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Dangerous dogs

Created by log man > 9 months ago, 18 Nov 2011
log man
VIC, 8289 posts
18 Nov 2011 5:42PM
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OK, so how many children being mauled, how many little dogs being eaten, how many more attacks does it take for the total banning of Pit bulls, American bull terriers and all the bull**** crosses that pass for pets. In Vico the new Liberal government has instituted new dangerous dog laws to almost unanimous support. The sooner these things are removed from our society the better.

VIC, 411 posts
18 Nov 2011 6:00PM
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We could argue that sharks take people's lives, 3 just recently,
But do we kill them all,! or just the rogue one?
what about croc attacks, many go missing every year,
but they are protected,
Then theres all the deadly snakes, spiders, etc,
Do we kill them all off,
Where does it end ?
Any large dog can be turned into a killer,
you need to control the fruitloops that buy these dogs for status,
Not caring about the animals needs and welfare,
My last dog was a pittbull, and he was top of the shelf for being social and placid,(He died at the age of 17,and is missed dearly by a number of people.)
If we get rid of the pitbulls,
The rottwieller or doberman will be targeted and reinstated as a poor mans alarm system
Just an obsevation

WA, 1255 posts
18 Nov 2011 3:00PM
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unfortunately, a better result would be achieved if they stopped the loser bogan owners from owning dogs in the first place. Its typical of a democratic government to skirt around the real issue but somehow satisfy the generally ignorant public.

the bogans will simply move onto another breed...

plenty of attacks by other breeds with same results...just not as news worthy to the hyper sensationalist media machine, after the best headline, first.

VIC, 411 posts
18 Nov 2011 6:04PM
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Spot on there default!!!

default said...

unfortunately, a better result would be achieved if they stopped the loser bogan owners from owning dogs in the first place.

plenty of attacks by other breeds with same results...just not as news worthy to the media sensationalist journo's.

WA, 2960 posts
18 Nov 2011 3:16PM
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cantswm4**** said...

We could argue that sharks take people's lives, 3 just recently,
But do we kill them all,! or just the rogue one?
what about croc attacks, many go missing every year,
but they are protected,
Then theres all the deadly snakes, spiders, etc,

People don't keep GW's and Crocs as pets in close proximity to children do they?

Plus, those are wild animals, Dogs are domestic, created by humans and are bred to be whatever the dog breeder wants.. And in many cases the dog breeder wants a killer*, in the case of pitbulls or any fighting dog.

Absolutely any trait on a dog can be retained and enhanced, just look what dog breeders can do when they breed for desirable traits..

A Basset hound.

A Basset hound after a Dog breeder 'enhances' its desirable genes. (Artificial evolution)

Nobody can deny that dog breeders can also alter the temperament of a dog. It's not the dogs fault, but they should be removed from the doggie gene pool.

*They may not be bred to kill now but the genes are still there, just like a Labs retrieval genes are still there..

WA, 703 posts
18 Nov 2011 3:19PM
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i wonder what doggie has to say about this subject

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
18 Nov 2011 6:24PM
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cantswm4**** said...

We could argue that sharks take people's lives, 3 just recently,
But do we kill them all,! or just the rogue one?
what about croc attacks, many go missing every year,
but they are protected,
Then theres all the deadly snakes, spiders, etc,
Do we kill them all off,
Where does it end ?
Any large dog can be turned into a killer,
you need to control the fruitloops that buy these dogs for status,
Not caring about the animals needs and welfare,
My last dog was a pittbull, and he was top of the shelf for being social and placid,(He died at the age of 17,and is missed dearly by a number of people.)
If we get rid of the pitbulls,
The rottwieller or doberman will be targeted and reinstated as a poor mans alarm system
Just an obsevation

I know It's a personal thing and I get that you loved you dog ..... me too, but why did you want one?

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
18 Nov 2011 6:30PM
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default said...

unfortunately, a better result would be achieved if they stopped the loser bogan owners from owning dogs in the first place. Its typical of a democratic government to skirt around the real issue but somehow satisfy the generally ignorant public.

the bogans will simply move onto another breed...

plenty of attacks by other breeds with same results...just not as news worthy to the hyper sensationalist media machine, after the best headline, first.

I wouldn't mind if the bogans moved onto another breed, Chihuahua, Spaniel....... no It won't happen because bogans want dogs that reflect who they think they are. I reckon the dog bite/ death stats are pretty misleading. How many kids are attacked by the family pitt bull and never reported?

WA, 421 posts
18 Nov 2011 3:35PM
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Best dog I ever had was Occy my staffy (RIP). placed and gentle, especially when (supervised) around kids.
The only time I have ever been threatened by a dog was a bloody vicious little Jack Russel down the beach. Even Occy was scared of him.!

VIC, 411 posts
18 Nov 2011 6:40PM
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I actually got one to show people its not the dog, its the owner,
they have been heavily targeted for a number of years now,
I have found that being brought up with the right ideals,
they are just as placid as any staffy or labradore (maybe a little stronger,)
but not born with an aggressive disposition as many seem to think,
you need to instil this as you would in any other animal

Anyone who meet my boy, were quite taken back as too how placid they can be,

log man said...

cantswm4**** said...

We could argue that sharks take people's lives, 3 just recently,
But do we kill them all,! or just the rogue one?
what about croc attacks, many go missing every year,
but they are protected,
Then theres all the deadly snakes, spiders, etc,
Do we kill them all off,
Where does it end ?
Any large dog can be turned into a killer,
you need to control the fruitloops that buy these dogs for status,
Not caring about the animals needs and welfare,
My last dog was a pittbull, and he was top of the shelf for being social and placid,(He died at the age of 17,and is missed dearly by a number of people.)
If we get rid of the pitbulls,
The rottwieller or doberman will be targeted and reinstated as a poor mans alarm system
Just an obsevation

I know It's a personal thing and I get that you loved you dog ..... me too, but why did you want one?

VIC, 5904 posts
18 Nov 2011 6:59PM
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All dogs can be turned into or become dangerous beasts.

They should all be kept under control when in public , on a lead and muzzled if there is a slight chance of coming close to another person .

It is the dickhead owners and breeders that are to blame , not the type of dog .

WA, 15849 posts
18 Nov 2011 4:28PM
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stringer said...

i wonder what doggie has to say about this subject

I like dogs

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Nov 2011 6:54PM
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quote- They are the most misunderstood and abused breed that has ever existed. I always referred to my Stafford shire Bull Terrier as a 40 lb.sack of sugar.The English have long ago dubbed the breed "the nanny dog".
They are the most loveable and trainable and eager to please dogs I have ever seen.Incredible family pets.
I love this breed and suspect I will have another one in my life time

staffy's can be a handful to other dogs mainly because they wont take any crap from them and are quick to take up any signs of aggression from other dogs.

breeders are working on lowering this trait. my dog actually went another dog that was going a postman

WA, 2960 posts
18 Nov 2011 4:56PM
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^^Looks like a Staffy bit her jaw off. Is it true that Staffys cannot give birth naturally because people are breeding them to have a big head?

cantswm4**** said...

but not born with an aggressive disposition as many seem to think,
you need to instil this as you would in any other animal

From a genetics point of view this is incorrect, dogs are all wolves, every type of dog breed is a wolf that has been Genetically Modified by humans.

You don't need to produce GM wolves with a test tube, you just select traits you want to keep and breed from the desirable stock. Labs are good retrievers and Bloodhounds have an acute sense of smell. Of course any dog that attacked humans were shot.

Unfortunately a small proportion of breeds were bred to fight or attack. The dogs in question were bred to be killers that don't stop, and have no pain threshold. This is done by putting two dogs in a ring and breeding the winner. Pretty soon you have a Bad Mother F$#cker dog.

If you would like to learn more about the relationship between temperate and genes then watch this video on the breeding tame foxes. It's very informative, and probably explains the Bogans temperate aslo.

^These are the foxes that people were trying to bring into Aus as pets.. Everyone got upset which is stupid. The fox is already out of the bag.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Nov 2011 7:04PM
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barn said...

^^Looks like a Staffy bit her jaw off. Is it true that Staffys cannot give birth naturally because people are breeding them to have a big head?

cantswm4**** said...

but not born with an aggressive disposition as many seem to think,
you need to instil this as you would in any other animal

From a genetics point of view this is incorrect, dogs are all wolves, every type of dog breed is a wolf that has beed Genetically Modified by humans.

You don't need to produce GM wolves with a test tube, you just select traits you want to keep and breed from the desirable stock. Labs are good retrievers and Bloodhounds have an acute sense of smell. Of course any dog that attacked humans were shot.

Unfortunately a small proportion of breeds were bred to fight or attack. The dogs in question were bred to be killers that don't stop, and have no pain threshold. This is done by putting two dogs in a ring and breeding the winner. Pretty soon you have a Bad Mother F$#cker dog.

If you would like to learn more about the relationship between temperate and genes then watch this video on the breeding tame foxes. It's very informative, and probably explains the Bogans temperate aslo.

looks like a staffy bit her jaw off- good one barnsy

staffys were breed as a fighting dog by coalminers. when fighting got banned the miners found they actually made fantastic pets. the trait to fight other dogs is being breed out. most staffys would probably bite them selfs before they bite someone.

of course you can get nutcase owners who abuse their dogs to be something they can't be

QLD, 3954 posts
18 Nov 2011 7:15PM
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My Labby is the best judge of dog character. She loves Staffies and she hates yap yaps. Her words not mine....

WA, 271 posts
18 Nov 2011 5:22PM
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My uncle used to own the most viscous Labrador, it would cane people and other dogs.
Cattle dogs are pretty viscous naturally, they are bred for the purpose.
Had a bull terrier (pig dog) it was the most docile creature ever, breeding has much to do with temperament.
A barking dog is a scared dog, true guard dogs have no fear, they dont bark, they just attack.

NSW, 9029 posts
18 Nov 2011 8:23PM
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Some blue cattle dogs have sly and aggressive attitudes. They like to heel people and can be aggressive towards people who are frightened of them. No one ever talks about banning them.

WA, 792 posts
18 Nov 2011 5:49PM
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90% of it is the upbringing. Just like 'some' people who aren't raised the best way and end up with the wrong morals and lack of general respect for fellow people. Theres a chance they'll grow up to be nutbags who do the wrong things.
There are always going to be dogs that are clickers and go nuts. Whatever the breed. It's unfair just to eliminate one or two breeds of dogs from people just because some Fark wits do the wrong thing.
I really do feel for the poor families involved in all these incidents but banning a breed is not the right way to rectify the problem. All it will do will create underground breeders/sellers. I'd hate to think who they would then sell the pups too.

6657 posts
18 Nov 2011 6:01PM
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laceys lane said...

quote- They are the most misunderstood and abused breed that has ever existed. I always referred to my Stafford shire Bull Terrier as a 40 lb.sack of sugar.The English have long ago dubbed the breed "the nanny dog".
They are the most loveable and trainable and eager to please dogs I have ever seen.Incredible family pets.
I love this breed and suspect I will have another one in my life time

staffy's can be a handful to other dogs mainly because they wont take any crap from them and are quick to take up any signs of aggression from other dogs.

breeders are working on lowering this trait. my dog actually went another dog that was going a postman

nice hounds there for sure - really good entertainment value are staffz , hilarious at times

WA, 271 posts
18 Nov 2011 6:01PM
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I remember the pair of viscous corgies that bit me and my old golden breed fibreglass skateboard back in '76, they lived across the road and terrorised the whole street. Ahhh the '70's dog sh!t everywhere, packs of dogs roaming the streets, no laws to contain them, lol, and garbage everywhere on garbage nights, lol.

Ive yet to meet a viscous Staffy, had a flatmate once who thought he'd get one and make it tough, he failed.

Certainly dogs are bred for temperament and ability, most people are talking about domesticated city dogs, go out to the country and its a different story altogether, you will find multitudes of hunting dogs of a particular breed who cannot be domesticated for they were only bred for a particular purpose, whther it be herding or hunting, they bite anything, but usually wont go humans if they are with their owners or have accpeted that human as a member of their pack.

SA, 3589 posts
18 Nov 2011 8:43PM
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I was 6 when i got mauled by the next door neighbours German Shepard.
I got bitten across the face (almost lost my eye) and forearm whilst protecting myself. I also got lucky and managed to not get my calf ripped of when he had a go at my leg.
After getting stiched up i was pretty fearful of all dogs for quite some time.
The next door neighbours refused to do anything about the dog until one of their grandchildren got a bite sized chunk of tricep removed from them when opening the back gate.
They still did not put it down instead they shipped it off to be a guard dog somewhere

Ian K
WA, 4049 posts
18 Nov 2011 6:33PM
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Don't forget the old risk / likelihood /consequence table when bringing up the "I've been bitten by a Jack Russell " argument. They are a terrier after all, they've got a feisty terrier temperament.

In recent times breeders probably have taken the terrier temperament out of the staffy, but when good dogs go bad, and they've got a head the size of a melon..and if they do decide to latch on you need a fire hose or a crow bar to undo them.

SA, 3589 posts
18 Nov 2011 9:07PM
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^^^oh-no, not the take 5 matrix

NSW, 6931 posts
18 Nov 2011 9:45PM
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100% reliable around people particularly kids who will throw a stick for him and 99% of dogs.

One of the 1% got a flogging this evening and it ****s me because I cannot cure him of it. I can leave him unchained on the back of the ute in the shade all day and know he will be there when I get back but something sets him off with particular dogs. I put it down to him being flogged really badly acouple of times when he was still young.

VIC, 411 posts
18 Nov 2011 9:51PM
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Ummm, I think selective breeding, is a mile short of being genetically modified by todays standards.
Ok, statement now goes like this
I think bullies have no more aggressive tendencies than any other dog,
Assuming they all come from wolves and have the same throwbacks,

laceys lane said...

barn said...

^^Looks like a Staffy bit her jaw off. Is it true that Staffys cannot give birth naturally because people are breeding them to have a big head?

cantswm4**** said...

but not born with an aggressive disposition as many seem to think,
you need to instil this as you would in any other animal

From a genetics point of view this is incorrect, dogs are all wolves, every type of dog breed is a wolf that has beed Genetically Modified by humans.

You don't need to produce GM wolves with a test tube, you just select traits you want to keep and breed from the desirable stock. Labs are good retrievers and Bloodhounds have an acute sense of smell. Of course any dog that attacked humans were shot.

Unfortunately a small proportion of breeds were bred to fight or attack. The dogs in question were bred to be killers that don't stop, and have no pain threshold. This is done by putting two dogs in a ring and breeding the winner. Pretty soon you have a Bad Mother F$#cker dog.

If you would like to learn more about the relationship between temperate and genes then watch this video on the breeding tame foxes. It's very informative, and probably explains the Bogans temperate aslo.

looks like a staffy bit her jaw off- good one barnsy

staffys were breed as a fighting dog by coalminers. when fighting got banned the miners found they actually made fantastic pets. the trait to fight other dogs is being breed out. most staffys would probably bite them selfs before they bite someone.

of course you can get nutcase owners who abuse their dogs to be something they can't be

NSW, 6451 posts
18 Nov 2011 10:12PM
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Staffys are the most human friendly dogs I have seen.
I own one and know many people who do, some of them tend to not get along well with other dogs,if you dont let them mingle with other dogs when they are young, but when it comes to kids, they are so gentle.

I have had kids sit on my dogs back,grabbing her ears nearly pulling them off trying to play horsie. She dosent like it but just puts up with it.

I have never seen a dog breed that just trys soooooo hard to please its owner.
When I got mine, the vet said, "best breed of family friendly dog ever."

WA, 271 posts
18 Nov 2011 7:14PM
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NSW, 6931 posts
18 Nov 2011 10:23PM
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I have had dogs around me all my life so at 56 I have had a few. I will never have another pedigree dog, they are just not worth the trouble. Apart from some of the disgusting features that they bring out, ( my old man had pedigree bulldogs, they do not cut the tails off, they are so badly stunted that the are just a squiggle, ours could not lift their tails so they always had a neat skid mark) pedigree dogs are so prone to all sorts of ailments.

My house mates pure bred shepherd, massive beautiful dog, is absolutely rooted at nine, blind, deaf and cancer ridden. George has been to the vet once in seven years for tick bite fever. The vet said he would be touch and go, gave him a jab and he was on the beach chasing kites the next day.

I worked for masterfoods for 10 years. They were producing 350,00 tonnes of canned food and 145,000 tonnes of dry food a year. It is an industry based on growth and that includes getting as many idiots as they can to buy dogs.

Bloke moved in next door two years ago. He has a japanese shiba which I have never seen out of the yard. It's main source of fun was swearing at George when I went kiting and walked past his house. I told him that if he ever got out it would be on for young and old. Sure enough it happened. A kid took George for a walk and could not contol him. The shiba stuck his head under the gate George grabbed it and wiped the pavement with him for about two minutes. There was no damage because his teeth are stuffed but two weeks later the dog dug under the colourbond to get at George (smart dog) and got a toe ripped off for his trouble.

They now have a fence within a fence so his yard is smaller by half and they actually lower his food down to the ground from their elevated porch on a rope!!!!!!!!!

They have a three year old child and a new born baby. Frightening concept Fortunaetey the dog has a really nice nature, it has just been in solitary confinement for four years

Both the owners are fat

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
18 Nov 2011 10:26PM
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Yeah, okay but there is a difference between an English staffy(the nannas dog) and the American isn't there. And come on, a bite from a cranky yapper is a bit of blood and and a bruise but a bite from a pit bull is death to a child and an adult and later the dog as well. How could anyone, knowing that they have a breed of dog that has a genetic predisposition to totally crack it could ever relax, ever think "the dogs tied up in the back yard" it'l be okay. What if some kid strays into the yard, what if the power company guy comes round, what if something unusual happens.To my way of thinking these dogs are ticking time bombs and usually the bomb goes of in the home of the owner. How many times have we seen on TV a shocked father saying "but he was such a good dog, he never hurt anything" . The fact is that most of "these" dogs are owned by people who look at the dog as a weapon or as a projection of their egos and those people will always be with us so I'm saying if we cant control ****wits then maybe we have to control their pets

NSW, 2005 posts
18 Nov 2011 10:27PM
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default said...
plenty of attacks by other breeds with same results...just not as news worthy to the hyper sensationalist media machine, after the best headline, first.

Do you have a source on this about other breeds? The damage done by a couple of those breeds is well-documented, but stats for the other breeds please? (not anecdote)

Heard of a few perhaps max, but nearly 100% of them are from the same couple of breeds.

If it takes 5 years for dogs lovers (??) to move onto another species, and if municipal and local laws can save 3-4-5 children lives meanwhile, huh, what is your point again ??


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Dangerous dogs" started by log man