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Getting fit and losing weight

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 8 Apr 2012
WA, 6415 posts
9 Apr 2012 9:03AM
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Average weight of a yank 191 pounds,nearly 14 stone!

High fructose corn syrup instead of sugar perhaps?

WA, 1549 posts
9 Apr 2012 9:42AM
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if you ease up on the wine and cut the calories down.. The weight will fall off..

Its a lifestyle change if you want maximum results. If your half hearted you with get half hearted results..

Main part is to change your mindset on how you approach food.

VIC, 8020 posts
9 Apr 2012 11:52AM
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1kg a month is good Adolf. It's maintainable.

I wouldn't condone those appetite suppressants that the jockey's sometimes use, but I heard you can get it in a "mouth wash mini spray bottle". It might have some merit for 1 evening per week. Cut back calories... Back in the old days in the wild, for humans and dogs, it is quite normal to binge eat after a "kill", and then eat very little the next day.

I remember when I was going through uni, and in my first year of work, I had very little money, and I skipped the odd evening meal, or maybe just 2 weet bix for dinner... Physically I was in great condition, and even had a clear six pack.

SA, 956 posts
9 Apr 2012 11:26AM
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66yo 147.7kg a month ago..... needed to loose as much as possible for a big started walking, little bits, now doing 4-6 ks easy in 1 hour twenty

changed food intake . no pies,no no fat, no alky, dont smoke, no bread,

live on bbq fish, no bread crumbs, barramundi, salmon, garr, stuffed capsicans,

couple of apples a day assocciated fruit. Now doing it easy, no cravings.

You have to do it for YOURSELF !! just go for it........

big thing for jelly now [light] yummy mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

VIC, 182 posts
9 Apr 2012 12:42PM
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Lots of water helps.
Stops you feeling hungry alot of the time. Also help flush out the system and crap that builds up in the muscles.
On a normal day you should be drinking at least 3 litres. A bit more if its hot or you doing exercise. Only down side is how often you need to go take a leak, but I gues if your sitting a desk all day that might help get you up and moving every so often!

QLD, 1499 posts
9 Apr 2012 4:05PM
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^^ Davage, I assume the bags under the drink bottles represent the amount of sugar in each drink. Is this correct?

WA, 312 posts
9 Apr 2012 2:11PM
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Skid said...

^^ Davage, I assume the bags under the drink bottles represent the amount of sugar in each drink. Is this correct?

Id say they were accurate representations of the sugar content. Soft drinks are one of the first treats to cut down on. I used to down 5-6 red bulls a day and then start on the Solo's...

VIC, 182 posts
9 Apr 2012 4:45PM
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Skid said...

^^ Davage, I assume the bags under the drink bottles represent the amount of sugar in each drink. Is this correct?

Yes thats correct.

VIC, 182 posts
9 Apr 2012 4:47PM
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paulford said...

Skid said...

^^ Davage, I assume the bags under the drink bottles represent the amount of sugar in each drink. Is this correct?

Id say they were accurate representations of the sugar content. Soft drinks are one of the first treats to cut down on. I used to down 5-6 red bulls a day and then start on the Solo's...

5-6 Red bulls a day is really bad for your heart. Do you get pulpitations or irregular heart beats at any time??

WA, 312 posts
9 Apr 2012 3:04PM
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Davage said...

paulford said...

Skid said...

^^ Davage, I assume the bags under the drink bottles represent the amount of sugar in each drink. Is this correct?

Id say they were accurate representations of the sugar content. Soft drinks are one of the first treats to cut down on. I used to down 5-6 red bulls a day and then start on the Solo's...

5-6 Red bulls a day is really bad for your heart. Do you get pulpitations or irregular heart beats at any time??

Used to twitch a lot, and yes used to get the occasional irregular heart beat. Now im fine, its been some time since my Red Bull days. I had a can of Monster 2 weeks ago which was my first energy drink in 3 years i think. I only brought it as it was on offer in the IGA at 99c...

VIC, 980 posts
9 Apr 2012 5:42PM
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I am 48 and started doing Kyokushin karate just before xmas. I have lost about 5 kg and feel a lot better for it. I have not stopped eating all the things I like (chocolate being the main one) but I have reduced the portion size of my meals and try to eat a little healthier.

WA, 2371 posts
9 Apr 2012 3:44PM
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I don't know alot about loosing weight for guys...but some of it's the same for for both when you do pass 40....

mixing carbs and proteins has always not been a great thing to do, as it's hard for the body to break down meat and potato at the same time...

have your evening meal with either only carbs or meat...

if you have a dysfunctional metabolic system...start the day with a glass of water and a 1/2 squeeze of lemon....if you can stand apple cyder vinegar all the better....(but I hate the stuff)...add honey to taste in either...

There is non alcoholic wine you can buy from the bottle shop..or Progressive! not the same but if you real want to change your feeling of wellness drink half a bottle of one and 1/2 a bottle of another..

If you can get at least 2 full hours sleep before 12am you will feel better for it as this is the sleep that repairs your body...

A boiled egg is better to start your day with than toast...

and the one thing that will kill you is inflames your body and makes things that are sore...twice as sore...

Try " Stevia" plant based sugar....
Bought from Cole or some bigger stores next to the sugar.
There are no calories in stevia.

I now for BF and myself use a smaller plate...though he is a night shift worker and has his dinner at lunch time as I do...

I did grow all my owner veg...but having just moved I have to get back into that...

BUT.....I will still have a beer or 2 or even 3 a day....but it's cause I love it and have it after I work in the now we have 1400 is one thing I will never give up as I really enjoy it ....
BUT! I did find a ultra light beer that I can buy from Progressive now it is just a dink with no low alcohol...Carlton Ultra Light...

I have started to take vitamins...wish I would never I just thought they were a was of not being 28 anymore (-: ...I have decided to take vitamins and what ever I wee out I wee out....and I have found now that I am better for taking vitamins I need..than not...oh the joys of being over 40...(-:

But for me....almost cutting out on sugar (apart from the beer)
Taking the vitamins I need
enough water aday and
not combining carbs with proteins....makes my energy levels very high

For me...what ever I do after I wake up in the morning and put in my body sets me up for the rest of the day..

ANY body who would like to listen to an interesting program...

Gerald Quigley..he is a pharmacist...has a real holistic approach on how to
get the most from your body... He is on 6pr on can ring in and ask questions.


1.30pm - (weekly) - Gerald Quigley - Pharmacist

(hell that was longer than I wanted to type )

WA, 53 posts
9 Apr 2012 6:08PM
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The best tips I've found in my time being health concious are:

- Martial arts will help you lose weight even if the workouts arent excessive, when we emotionally believe we need to protect ourselves... we put on weight. The confidence of martial arts will enable you to drop this. It engages you on 3 levels Mind, Body and Spirit, if your interested in one always be sure to meet the master because all his instructors will be just like him.

- When you work out, keep it short and fast. Shock the body to boost the metabolism. Do this by different activites, different times of the day and different intensities. But you must get your sweat on !!!
When you get more into it you'll find all the other types of work outs.

- Foods eat whole foods... simple. Introduce more protien into your diet (no not just big gym junkies use it) get a high protein, low carb powder (there are hundreds to choose from) you wont put on weight and its a delicious snack.

- If your going to drink I would always try and do an activity before, it makes you enjoy your play time more and you get pissed quicker !

- Always run instead of walking (it's wasted time) stick to a plan, run for 4 minutes and walk for 1 minute (even if the run is only just faster than your walk) This is better for your joints and gives you short goals instead of "running until you cant"

- Change a little at a time. Step by step, slowly slowly :)

WA, 2371 posts
9 Apr 2012 7:44PM
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Can also be something that will make your body hold on to fat.
"The old fight or flight!...."
Read up about it and see if you can relate.

quote "Your body is hard-wired to react to stress in ways meant to protect you against threats from predators and other aggressors. Such threats are rare today, but that doesn't mean that life is free of stress.

On the contrary, you undoubtedly face multiple demands each day, such as shouldering a huge workload, making ends meet, taking care of your family, or just making it through the morning rush hour. Your body treats these so-called minor hassles as threats. As a result you may feel as if you're constantly under assault."

VIC, 5904 posts
9 Apr 2012 10:39PM
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is there some way i can uneat all those friggin easter eggs ? without exerting myself too much ?

WA, 2371 posts
9 Apr 2012 10:21PM
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^^^^^^ ...I'm just glad chocolate is not my down
nuts are mine....I have a large jar of mixed nuts and sometimes have that as dinner...(as I have my dinner at lunchtime during the week)

Oh yer...and there is no reason why you need to eat 3 meals a day...
you can eat any time as long as you are hungry...
a glass of water does help 15 minutes before you eat
a bit of Colby cheese...before bed if you are still hungry..should kill the hunger pains.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
10 Apr 2012 9:56AM
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Start here adolf:

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
10 Apr 2012 5:44PM
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The formula is simple
Eat less exercise more.

WA, 3477 posts
12 Apr 2012 1:05AM
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poor relative said...

The formula is simple
Eat less exercise more.

Thats it in a nutshell.

I am 50yo, sit in front of computers all day and drink to much alcohol but in the last couple of years I have lost about 10 kilo's whilst still doing this and now feel fitter than I have been for years.

I think the most important changes I have made are to eat a good breakfast, drink more water and kitesurf and stand up paddle heaps.

Also less bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, milk and more lean meat, fish, chicken, legumes and veggies.

WA, 312 posts
12 Apr 2012 8:07AM
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Ive started lane swimming at my local pool, the front crawl is getting easier now. Noticed the difference in my fitness for sure. Giving up the choc and fizzy's isnt easy, i manage a few days then i get huge cravings. Must be a sugar thing...

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
12 Apr 2012 12:29PM
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poor relative said...

The formula is simple
Eat less exercise more.

I love this post next to your forum avatar. Gold.

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
12 Apr 2012 12:35PM
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OceanBlue64 said...

I am 48 and started doing Kyokushin karate just before xmas. I have lost about 5 kg and feel a lot better for it. I have not stopped eating all the things I like (chocolate being the main one) but I have reduced the portion size of my meals and try to eat a little healthier.

How do you find Kyo? Don't get too many injuries from sparring?

VIC, 4982 posts
12 Apr 2012 1:34PM
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The actual sport you do is irrelevant.

Only two things matter, whether you enjoy it so much that you do it lots, and that you can do it with sufficient intensity and duration to get some exercise benefit.

I tried some martial arts and I hated them. Every attempted move was met with the response, "You're doing it wrong." Seems the instructors had no idea of the concept of giving a newbie something they can succeed at then build from there.

WA, 441 posts
12 Apr 2012 2:13PM
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Hey Adolf,

1kg a months pretty good thats 12 kgs a year. To help out try to increase the intensity of your work outs. Once a week do a high intensity sprint seasion

Down the local park or beach do 3-5 by 50 (or 25m if that suits your current fitness level) meter sprints at 50 to 75% then do 5 to 10 by 50m sprints at 100 % then easy down and do 3-5 by 50m sprints at 50% to cool down. Walk back between sprints and as you get better/stronger increase distance to 100m. You could even do this on your bike ride home the last 10 mins sprint for 10 sec rest for 30 sec and repeat. tabita style

I also recommend that you add in a weight session or two per week, like you I hate the gym so have just started body weight exercise program. For weight sessions try the smart phone app "You are your own Gym" by Mark Lauren ( over 120 body weight exercises that can be done any where. He has 4 levels of 10 week programs (30-40 mins max) from beginner to very advanced. I can recomend this I half way thru the first program easy to follow and for 2 dollars for the app its super cheap and effective.

Diet wise, cut the grains, breads, potatoes, corn, legums, SUGARS and anything highly processed and eat fresh whole foods, fish chicken, meat and salad and veggies.

For a running program have a look at couch to 5km web site has a program to get you running 5kms straight under 30 mins in about 10 weeks. It also has programs for half marathons etc.


NSW, 1144 posts
12 Apr 2012 5:45PM
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poor relative said...

The formula is simple
Eat less exercise more.

generally yes but it's what you eat NOT how much.

NSW, 1144 posts
12 Apr 2012 5:46PM
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eat healthier, exercise more.

You can not do more activity without the fuel to burn.

WA, 1227 posts
12 Apr 2012 4:46PM
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kiteboy dave said...

Start here adolf:

I have 2 loose buttons - then I lose 1
A kids' reminder yeah, but anyone can remember it that way.

NSW, 6451 posts
12 Apr 2012 6:51PM
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^^^^^^^^I dont get it

NSW, 6926 posts
12 Apr 2012 9:17PM
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^^Cos you are lost!

NSW, 6451 posts
12 Apr 2012 9:38PM
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but now, I am found.
Was blind, but now I see.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Getting fit and losing weight" started by adolf