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I can smell baby poo!

Created by MintoxGT > 9 months ago, 6 Feb 2009
WA, 975 posts
6 Feb 2009 3:49PM
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I took my 14 month old down to the local kiddy pools today and being a respectfull of others type of parent I noticed the signs of bub laying some cable.... No worries a quick cahnge and all will be well.

Ok change done, why can I smell poo? I pick up bub and sniff him all over, nothin, he smells clean as a whistle.

I am home now and can still smell it on me...Arrrgh I cant get it away from meeeeeee!!!!!!

Stripping off to have a shower and wash clothes.......

WA, 975 posts
6 Feb 2009 4:49PM
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Corrrr, that stunk, I found the damp patch on my shorts where bub was sitting, yuk it soaked from him swimmer nappy into my shorts.

So the panic is over..... Please stop trying to assist the siuation everyone


WA, 2331 posts
6 Feb 2009 5:42PM
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Nice one Minto, now the cleaners will have the unmistakeable smell of vomit in my bin

SA, 492 posts
6 Feb 2009 8:46PM
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With our first poo machine due shortly thanks for the warning.Mental note must find some water proof swimmer nappies maybe some yellow polka dot shorts to go over the top.

WA, 975 posts
6 Feb 2009 7:29PM
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No wukkers :)

QLD, 561 posts
6 Feb 2009 8:35PM
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I know the feeling MintoxGT!!! Been in that same situation and the smell is horrible. However my Husband finds it quite a useful excuse if he farts in a public area.... he will say (in a very loud voice) "Oh my god Ryan (who is 2) did you have to do that now??" Then he will turn around to me and say, "darl, I think you need to go and change him."

And on a few occasions I haven't realised what hubby had done until I go to the change room at the shops and realise that there is NOTHING there!!

SA, 492 posts
6 Feb 2009 9:17PM
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mytchook said...

I know the feeling MintoxGT!!! Been in that same situation and the smell is horrible. However my Husband finds it quite a useful excuse if he farts in a public area.... he will say (in a very loud voice) "Oh my god Ryan (who is 2) did you have to do that now??" Then he will turn around to me and say, "darl, I think you need to go and change him."

And on a few occasions I haven't realised what hubby had done until I go to the change room at the shops and realise that there is NOTHING there!!

Love his style you must laugh a lot[}:)]

WA, 975 posts
6 Feb 2009 8:22PM
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EB said...

mytchook said...

I know the feeling MintoxGT!!! Been in that same situation and the smell is horrible. However my Husband finds it quite a useful excuse if he farts in a public area.... he will say (in a very loud voice) "Oh my god Ryan (who is 2) did you have to do that now??" Then he will turn around to me and say, "darl, I think you need to go and change him."

And on a few occasions I haven't realised what hubby had done until I go to the change room at the shops and realise that there is NOTHING there!!

Love his style you must laugh a lot[}:)]

Sorry but your hubby is now my idol Hreheh

WA, 1321 posts
7 Feb 2009 1:13AM
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you can actually get away with blaiming it on ur dogs as well..............

QLD, 561 posts
7 Feb 2009 3:19PM
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MintoxGT said...

EB said...

mytchook said...

I know the feeling MintoxGT!!! Been in that same situation and the smell is horrible. However my Husband finds it quite a useful excuse if he farts in a public area.... he will say (in a very loud voice) "Oh my god Ryan (who is 2) did you have to do that now??" Then he will turn around to me and say, "darl, I think you need to go and change him."

And on a few occasions I haven't realised what hubby had done until I go to the change room at the shops and realise that there is NOTHING there!!

Love his style you must laugh a lot[}:)]

Sorry but your hubby is now my idol Hreheh

If I laugh it just encourages him!!!

but yes, it is very amusing 9/10 times

QLD, 7428 posts
7 Feb 2009 10:34PM
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He'll get his. Don't you worry about that. When his piles make his farts resonate like the last vestiges of air from a weather balloon he will recall with fondness how he used to be able to misdirect you as he pushes them back in with a spoon. Its karma.

QLD, 561 posts
7 Feb 2009 11:05PM
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NotWal said...

He'll get his. Don't you worry about that. When his piles make his farts resonate like the last vestiges of air from a weather balloon he will recall with fondness how he used to be able to misdirect you as he pushes them back in with a spoon. Its karma.

One can only hope

WA, 4642 posts
8 Feb 2009 4:37PM
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I think that sometimes a really bad smell can damage your nose hairs, or whatever is in your nose which registers smells. It's a bit like after someone flashes your eyes with a really bright light and you can see it for a while afterwards 'cos your eyes got damaged, or you hear some really loud noise and your ears ring and you can hear it for hours afterwards.

I notice that when I run over dried doggie doos with the lawnmower and the smell rises up in a white fog. You can smell it for hours afterwards even though it is long since gone.
Same thing when you tread in a fresh one.
Even tho you wash it off your foot you can still smell it for hours.
It's because the nose hairs are permanently bent from the initial impact.
Well that's what I recon anyway.

WA, 975 posts
8 Feb 2009 6:22PM
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KEARNSY said...


you can actually get away with blaiming it on ur dogs as well..............

Holy crap mate............YOUR DOGS NOSE!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell happened???? Poor bugger is ok yeah?

WA, 1321 posts
8 Feb 2009 6:56PM
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Yeh all good - now!

There has been some crA.K.A. NICKNAMES flyin round ever since






..........Bring em on I say.

Poor old Deezel- tough as nails

NSW, 9202 posts
9 Feb 2009 3:42PM
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I was on a plane with bubs.

Uh-oh, poo smell. UH-OH, POO IS LEAKING! Excuse me, excuse me... going down aisle, look at baby. POO IS ON BABY'S HEAD! How the... ??!!

WA, 4642 posts
9 Feb 2009 5:46PM
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I guess it just backfired. Try cleaning the plugs,.. or fitting a new ones.
(see? I have views on a wide range of subjects. )

WA, 975 posts
9 Feb 2009 8:24PM
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Hahahah all the things I will get to look forward too.............Who says crystal balls dont exist???

They need to come here

WA, 975 posts
9 Feb 2009 8:25PM
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KEARNSY said...

Yeh all good - now!

There has been some crA.K.A. NICKNAMES flyin round ever since






..........Bring em on I say.

Poor old Deezel- tough as nails

So long as Old is ok is healthy and happy........ I feel a doggy thread coming along soon.


WA, 5921 posts
10 Feb 2009 8:33PM
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you young one aint seen nothin yet. Wait till they vomit on your head from the bunk bed, last year I had 4 kids throwing up on a plane whilst landing. all the bags filled up and they started passing my windcheater around
icing on the cake will be when you have to suck the blocked noses clean with a straw or just your lips!!!!!!!!!
I am not kidding

WA, 1321 posts
10 Feb 2009 8:39PM
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landyacht said...

you young one aint seen nothin yet. Wait till they vomit on your head from the bunk bed, last year I had 4 kids throwing up on a plane whilst landing. all the bags filled up and they started passing my windcheater around
icing on the cake will be when you have to suck the blocked noses clean with a straw or just your lips!!!!!!!!!
I am not kidding

No cake for me thanks, thats wild. Man the things "committed" parents go through

WA, 5921 posts
10 Feb 2009 8:54PM
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But you do get to stand up at their wedding and tell the groom that you are passing on the responsibility of cleaning up all the body fluids to them

WA, 975 posts
10 Feb 2009 10:11PM
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landyacht said...

But you do get to stand up at their wedding and tell the groom that you are passing on the responsibility of cleaning up all the body fluids to them

Ummmm are you sure you wanted to say that????

Cheers GT

By the way, saleen (Spelling sorry) spray works mintox ( That means "Is good") for little blocked noses


WA, 4485 posts
12 Feb 2009 11:34AM
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landyacht said...

you young one aint seen nothin yet. Wait till they vomit on your head from the bunk bed, last year I had 4 kids throwing up on a plane whilst landing. all the bags filled up and they started passing my windcheater around
icing on the cake will be when you have to suck the blocked noses clean with a straw or just your lips!!!!!!!!!
I am not kidding

Holy fricken gawd almighty!! That is a shocker!!

Thankin everyday my youngest cable creator has graduated to Reg Grundies and there is no more constant reminder of 'the death that lurks within the Kimbies' hangin round!

I swear if NASA had have used baby squeeze to stick those thermal panels on the shuttle they would never have come adrift..

SA, 492 posts
9 Mar 2009 1:20AM
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I'm into it both hands. First ****ty nappy, ohh yehh the black sticky stuff.Fark we have "all" had it stuck on every spot between our legs in those precious first days.

WA, 361 posts
9 Mar 2009 12:02AM
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congrats EB-I heard the rumour!
Black sticky ones not nice, bet you cant wait for the green watery ones. Unfortunately it is one of the two ways to find out what the missus cant eat while breast feeding. they dont make nappys for the other end!

NSW, 4188 posts
9 Mar 2009 11:16AM
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Enough reason not to go to the local pools and go to the beach instead - with all the "new" sharks we know the water there must be cleaner.

Hmm, perhaps we should start putting sharks in the local pools to keep the water clean...

VIC, 5000 posts
9 Mar 2009 12:39PM
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Firstly...thanks EB for reviving this topic!

Congrats, by the way

Now I agree that the first one isn't the nicest...but the worst is when you're minding someone else's kid (and you know who you are...) whilst the kid's dad is working, and the mum has gone out to a do with my missus.

All was good, kids (mine, and the ring-in) crawling around feet whilst myself and a couple of mates were watching footy on TV, suddenly...WHEEEW! caught a whiff of a stench that burnt the nostril hairs, one of the mates (no kids) started dry retching, and the room was cleared instantly. I didn't need to look far to find the culprit...mates kid had shat so bad that the back of his neck was covered in a greeny-brown slime. This was my first introduction to the 'nuclear nappy projectile'...unfortunately it wasn't the last!

34 posts
9 Mar 2009 11:41AM
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Thanks for the heads up ay!! the missus has another 8 weeks to go before we start the shananigans you guys and gals all are talking about.

So far we know its a boy, so far I know I will be watching where he aims when changin nappies. Any stories out there of a wayward hose flinging about the place...

VIC, 5000 posts
9 Mar 2009 2:04PM
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RIO, you can try to be as careful as you like....they're clever little buggers and when combined with lack of sleep, he'll get you exactly where he wants!


As for the hose...that's the least of your worries, if you keep your eye on that...he'll get you with another orificial projectile while you're not looking!

That said...good times are ahead for you and fam, no amount of excreting/projecting bodily fluids will dampen the joy of having kids!

WA, 975 posts
9 Mar 2009 2:51PM
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I get poo on my fingers and hands now and as long as the boy gets cleaned up first I dont even care...... Being a Dad is super cool :)

Cheers GT


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"I can smell baby poo!" started by MintoxGT