Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

I remember when......

Created by poor relative > 9 months ago, 30 Jun 2008
poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
30 Jun 2008 11:24PM
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Snickers were called Marathon
Kites were things kids played with in parks
Petrol was 65c
Wales were the best team in the world in Rugby Union

QLD, 2081 posts
1 Jul 2008 1:28AM
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... my biggest concern in my life was how I would wear my hair to school (Primary School and the 90's)
... Braces totally weren't cool, but like THE BIFF, I'm bringing it back!!! [}:)]
... kites were little diamond shapes I would make with paper, sticks and a trail with string... oh how they developed into my biggest dream! [}:)]

haa good topic rellie.... Been missing your contribution to my posts lately

WA, 7608 posts
1 Jul 2008 12:18AM
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Hardie was Hardie

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
1 Jul 2008 12:26AM
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when liz loved me instead of Pat

QLD, 2081 posts
1 Jul 2008 2:32AM
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when Pat was single and loved me... and I loved him... and we kited off into the sunset together... [}:)]

nawwhhh jkn. Too bad no-one on here knows anything even half accurate in regards to Pat + I ! [}:)]

... When Pat sent me that photo of him and Rellie @ KiteStock... scrumptious.. and my classic reply... I no longer have the message, but I remember my reply... lol

WA, 2331 posts
1 Jul 2008 7:22AM
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when middies were 68c, you could go to the pub, pay the cover charge, get pissed, listen to The Jets or Saracen or some other cover band, buy hungry jacks on the way home and still have change from $20
.....................ah those were the days

VIC, 5000 posts
1 Jul 2008 10:47AM
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.....I used to get out of bed, have a shower, do my hair, and off to work.....

(I still get out of bed, have a shower, ----------no hair to speak of, and off to work.....)

.....$154-00 wage per/week would pay for board, fuel, grog on weekends, with a little left over!

WA, 1012 posts
1 Jul 2008 9:06AM
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petrol was 33c p/l , computers where a thing of the future , people had respect for each other , the playroom was open 7 nights a week , bombayrock was tuesday all you could drink for $11

QLD, 4083 posts
1 Jul 2008 11:31AM
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There was no television in the house, and when we got one to watch the 1982 Commonwealth Games it only got 2 channels.

NSW, 141 posts
1 Jul 2008 11:35AM
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cornerstore lolly missions, dumping one dollars worth of copper on the counter and watching the poor shop-keep first have to count out one hundred worth of one and two cent pieces, then the one hundred lollies..
... or finding five a cent piece and totally thinking you were on the way to riches..
... and smurfs from the b.p servo

WA, 2224 posts
1 Jul 2008 10:40AM
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Going surfing down the coast and getting uncrowded waves on the weekend.
Earning $128 clear/week as a 1st year apprentice.
Filling up the trusy 1978 corrolla panno for $20 and it lasting all week.

And finally going to the pub/nightclub and actually having a chance at pulling a hottie

NSW, 3075 posts
1 Jul 2008 1:09PM
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you could leave your gear on the roof and nothing got pinched.
we used to get good consistent nor-easters for days on end and Long Reef was THE spot to sail.
there wasnt so many peanuts on the road.
beer was $15 a case
we didnt have computers to look at the wind and waves. you actually went to the beach and looked for yourself.

WA, 705 posts
1 Jul 2008 1:37PM
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you could.................what was it we were talking about

Tornado Crew
NT, 55 posts
1 Jul 2008 3:09PM
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.....The most important regatta in the world was the state titles!
.....I dreamed of being able to windsurf and plane around the harbour for hours on end... (Now i Can do this)
.... My father got really really really angry with the government when petrol hit 80c! (I haven't been around that long ok!)
....Pokemon was the coolest thing ever!

VIC, 1230 posts
1 Jul 2008 3:44PM
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grumplestiltskin said...

when middies were 68c, you could go to the pub, pay the cover charge, get pissed, listen to The Jets or Saracen or some other cover band, buy hungry jacks on the way home and still have change from $20
.....................ah those were the days

Pots were 20c, you could go and see AC/DC at the pub and McDs and other plastic burgershadn't spread to our shores....Oh for a Souvalaki on the way home and still have the change from 10.

QLD, 4083 posts
1 Jul 2008 3:55PM
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ka43 said...

we didnt have computers to look at the wind and waves. you actually went to the beach and looked for yourself.

I don't mind it this way, makes planning much easier and means less trips to the beach for unsuitable conditions -> wasted fuel.

WA, 1916 posts
1 Jul 2008 2:20PM
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going to the il travatore club in northbridge for a free toasted sandwich and coffee, before playing cards to try and win some money to go out for the night. thats if they let you in.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
1 Jul 2008 4:02PM
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When you could slaughter as many fish as you wanted
When burning plastic and watching the consequent dark green river was fun
Driving the V8 kingswood HQ flat out towing a trailer to Geraldton and back cost $30

WA, 1012 posts
1 Jul 2008 4:24PM
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when a bag of ice was still cold ,wet and frozen , bow up dolls where still a thing of amazement and a gay time was a iceblock

1357 posts
1 Jul 2008 5:59PM
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I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind, there was something so pleasant about that place, even your emotions have an echo in so much space, mmmmmmmmmmmm yeah and when you're out there, out there, yeah I was out of touch, but it wasn't because I didn't know enough, I just know too much. Does that make me crazy ? Does that make me crazy ? Does that make me crazy ? Possibly ! And if all that you have is the time of your life, well think twice, that's my only advice..................................................

WA, 12143 posts
1 Jul 2008 7:16PM
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I remember that the last haircut I paid for cost 7/6.

And for you youngsters who don't now what that means, it's 7shillings and 6pence or in today's money 75c

When we did our surf trip over east we were drawing $20 a week from our bank accounts, that paid for petrol and food.

Surfboards were under $100

Cars were under $3,000

And I still had hair on the top of my head.

WA, 4564 posts
1 Jul 2008 8:02PM
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First job, $10 a day, thought I was just the luckiest person out each pay day.
packet of smokes, sausage roll and a can of ginger beer, 80c (no sauce)
fuel was 5 bob (50c) a gallon 2 quid ($4)near on filled the old HR (Holden) up
didn't wear shoes, or thongs, my feet were as hard as leather, even Double Gees (prickles) wouldn't stick in em My old man going crook because I wouldnt wear anything on my feet

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
1 Jul 2008 8:11PM
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I remember when a public forum was when people met and talked about stuff.
I remember when people wrote letters
I remember when airbags and electric windows on a car weren't standard
I remember when text was writing

WA, 1305 posts
1 Jul 2008 8:17PM
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trigg point had real waves before hillaries marina and Ian Cairns wiped out going left,.... goose he was! Ohh and a 4to 5mtr white pointer did 3 laps around me at 7.30 in the morning (20yrs ago) and I was sh..ting myself that much I couldnt even shout shark!!!! Went to see Jaws that day , figured I couldnt be scared any more. Thank god its a memory now and Im here.!!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
1 Jul 2008 8:40PM
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De'crep remembers.......when a Surfboard was todays SUP

WA, 12143 posts
1 Jul 2008 8:47PM
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PR, you remembered!!!!

And just for interests sake the young skinny blond guy at the front has just been accused by Cassa of going left at Trigg point and wiping out.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
1 Jul 2008 9:14PM
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De'crep remembers when bordies looked cool

NSW, 9202 posts
1 Jul 2008 11:28PM
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I remember firecrackers and bonfires.

I remember Sydney Harbour Bridge costing 20c (although it really stayed 20c for a very, very long time).

I remember trains where you had to physically open and close the doors yourself.

I remember Hey Hey being on in the morning.

I remember Coca Cola competitions where you could win a windsurfer.

I remember JJJ (radio) when it was JJ.

I remember video becoming popular, and it was the end of cinema.
I remember computers becoming popular, and it was the end of paper
I remember computers becoming popular, and it was the end of the 40hr week.
I remember the internet becoming popular, and it was the end of travelling to work.

I remember being a kid, always slightly scared that we'd have a nuclear war any minute. I'd almost forgotten that.

WA, 12143 posts
1 Jul 2008 9:40PM
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poor relative said...

De'crep remembers when bordies looked cool

And I didn't have a beard!

WA, 5921 posts
1 Jul 2008 9:47PM
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I remember trying out a new game called "Space Invaders" It was incredibly boring. I played 1 game and that was the last computer game I played. went out to go sailing instead
Have they improved them computer games yet?

NSW, 141 posts
1 Jul 2008 11:51PM
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landyacht said...

I remember trying out a new game called "Space Invaders" It was incredibly boring. I played 1 game and that was the last computer game I played. went out to go sailing instead
Have they improved them computer games yet?

not really


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"I remember when......" started by poor relative