Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by Craig66 > 9 months ago, 22 Jun 2019
883 posts
3 Jul 2019 5:31PM
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Paradox said..

Gazuki said..
So correct, I think this is the part that most people do not realize about this case. It isn't about Izzy saying all gays will go to hell etc., its that your employer has the right to terminate you for what you post online. It will be the fist work case in Aus that a person has been sacked through their use of social media. Huge presidence for the future for all of us., not even close. Plenty of previous cases.

Here is just a couple:

A quick look at those cases and none of them are similar to izzy's case.

Izzy needs to take this all the way to set a presidence to put a stop to the rainbow fascists bullies. He has the funds and public support to do so.

Australia deserves to have its best sportsmen representing our country, not just the best politically correct players.

WA, 9503 posts
3 Jul 2019 8:29PM
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Your duty as a public figure is not just to be good at your sport surely. You don't get paid these ridiculous amounts to only just be a great athlete. Your public profile the (reason you get paid so much), highly influences especially the lowest common denominator.

Contract breeched. End of story. But those with money, the goal posts can be moved. Politically incorrect wouldn't use that to describe what this fella has said.

You want the right to say what you want when you want .... sure. But forgo the priveledge of getting paid millions to chase around a ball and work like the rest of us. It just goes with the package. It's just part of the contract. Can't have ya cake and eat it as well.

QLD, 7428 posts
4 Jul 2019 12:06AM
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cammd said..

Paradox said..

cammd said..

Its a great shame that RA is being used as a platform to forward social agenda's rather than what its meant for.

That comment is so totally ignorant of the game of Rugby it's not funny. I am talking about the grass roots club level Rugby, not the high stakes international test level. There is no leftist "social agenda" being pushed by Rugby Australia. What they are pushing is the World Rugby core values. Try googling the inclusiveness policies of Rugby Australia or World Rugby. They are protecting the very fabric the code is built on at the grass roots.

Try reading this article from 2017, the issue is not a recent one.

I have said multiple times that Rugby Australia had no choice but to sack Folau. That's not just from a contractual perspective, its from a core value perspective. His actions haven't just breached an Australian employers contract, they have breached the World Rugby Code of Conduct and the very heart of the games inclusiveness policies. If they did not sack him, World Rugby would have stepped in and sanctioned both Rugby Australia for not taking action and sanctioned Folau themselves.

True I am reasonably ignorant of the game, however I was under the impression though that grass roots Rugby was heavily supported by the religious Pacific Islander community. If Rugby Australia's inclusiveness polices result in practicing Christians from being excluded from the game I expect RA will have more problems than just Izzy taking them to court.

If World Rugby's core values are intolerant of religious beliefs than religious people will be excluded, there is no other option as you said, RA had no choice, World Rugby will have no choice but to exclude religious people. Which I think is a great shame for the game- -apologies for the ignorance.

Only ones that violate their contracts. That's not unreasonable.

883 posts
4 Jul 2019 5:35AM
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Contracts that violate basic human rights are unreasonable

Izzy's case has sparked the fire of many of our politicians. Soon what RA and Alan Joyce did will be illegal, in accordance with our international obligations towards human rights and freedoms.

These law changes are too late to help izzy, so he has to follow this all the way. Hopefully he destroys RA and Joyce, and out of the ashes Australian rugby will prosper and field a team which includes the best players in the world, not exclude them.

10979 posts
4 Jul 2019 6:27AM
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QLD, 1326 posts
4 Jul 2019 11:42AM
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TonyAbbott said..
Contracts that violate basic human rights are unreasonable

Feel like elaborating on what rights have been violated?

QLD, 3761 posts
4 Jul 2019 1:10PM
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tangohotel said..

cammd said..

Paradox said..

cammd said..

Its a great shame that RA is being used as a platform to forward social agenda's rather than what its meant for.

That comment is so totally ignorant of the game of Rugby it's not funny. I am talking about the grass roots club level Rugby, not the high stakes international test level. There is no leftist "social agenda" being pushed by Rugby Australia. What they are pushing is the World Rugby core values. Try googling the inclusiveness policies of Rugby Australia or World Rugby. They are protecting the very fabric the code is built on at the grass roots.

Try reading this article from 2017, the issue is not a recent one.

I have said multiple times that Rugby Australia had no choice but to sack Folau. That's not just from a contractual perspective, its from a core value perspective. His actions haven't just breached an Australian employers contract, they have breached the World Rugby Code of Conduct and the very heart of the games inclusiveness policies. If they did not sack him, World Rugby would have stepped in and sanctioned both Rugby Australia for not taking action and sanctioned Folau themselves.

True I am reasonably ignorant of the game, however I was under the impression though that grass roots Rugby was heavily supported by the religious Pacific Islander community. If Rugby Australia's inclusiveness polices result in practicing Christians from being excluded from the game I expect RA will have more problems than just Izzy taking them to court.

If World Rugby's core values are intolerant of religious beliefs than religious people will be excluded, there is no other option as you said, RA had no choice, World Rugby will have no choice but to exclude religious people. Which I think is a great shame for the game- -apologies for the ignorance.

You truly are ignorant. An employer has the right to employ people who they consider to be aligned with the core values. Any employer!! If i own a business and an employee proves to be a total dick who I don't think has my businesses best interests at heart would be terminated. I really can't believe you keep peddling the same twaddle. This thread should have died a while ago. Cut and dried case. His own lawyers admitted multiple breaches of the code of conduct (or code of contact as Petermac called it!).... He is stupid god botherer who dared RA to do something. They did. He cries "religious persecution". All the other religious nuts go "Yeah!! God is great! Go Israel!!". Israel says, "Oh, I need 3 mill to go to court (or undefined purposes, as per the fine print in the con, sorry, fund raising page). Religious nuts go, "Yeah, multi, MULTI millionaire, have some of my money!!". Israel says thanks! I'd like to see the receipts... Suckers... Die thread die!!

Well as per the example above I have a problem with religious schools sacking teachers for no other reason than they are gay, I would consider that discrimination as well but according to what you wrote I guess your ok with it.

10979 posts
4 Jul 2019 11:55AM
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Paradox said..

TonyAbbott said..
Contracts that violate basic human rights are unreasonable

Feel like elaborating on what rights have been violated?

Maybe he means the rights of children in the care of religious organisations.

Bankers and footballers have better morals than the church.

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
4 Jul 2019 12:43PM
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petermac33 said..
Main wrote on HW......

George Burgess tries to blind Robbie Farah with an eye gouge on the weekend.

He he will be penalised a few weeks.

Now compare this to Izzy's penalty.

They both breached general code of contact rules.

What is it with eye gouging?

Can anyone imagine Izzy doing that?

9 weeks.

But on the relativity of penalties. A much less dangerous tactic, with maybe even humorous overtones, gets 12 weeks!

What would Hoppa's penalty be these days? 1 week tops you'd think?

2 weeks for Stratton

WA, 6415 posts
4 Jul 2019 3:44PM
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RA and sport in general is being used as a platform to further their social engineering.

You would have to be as blind as a bat not to see it.

The army as well is being used as a platform to promote this LBGT stuff.

I remember five or so years ago the U.S army on threat of being sacked from the force made some of its soldiers parade around in pink shoes for a promotion of LBGT.

Where in their contract did it say they have to promote filth like this?

TAS, 2967 posts
4 Jul 2019 6:43PM
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QLD, 7428 posts
4 Jul 2019 7:26PM
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TonyAbbott said..
Contracts that violate basic human rights are unreasonable

Izzy's case has sparked the fire of many of our politicians. Soon what RA and Alan Joyce did will be illegal, in accordance with our international obligations towards human rights and freedoms.

These law changes are too late to help izzy, so he has to follow this all the way. Hopefully he destroys RA and Joyce, and out of the ashes Australian rugby will prosper and field a team which includes the best players in the world, not exclude them.

Bollocks! He was aware of the CoC. He didn't have to sign it. It's straight forward breach of contract.
You have a strange idea of human rights if you think the right to persecute minorities is among them.

NSW, 274 posts
4 Jul 2019 9:49PM
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Yo petermac I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that "ze army" who need to pass an aptitude test to serve does not require you (clown flat earther) to represent them. Go do a spell in the ghan before you rope our boys into your filth you filth.

WA, 28 posts
4 Jul 2019 10:42PM
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awkward customer said..
Yo petermac I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that "ze army" who need to pass an aptitude test to serve does not require you (clown flat earther) to represent them. Go do a spell in the ghan before you rope our boys into your filth you filth.

Total agreement.

10 posts
5 Jul 2019 2:21PM
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interesting read in sydney morning herald by john steenhof.

WA, 6415 posts
5 Jul 2019 2:57PM
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You're a bigot now if you criticise politicians.

WA, 1104 posts
5 Jul 2019 5:07PM
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Wow, you believe an Alt right Bulgarian based conspiracy theory site

WA, 6415 posts
6 Jul 2019 2:34PM
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Of course what you meant to say if Izzy were to lose - we would all live in fear of our jobs based on any non PC words we post online.

Should this teacher not also lose his job for being intolerant of the students opinion?

QLD, 7428 posts
6 Jul 2019 5:00PM
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It seems the kid was expelled for posting a defamatory video of his teacher on line not just for disagreeing about gender.
That's right there on the Life Site News post you linked. I don't know how you managed to miss it.

Just so you know Life Site News' bias here's a doozy:

WA, 9503 posts
6 Jul 2019 4:24PM
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I have so much to say regarding people commenting and making judgement on how others choose to live (and indeed the absolute and undeniable hypocrisy of such statements especially from a Christian point of view) but I myself would be open to losing my job due to my own contract of employment. Hence if they are paying my bills I will shut the Fck up and let be what is. This fella should have done the same. Chase that ball, get paid and shut the Fck up. I hope he gets seriously smashed by the judicial system myself. Get over yourself and know what true love and humility is.

QLD, 6493 posts
6 Jul 2019 8:05PM
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eppo said..
I will shut the Fck up and let be what is

But he's a super star sports hero, everybody loves him, he's more important that everyone else

WA, 9503 posts
2 Aug 2019 12:32PM
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Kamikuza said..

eppo said..
I will shut the Fck up and let be what is

But he's a super star sports hero, everybody loves him, he's more important that everyone else

Ain't that the sad truth. So his brother worked for a Christian school, is calling them Satan worshippers, hence has parted ways.

Wasn't it the Christian lobby group that pushed his brothers public revenue raising to fight rugby Australia in the courts.

Am I missing something here ?

Wtf is going on here ?

WA, 1916 posts
2 Aug 2019 2:11PM
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whippingboy said..

Wow, you believe an Alt right Bulgarian based conspiracy theory site

petermac33 comes under the group of people who are "persuadable"
refer "The Great Hack" Netflix 2019
The sorts of sites that petermac33 refers are designed to get him to repost as gospel and to try and convert other persuadable people.

classic propaganda campaign to skew the uncertain

WA, 1103 posts
2 Aug 2019 2:16PM
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Let's move on please.

topic has been done to death, and unfortunately, it's not going away in real life either, just yet at least.

We need a button Laurie to kill topics - at least to be able to rate/vote for their demise.

NSW, 2458 posts
2 Aug 2019 7:20PM
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Juddy said..
Let's move on please.

topic has been done to death, and unfortunately, it's not going away in real life either, just yet at least.

We need a button Laurie to kill topics - at least to be able to rate/vote for their demise.

There is such a button, it's called "self restraint" button.
just don't click on stuff you have no interest or valued comment.

I use it lots

883 posts
4 Dec 2019 1:56PM
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Well done Izzy

I wish he didn't take the settlement through, he should have taken them all the way in the courts for their crimes against him. That would stop others trying it again.

An apology is not enough

Izzy now needs to go after Joyce

145 posts
4 Dec 2019 2:20PM
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TonyAbbott said..
Well done Izzy

I wish he didn't take the settlement through, he should have taken them all the way in the courts for their crimes against him. That would stop others trying it again.

An apology is not enough

Izzy now needs to go after Joyce

Folau says he's preaching a message of love. But, if the people you're talking about feel attacked and judged, then your self-righteous mission to save souls falls apart pretty quick.

883 posts
4 Dec 2019 3:20PM
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roodney said..

TonyAbbott said..
Well done Izzy

I wish he didn't take the settlement through, he should have taken them all the way in the courts for their crimes against him. That would stop others trying it again.

An apology is not enough

Izzy now needs to go after Joyce

Folau says he's preaching a message of love. But, if the people you're talking about feel attacked and judged, then your self-righteous mission to save souls falls apart pretty quick.

Love is love

QLD, 1326 posts
17 Dec 2019 1:04PM
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TonyAbbott said..
Well done Izzy

I wish he didn't take the settlement through, he should have taken them all the way in the courts for their crimes against him. That would stop others trying it again.

An apology is not enough

Izzy now needs to go after Joyce

Love it. Confirmation bias here anywhere??

Folau took everyone else's money to fund a defence on a religious freedom principle. He had more than enough of others people money to take it all the way to a high court resolution, but instead of spending that money on what it was given to him for, he kept the bulk of that money, took the offered amount RA would have to had spent on legal costs anyway in exchange for accepting the termination and then scuttled under a rock.

RA walks away with the sacking and their rights to do it again firmly in place. All they have lost is the money they would have had to spend defending the case anyway and would never have got back.

If you want to call that a win, go for it....

Hunter S
WA, 516 posts
17 Dec 2019 2:12PM
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Yep, Izzy showed his hand.
It was all about the money, and had very little to do with religious freedom.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Izzy" started by Craig66