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Cosmology nerdery

Created by NotWal > 9 months ago, 10 Feb 2013
NSW, 9202 posts
16 Feb 2013 12:26AM
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Mark _australia said...
^^^ and thereby you prove my argument.

Doesn't matter how good the science, people are anti straight away - or if they believe it are too scared to say so in case they get labelled.

BTW I am not a creationist. I just think that it is fkd some stuff gets ignored by people who claim to be "scientists" or "thinkers" and if you have a bias you are not either.

Which bit?

Explain Red Shift, and why that doesn't point to expansion.
Explain Cosmic Background Radiation.

What about the galaxy at the start of this thread? More primitive, more heavy elements?

Dark Matter. We haven't seen it. That's why it is called dark matter. Everything else points to it being there. *It's the best bet*, and claims to be nothing else but that.

All I hear is whinging "oh... you just shot us down without thinking about it."
We did.


Please give us an example of this good science that proves otherwise, or is a better fit. I'm well interested.

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
15 Feb 2013 9:27PM
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Mark _australia said...

Another example is all the galaxies spin, so the "mass" (whatever it was) was also spinning before it blew up (or rapidly expanded). That is in all the text books but violates the conservation of angular momentum as some galaxies spin the wrong way. It is still described as an "infinitely dense spinning mass that exploded" in all the highschool books even though it is plainly wrong. It is hard for uni people to escape that indoctrination and exercise independent thought because it is inside them as much as ABC or 123.

Can't see how that fact violates conservation of angular momentum. Lets say the universe only had two cogs in it, both spinning the same way. If those two cogs collided and the teeth meshed, after the collision the one with the most angular momentum would be spinning the same way and the one with the least the other way. But total angular momentum of the system would remain the same.

NSW, 9202 posts
16 Feb 2013 12:32AM
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^ plus those laws simply didn't exist.

Mark _australia
WA, 22344 posts
15 Feb 2013 9:33PM
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^^^ 'big bang' always said it was one spinning mass - a singularity.

after it rapidly expanded, bodies clumped together and because they flew off the same single spinning mass they MUST all spin the same way.

now IanK postulates two spinning masses that hit each other?

and 'panda says the laws of physics did not exist back then?

prove it.

NSW, 9202 posts
16 Feb 2013 12:36AM
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The laws of physics were radically different, if they existed at all.

edit: they (the laws) break down in the same way a black hole breaks them down. Black holes, once a theoretical postulation, not hard to come by with only a little imagination, definitely exist (we now know). It's all a bit divide by zero.

How can it spin if it occupies no space? From what I understand of the model, which is vague, I can't understand how it could possibly spin, as that requires space, which didn't exist.

I think you're mistaken.

P.S. Up late? how's it goin'?

NSW, 9202 posts
16 Feb 2013 12:42AM
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I admit, entropy is bleak. A bit like The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. Why the characters didn't all kill themselves is beyond me. It is the most horrific story I've ever read. By far.

I suggested the movie to my dad earlier tonight as "the funniest movie of the decade. (my wife) was rolling on the floor." I hope he gets the joke before it's too late. I just mentioned it to her earlier tonight and she became somewhat despondent, and cursed me for ever suggesting we watch it. I have to agree with her.

Mark _australia
WA, 22344 posts
15 Feb 2013 9:44PM
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evlPanda said...
Mark _australia said...
^^^ and thereby you prove my argument.

Doesn't matter how good the science, people are anti straight away - or if they believe it are too scared to say so in case they get labelled.

BTW I am not a creationist. I just think that it is fkd some stuff gets ignored by people who claim to be "scientists" or "thinkers" and if you have a bias you are not either.

Which bit?

Explain Red Shift, and why that doesn't point to expansion.

Why not

FIFTY fkn NINE theories about why red shift occurs and all by people smarter and you (no insult intended) or me

but only one theory (must be doppler = expanding universe) is taught to kids. Like it is irrefutable fact.

Now almost all theoretical physics is conducted within the contraints of "expanding universe". Says who? Red shift? red shift is observable but expanding universe is not (yet)

Some people need to be reminded about what "theory" means

NSW, 9202 posts
16 Feb 2013 12:53AM
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...that may take a while.

In the meantime surely red shift is explained most easily by an expanding universe? I don't think anyone says this is 100% fact, as we obviously can't know for sure with all our current technology and data. The theory is simply the most probable.

Mark _australia
WA, 22344 posts
15 Feb 2013 10:06PM
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evlPanda said...
...that may take a while.

In the meantime surely red shift is explained most easily by an expanding universe? I don't think anyone says this is 100% fact, as we obviously can't know for sure with all our current technology and data. The theory is simply the most probable.

Dude pretty much everybody says it is fact..... almost everyone says the universe is expanding as result of the manner it which it started.

And all of that is due to Mt Hubble obnserving red-shift and given the well known Doppler effect it causght on and now all research is dont withing the contraints of an expanding universe. It is quaint, neat and fits. So were other things until proven wrong :)

I can see the car passing my house right now is getting further away.
You cannot see that with galaxies, rather it is postulated due to observable red-shift. But it is spoken about as if it is as observable as the car passing my house whilst I type this.

and there is my issue. Talking about some theories as fact.... and they aren't.

NSW, 9202 posts
16 Feb 2013 1:15AM
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An expanding universe would create a red shift in both light and energy. Which is what we observe. Cosmologists are simply drawn to its simplicity.

In laymans' terms; what's an alternate theory? I don't pretend to understand anything in the above link.

Mark _australia
WA, 22344 posts
15 Feb 2013 10:21PM
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evlPanda said...
An expanding universe would create a red shift in both light and energy. Which is what we observe. Cosmologists are simply drawn to its simplicity.

In laymans' terms; what's an alternate theory? I don't pretend to understand anything in the above link.

Layman's terms. Two simple ones....

(1) Slowing of the speed of light (which has been observed) can explain red shift and is just plain fascinating in it's own right.

(2) I'll have to check - but decay in energy of photons as they travel, but tonight's movie is more interesting so that is a quickly added one...

QLD, 6806 posts
16 Feb 2013 12:23AM
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Ok I am a little bit thirsty so I will have that v-beer for myself....

Now is time to reveal to receipt how to build The Time Machine.

I will be surprised its there is only one way that Time Machine works so I will disclose the simplest one:

Remember that cat sitting in the box?
We don't know dead or alive? ?
How to predict outcome?
Well, nothing easier then create conditions that cat must be dead anyway.

Translate to the science bit:

For supposedly random quantum status in sequential order that result follow the cause not otherwise we create condition for preferential treatment of desired result in order to enforce cause to comply.

Don't worry guys if you don't have a clue what I am talking about... this message was for that guy 300 years younger then you now...

Now what ? Just wait few centuries to see the seed growing...
but obviously I am open for critic , because if something if fundamentally wrong, will not germinate...and we just waste next few hundred years....
throw any equation to prove me wrong or shut up....

NSW, 9202 posts
16 Feb 2013 1:27AM
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Mark _australia said...
evlPanda said...
An expanding universe would create a red shift in both light and energy. Which is what we observe. Cosmologists are simply drawn to its simplicity.

In laymans' terms; what's an alternate theory? I don't pretend to understand anything in the above link.

Layman's terms. Two simple ones....

(1) Slowing of the speed of light (which has been observed)

(2) I'll have to check - but decay in energy of photons as they travel, but tonight's movie is more interesting so that is a quickly added one...

The speed of light is constant. I have no idea where it has ever been observed to be any different, except in a medium where of course it is a different speed.

Same with the second.

For sure these would point to an alternate explanation, if they were proven. That last part is very important otherwise they are just an idea. A valid idea that needs some form of proof, anything. At least the doppler effect is well proven.

As for Dark Matter I can't see what that has to do with Big Bang theory at all. It neither proves nor disproves it, and is not really required to make Big Bang work.
Think about it; whether there was Big Bang or a Constant Universe there is still a mystery about how everything is holding together, right here and right now. I suspect Dark Matter is actually irrelevant to the beginning of time.

What.the.**** is that site???

Mark _australia
WA, 22344 posts
15 Feb 2013 10:36PM
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Bloody hell, now we are back to page 2 or something.

The (maybe) observed change in c - ignored by most so maybe it is not true. But you are unaware of it?? And argue so strongly for it being constant ...?

Sh!t, it goes on and on. But hey, if you think it "must be creationist claptrap" you won't read it.

Go back to the 33 really damn smart people arguing their contrary research is ignored. That should surely be enough for you fellas to at least read a BIT of it.

Dark matter is necessary as a rapid expansion and many years REQUIRES and almost even disperion of matter. The "clumps" and everythign observed requires more mass than there really is.
So somebody proposed "dark matter" and it was LATCHED ONTO BY ALL.

If I said the sky appears blue because I have a handful of sh!t you can't see, you would say I am crazy. But you are happy to believe red shift is caused by expansion, which can only be AS WE SEE IT NOW if we have imaginary dark matter.


"The mark of an educated mind is to entertain a theory without accepting it"

EDIT: yes, is full of all kinds of sh!te.

It is very telling that an article and letter, published in a MAJOR scientifiec publication ONLY 8 YRS AGO can now only be found online at

And you reckon contrary theories are not buried? This is 33 of the best and brightest making a verifiable peer-reviewed claim and only 8yrs later it is buried.

QLD, 6806 posts
16 Feb 2013 12:50AM
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evlPanda said...
Macroscien said...
NotWal said...
Publish the plans on the web so they are widely spread in the public domain.

Good scenario:
1. Bad guy will be back to put the plug of your computer before you managed to publish it...
Bad scenario
2.Bad guy arriving late ... needs to pull the life-plugs on all those who read the web... I am afraid could be done .........toooooo easyyyy .....there is still ony one RED Button to do just so.....

You've missed my point #2.

On Monday an army of evlPandas, a million or so strong, kill the bad guy.
On Tuesday I travel back to Monday
On Wednesday the Tuesday evlPanda that travelled back to Monday ...travels back to Monday.
On Thursday the Wednesday evlPanda that travelled back to Monday ...travels back to Monday.

And so on. Until there are a million or more of me on Monday (you could do this every second instead of every day).
No need for a good guy from the future in day-to-day time travel.

I like it

NSW, 9202 posts
16 Feb 2013 1:54AM
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The Big Bang Theory is the current, most likely theory. All the maybes and so forth fit in perfectly with it being the most likely. There are plenty of theories that are simply the best ones we have, and fit some of the gaps in our knowledge. There is even some overlap.

However, there is no unified theory. i.e. the final answer =

It's really that boring.

Dude in the really smart wheelchair said...
Is the unified theory so compelling that it brings about its own existence?

Yes. That open to alternatives.

Please stop saying the Big Bang theory is anything but. I'm not sure why you are putting it on such a pedestal and then saying it is others doing so.

QLD, 6806 posts
16 Feb 2013 1:00AM
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evlPanda said...
Macroscien said...
NotWal said...
Publish the plans on the web so they are widely spread in the public domain.

Good scenario:
1. Bad guy will be back to put the plug of your computer before you managed to publish it...
Bad scenario
2.Bad guy arriving late ... needs to pull the life-plugs on all those who read the web... I am afraid could be done .........toooooo easyyyy .....there is still ony one RED Button to do just so.....

You've missed my point #2.

On Monday an army of evlPandas, a million or so strong, kill the bad guy.
On Tuesday I travel back to Monday
On Wednesday the Tuesday evlPanda that travelled back to Monday ...travels back to Monday.
On Thursday the Wednesday evlPanda that travelled back to Monday ...travels back to Monday.

And so on. Until there are a million or more of me on Monday (you could do this every second instead of every day).
No need for a good guy from the future in day-to-day time travel.

I like it Panda indeed
I mean not because you would like to scarify million of Pandas to save one of me....
But because you just suggested device to attack the same quantum position from all different levels.,.,...
i like it indeed ... it may works...
or just improved on my time machine how to kill the cat for sure...

Mark _australia
WA, 22344 posts
15 Feb 2013 11:03PM
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evlPanda said...
Please stop saying the Big Bang theory is anything but. I'm not sure why you are putting it on such a pedestal and then saying it is others doing so.


Are u serious?

If all this thread never happened, and I simply said at a party - "The Big Bang theory has competitors and is only a theory that is unproven" you'd have lined me up big time. My ears will still eb ringing if there were scientists in the room.
Yet I am the one who puts it on a pedestal? Phew. Wow...

You missed the part about it being the "most likely theory" was based ONLY on red shift and the fact we knew about doppler effect meant all that fitted nicely and was a nice little story.

Subsequently, all sorts of equally valid explanations came along for red shift, but the "explosion of nothing into something" was so entenched that it stuck.

QLD, 6806 posts
16 Feb 2013 1:07AM
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evlPanda said...

Dude in the really smart wheelchair said...
Is the unified theory so compelling that it brings about its own existence?

Yeeeh , right. bring the guy here I will personally grill him now...
... I mean...

I don't do the harm.......

I will point him in the right direction only

QLD, 6806 posts
16 Feb 2013 1:31AM
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Mark _australia said...
evlPanda said...
Please stop saying the Big Bang theory is anything but. I'm not sure why you are putting it on such a pedestal and then saying it is others doing so.


Are u serious?

If all this thread never happened, and I simply said at a party - "The Big Bang theory has competitors and is only a theory that is unproven" you'd have lined me up big time. My ears will still eb ringing if there were scientists in the room.
Yet I am the one who puts it on a pedestal? Phew. Wow...

You missed the part about it being the "most likely theory" was based ONLY on red shift and the fact we knew about doppler effect meant all that fitted nicely and was a nice little story.

Subsequently, all sorts of equally valid explanations came along for red shift, but the "explosion of nothing into something" was so entenched that it stuck.

usually nothing is happening without the " ignition". Good on you Mark ...
Bring me adversary ... I will crunch him on their expertise field I ( as long as is a quantum one ) with the help of millions Pandas
world will be better from now

QLD, 7428 posts
16 Feb 2013 1:40AM
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Mark _australia said...

You missed the part about it being the "most likely theory" was based ONLY on red shift and the fact we knew about doppler effect meant all that fitted nicely and was a nice little story.

Subsequently, all sorts of equally valid explanations came along for red shift, but the "explosion of nothing into something" was so entrenched that it stuck.

Yes the theory sprang from General Relativity that predicted the universe was expanding. Lemaitre went to Hubble and asked him if he had any observational evidence of expansion. He said no, and then set about looking for it and found it in red shift. It was a clever observation of subtle differences in spectral lines. Other evidence for expansion is that stasis doesn't work so it must be expanding or contracting. If you have a non static universe it implies an origin of some sort. They went and calculated the recession speeds and regressed them to an origin point and then had a think about what it all meant proposed the Big Bang, copped a lot of flack, figured out how it explained some things and it's gone on from there.

I'm sure if you have alternative reasons for red shift other than gravity and speed then that may have a novel bearing on the theory.

If cosmologists can accept that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, a horrible thing to learn, they will surely accept valid alternative explanations for red shift.

Mark _australia
WA, 22344 posts
15 Feb 2013 11:51PM
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If it is endless

and it is expanding...

what is it expanding into....?

just wondering.

And if red shift is the only reason we reckon it is getting bigger, well fk me that is just dumb. Truly.

OK that is me being abrasive deliberately but it does highlight how cosmology and theoretical physics is maybe about faith, religion and hypothesis more than empirical observation ... well, more than (pretty much) every other field of science is.

If my surgeon last month ascribed to the priinciples of "science" as practiced by cosmologists, he'd have not got near me with a blade !!!!

QLD, 6806 posts
16 Feb 2013 2:01AM
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NotWal said...
Mark _australia said...

You missed the part about it being the "most likely theory" was based ONLY on red shift and the fact we knew about doppler effect meant all that fitted nicely and was a nice little story.

Subsequently, all sorts of equally valid explanations came along for red shift, but the "explosion of nothing into something" was so entrenched that it stuck.

Yes the theory sprang from General Relativity that predicted the universe was expanding. Lemaitre went to Hubble and asked him if he had any observational evidence of expansion. He said no, and then set about looking for it and found it in red shift. It was a clever observation of subtle differences in spectral lines. Other evidence for expansion is that stasis doesn't work so it must be expanding or contracting. If you have a non static universe it implies an origin of some sort. They went and calculated the recession speeds and regressed them to an origin point and then had a think about what it all meant proposed the Big Bang, copped a lot of flack, figured out how it explained some things and it's gone on from there.

I'm sure if you have alternative reasons for red shift other than gravity and speed then that may have a novel bearing on the theory.

If cosmologists can accept that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, a horrible thing to learn, they will surely accept valid alternative explanations for red shift.


I could take a challenge...
to test it..
if you accept following conditions..
Einstein was poor mathematician indeed
need a bit of external help to develop his ideas
to validate alternative the question must be tested with unlimited external support and time frame
results may wary from your expectation

QLD, 6806 posts
16 Feb 2013 5:26PM
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Well, well ,well. Guess what we are going to learn today?

We are going to learn today why the BIGBANG is the biggest hoax ever ?!!!


Bacause never actually exploded. It is sill still strong and massive big lead leaden ball that never did exploded.
Seems solid, but super liquid same time like a mercury drop.

What just only happen some time ago, lets say 14 billions to be accurate, when our universe developed ?

Tiny , softy spot inside and since then starts molding and rotting from inside.
What we think is hard and strong is actually weak and soft in this solid structure.

What you think is the force the keep all our staff together is actually the repealing force from the structure that are squeeze us and what to rid off, one may say...

Did you ever windsurf or kite surf for example?
You know that the faster you go the bigger resistance your fin has to cut the water. Same here.
The faster you go throught this “ supposedly” empty cosmos, because you are cutting though this solid, immense dense structure.
So Einstein did said.
The faster you go the more difficult it is.
At some stage and speed you need to drag all this solid ball with you which means infinite energy (almost) .
Scientist scratch for years why gravity force is so different to other forces.
Easy like that.
Since some forces are pulling things together, gravity actually is external force the repeal this think from outside...
Imagine such nice appetite Nectarine.
But there are two mold spots inside, they grow and they collapse into bigger niche. Even light will drop to soft spot.
Mold inside our Big steel solid ball is growing so our Universe ...and we with our Sun just a small bubbles inside in this journey from the center to the ball surface.
The closest to surface the pressure inside that mercury drop drops and our bubbles getting bigger by day.

Everything they told you at school is just opposite.
What is solid and heavy is actually empty inside. What seems to be empty is full of stuff.

Crap... one day we could reach that surface..
.I don't even want to think about that....unless there will some fresh air to breathe....

QLD, 7428 posts
16 Feb 2013 6:08PM
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Mark _australia said...
Doesn't matter how good the science, people are anti straight away - or if they believe it are too scared to say so in case they get labelled.

BTW I am not a creationist. I just think that it is fkd some stuff gets ignored by people who claim to be "scientists" or "thinkers" and if you have a bias you are not either.

Just because you haven't seen the rational explanations for these apparent anomalies doesn't mean they haven't been tested and discarded, but truthfully creation science has a very very very poor reputation for accuracy.

Instead of crying conspiracy I think you might find it fruitful to have a hunt for the validation/invalidation of these ideas.

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Feb 2013 12:09PM
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NotWal said...
creation science has a very very very poor reputation for accuracy.

Instead of crying conspiracy I think you might find it fruitful to have a hunt for the validation/invalidation of these ideas.

lucky me,
that you directed this to Mark....
could be real challenge for me...
but I think if could be done
unless you could prove otherwise of course... *

*science expect all theories to be true or at least could not exclude then unless proven to be find hard evidence against creationism could be harder that one towards it...
I mean to completely exclude you need to prove beyond any doubt and annihilate ANY such possibility ultimately.... to prove it you just need to find the smallest ONE evidence ...taking into account almost infinity of the possibilities that first tasks seems to be unworkable....

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Feb 2013 12:55PM
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Attempt 1 *

When you look at creationism at the time it was invented it looks very workable for us from nowadays perspective.
All this primitive humans perceive was: blue sky above, shiny water and green grass around, reasonable size creatures jumping around, few plants for the background.
Take some CGI and you could crate whole world like that in no time at all.

As we keep growing our knowledge so our universe is growing.

Now you have to replicate everything in deep details. Down to the microbe and virus level, go to the single atom and below..... Fortunately that is where CGI processing power breaks down. Get a quantum and computer is stack....
Same in another direction, go beyond horizon, leave the planet, go beyond and read the letters on the universe walls... and bump there is the processing border...nothing beyond 15 billion years and nothing beyond the further galactic....
Till the creator upgrade chipset in his computer we are safe here don't have to be bothered to try to understand what is beyond.....
So everything looks easy and quite probable so far.
Until we hit that real solid wall.
If The Big Programmers inbuilt the artificial limit on what their creation is able to perceive and understand about them self and surroundings....
If we are pre-programmed to limit level of our understanding or conscience we could always try old good method..... try to hack it .....

* to prove creationism

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Feb 2013 2:10PM
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Attempt 2.

Now The Creator has Two methods to implement and control his experiments.

1) He could listen, watch and feel of every aspect of of his creation;

Ie he could sense and enjoy the thrill you have surfing the shiny surface of liquid oxygen and hydrogen mix (he created),

He could feel the excitement of that young girl sitting on the beach watching you surfing in the light of last photon of the thermonuclear reactor over horizon..(he created)...

Down to the level of sensation of happiness and fulfilment of small protozoa digesting a piece of protein in your guts

He could sense, feel and understand every single creature

2) He just created a big Petri dish and just sit and watch that mold growing.
He could zoom his microscope to watch that microbes and smack them from time to time with his laser gun in order to clean the colony of the nastiness.

All we could do is pray that he misses us in the process.

NSW, 9202 posts
17 Feb 2013 6:23PM
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Mark _australia said...
If it is endless
and it is expanding...
what is it expanding into....?
just wondering.


It's not expanding into anything. It is just expanding. There isn't anything else.
What is the economy expanding into? (that's a bad example, will edit)

And if red shift is the only reason we reckon it is getting bigger, well fk me that is just dumb. Truly.

Red Shift is not the only reason we reckon it's getting bigger.

As NotWal was saying above Red Shift is observable evidence of the universe expanding. General Relativity actually theorised an expanding universe prior to this, and required it to work, so Einstein added a variable to his equations that could be modified to make it work. Fudge factor. Later Einstein kicked himself for introducing this variable. An expanding universe model does not require the variable at all. Some Russian guy took Einstein's work at face value, even though Einstein didn't himself, and asked Hubble for some observable evidence; enter Red Shift. Later the Special General Relativity theory came out, without any fudge factor (I may have names back-to-front or wrong, but that's the important gist of it).

Another reason a static universe wouldn't (didn't) work was gravity. Gravity. Gravity. To argue that the universe is static and infinitely old you have to argue against gravity, another very observable piece of evidence. It's also very simple to understand; You have the universe with all its galaxies and stars and matter, over time gravity will bring them all together. The Big Crunch. If the universe was indeed infinite in age this would have happened already. Or gravity doesn't exist. For an infinitely old, static universe you'd need some sort of magic material pushing the galaxies away from each other. And you're back with expansion, or something even weirder.

Also the background microwave radiation, that I just realised answers the original question in this thread! That horizon I was imagining is extreme red shift, an elongation of the wavelengths. I'm not sure how long a wavelength we can pick up, or even how long it can be? This is all in my head. Anyway, the background microwave radiation, that is redshifted light from the early universe, so red shifted it has become microwaves, is the same in every direction. An infinitely old, static universe doesn't explain this nearly as well as an expanding one, which would be the same in every direction. Also the universe is, on a large scale, the same in every direction.

Yeah look, it is hard to imagine a three dimensional (i'm ignoring time to make it easier) universe expanding equally in all directions, without stepping outside it, which you can't. The best analogy is that balloon one, where it is a two dimensional plane expanding in all its two dimensional directions at once from every point equally. [pant pant]. It's easier in mathematics as you just add another dimension to an array or whatnot.

Fun microwave experiment to measure the speed of light: put a piece of paper in your microwave oven and turn it on. Measure the distance between the holes you'll get in the paper and compare with the specs of your microwave oven. They match and you can calculate the speed of light. Not as hard as it first seems.

Yet another reason we reckon it's getting bigger is that distant objects are moving away from us faster than closer ones. Blow up a ballon a little. Put some dots on it. Blow it up some more. The dots that were further away from us are now even more further away than the ones that were right next to each other. Again, the infinitely old and static universe only works here if we go altering the speed of light to fit, and there's no proof of that, and you're still left with small details breaking the theory like ...gravity. You have to fudge inmore variables than the expanding universe model.

It all fits. I think there are some other pieces of evidence to I've forgotten.

To reiterate and summarise: The theory was accidentally discovered by Einstein, discarded, then proved by Feinman and Hubble. Einstein rewrote. Evidence includes gravity, red shift, background microwave radiation and the universe being the same in every direction.

Summary of evidence, all observable:
The universe is the same in every direction (on a large scale, obviously).
The further away an object the faster it is "moving" away from us.
The universe hasn't collapsed in on itself from gravitational forces.

OK that is me being abrasive deliberately but it does highlight how cosmology and theoretical physics is maybe about faith, religion and hypothesis more than empirical observation ... well, more than (pretty much) every other field of science is.

If my surgeon last month ascribed to the priinciples of "science" as practiced by cosmologists, he'd have not got near me with a blade !!!!

I dunno man. There is a lot of compelling evidence, and a lot of gaps, and where there is no evidence there is hypothesis, and it is clearly labelled as such. the snippets I mention above, you must admit, are somewhat compelling. Especially since the maths (that I don't understand but trust other do) adds up.

As for your abrasive character I like it.

[insert excellent graphic I can't find that illustrates a universe expanding from every point]
Found it:

On another note, while contemplating all this today, I am such a small piece of the universe (observing and thinking about itself) that I am irrelevant. But, the universe's size and scale are so large that it is irrelevant to me. All this is interesting but perhaps holds very little meaning to my life. Nonetheless interesting and worth continuing research. (more so than military research).

QLD, 6806 posts
18 Feb 2013 10:30AM
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You know what ......
I would do with Petri Dish Nr Earh01
if I was The Creator ? *

Foremost I will cover it with double thick glass to separate it from the rest of the cosmos.
To make sure that infection doesn't spread....

This small creatures living on this wonderful, unique Petri dish do nothing esle almost all the time but killing themselves, eating resources as there is no tomorrow, and poisoning their Petri dish in uncomparable rate.....

Simply not the model that we what to spread across the Universe.

There is no guarantie that this small nastiest will treat any other civilization in other way they treat them self

So do you:
- allow them to get a trip to nearest Andromeda people only to learn half a century later the this Humans killed 90 % of Andromeda population already, eaten most of their Planto-animals , and then dumped here toxic waste from their own planet
-or rather you will smack the first human interplanetary effort in half way with you laser gun and jamm the radio communication to external world till
-the humanoid civilization miraculously ( and fast) mutate them self to the one that could sustain their own existence in first place ?
Without the need to sacrifice virgin intergalactic lands

* which one I am obviously not


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"Cosmology nerdery" started by NotWal