Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Does anyone not work a 40 hour a week?

Created by Big eeeZeee > 9 months ago, 4 Jul 2011
VIC, 5000 posts
13 Jul 2011 11:57AM
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latedropeddy said...

Big eeeZeee I think about that all the time. Ever since the arrival of my son it has certainly changed my attitude to work/life balance with life definitely winning.

Same, amazing how the birth of my 1st kid made me decide to not work as much & spend more time with family (self employed at the time)...and to be honest, it didn't make a negative impact to my business' income.

WA, 3519 posts
13 Jul 2011 11:13AM
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Sailhack said...

latedropeddy said...

Big eeeZeee I think about that all the time. Ever since the arrival of my son it has certainly changed my attitude to work/life balance with life definitely winning.

Same, amazing how the birth of my 1st kid made me decide to not work as much & spend more time with family (self employed at the time)...and to be honest, it didn't make a negative impact to my business' income.

Sounds good, what is the secret... work less and charge more?

VIC, 260 posts
13 Jul 2011 2:14PM
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arancini said...

Hey Fried Rice, if your gig is that good what the hell are you telling the world for on the interwebby???!!!!!!!

cos no other m0f0 is mad enough to do it!!
their "girlfriends" always say NO !!!
had to ditch mine to acheive it.
so my little place of serenity is quite safe, for my lifetime anyhow!!

oh, and ive got a new missus - local of course!!

VIC, 5000 posts
13 Jul 2011 2:44PM
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felixdcat said...

Sailhack said...

latedropeddy said...

Big eeeZeee I think about that all the time. Ever since the arrival of my son it has certainly changed my attitude to work/life balance with life definitely winning.

Same, amazing how the birth of my 1st kid made me decide to not work as much & spend more time with family (self employed at the time)...and to be honest, it didn't make a negative impact to my business' income.

Sounds good, what is the secret... work less and charge more?

Ummm, to be honest, I'm now employed! Basically I was working 60+hrs per week without break, making mistakes, not spending time assessing costs, no budgetting, prob put off a lot of prospective clients because I was so involved in my work I couldn't relate to them...all of the above.

Once my kids were born, I started saying NO, and my clients respected my reasoning, so I still got the work, was able to stand back & look at where I was going and make smarter decisions.

The old saying work smarter, not harder rings true - if you are a smart & hard worker, there's no reason you can't do it. Btw, re; the answer to the perfect balance - as we know, perfection is always out of reach, so you need to make the decision when you've reached a target balance...don't try to overreach!

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
13 Jul 2011 4:22PM
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Any photographers amoungst you guys? Always flirted with the idea of working with images as a business.....

Before anyone starts dissecting, no I don't have an SLR, don't do shows, don't do it as a hobbie, just like the idea of it - be interested to see if anyone here works in film or photography?



QLD, 6806 posts
13 Jul 2011 4:44PM
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Big eeeZeee said...

Does anyone work a 40 hours week?

It must be your lucky day when you put this question
By a chance I know a guy that arrived here for holiday on Gold Coast from constellation ORION.
He indeed lives on the second planet circulating around their Sun in 100 days ( not 365 like our) and spin on axis in 10 hours only !! not 24 H !!
So indeed working week on his home planet is only 40 hours !!!
By the way they have completely different calendar to ours
Anyway he doesn't work , is on parental live , that is why he comes on holiday here
But his wife DO !!!!
She sleeps every second week so we can say - YES- she works a 40 hours week !!
Do you want to meet her?
Should I arrange meeting
But be warned ! She is so horny if she could sleep 40 hours in row ( or not)

NSW, 807 posts
13 Jul 2011 5:42PM
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THAT'S not the Orion nebula! That's the Eagle nebula or I'm not a martian green toad.

Be careful, you're friend could be telling other porkies.

NSW, 807 posts
13 Jul 2011 5:43PM
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Come to think of it, I work a 40 hour week but it feels like 60. Does that count?

505 posts
22 Jul 2011 11:30AM
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When at work, hours vary between minimum 84 and 140+ hours per week if busy(7 day week), 3 on 3 off, soon to be 4 on 4 off. I need the time off to recover. Mortgage free. Girlfriend about to finish PhD and start working again thankfully. No child and no plans to have one.
I'm pretty much a workaholic, as is the girlfriend, so I actually like being at work.
I really enjoy having next to no physical possessions, eating really really good food, little or no inadvertent exposure to the antichrist that is the modern media and shooting the breeze with other people from around the world about life. I also suck at making small talk, and put me in a 'traditional office environment' and I fail for some unknown reason.
I guess I have become somewhat institutionalised to working in this type of environment and could quite happily see myself commuting somewhere to work on something until another hypothetical knee reconstruction is not an option

I'm not a free as a bird, I'm a loose as a goose who has luckily dodged the noose (touching some wood)

WA, 2520 posts
22 Jul 2011 1:19PM
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Crikey! That's between 12 and 20hrs a day! Is that even legal?!

505 posts
22 Jul 2011 1:55PM
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No, not legal at all. After 12 hours it is 'mandatory' to sign in an overtime log, after 16 hours is is mandatory to have an 8 hour 'break'. When the client is paying the operator AUD$11.00+ per second to get stuff done, they tend to really want stuff done.

NSW, 1718 posts
22 Jul 2011 5:55PM
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Hamsta said...

No, not legal at all. After 12 hours it is 'mandatory' to sign in an overtime log, after 16 hours is is mandatory to have an 8 hour 'break'. When the client is paying the operator AUD$11.00+ per second to get stuff done, they tend to really want stuff done.

I assume this must be the total running cost of whatever you work in/for/on or your entire 'operation' because that's near enough to 40K an hour...Oil rig?

Also working those sorts of hours it strikes me as something/somewhere where there is absolutely nothing else to do but work, hence oil rig, mine etc.

WA, 2520 posts
22 Jul 2011 5:32PM
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Hamsta said...

No, not legal at all. After 12 hours it is 'mandatory' to sign in an overtime log, after 16 hours is is mandatory to have an 8 hour 'break'. When the client is paying the operator AUD$11.00+ per second to get stuff done, they tend to really want stuff done.

Well - I really hope you're raking it in - because that sort of work must be having an impact on your health and wellbeing... particularly if there is a physical component to it. I'd love to know your LTI stats, because worker fatigue would certainly be an issue...

VIC, 5904 posts
22 Jul 2011 9:10PM
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" Does anyone not work a 40 hour a week"

I,m sure there are lots of people that fall into that catagory, but i,m not one of them!!

ACT, 2174 posts
22 Jul 2011 10:48PM
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i show up for 42 but on average do maybe 8 if they are lucky

505 posts
22 Jul 2011 10:06PM
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I work on offshore rigs/platforms. Conditions have changed for the better in the past decade, though real income levels have been seriously eroded by the cost of living in WA. I earn a good income, but I do come home at times after a busy hitch pretty run down, not so much physically but more mentally. My girlfriend is reasonably understanding, though increasingly less so as she thinks we will be able to live comfortably with her about to start working again, abeit only 3 days per week to start with. She is becoming more insistent that I could take a pay cut and could try and migrate into a town based role. I am not too excited at the prospect of working in a traditional office setting.I fear the whole 'routine' would do my head in. What I would really like to do is migrate into upstream oil and gas or offshore construction, work for another 5 or 6 years then retire.

WA, 726 posts
22 Jul 2011 10:15PM
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Bugger the workin at home job for me. 86hrs + per week in mainly PNG and Phillipines. Come home at the end of a a project and kick back. Life is ok. Couldn't do it if I had kids though.
Gotta be more to lfe than goin to the same workshop/office every day.
My thoughts anyway while on night shift in PNG and its pissin down with rain.
Different strokes for everybody though.


WA, 2153 posts
22 Jul 2011 10:21PM
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Hamsta said...

I work on offshore rigs/platform

My best mate did this for a few years. Reckon's it was some of the hardest work he's ever done in his life. Good money though...pitty he blew most of it on drugs and whores

Anyhoo...finishing up work soon for another stint of unemployment. Off to Indo again at the end of the year for some work rebuilding some coral reefs that have been damaged. Should be fun. Getting paid to do what I'd do for free.

505 posts
22 Jul 2011 10:34PM
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subasurf said...

Anyhoo...finishing up work soon for another stint of unemployment. Off to Indo again at the end of the year for some work rebuilding some coral reefs that have been damaged. Should be fun. Getting paid to do what I'd do for free.

You sir win hands down in the "Can you believe I get paid to do this" job comparison stakes. Enjoy

As for hard work, I reckon that the rig catering staff and cleaning staff put in a fair effort for upto 4 weeks straight, 12 hours per day, with very little downtime during their shift as there is always something to be prepped, cooked, cleaned, restocked and so on and so forth.

NSW, 807 posts
23 Jul 2011 12:44AM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

Come to think of it, I work a 40 hour week but it feels like 60. Does that count?

Come to think of it AGAIN, I don't work a 40 hour week at all! It's always at least 41. Or more. No wonder it feels like 60.

VIC, 5000 posts
23 Jul 2011 2:41PM
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Hamsta said...

As for hard work, I reckon that the rig catering staff and cleaning staff put in a fair effort for upto 4 weeks straight, 12 hours per day, with very little downtime during their shift as there is always something to be prepped, cooked, cleaned, restocked and so on and so forth.

A mate is just heading back for another 4 weeks on a rig (cook), min. 14hr days, 7 days a week for 4 weeks straight...but gets well remunerated and does 4 on, 4 off, so plenty of time at home - a good balance in his eyes, I still couldn't do it all the same.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Does anyone not work a 40 hour a week?" started by Big eeeZeee