Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Complaining to the mods.

Created by kiterboy > 9 months ago, 5 Jun 2015
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QLD, 6806 posts
5 Jun 2015 10:06PM
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+8 to everybody positive comments

WA, 8407 posts
5 Jun 2015 9:44PM
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You'd have less abuse and complaints if people were made to give a true identity inc address on their profile,

QLD, 1003 posts
6 Jun 2015 12:39PM
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cauncy said...
You'd have less abuse and complaints if people were made to give a true identity inc address on their profile,

And a hell of a lot less members. What sane person would publicly display their address on an internet forum?

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
8 Jun 2015 12:05PM
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craze said..

Jupiter said...
craze said:
"most people on the site arent genius and have very limited understanding hence tolerance to appreciate all the opinions around a subject eg religion"

With one fell stroke, you just managed to insult 99.9% of the folks who frequent SeaBreeze. That says much of your attitude, innit ?

thats my point.....

why have conversations that require openness and intelligence when it appears the majority of members are simply offended by that notion and incapable of bringing to the table what said conversation require.....

Really not sure WTF you're doing in this thread craze when you've been the standout abusive account on this forum in the last few weeks.. I'd be hiding from the mods not waving my arms around.

What exactly are you bringing to the table with your entire account apart from mangled english, personal attacks (against forum rules) and a poor attitude??

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craze said..

"awaiting operation confused transgender kiteboy Dave "

"Ive got serious concerns about your level of masculinity,"

"can you get your husband to do the posting"

"Im the fit looking one, the one who looks like he still does a lot of training, the one who looks like his had over 160 boxing fights The one who looks like he was in the military, the one who still bears serious angry from a tough childhood Im also very good looking"

"pfffffff w@#nker"

"The one who calls you an idiot, I feel for them"

"You'll know its me, by the way I look at you, and then you can repeat some of your comments on seabreeze in real life.......that will be fun"

"Sorry, cant drop the agro, unfortunately the life and difficulties I've had from time to time, you know, the ones you mock, have left me unable to get a peaceful easy feeling, especially around those that feel their entitled life includes looking down on me..............c ya soon???"

"Ha, regardless of the disrespect you've shown in the name of seabreeze towards me, your welcome to come sailing, I get the feeling your gunna sux at it"

"you gotta hold the world record for the most eligible posts conversing with ones self"

"ha, please dont take seabreeze forums serious they lost all cred yrs ago"

"the worlds most obtrusive thing, the kite boarder"

"If you wanna enforce some sorta local only vibe, then start imposing your will on others out there,"

"Ha, its not Ireland man..... I think you mean, no union for you......"

QLD, 3617 posts
8 Jun 2015 4:52PM
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Wanted: To buy a very expensive kite for my brother in Nigeria. You pay the freight and ill cover it in the price of the kite. Please send your money and bank details.

QLD, 3617 posts
8 Jun 2015 4:54PM
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The last post is not even funny.. Just racist. Please someone go to the mods.

QLD, 6806 posts
8 Jun 2015 6:06PM
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kiteboy dave said..

craze said..

One we could all agree, he was/is at least sincere about himself in avatar.

332 posts
8 Jun 2015 4:12PM
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cauncy said..
You'd have less abuse and complaints if people were made to give a true identity inc address on their profile,

ok then, you lead by example

WA, 1019 posts
8 Jun 2015 5:31PM
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To Cauncy's credit, he has never hidden his location or first name and it's pretty obvious his username is based on his surname. Full name is/was mandatory on Western Angler etc. Works fine. It's just handy to stop blokes like Milsy who get banned regularly and just rejoin

WA, 1832 posts
8 Jun 2015 7:36PM
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MDSXR6T said..
To Cauncy's credit, he has never hidden his location or first name and it's pretty obvious his username is based on his surname. Full name is/was mandatory on Western Angler etc. Works fine. It's just handy to stop blokes like Milsy who get banned regularly and just rejoin

I wouldn't have an issue with using my real name. Anybody on this forum who knows me in person would know who I am as my user name is a nickname that I get called by most people I know. Some Seabreezers may see me driving around and say "hey, I wonder if that is that bloke on Seabreeze", because it is also on my number plate. I am not sure whether a real name would actually add any kind of benefit over a user name if you don't actually know the person.

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Cal said..

And a hell of a lot less members. What sane person would publicly display their address on an internet forum?

I wouldn't be including my address though

WA, 2503 posts
9 Jun 2015 7:57AM
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GreenPat said..

Kamikuza said...
What amuses me is there's no reason given. Surrounded by similar content, one post gets deleted and the user banned... why? Because some one moaned about it? If we're expected to police ourselves, as rule-breaking posts aren't deleted until someone whines, then why go full-retard and ban? Puzzling...

Bollocks. Nobody is ever banned just because someone moaned about them. Bans are only ever enacted after serious and repeated breaches of the rules, and when we have determined that the person in question is unwilling to abide by the rules. Yes it's subjective, us mods are only human, but we try to be as fair as we possibly can. To the point where my wife gets pissed at me for always looking for both sides of the story and trying to imagine why someone who has done something she doesn't like might not be a bad person and might have some other reason to have done whatever pissed her off.

Like plenty of people have suggested in earlier incarnations of this topic, if you don't like the way things are run, you're quite welcome to not take part.

Seriously? I got banned for posting this image of a girl walking along eating a chocolate coated banana. The reason given was "Pornography" now I could understand if it was in relation to my go pro mount picture but this is not in any way pornographic. Suggestive? Maybe. But porn? No.

4862 posts
9 Jun 2015 9:34AM
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Yep. The mods on this forum are far to politically correct.

What has the world come to when you can't have a thread title that says "don't be dick, wear a helmet"

That got moderated to "Wear a helmet?"

Sure its emotive. So what if it got people talking about safety?......

So by removing the word "dick" from the title it actually dummed down the importance of helmets. No longer was the thread stating wear a helmet. It was ask a question should i wear a helmet?.

So moderators are more concerned about politically correct words on a forum than they are about actual safety.

The secret deleting of stuff without explanation is amusing. Delete something and then send the person a message stating the breach. Otherwise that person does not know why it has been removed..... Very bad communication skills for the politically correct mods.

Finally paying customers to the forum eg kite shops/distributors who have logons are pretty much left to abuse gang up threaten send nasty pm's at their hearts content without any moderators stepping in..... As soon as someone has a issue with one of those site advertisers that thread is taken down in minutes. even if there is a legitimate issue that should be discussed. So its protect your politically correct forum until the people that pay the bills act out them let them run riot. Even worse protect the bill payers at the detrement to a forum member that may have actually been treated badly.

Rant over.

I wonder if this will be moderated? deleted.

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
9 Jun 2015 9:50AM
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I just got back for having my acc suspended for questioning why threads were being deleted???? Didn't say ANYTHING offensive at all. Just asked the question. First time I've been suspended in 8yrs.

2614 posts
9 Jun 2015 10:18AM
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What happened to the post listing the hero's address?

WA, 1134 posts
9 Jun 2015 10:37AM
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I'm not having a whinge, just want to thank the mods for taking down the last picture I posted in funny images. After the time-out to edit had passed I realised that a picture of what appeared to be a giant gift-wrapped cock and balls but was actually a gift-wrapped vacuum cleaner wasn't all that funny anyway, so I was pleased to see it gone. Thank you.

QLD, 4083 posts
9 Jun 2015 12:42PM
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From the rules:

Problems with Moderation?

Q. I've had a post or thread removed, should I post about it?

A. Do not create a thread or post complaining about the moderation action. Complaint Topics or posts will be deleted.

Creating multiple Topics or posts complaining about moderation, or creating Topics or posts to abuse or insult moderators, will result in immediate penalties being applied.

Q. If I shouldn't post about the moderation problem, what should I do?

A. The correct first step if you wish to discuss a moderation action, is to politely contact us with your viewpoint.

Moderators are human and are eager to develop good relationships with all forum members.

Moderators understand firstly that they can make mistakes, and secondly that members make mistakes.

They also understand that there can be miscommunication. Approached politely, and with a constructive attitude most issues have been quickly resolved.

This thread is going nowhere we haven't been before.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Complaining to the mods." started by kiterboy