Sounds a lot like discrimination to me!
Buses, trains, taxis and uber... Great levellers for the drunk and not as capable!
It really isn't hard to not drink drive...maybe if you have less than normal brain function, but otherwise it's easy.
Remo, it seems strange to me that you're saying the things you're saying and also claiming to be ahead of the curve.
Something not adding up there
My advice for dunk driving (and not getting arrested) is to always keep some of those little packets of hot sauce handy on the vehicle console or ash tray. Little packets you tear open like you would get at Mad Mex or other fast food taco shops. If you get pulled over tear one open and smear it around your mouth and drink some, it masks the smell of alcohol a bit.
^All that's gonna do is give your cell buddy something warm to slip into while your trying to sleep it off
I have had two friends who both work in the liquor industry. Your question depends heavily on if this is his first driving charge.
My first friend blew mid range and got a downgrade with a suspended licence. He was driving home from work. He was up front and the cop waited 20 minutes to test him and he still blew like.16 or something like that. He had alcohol in the car. I think his lawyer charged 400.
My second friend was driving his dad's work truck. First offence blew .085 from memory and his lawyer helped him and he got off. He payed 800 dollars to be represented.
If its not your fist offence they are very harsh.
I cant get caught for my job so I never drink and drive. Two of my work colleagues have beds in the back and drive vans. I will also sleep in the car. My other friend will crash in the boot of his station wagon.
What is the difference between a drunk driver who causes a fatal accident and one who makes it home?
It takes a special kind of idiot to ignore all the evidence, and leave it for luck to decide whether they kill themself or an innocent road user.
Its doing fine. I bet its doing better than yours. I hit the gym five days a week. Being the second hardest man on water isn't a fluke you know.
Google car will make a big difference to drink driving I'm thinking, get pissed and have the car automatically drive you home.
If you drink and drive your a knob end
If you kill one of my family doing so then your a dead knob end guaranteed, I wouldn't invest a big part of my life in bringing up my kids to see them wiped out by some c,,t that refused to say no
I'd actually torture you with my nail gun for a few hours first