Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

I like this Russian!! Lot of Nice Videos.

Created by cisco > 9 months ago, 31 Oct 2012
Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
1 Nov 2012 5:41PM
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^^^ P.R I don't see many licensed shooters killing people with guns either.

I do see alcoholic ocker fkheads belt their missus' with their fists.

Do we we ban fists? Maybe alcohol? Oohh maybe arguments, or females who backchat? No, we have penalties for the offenders.

In all these threads here I have seen the (minority) of lefties want to ban guns.

None of you leftie types yet have been able to answer my question in all those previous arguments - why we did not see mass shootings in the 1940's to 1970's when gun ownership was at it's highest???
Society is to blame, not the gun, and that is patently obvious. It is the (failed) policies of the loony left social engineers that have enabled it to happen.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
1 Nov 2012 6:39PM
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Mark _australia said...
in all those previous arguments - why we did not see mass shootings in the 1940's to 1970's when gun ownership was at it's highest???

We did
First google search....

I think you should perhaps look to the laws in the UK. How many mass shootings have they had (2) as compared to somewhere like say USA where guns are freely available at Kmart.

WA, 15849 posts
1 Nov 2012 6:50PM
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That was a cool clip, tracers are awesome

WA, 5921 posts
1 Nov 2012 7:47PM
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sn said...
log man said...
Bored young physcopath with too much money. His local school and Maccas would be very nervous.

Last time I was forced into maccas, was after visiting the rifle range with a mate and our offspring.
The kids had hit us up for the cash for a junk food fix (nothing unusual there) and dumped the coins on the counter- along with a heap of empty cases and spent projies they had collected during the day.

The only comments were from the counter girl telling the boys what the different calibres were and another mum and dad in the line telling thier kids "thats what grandad has on the farm"
Along with lots of smiles and curious looks from parents and kids.

Loggy- you would be surprised at what the real community attitude towards firearms is, once you get away from media indoctrinated sheep.


lil stig got a few strange comments walking through woolies after buying 6 arrows from the gun shop across the road, jealous looks from kids and tut,tuts from the mums

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
1 Nov 2012 8:38PM
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P.R from your link I see roughly 55 shootings in 100 years up to 1980, then 60 plus in the last 30yrs since.

A fourfold increase in shootings per year is not to be scoffed at.

Yes OK, I was wrong as I said there was not any. However I stand by the assertion that the gun is not to blame, changing society is. Again, 4x increase is pretty hefty.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
1 Nov 2012 9:16PM
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Mark _australia said...
the gun is not to blame, changing society is. Again, 4x increase is pretty hefty.

Or maybe in the last 30 years there are more affordable guns around, more automatic weapons and easier for particular types to get their hands on them?

There are more guns in American society than ever and hence easier access and more shootings.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
2 Nov 2012 12:36AM
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Come on Mark, Even if our international leftist plan does work and we manage to ban all guns you've still got yer whitlin.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
2 Nov 2012 12:52AM
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Mark _australia said...
log man said...
Tell me stephen, what do you think the "real" community thinks about firearms. By "real community" I'm assuming you mean the majority of Australians. Or do you mean the people that you hang around with, or maybe you mean the people in your town or something. I'm pretty sure that the majority of Australians are keenly "anti gun" apart from the ownership of a gun by a farmers. Do you doubt that? or do you think that the rest of the population aren't "real"

He already told you.
His example showed you that when they walked into Maccas and paid with coin and some empty brass was in their pockets that everyone there had a healthy, normal appreciation of firearms and didn't treat them as weirdo's. Not just his shooting crowd, not just his town - it was normal everyday australians in Maccas.
Unlike the fear whipped up by the media and far left. Your comment that somebody who likes firearms is a psycopath shows that leftie lean. I guess you will now have me believe that only right wing gun nut rednecks eat at McDonalds?

BTW I also marvel at, and enjoy looking at/reading about, other feats of engineering like cars, space shuttles and fast planes. I also enjoy the precision and challenges of learning to windsurf and surf, as well as the extreme difficulty of long range shooting. How exactly does an interest in shooting make one a psycho?

As to you feeling bad for all the dead animals you shot, next time you enjoy a loaf of bread, beer or cabbage leaf, thank a farmer and a recreational shooter. Cos with intensive farming and introduced species we'd be lucky to sustain half our population in Oz without shooting. Like it or not, there will be a requirement to cull.

If youa gree with culling and then move onto target shooter, you'd better ban javelin, fencing and archery whilst you are at it. They must be fkn psycho's to use those weapons for sport.

Yeah, the old "hamsters kill more people per year than gun owners ......and hamsters are still legal, defence". You just can't beat that logic....damn!!

And I don't know how many people live in your town, but about 3 million live in mine, and I think if you were to go into a Maccas in northcote and put ammo on the counter......then Vic police would be called.

Yours and Stevens point about the "real" world is a false one. Look at the city populations of Australia......THAT'S "real", not what you put forward as normal in
country WA.

WA, 434 posts
1 Nov 2012 10:50PM
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This is my favourite Russian.
Youtube BodyRock for ya fittness freaks and pervs....

WA, 1267 posts
1 Nov 2012 10:53PM
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Some nice ones so far

WA, 936 posts
1 Nov 2012 11:12PM
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Our Russian? friend gets a cameo in this trailer

WA, 2371 posts
1 Nov 2012 11:53PM
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He's kind of cute
LOVE the Tank's

QLD, 12326 posts
2 Nov 2012 1:54AM
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log man said...
Yours and Stevens point about the "real" world is a false one. Look at the city populations of Australia......THAT'S "real", not what you put forward as normal in
country WA.

You are referring to the "real" world, I take it, where most teenage boys spend 6 hours or more at a stretch daily on the X Box/P.S. playing Battlefield, Call of Duty and Black Ops etc.

Graphic and repeated simulated killing for hours on end. What does that do to impressionable young minds?? That is a breeding ground for future mass murderers if any of them get their hands on a real gun.

I would rather take my son to a rifle range on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon where the world is real, the guns are real and the discipline is real.

One of the best things that could happen in Australia is for military cadet training to be brought back into the school system IMHO. It is great for self discipline, character building and emotional releases.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
2 Nov 2012 12:22PM
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Army cadets!!! Haha. Who'd join? the world's moved on Cisco. And anyway what's with your fascination with guns,the military and shooting things? How about an "environment cadets" or a "peace corps" or a "civil defence" thing. Why the necessity to use a military force model?

WA, 15849 posts
2 Nov 2012 9:51AM
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log man said...
Army cadets!!! Haha. Who'd join? the world's moved on Cisco. And anyway what's with your fascination with guns,the military and shooting things? How about an "environment cadets" or a "peace corps" or a "civil defence" thing. Why the necessity to use a military force model?

Back in my day we had no entertainment, we made do with marbles an suchlike.

So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a 10 cents and in those days, 10 cent coins had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Give me five bees for a fifty, you'd say...................

QLD, 3424 posts
2 Nov 2012 11:58AM
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GypsyDrifter said...
He's kind of cute
LOVE the Tank's

The black guy with the tanks is a french comic/actor. Omar Sy

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
2 Nov 2012 10:24AM
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log man said...
Army cadets!!! Haha. Who'd join? the world's moved on Cisco. And anyway what's with your fascination with guns,the military and shooting things? How about an "environment cadets" or a "peace corps" or a "civil defence" thing. Why the necessity to use a military force model?

He does have a point. You must be one of the first to line up and protest about overly violent video games Loggy? Or is it easier to just blame the implement?

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
2 Nov 2012 10:32AM
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cisco said...
log man said...
Yours and Stevens point about the "real" world is a false one. Look at the city populations of Australia......THAT'S "real", not what you put forward as normal in
country WA.

You are referring to the "real" world, I take it, where most teenage boys spend 6 hours or more at a stretch daily on the X Box/P.S. playing Battlefield, Call of Duty and Black Ops etc.

Graphic and repeated simulated killing for hours on end. What does that do to impressionable young minds?? That is a breeding ground for future mass murderers if any of them get their hands on a real gun.


I read something interesting about this the other day.

There was helmet cam footage of a real soldier who had exposed his position to draw enemy fire. He was scrambling around on a rocky hill with bullets coming within a few feet of him. He gets behind cover just as a bullet hits his rifle and puts a hole through the grenade launcher part.

Just watching that was incredibly scary, like ohh **** that is life or death running/scrambling. How can a game be compared to that.

I (along with most people my age) play the odd shoot em up. And I guarantee there is no scared feeling there. The way I see it games are just skill testers, gotta be quicker/more accurate/think different to other people.

In a video game you kill 'someone', teabag them for a few seconds [}:)], then they respawn to do that to you. I think anyone that claims video games made them commit a crime would probably have done it anyway because most people understand the difference between real and fake.

And as far as I'm aware gun crime existed before video games anyway...

Ps. Back on topic, that guys is a bit of a character and his videos are pretty entertaining!

WA, 2371 posts
2 Nov 2012 3:41PM
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seanhogan said...
GypsyDrifter said...
He's kind of cute
LOVE the Tank's

The black guy with the tanks is a french comic/actor. Omar Sy

Ok ...Not the Black guy the russian

QLD, 3424 posts
2 Nov 2012 6:07PM
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kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
2 Nov 2012 7:35PM
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I have nothing against big guns at all. Had fun shooting a few in Vietnam and after the missus said 'pick something girly for me' I got her on a 30cal Machine Gun. Good times. But... can't really see any legitimate need for them here. Farm rifle/shotgun, sure. But full auto or military weapons? Not gonna add anything.

We are gonna see more and more crims with guns here, smuggled in. It's just a fact of life considering the rest of the world's awash with them, and crims with drug money here will pay 10-50 times cost price for someone smart enough to get them in. Same with tazers.

For the oldies in the thread - stats say that rape, violent and gun crime actually falls when teenage guys have access to violent video games. Rather than 'train mass killers' or whatever fearmongering piffle the AM radio's been spreading, the stats prove the opposite. It gives them a fantasy outlet for their aggression without bringing it into the real world.

Considering that Call Of Duty is the most lucrative entertainment stream in the world, and to borrow Joe Hockey's counting system it sells approximately eleventy billion copies, I think there's a big enough sample size for the stats to be accurate.

It gets pretty funny when you track back these 'violent video game' fear stories and they started with the commodore 64. Imagine the realism they were complaining about back then!

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
2 Nov 2012 7:37PM
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WA, 2775 posts
2 Nov 2012 11:05PM
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log man said...
And I don't know how many people live in your town, but about 3 million live in mine, and I think if you were to go into a Maccas in northcote and put ammo on the counter......then Vic police would be called.

Yours and Stevens point about the "real" world is a false one. Look at the city populations of Australia......THAT'S "real", not what you put forward as normal in
country WA.

I just got back from a quick trip to Leinster, and was a bit surprised to see this thread still active!

Loggy- the Maccas was in the metropolitan suburb of Armadale, not exactly a hicksville country town.
Our boys didnt have live ammo- just empty cases and the remains of different projectiles they had collected from the mound of dirt that the bullets are caught in after passing through the targets.
Nothing able to be fired or reloaded. Nothing illegal.

Like you- I too have shot and killed a lot of animals in the past.
However, unlike you- I have never killed for sport, every animal I killed was either causing damage, posing a danger to crops, livestock or people, or has been bound for the dinner table.
I have no remorse for what I have done- and would do so again.
I cant say that I took pleasure in killing- more like satisfaction in a job well done.
Someone has to do the culling (P.C. word for necessary killing) - and I am (or was) good at it. As was my Father, and Grandfather.
Our sons have proven to be proficient with firearms on the rifle range- and when old enough and after gaining more experience I expect they will be co-licensed to use the firearms that my Father and myself have collected and used over the years.
My sporting use of firearms started after I moved back to the city and joined a rifle club and took up target shooting. I have been with this club for 16 years- and will be there for a lot more yet!

I dont expect Loggy or the "lefties" to like hunting, culling or sporting shooting- but thats to be expected.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion of thier own, just dont think you can change my opinions to suit your view of the world.



Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"I like this Russian!! Lot of Nice Videos." started by cisco