2012 5:59PM
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If the bike rider is doing something illegal and breaking the road rules it's not fair on other road users, or themselves/their familes etc.

Personally being rider I try to look out for idiots but there's only so much you can do if they come flying out of nowhere. The same behaviour is seen for both peddle and motor powered bikes. Cutting in between lanes and overtaking when unsafe is irresponsible behaviour, a quick short cut may see your life cut short.

The riders should be apologising when they break the rules and get caught out rather than blame the other road users for not seeing them.

50 posts
20 Mar 2012 3:11PM
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we have road position and we can now point the finger :)

thanks bob.

1. cyclist at fault. no brainer.

they hocked it out as soon as they could, (tell me you have never done that in a non-cycling related incident before? )

not that i condone it, infact i'm pro mandatory minimum sentence --> here is a can of worms, do the crime, do the time.

registation only does so much when guiding the larger public.

SA, 472 posts
20 Mar 2012 8:26PM
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I dont particularly agree with rego. of bikes- (it would be a pain to administer and maintain the records) but if it works so well for cars, motorcycles, trucks, boats etc- why not bikes as well if it encourages responsible riding.

Its very simple really.

The machines you mention are all MOTORISED devices. All powered by internal combustion engines.

Compulsory fees and registration for simple, self propelled equipment is a very dark path to travel down. Have we not got enough government interference in life allready?

Where does it end. First bicycles, then scooters, Maybe skateboards, Why not pushers and prams.

Don't laugh. Your sailboard and surfboard might need a number too. Especially the kite.

Think about it. Lets not go there. I don't know about you guys but I'm just about bleeding from the arse from government taxes and charges as it is.

VIC, 5904 posts
20 Mar 2012 9:25PM
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If a reg fee was introduced , a solution would be to put the money towards moving the bike lane in between the footpath and the parking lane separated from the cars with a lightweight fence / rail to stop the passengers door banging the cyclist . This would also stop the door from nocking the rider into moving car traffic

As I said in another thread , it's a no brainer!!

The set up in Lygon st Melbourne is crazy . The bikes and cars should be separated as best we can .


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Bicycle registration - again(Hav'n a rant)" started by bobajob