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Bob Carr believes war on drugs is lost

Created by Mr float > 9 months ago, 3 Apr 2012
NSW, 9202 posts
5 Apr 2012 11:40AM
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theDoctor said...

Plus thc is proven to increase brain activity

The first pic is of an alcohol drinker

Activity of some sort, definitely. Stoned people look like they're comatose, but there's a lot actually going no in there. Too much sometimes.

BUT it definitely reduces cognitive skills. I can attest to that fact at this very moment, had a big one last night and I'm still slightly dull. I can code drunk, I can code when very drunk actually, but when stoned I can hardly follow a conversation.

NSW, 4453 posts
5 Apr 2012 1:23PM
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Mark _australia said...

^^ Flyman.

I had a 300kw car and never crashed it or hurt anyone.
I have flown a plane a bit and did OK (still here anyway)
I have many hi powered firearms, including a US Marines .300 win mag sniper rifle (civillian version, same thing pretty much).

Thusly, we should let anyone and everyone drive fast cars, fly planes with no license and own as many guns as they want. Cos I could handle all responsibly, maybe everyone can too.

Any problems, we deal with as a health and education issue.


I guess you're just special.

Should we bow when we meet you?
Closed the roads while you drive by?

NSW, 4453 posts
5 Apr 2012 1:34PM
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evlPanda said... I can code drunk, I can code when very drunk actually, but when stoned I can hardly follow a conversation.

That's cos you're smoking that evil dungeon weed, which are female and have high amounts of THC and CBD, but low amounts of CBC.
It's like drinking some cheap basement moonshine vs 12 yo Balvenie

Ideally you'd want fairly low amounts of all 3, thus producing a nice light high, that doesn't knock you the fark out with some weird paranoid feeling.

Mark _australia
WA, 22346 posts
5 Apr 2012 1:45PM
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FlySurfer said...

Mark _australia said...

^^ Flyman.

I had a 300kw car and never crashed it or hurt anyone.
I have flown a plane a bit and did OK (still here anyway)
I have many hi powered firearms, including a US Marines .300 win mag sniper rifle (civillian version, same thing pretty much).

Thusly, we should let anyone and everyone drive fast cars, fly planes with no license and own as many guns as they want. Cos I could handle all responsibly, maybe everyone can too.

Any problems, we deal with as a health and education issue.


I guess you're just special.

Should we bow when we meet you?
Closed the roads while you drive by?

You know what I meant. A great many people have those and are licensed. Saying we should legalise drugs is like saying no more licenses to drive, or licenses to have guns. It is akin to saying let's legalise a whole bunch of things that are banned.
Just cos some people can use it / do it, does not mean it is good for all.

WA, 6632 posts
5 Apr 2012 1:52PM
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theDoctor said...

i know a senior labo(u)r party member whose been a heroin user since I've know him... (twenty years)

Bob Carr by any chance ??

NSW, 9202 posts
5 Apr 2012 3:56PM
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Mark _australia said...
Just cos some people can use it / do it, does not mean it is good for all.

And how is that any different to, say, alcohol?

...or video games, or sex, or prescription drugs, or food, or violent movies, or hairdryers (some people are addicted to their hairdryers and sleep with them, running), or petrol, or fast food... the list goes on and on.

Do we all need licences for those too in your world? They're not safe for all.

Mark _australia
WA, 22346 posts
5 Apr 2012 2:00PM
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Alcohol is a disaster and I think most would agree it needs more control.

The others are already regulated - you can't store 1000L of petrol in your garage just cos you think it is safe. You can't go make films of a certain nature and sell them. Etc etc

WA, 15849 posts
5 Apr 2012 2:09PM
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Mark _australia said...

FlySurfer said...

Mark _australia said...

^^ Flyman.

I had a 300kw car and never crashed it or hurt anyone.
I have flown a plane a bit and did OK (still here anyway)
I have many hi powered firearms, including a US Marines .300 win mag sniper rifle (civillian version, same thing pretty much).

Thusly, we should let anyone and everyone drive fast cars, fly planes with no license and own as many guns as they want. Cos I could handle all responsibly, maybe everyone can too.

Any problems, we deal with as a health and education issue.


I guess you're just special.

Should we bow when we meet you?
Closed the roads while you drive by?

You know what I meant. A great many people have those and are licensed. Saying we should legalise drugs is like saying no more licenses to drive, or licenses to have guns. It is akin to saying let's legalise a whole bunch of things that are banned.
Just cos some people can use it / do it, does not mean it is good for all.

Can we get a licence for drugs then?

1229 posts
5 Apr 2012 7:54PM
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Daughter and son in law are doing a road trip Sydney Melbourne Adelaide They say the roadsides are littered with needles the public toilets have steel receptacles for needle disposal They cant believe it Just about the first thing they reported back
Sounds like a real problem to me How did it get that bad ?

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
5 Apr 2012 10:32PM
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Hiko said...

Daughter and son in law are doing a road trip Sydney Melbourne Adelaide They say the roadsides are littered with needles the public toilets have steel receptacles for needle disposal They cant believe it Just about the first thing they reported back
Sounds like a real problem to me How did it get that bad ?

It got that bad because of the failure of the war on drugs which is why Carr is calling for debate

NSW, 4453 posts
9 Apr 2012 1:00PM
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'War on drugs' has failed, say Latin American leaders.

NSW, 9202 posts
9 Apr 2012 7:00PM
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FlySurfer said...

evlPanda said... I can code drunk, I can code when very drunk actually, but when stoned I can hardly follow a conversation.

That's cos you're smoking that evil dungeon weed, which are female and have high amounts of THC and CBD, but low amounts of CBC.
It's like drinking some cheap basement moonshine vs 12 yo Balvenie

Ideally you'd want fairly low amounts of all 3, thus producing a nice light high, that doesn't knock you the fark out with some weird paranoid feeling.

Sheesh. It took me 6 months to get that, and now I have to get fussy.
I'm so out of the cool circles.

NSW, 4453 posts
9 Apr 2012 8:43PM
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evlPanda said...
Sheesh. It took me 6 months to get that, and now I have to get fussy.
I'm so out of the cool circles.

FYI: in every city there are a couple groups of people who can get you anything you want...

1.- Couriers
2.- Taxi drivers
3.- Good looking women

QLD, 12324 posts
9 Apr 2012 11:09PM
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FlySurfer said...

FYI: in every city there are a couple groups of people who can get you anything you want...

1.- Couriers
2.- Taxi drivers
3.- Good looking women

Don't need either of 1.- or 2.- and I have one of 3.-.

QLD, 6806 posts
9 Apr 2012 11:27PM
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One is for sure.
Take the best developed state on the planet, release free or cheap drugs and you will have disaster like no others...
you could do probably the same experiment with alcohol... and cheap alcohol is what is ruining Russia and other eastern countries at this moment...
you could obviously legislate cheap, available legally any drugs is Australia but that will not be in Australian people interest,
but who cares if that is part of that world conspiracy ...
if you could not won military conflict the economic one is the way...

NSW, 1575 posts
11 Apr 2012 7:38AM
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I would like to dispel the myth that pot causes psychosis it doesn't. Lets be realistic here if it did every pot smoker would be psychotic & that's not the case . The latest study on schizophrenics shows that pot only brings it on 3 years earlier than if they didn't smoke pot . Understand that only people with the condition get it . there are two main ingredients delta 9 & canibole that get you out of it & the new hydro seems to have a higher concentration of canibole over delta 9. When pot leaves your system it leaves at different rates the delta 9 in 24 hrs & the canibole over a week this is why you can feel withdrawals if your a high frequency smoker . As a policeman said is not a very valid study its just the spreading of an urban myth. All invertebrate animals have receptors for pot . this is because we have evolved from the sea & some aquatic plants use the canibole as the chemical receptors in there nervous system & it seems that we still have it like all invertebrate animals . interesting note is that more 12yr old children in Australia have smoked pot than tobacco . just shows the advertising for the quit line seems to be having an effect . so legalize drugs would work to stop the criminal profit & advertising the harm that's caused by drug use seems to be working so i could see a combination of the two working

WA, 421 posts
11 Apr 2012 1:18PM
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actiomax said...

I would like to dispel the myth that pot causes psychosis it doesn't. Lets be realistic here if it did every pot smoker would be psychotic & that's not the case . The latest study on schizophrenics shows that pot only brings it on 3 years earlier than if they didn't smoke pot . Understand that only people with the condition get it . there are two main ingredients delta 9 & canibole that get you out of it & the new hydro seems to have a higher concentration of canibole over delta 9. When pot leaves your system it leaves at different rates the delta 9 in 24 hrs & the canibole over a week this is why you can feel withdrawals if your a high frequency smoker . As a policeman said is not a very valid study its just the spreading of an urban myth. All invertebrate animals have receptors for pot . this is because we have evolved from the sea & some aquatic plants use the canibole as the chemical receptors in there nervous system & it seems that we still have it like all invertebrate animals . interesting note is that more 12yr old children in Australia have smoked pot than tobacco . just shows the advertising for the quit line seems to be having an effect . so legalize drugs would work to stop the criminal profit & advertising the harm that's caused by drug use seems to be working so i could see a combination of the two working

As far as I am aware, how do you differentiate those unfortunate people that have latent schizophrenia and those that do not? how do you measure the effects of Cannabis based on this? the link below is interesting reading.
I used to smoke recreationally and I gave up with the birth of my first child. Best thing I ever did. I often wonder if my Cannabis consumption when I was young led me to develop Bipolar disorder?. Entirely possible I think.
I think its a common misconception that Cannabis is not harmful. not to say that it may have application to chronic pain sufferers. but in those cases, the potential harm of smoking Cannabis is outweighed by their real need to be free of pain.
I have two boys and with my illness and chances of passing it on to them, I would be most unhappy if they took up dope smoking. this is just my 2cents worth.
I would lean more to total decriminalising and in certain circumstances, available on prescription to those in need.

NSW, 5780 posts
11 Apr 2012 5:15PM
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well, I've been smoking pot regularly since I was a teenager and I don't have schizophrenia...

and niether do I

WA, 6632 posts
11 Apr 2012 8:45PM
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Hey Doc

I'll ask Gus to give you two magic buttons, sounds like you need it.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Bob Carr believes war on drugs is lost" started by Mr float