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Identify this spider

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 6 Feb 2013
NSW, 4453 posts
6 Feb 2013 8:19PM
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This one is ~12cm tip to tip.
They come in this colour, and a light grey & black.
I've seen one that was ~20cm tip to tip.

The body is really long, and look like a dick when view from the under side.

Doesn't seem to make any distinctive web, or even visible web.

QLD, 6806 posts
6 Feb 2013 7:42PM
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Are you sure that is a spider ?

NSW, 2110 posts
6 Feb 2013 8:53PM
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my work here is done

NSW, 4453 posts
6 Feb 2013 9:31PM
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You Sir have earned yourself a cookie.

QLD, 6806 posts
6 Feb 2013 9:33PM
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Checky creature
I did count all legs and couldn't find more then 4

Spiders (order Araneae) are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs and chelicerae with fangs that inject venom.

What insect have 4 legs?

Best Answer

The only insects with four legs are the insects that happen to be missing two of their legs.

QLD, 4873 posts
6 Feb 2013 10:00PM
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It's Eugene from Brisbane.............

WA, 1267 posts
6 Feb 2013 8:12PM
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I hate spiders. The only good spider is a dead one.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
6 Feb 2013 10:16PM
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Macroscien said...
I did count all legs and couldn't find more then 4

Not sure if joking?

Net casting spiders are cool, huge front pair of eyes. Most of them don't move too much, hang head down to hunt. So you don't actually need to kill them, they eat annoying insects.

QLD, 6806 posts
6 Feb 2013 10:29PM
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Could be also male Praying Mantis after the sex session.
Female consumed the head already and 4 legs on desert...

WA, 1267 posts
6 Feb 2013 8:34PM
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Four pairs = Eight

NSW, 2005 posts
6 Feb 2013 11:36PM
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Macroscien said...
What insect have 4 legs?

My boss - 4 limbs.
Told him to crawl back under his rock just yesterday...

10979 posts
6 Feb 2013 8:39PM
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Macroscien said...
Checky creature
I did count all legs and couldn't find more then 4

Spiders (order Araneae) are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs and chelicerae with fangs that inject venom.

QLD, 6806 posts
6 Feb 2013 10:53PM
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If you had some nasty diseases that mean you are cured now.

Fibromalgia left your body ....

QLD, 6806 posts
6 Feb 2013 11:20PM
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better check on your body if there are any scars or wounds left

there still could be some eggs left in your tummy

WA, 2371 posts
6 Feb 2013 9:29PM
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FlySurfer said...
This one is ~12cm tip to tip.
They come in this colour, and a light grey & black.
I've seen one that was ~20cm tip to tip.

"They can vary in color from fawn to pinkish
brown or chocolate brown. Females are about 25mm, males about 22mm. "

QLD, 6806 posts
6 Feb 2013 11:31PM
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Not so sure but Gina could have the lastest transport infected ....
better check with Australian biosecurity for extraterrestials contamination

QLD, 6806 posts
6 Feb 2013 11:40PM
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GypsyDrifter said...
about 25mm, males about 22mm. "

are you sure mm ? not cm ??

or size doesn't really matter for you

QLD, 6806 posts
6 Feb 2013 11:53PM
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for you Gypsy

Mark _australia
WA, 22344 posts
6 Feb 2013 10:03PM
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Macroscien said...

^^^ Thanks for the tip macro, I will try that one next time

"It's OK hun, I am feeding you oxygen, honest..... "

QLD, 6806 posts
7 Feb 2013 12:04AM
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for rest of us ... lets start counting ... how many legs ??

holly crap !! ?? What the creature AM I with 21 LEGS ???

QLD, 6806 posts
7 Feb 2013 12:11AM
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Mark _australia said...
Macroscien said...

^^^ Thanks for the tip macro, I will try that one next time

"It's OK hun, I am feeding you oxygen, honest..... "

correction.... down the esophagus Mark

(your aerator will not fit into trachea)

NSW, 584 posts
7 Feb 2013 5:14PM
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Ok, what about this one? I had to deal with this a few weeks ago.

QLD, 6806 posts
7 Feb 2013 5:42PM
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bigmark100 said...
Ok, what about this one? I had to deal with this a few weeks ago.

WA, 2503 posts
7 Feb 2013 3:45PM
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When they're that big they just become generic Triantiwantigongolopes.

WA, 7671 posts
7 Feb 2013 4:20PM
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Incy wincy

WA, 2775 posts
7 Feb 2013 4:46PM
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bigmark100 said...
Ok, what about this one? I had to deal with this a few weeks ago.

I think sandwichmaker would have a fit if I did the usual "kill it with a thong" as you can guarantee it would be really really messy.

either kill it with fire, or out with the snail gun (air rifle)

personally- I would rather just let it be, but sammichgirl is creaped out by spiders.


WA, 1267 posts
7 Feb 2013 5:16PM
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bigmark100 said...
Ok, what about this one? I had to deal with this a few weeks ago.

Holy Crap!! It looks like it has grabbed one of your kids wearing a fairy costume. You can see the wings.

QLD, 12324 posts
7 Feb 2013 11:38PM
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Leave the Huntsman alone. He is your friend keeping a lid on the insect population eating one of those flying ant thingys.

If he makes your womenfolk scream, that is a bonus and an opportunity for you to show them what a hero you are by getting him on your hand and flicking him out the door.

He'll be back!!!

NSW, 1575 posts
8 Feb 2013 8:01PM
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On a lighter note daddy long legs is not actually a spider it eats mould that's why u find them in humid areas example bathroom & its why there harmless forget the myth they have the most poisoness venom but there fangs are too short to penetrate humans they dont have them there like the giraffe of the insect world eating mould there's heaps in my bathroom I need a new maid

WA, 1227 posts
8 Feb 2013 7:57PM
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actiomax said...
On a lighter note daddy long legs is not actually a spider it eats mould that's why u find them in humid areas example bathroom & its why there harmless forget the myth they have the most poisoness venom but there fangs are too short to penetrate humans they dont have them there like the giraffe of the insect world eating mould there's heaps in my bathroom I need a new maid

QLD, 102 posts
8 Feb 2013 11:25PM
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Ok, have a crack at this one. About the size of your palm, had built a 3m x 2m web on my balcony overnight during the recent floods.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Identify this spider" started by FlySurfer