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Cats vs Dogs

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 12 Jan 2013
NSW, 4453 posts
12 Jan 2013 3:34PM
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Which are best?

1.- They're nice to you before you feed them.
2.- You just leave them alone and they take care of themselves.
3.- They're clean, look cute, do cute things.

1.- They're nice to you all the time.
2.- Require a fair amount of interaction, specially if you live in a city.
3.- They smell... they all have that dog smell.

If I lived outside a city, a dog would be the go. In a city cats rule.

WA, 500 posts
12 Jan 2013 1:24PM
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That second video, was cracking. loved the cat giving the bird. cats r sh! t.

SA, 4773 posts
12 Jan 2013 4:20PM
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Some people just have way to much FREE time on there hands!

WA, 2371 posts
12 Jan 2013 5:34PM
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Kaiser does it because he/she loves you! (Not so needy)
Nana does it cause he/she wants to make sure you love her. (needy)

NSW, 4453 posts
12 Jan 2013 8:51PM
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tgladman said...
cats r sh! t.

Some cats rock... my cat growing up was the coolest cat ever.

He would sit at the table (on a chair), come when called, play fetch, hand wrestle, chase, he was polite, he never lost a fight with either dogs, cats or people we fed him mostly fresh fish and rabbit.
He wasn't 2 faced, he was loyal, he didn't like men sitting anywhere around him, but liked women.
He weighed 11kg, so he was huge for a cat
If I was on a desert island, I'd want him.

Our current cat was a little farker... took me 7 years to break him in. He's OK now. Doesn't hurt anything... like a roach could run past and he couldn't give a ....

Whereas my youth cat would go after everything dogs, birds, flies, people...

VIC, 764 posts
12 Jan 2013 9:13PM
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Had a dog, hated it. They take up too much time having to look after them.

Have a cat now.

If we have mice.. don't feed cat for a few days. Mice gone

If there's birds eating my garden... don't feed cat for a few days. Birds gone.

NSW, 4453 posts
12 Jan 2013 11:51PM
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echunda said...
If we have mice.. don't feed cat for a few days. Mice gone

If there's birds eating my garden... don't feed cat for a few days. Birds gone.

... hmmm, now if only I could get mine interest in mosquitoes [}:)]

WA, 483 posts
12 Jan 2013 9:54PM
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Pink and Grey

Personality of a dog, maintenance of a cat

WA, 1267 posts
13 Jan 2013 12:16AM
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I have one of each. Covers all bases.

QLD, 12326 posts
13 Jan 2013 4:02AM
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Dogs are the go no matter where you live. They help keep the cat population down.

WA, 6415 posts
13 Jan 2013 3:32AM
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Had a litter of kittens in my backyard year ago.

The cat haven set traps and caught the lot,bar one.

It returned week or two later starving to death.

Would vomit up the food when i fed it initially.

Named it bones.

Soon it got healthy from all the delicious food.

So friendly,would sit on the cushioned chair outside basking in the sunshine.

Till i got home one day,it was laying dead on grass verge. Found out from other neighbour recently,it was another neighbours dog.

Buried it in backyard.


321 posts
13 Jan 2013 3:09PM
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in my experience: dog owners, need companions that are at your bec and call and do not challenge you, fear of being abandoned. Cat owners: Independent, bipolar and resourceful. So if you are a guy and like an easy life go for a dog lover!

Both are fluffy and make good companions but cats rule because they don't smell, can survive without you, kick any ass, are pretty quiet and if you are good with them they like you back but make you work for it so stay keen and cuddling, without being needy.

My 2 pennies worth...

NSW, 6451 posts
13 Jan 2013 7:02PM
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yes but,
cats make way better bait in my mud crab pots.

WA, 2775 posts
13 Jan 2013 5:03PM
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Twimby said...
Pink and Grey
Personality of a dog, maintenance of a cat

Pink and Grey's= best pet ever, mine used to preen my beard and mo, to the extent of pulling out any grey whiskers she found hiding among the black whiskers.

Charlene (originally Charlie until "he" laid an egg) even pruned my eyebrows when they got a bit feral.
Definately a one owner pet though- she didnt like the sandwich maker or offspring.


kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
13 Jan 2013 8:15PM
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I think dogs are ok on an acre, but not really on a city block unless they're small yappy things and then they're a menace to the neighbors with all the mindless yapping. My neighbor put down awesome turf all around his house when he built it a year ago. Now you can't run around on his beautiful turf because there's lumps of poo scattered all around the place. Lumps of poo. This is normal to a dog owner. For anyone else, lumps of poo all around your house is a pretty disgusting concept. At least cats have the decency to bury it.

SA, 2865 posts
13 Jan 2013 9:07PM
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kiteboy dave said...
At least cats have the decency to bury it.

Normally in the neighbours yard.... and its even worse if those neighbours small kids have a sand pit.
The next cat I find in my yard will go for a long walk off a short pier...

Here is my Favorite YouTube clip........EVER

QLD, 634 posts
13 Jan 2013 9:59PM
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kiteboy dave said...
I think dogs are ok on an acre, but not really on a city block unless they're small yappy things and then they're a menace to the neighbors with all the mindless yapping. My neighbor put down awesome turf all around his house when he built it a year ago. Now you can't run around on his beautiful turf because there's lumps of poo scattered all around the place. Lumps of poo. This is normal to a dog owner. For anyone else, lumps of poo all around your house is a pretty disgusting concept. At least cats have the decency to bury it.

Responsible dog owners pick up the barker eggs. I've got a 6 year old black lab - moderate size house block, he does his business and I get rid of it each day., I don't fancy standing on dog turds. Most cat owners that I know think it's okay to let them out at night and are happy to let them crap anywhere, scratch the ** out of cars and kill wild life, and then come home for a dump in the tray of kitty litter in the laundry or bathroom.

Give me a dog any day.

321 posts
13 Jan 2013 8:11PM
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Gizmo said...
kiteboy dave said...
At least cats have the decency to bury it.

Normally in the neighbours yard.... and its even worse if those neighbours small kids have a sand pit.
The next cat I find in my yard will go for a long walk off a short pier...

Here is my Favorite YouTube clip........EVER

Cats, only got to the toilet where they are unwelcomed... cat fact, cats rule.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
13 Jan 2013 10:18PM
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Responsible dog owners keep their dogs silent too. I'm so glad our neighbors are like that. But I've lived in places where you can pick out 6 or 8 different dogs at night, just mindlessly repeating the same bark over and over and over for 3 or 4 hours at a time.

Hargs I think you're generalising or your friends are crap. I have had a dog in the past, at the moment I have 2 cats. They are in every night, have never scratched a car, poo'd in the neighbors yard, or killed anything larger than a gecko. They are welcome/encouraged to the geckos as they are an invading asian species. Aussie ones are silent by the way, if they make noise they're invaders.

Gizmo most people with small kids have a clamshell sandpit, 12 bucks at bunnings, you put sand in one side an a bit of water in the other on a hot day. Then you pour the water out (no mozzies) and turn it over and put the lid on the sand side. Keeps everything including cats out.

QLD, 634 posts
13 Jan 2013 10:34PM
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Select to expand quote

Gizmo most people with small kids have a clamshell sandpit, 12 bucks at bunnings, you put sand in one side an a bit of water in the other on a hot day. Then you pour the water out (no mozzies) and turn it over and put the lid on the sand side. Keeps everything including cats out.

You are missing the point - the cat shouldn't be in the neighbours yard to begin with! I'm with Gizmo next cat i find in my yard would want to hope it can swim.

321 posts
13 Jan 2013 8:54PM
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You are missing the point - the cat shouldn't be in the neighbours yard to begin with! I'm with Gizmo next cat i find in my yard would want to hope it can swim.

YOU are missing the point, it's a cat, does not give a damn about borders and rules... Human concepts do not apply to cats, note that if they like your yard it could be because they are mice or snake to chase... they might be doing you a service.

QLD, 634 posts
13 Jan 2013 11:11PM
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dafrog said...
You are missing the point - the cat shouldn't be in the neighbours yard to begin with! I'm with Gizmo next cat i find in my yard would want to hope it can swim.

YOU are missing the point, it's a cat, does not give a damn about borders and rules... Human concepts do not apply to cats, note that if they like your yard it could be because they are mice or snake to chase... they might be doing you a service.

Oh okay, so it's alright to have your pet roam the neighbourhood as it feels free to do so Yes cat's probably don't give a damn about borders and rules - but a responsible pet owner should. And by the way no mice, snakes or other vermin in my yard - as a responsible dog owner and father I make sure my yard is clean - so I get pretty pissed off when someones cat starts **ing on stuff & chasing the wildlife ie: birds. I think that you are missing the point mate. Oh and by the way I think you meant there are mice not "they are mice."

QLD, 12326 posts
14 Jan 2013 12:18AM
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dafrog said...
Cats, only got to the toilet where they are unwelcomed... cat fact, cats rule.

So you would still love your neighbour even though he/she craps in and stinks up your
favourite flower bed on a daily or nightly basis??????????

One of my favourite books "101 Uses for a Dead Cat". The best use of course being crab pot bait.

The introduction of cats to Australia has been more devastating than that of rabbits, foxes, prickly pear or cane toads.

If you love trees, kill cats. Cats eat birds, birds eat aphids and aphids eat trees.

QLD, 634 posts
14 Jan 2013 12:32AM
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Couldn't agree more Cisco.

321 posts
13 Jan 2013 11:10PM
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disagree with all the comments above... A cat as no boundaries, you cannot teach that to a cat, sorry but the way it is and please believe me that if a cat hangs about your garden it's that there is something there no matter how much attention you pay to it, cats are easily bored, would not stay there if nothing picked its curiosity... As for feral cats... well it's the fault of owners who abandon their animals... same with dogs whom then mix with dingos...

In the end dog people do not understand cats and vice versa, all I know is that no matter how well trained your dog is... if one starts to bark they all bark and that annoys the **** out of me.

QLD, 3954 posts
14 Jan 2013 6:53AM
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I've had both. My cat used to love the shower, played fetch usually bring bottle tops at 2 am looking for a game, would trash the house if you didn't pat him when you got home and sat beside you on the couch like a human. He died in a pool of flouro green vomit after bouncing around the back of my car screaming in pain. Aneurism.

Now I have a Lab, she is the best pet you could ever have.

Cats can be cool but as a pet there is no comparison between dogs and cats. Dogs are mans best friend, cats stay around for the food.

VIC, 764 posts
14 Jan 2013 9:20AM
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cisco said...
dafrog said...
Cats, only got to the toilet where they are unwelcomed... cat fact, cats rule.

So you would still love your neighbour even though he/she craps in and stinks up your
favourite flower bed on a daily or nightly basis??????????

One of my favourite books "101 Uses for a Dead Cat". The best use of course being crab pot bait.

The introduction of cats to Australia has been more devastating than that of rabbits, foxes, prickly pear or cane toads.

If you love trees, kill cats. Cats eat birds, birds eat aphids and aphids eat trees.

Largest issue right now in Vic is feral dogs ripping everything apart .. FOR FUN. The pack leaves the animal with it's stomach hanging out to die then chases down it's next target.

yep..... dogs .. I aim for them if I see them on the road.

QLD, 453 posts
14 Jan 2013 8:44AM
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Dog tastes different then cat. Dog cooks faster but cat is more tender...just saying.

NSW, 2110 posts
14 Jan 2013 10:09AM
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We have a sacraficial snake cat I bought it with the notion it will get bitten by a brown snake or alert us to one before the kids.
A couple of years ago late at night we had a knock at the door a young girl had ran over a big tom cat at the front of our house and was devastated. I told her I would look after it and she left, my wife and I went out and it quickly became apparent the cat needed to put out of its misery its eyeballs were hanging out etc Just as I delivered the final blow in the middle of the road a car came screaming around the corner stopped dead with its lights on me did a u_turn and took off must of looked like a scene from deliverance to the driver

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
14 Jan 2013 9:34AM
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Todays's story "Wild dogs are considered so devastating across New South Wales that scientific officials have declared them a key threatening process."

Dogs are also the No1 killer of Koalas... for fun.

VIC, 8020 posts
14 Jan 2013 10:42AM
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Doggie, this is for you!!

Beware of the Dog

30 second "dog scene / dog skit"... Beware of the Dog... Begins just after the 9:50 mark in the movie. The two guys are brothers in the movie.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Cats vs Dogs" started by FlySurfer