Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

David Hicks

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 3 Aug 2011
WA, 4485 posts
15 Sep 2011 8:40PM
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FormulaNova said...

getfunky said...

Fair nuff Formula, we may differ in some regards but you seem to be informed and draw your opinions from knowledge beyond the easily digestable headline and RPG pic and I respect that.

I am one of those weirdos that think some of these wars by the USA are actually a good thing... I know its not a popular view, but I think sometimes these countries are pretty bad without the US's involvement.

Yeh - I know what you mean. Problem is subverting 'liberation' to becoming an extended state and oil providore for US interests.

It is also impossible to escape the fact that in Iraq (for example) exponentially higher numbers of innocent citizens have died (+100,000) and are far worse off in almost every quality of life aspect (except the democratic right to vote and Kurdish minority.. debatable though) than they were before.

All easy to be a smarty pants about and point out in hindsight of course.

Sometimes it may well be 'better the devil Saddam you know'.[}:)]

BTW - they ain't nightvision goggles, G Dubbya just hasn't worked out the lens caps are on. My money is nobody said anything for a minute.. or two.. waiting for him to realise the error, and by then it was too late. Shades of WMD/Iraq?

Truth is much funnier than fiction.. when nobody gets hurt.

Yeah, I know it was a joke I figured that might've been what they told GW Bush when he said he couldn't see through them.

I am also an optimist, in that no matter who you elect, hopefully the guys behind them making the decisions, are actually experts in their fields. Sometimes they get it wrong too.

I just remember talking to a work mate years ago (1996?) from Iran and he was telling me how bad it was for his family there. I think sometimes it is easy to assume that these countries are all rosy before the US gets involved

Ditto, I know a guy from iran.. most would assume he is a Muslim. I fact he is a Christian and although he loved the country, he and his family had to leave due to being a 2nd class citizen thanks to his Christianity.

The funny (or not so as such) thing there is the US boosted the Ayotolla's into the box seat on the fall of the previous regime (in the 70s - no time to referance at the mo).

So US meddle - help depose a set of 'bad guys' that aren't being helpful for them, the bad guys like the power, get unruly, get offside with the US, stop being helpful with crude etc.. then they are no longer BFFs and suddenly part of the Axis of evil..[}:)]

Seeing a pattern here anyone

Go back through middle eastern history of the 1900s (from about 1930 onwards especially) and you see this pattern AGAIN and AGAIN.

In Iran

In Iraq




History repeating..repeating..repeating

And no lessons learnt at all it seems.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"David Hicks" started by doggie