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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Drink Drive advice

Created by tangohotel > 9 months ago, 5 Sep 2016
WA, 3519 posts
6 Sep 2016 7:59AM
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0.00 is no good! if you eat an orange you are likely to blow 0.01.

QLD, 678 posts
6 Sep 2016 10:06AM
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thedrip said..
Perhaps I am wrong and you are such a markedly better driver than everyone else that being drunk only brings you back to average.

Ok so now you get it. Alcohol impairs everyone. No one is special. Some people will are ahead of the curve and a certain amount of alcohol will bring them back to average.

So what should we do with those that are behind the curve? Should they not be allowed to be over 0.00? I think yes.

QLD, 678 posts
6 Sep 2016 10:08AM
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brody1 said...

remo81 said...

brody1 said...
The real shame is Remo, his lover, opps, lawyer get to benefit greatly from most people complying with the rules
If everyone was as selfish, degenerative or just plain retared as those who boast about driving drunk then it would be a very dangerous place
Respect and love to all those that have ever been affected by people like remo, just shameful!!!!!

People like me. You mean people that have never been in a car crash. Not even as a passanger.

Yeah I'm really hurting others with my not crashing my car and all.

There is no one else like you, after all there can only be one hardest man on the water, your data suggests otherwise, well done and keep practising
Tool, sorry, troll...

Yes Brody, hardest man on water, just ask your Mrs. lol

WA, 7684 posts
6 Sep 2016 8:42AM
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Sounds a lot like discrimination to me!

Buses, trains, taxis and uber... Great levellers for the drunk and not as capable!

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
6 Sep 2016 9:01AM
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It really isn't hard to not drink drive...maybe if you have less than normal brain function, but otherwise it's easy.

1979 posts
6 Sep 2016 9:06AM
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Remo, it seems strange to me that you're saying the things you're saying and also claiming to be ahead of the curve.
Something not adding up there

WA, 437 posts
6 Sep 2016 10:26AM
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remo81 said...
brody1 said...

remo81 said...

brody1 said...
The real shame is Remo, his lover, opps, lawyer get to benefit greatly from most people complying with the rules
If everyone was as selfish, degenerative or just plain retared as those who boast about driving drunk then it would be a very dangerous place
Respect and love to all those that have ever been affected by people like remo, just shameful!!!!!

People like me. You mean people that have never been in a car crash. Not even as a passanger.

Yeah I'm really hurting others with my not crashing my car and all.

There is no one else like you, after all there can only be one hardest man on the water, your data suggests otherwise, well done and keep practising
Tool, sorry, troll...

Yes Brody, hardest man on water, just ask your Mrs. lol

Hard and you use lol!! You must be a teenage girl

WA, 6913 posts
6 Sep 2016 10:56AM
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remo81 said..
You got trolled hard . All you lot love to be recreationaly outraged, its like you find it fun or uplifting to tell people that they are so much lower than you. Makes all of you feel prim and propper.

My view still stands that you should have to do a test to be able to DD. Not once you get you open licence you are magically able to control a vehicle when in the .05 limit. For the record I have never been to court for anything.

The original post was about what should he do. There are some Lawyers that can get him off will cost about 5 grand but thats a small price to pay if you are driving employers vehicles and the rest. If he goes in and pleads guilty and tells his story, he will loose his licence for 3 months plus a fine. He will also be able to get a work licence. If he works at all types of hours then it won't really bother him. I've seen heaps of mates and work colleagues go through this one.

Surely if spending $5000 to try and wiggle out of a crime is easy money, than a Taxi fare was not out of the question in the first place
Remo I'm guessing you've not yet had the pleasure of having a loved one killed by a drunk driver For your sake i hope your lucky enough to have that continue, but I'm guessing there wouldn't be many in these pages that haven't.. Me I've lost two

QLD, 678 posts
6 Sep 2016 1:30PM
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jbshack said..

remo81 said..
You got trolled hard . All you lot love to be recreationaly outraged, its like you find it fun or uplifting to tell people that they are so much lower than you. Makes all of you feel prim and propper.

My view still stands that you should have to do a test to be able to DD. Not once you get you open licence you are magically able to control a vehicle when in the .05 limit. For the record I have never been to court for anything.

The original post was about what should he do. There are some Lawyers that can get him off will cost about 5 grand but thats a small price to pay if you are driving employers vehicles and the rest. If he goes in and pleads guilty and tells his story, he will loose his licence for 3 months plus a fine. He will also be able to get a work licence. If he works at all types of hours then it won't really bother him. I've seen heaps of mates and work colleagues go through this one.

Surely if spending $5000 to try and wiggle out of a crime is easy money, than a Taxi fare was not out of the question in the first place
Remo I'm guessing you've not yet had the pleasure of having a loved one killed by a drunk driver For your sake i hope your lucky enough to have that continue, but I'm guessing there wouldn't be many in these pages that haven't.. Me I've lost two

Sorry to hear about your loved ones.

The mob is still not listening to what I have said. Some people are not capable of driving when still under the legal limit. End of story.

WA, 3028 posts
6 Sep 2016 11:46AM
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remo81 said..

jbshack said..

remo81 said..
You got trolled hard . All you lot love to be recreationaly outraged, its like you find it fun or uplifting to tell people that they are so much lower than you. Makes all of you feel prim and propper.

My view still stands that you should have to do a test to be able to DD. Not once you get you open licence you are magically able to control a vehicle when in the .05 limit. For the record I have never been to court for anything.

The original post was about what should he do. There are some Lawyers that can get him off will cost about 5 grand but thats a small price to pay if you are driving employers vehicles and the rest. If he goes in and pleads guilty and tells his story, he will loose his licence for 3 months plus a fine. He will also be able to get a work licence. If he works at all types of hours then it won't really bother him. I've seen heaps of mates and work colleagues go through this one.

Surely if spending $5000 to try and wiggle out of a crime is easy money, than a Taxi fare was not out of the question in the first place
Remo I'm guessing you've not yet had the pleasure of having a loved one killed by a drunk driver For your sake i hope your lucky enough to have that continue, but I'm guessing there wouldn't be many in these pages that haven't.. Me I've lost two

Sorry to hear about your loved ones.

The mob is still not listening to what I have said. Some people are not capable of driving when still under the legal limit. End of story.

Some people that have a drivers licence should drive at all but still do because they passed the test. Have you passed the drink driving test?

WA, 3519 posts
6 Sep 2016 12:55PM
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remo81 said..

jbshack said..

remo81 said..
You got trolled hard . All you lot love to be recreationaly outraged, its like you find it fun or uplifting to tell people that they are so much lower than you. Makes all of you feel prim and propper.

My view still stands that you should have to do a test to be able to DD. Not once you get you open licence you are magically able to control a vehicle when in the .05 limit. For the record I have never been to court for anything.

The original post was about what should he do. There are some Lawyers that can get him off will cost about 5 grand but thats a small price to pay if you are driving employers vehicles and the rest. If he goes in and pleads guilty and tells his story, he will loose his licence for 3 months plus a fine. He will also be able to get a work licence. If he works at all types of hours then it won't really bother him. I've seen heaps of mates and work colleagues go through this one.

Surely if spending $5000 to try and wiggle out of a crime is easy money, than a Taxi fare was not out of the question in the first place
Remo I'm guessing you've not yet had the pleasure of having a loved one killed by a drunk driver For your sake i hope your lucky enough to have that continue, but I'm guessing there wouldn't be many in these pages that haven't.. Me I've lost two

Sorry to hear about your loved ones.

The mob is still not listening to what I have said. Some people are not capable of driving when still under the legal limit. End of story.

So your logical thinking is: If "Some people are not capable of driving when still under the legal limit" it is OK for some ppl to drive over the limit if they are self proclaimed able to do so safely??? Mate I can't believe how bloody arrogant you are!

WA, 7684 posts
6 Sep 2016 1:02PM
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remo81 said..

The mob is still not listening to what I have said. Some people are not capable of driving when still under the legal limit. End of story.

There's a big difference between not listening and not agreeing. You are peddling rubbish... Some time peddling a bike when you are caught for DUI might help clear the mind...

1595 posts
6 Sep 2016 2:25PM
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My advice for dunk driving (and not getting arrested) is to always keep some of those little packets of hot sauce handy on the vehicle console or ash tray. Little packets you tear open like you would get at Mad Mex or other fast food taco shops. If you get pulled over tear one open and smear it around your mouth and drink some, it masks the smell of alcohol a bit.

WA, 549 posts
6 Sep 2016 3:48PM
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Beaglebuddy said...
My advice for dunk driving (and not getting arrested) is to always keep some of those little packets of hot sauce handy on the vehicle console or ash tray. Little packets you tear open like you would get at Mad Mex or other fast food taco shops. If you get pulled over tear one open and smear it around your mouth and drink some, it masks the smell of alcohol a bit.

No way man . Anyone who watched Under oath's vid , when he sat down one night and ate a hot chili would know you could die or get very sick following your advice

WA, 1089 posts
6 Sep 2016 5:52PM
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^All that's gonna do is give your cell buddy something warm to slip into while your trying to sleep it off

WA, 14921 posts
6 Sep 2016 7:05PM
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Beaglebuddy said..
My advice for dunk driving (and not getting arrested) is to always keep some of those little packets of hot sauce handy on the vehicle console or ash tray. Little packets you tear open like you would get at Mad Mex or other fast food taco shops. If you get pulled over tear one open and smear it around your mouth and drink some, it masks the smell of alcohol a bit.

I don't know how they do it over there, but here they test you anyway. I don't think I have ever had a cop even really care what my answer is to 'have you drunken anything recently'. I think its just to see if you are going to make their life easier by admitting it upfront.

Blow in a breathalyser and you will have a result. If you don't get a result, you will probably be 'asked' for a blood test.

Hot sauce, what an idea ;-)

309 posts
6 Sep 2016 10:13PM
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I have had two friends who both work in the liquor industry. Your question depends heavily on if this is his first driving charge.
My first friend blew mid range and got a downgrade with a suspended licence. He was driving home from work. He was up front and the cop waited 20 minutes to test him and he still blew like.16 or something like that. He had alcohol in the car. I think his lawyer charged 400.
My second friend was driving his dad's work truck. First offence blew .085 from memory and his lawyer helped him and he got off. He payed 800 dollars to be represented.
If its not your fist offence they are very harsh.
I cant get caught for my job so I never drink and drive. Two of my work colleagues have beds in the back and drive vans. I will also sleep in the car. My other friend will crash in the boot of his station wagon.

SA, 343 posts
7 Sep 2016 1:06AM
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What is the difference between a drunk driver who causes a fatal accident and one who makes it home?


It takes a special kind of idiot to ignore all the evidence, and leave it for luck to decide whether they kill themself or an innocent road user.

56 posts
7 Sep 2016 7:09AM
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Soggy said...
remo81 said...
brody1 said...

remo81 said...

brody1 said...
The real shame is Remo, his lover, opps, lawyer get to benefit greatly from most people complying with the rules
If everyone was as selfish, degenerative or just plain retared as those who boast about driving drunk then it would be a very dangerous place
Respect and love to all those that have ever been affected by people like remo, just shameful!!!!!

People like me. You mean people that have never been in a car crash. Not even as a passanger.

Yeah I'm really hurting others with my not crashing my car and all.

There is no one else like you, after all there can only be one hardest man on the water, your data suggests otherwise, well done and keep practising
Tool, sorry, troll...

Yes Brody, hardest man on water, just ask your Mrs. lol

Hard and you use lol!! You must be a teenage girl

Thats nothing, you should read his gps data pg description , I'd say he was driving, therefore probably drunk, when he wrote it....his the hardest on the water, except when his friend rambo is on the water, then his second hardest....thats a direct quote from the general
I dont really like putting shiz on gps sailors so im just sharing the facts without judgement

QLD, 678 posts
8 Sep 2016 8:35PM
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brody1 said..

Soggy said...

remo81 said...

brody1 said...

remo81 said...

brody1 said...
The real shame is Remo, his lover, opps, lawyer get to benefit greatly from most people complying with the rules
If everyone was as selfish, degenerative or just plain retared as those who boast about driving drunk then it would be a very dangerous place
Respect and love to all those that have ever been affected by people like remo, just shameful!!!!!

People like me. You mean people that have never been in a car crash. Not even as a passanger.

Yeah I'm really hurting others with my not crashing my car and all.

There is no one else like you, after all there can only be one hardest man on the water, your data suggests otherwise, well done and keep practising
Tool, sorry, troll...

Yes Brody, hardest man on water, just ask your Mrs. lol

Hard and you use lol!! You must be a teenage girl

Thats nothing, you should read his gps data pg description , I'd say he was driving, therefore probably drunk, when he wrote it....his the hardest on the water, except when his friend rambo is on the water, then his second hardest....thats a direct quote from the general
I dont really like putting shiz on gps sailors so im just sharing the facts without judgement

Yes Brody. It is true. I am the second hardest man on water. Its not like I brag about it.

WA, 2355 posts
8 Sep 2016 7:42PM
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remo81 said...
brody1 said..

Soggy said...

remo81 said...

brody1 said...

remo81 said...

brody1 said...
The real shame is Remo, his lover, opps, lawyer get to benefit greatly from most people complying with the rules
If everyone was as selfish, degenerative or just plain retared as those who boast about driving drunk then it would be a very dangerous place
Respect and love to all those that have ever been affected by people like remo, just shameful!!!!!

People like me. You mean people that have never been in a car crash. Not even as a passanger.

Yeah I'm really hurting others with my not crashing my car and all.

There is no one else like you, after all there can only be one hardest man on the water, your data suggests otherwise, well done and keep practising
Tool, sorry, troll...

Yes Brody, hardest man on water, just ask your Mrs. lol

Hard and you use lol!! You must be a teenage girl

Thats nothing, you should read his gps data pg description , I'd say he was driving, therefore probably drunk, when he wrote it....his the hardest on the water, except when his friend rambo is on the water, then his second hardest....thats a direct quote from the general
I dont really like putting shiz on gps sailors so im just sharing the facts without judgement

Yes Brody. It is true. I am the second hardest man on water. Its not like I brag about it.

You ask me you are soft cause you can't control your drinking enough to do it responsibly. It's got you by the balls, little fella. You ain't got no grit. Soft.

How's the vascular system doing?

QLD, 678 posts
9 Sep 2016 3:15PM
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Its doing fine. I bet its doing better than yours. I hit the gym five days a week. Being the second hardest man on water isn't a fluke you know.

WA, 3028 posts
9 Sep 2016 1:44PM
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remo81 said..
Its doing fine. I bet its doing better than yours. I hit Jim five days a week. Being the biggest knob on water isn't a fluke you know.

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
9 Sep 2016 8:39PM
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Google car will make a big difference to drink driving I'm thinking, get pissed and have the car automatically drive you home.

WA, 3271 posts
9 Sep 2016 8:25PM
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tangohotel said...
A close relative has been done at .1 the morning after a wedding. He needs his licence (like most people do) as he works nights and days at different places all over south east QLD. Obviously it would be better if he did not get caught but he did. I advised him to get a solicitor to plead his case but he is reluctant. I was wondering if anyone here had experience with a DD charge with and without legal advice. Am I right in thinking he would get a better result if he engages the services of a legal representative or should he just rock up and say a thousand sorry's and hope for the judge to be having a good day? Interested to hear your experiences or opinions (not moral judgement's).


Since no-one has actually answered the original question as far as I can see here the link your relative needs.

Or start at page 143 of this document

He should know what his final reading is and if it's his first pissy driving charge you can see what the minimum penalty is. You don't need a lawyer to get somewhere close to the minimum, you just need to go into court on the day, be respectful, polite and don't be a cock. Basically don't give the magistrate a reason to give you higher than the minimum.

He might be unlucky on the day and get a magistrate whose daughter was killed by a pissy driver and he's going to get hit a bit harder but there's nothing you can do about that.

WA, 3271 posts
9 Sep 2016 8:46PM
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Jono77 said...
Chris6791 said...
Underoath said...
Can someone calculate backwards, what his Alcohol content in his blood was if he had 5 hours sleep and weighed 85kg?

I gave it a shot, but my calculation seems too high.

I had it up around 0.29

Weight has a negligible effect on the calculation and sleep none. You need to know what time his last drink was and then what time he did the test and what the reading was. If we guessed at midnight and 10:00am your calculation might be in the ballpark. So his blood alcohol content might not have actually peaked until 3am then it started coming back down. So maybe by 5 or 6 am he's 'sobered up' enough that's he's now just as pissed as he was when the beer stopped flowing at midnight.

The guidelines/rules for BAC calculations are;
1 standard drink = 10grams of alcohol
1 standard drink increases (on average) someone's BAC by 0.02%
The body (on average) processes 1 standard drink out per hour

If he was 0.1% BAC when tested, 5 hours earlier he was 0.2% BAC, if you go by these guidelines issued by drink wise, but there are many variables also to consider.

It doesn't really matter too much when your last drink was, it's more important when your first drink was, the rate of consumption, how much was consumed and what sort of condition your body is in to be able to process the alcohol out of your body.

This is incorrect, the guidelines are intended to keep the average person under the limit (with a bit of leeway in the safe side). This is different to trying to calculate an actual blood alcohol content.

The time of last drink is also extremely relevant when it comes to pissy driving and not blowing over the next morning.. There's a lot of research that shows your blood alcohol level keeps rising for two hours after you stop drinking as it takes that long for it to finish getting from your stomach into your blood. Which takes me back to my original comment/scenario. If your pissed at a wedding and stop drinking you don't actually peak for another two hours (that's why you wake up with the bed spins at 3am).

After grabbing a roadie for the taxi delaying that that peak to 3am you start coming back down, so by 5 or 6am your blood alcohol level is only now back to where it was when you stumbled out of the wedding reception looking for a taxi.

By 9am you're awake, tired but awake and you poke in a slice of toast, coffee and 6 panadol but in reality you're still pissed as you were when the wedding cake was served 12 hours earlier.

Ever wonder why the booze buses bother doing RBT's first thing in the morning?

WA, 8407 posts
9 Sep 2016 9:06PM
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If you drink and drive your a knob end
If you kill one of my family doing so then your a dead knob end guaranteed, I wouldn't invest a big part of my life in bringing up my kids to see them wiped out by some c,,t that refused to say no
I'd actually torture you with my nail gun for a few hours first

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
9 Sep 2016 9:26PM
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Chris6791 said..
you poke in a slice of toast, coffee and 6 panadol

poke it in where?

VIC, 564 posts
10 Sep 2016 10:13AM
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remo81 said..
Pug, I'm not hurting anyone. So therefor I've done nothing wrong.
If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make any noise?
If someone has a few and drives home, and doesn't have an incident, and noone sees them, is it a crime?

yes its a crime

WA, 7608 posts
10 Sep 2016 8:37AM
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Mark _australia said...
Chris6791 said..
you poke in a slice of toast, coffee and 6 panadol

poke it in where?

Ask your large harness girlfriend


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Drink Drive advice" started by tangohotel