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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Julia Gillard for PM

Created by Cassa > 9 months ago, 20 May 2010
WA, 1305 posts
20 May 2010 9:25PM
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Think i might do the same if she ever makes it[}:)]

WA, 1305 posts
23 Jun 2010 9:38PM
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Cassa said...

Think i might do the same if she ever makes it[}:)]

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! posted this on the 20-5-2010, maybe the chemtrails have enabled me to see the future!

74 posts
23 Jun 2010 9:47PM
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Cassa I need next weeks lotto numbers, any chance

WA, 1305 posts
23 Jun 2010 9:53PM
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I wished for them first!!

SA, 112 posts
23 Jun 2010 11:29PM
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i think old kevvy might be in a spot of trouble ?????????

WA, 2371 posts
23 Jun 2010 11:14PM
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It will be all over rover tomorrow morning.
Our 1st women PM...

Goodness couldn't our next Pm look some what like Pamela Anderson
at least that way I could have a good laugh..each day

QLD, 208 posts
24 Jun 2010 10:38AM
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Cassa said...

Think i might do the same if she ever makes it[}:)]

Get the fingers down ya throat -She's in

NSW, 4460 posts
24 Jun 2010 10:40AM
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GypsyDrifter: if we get Julia as PM she will be the last woman PM EVER... she'll probably screw things up for women everywhere.... she no Clinton!

WA, 15849 posts
24 Jun 2010 9:55AM
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FlySurfer said...

GypsyDrifter: if we get Julia as PM she will be the last woman PM EVER... she'll probably screw things up for women everywhere.... she no Clinton!

Thats your opinion Fly, imo I think she will do alot better than Rudd, he was constantly trying to climb over his own ego to do a good job, I didnt vote for him!!

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
24 Jun 2010 12:00PM
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Great....What a fantastic choice for the next election. A back stabbing puppet or an idiot. Then there is the Avocado party - green and soft with a Brown nut in the middle (The greens). we are so spoilt for choice!

WA, 3856 posts
24 Jun 2010 10:13AM
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Some funny quotes floating around:

"Australia's first female PM will be a woman"

NSW, 4460 posts
24 Jun 2010 12:20PM
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This was last year:

DEPUTY Prime Minister Julia Gillard's broad Aussie accent has baffled US school children to the point of them asking her whether English is spoken Down Under.

In Washington DC to discuss green jobs and education, Ms Gillard confessed she had puzzled American youngsters after talking to them for a few minutes.

"I have visited two schools in Washington where the kids asked me, after listening to me, whether or not we spoke English in Australia," she told Macquarie Radio.

WA, 7684 posts
24 Jun 2010 10:27AM
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laurie said...

Some funny quotes floating around:

"Australia's first female PM will be a woman following a sex change"

Sorry Laurie... I know, not true and very inappropriate... but, couldn't stop my fingers typing it...

WA, 4485 posts
24 Jun 2010 11:19AM
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Holy carp! I didn't think they would actually be serious about dumping big Kev for look at moi Julia.

For the record I don't actually dislike either but am amzed at the serial stoopidity of the Labour Party and now am cringing at a virtual certainty of that fascist Abott taking the reigns soon.

Get ready for a return to the Howard yrs - but with an even heavier hand forcing his chrisso right wing bollocks at you.

QLD, 1499 posts
25 Jun 2010 6:03AM
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I heard that her first policy will be to block out the sun, so that her & the other gingers can take over the world

WA, 1305 posts
25 Jun 2010 7:25AM
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Finished throwing up,,,,,,,
seriously I think she is a great improvement on the Brain ( ya know Pinky and the Brain )
good luck ranga

NSW, 1353 posts
25 Jun 2010 10:19AM
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That says more about Americans than it does about JG.
I have found that unless I mimic the accent and vernacular of an American, they cannot understand me at all. I think this is why people acquire US accents so quickly.
We noticed this in Maui a bit, but not with those people we met who tend to travel a lot. They get over it as their horizons broaden.
Tealeaf does a great Californian ladies accent.

FlySurfer said...

This was last year:

DEPUTY Prime Minister Julia Gillard's broad Aussie accent has baffled US school children to the point of them asking her whether English is spoken Down Under.

In Washington DC to discuss green jobs and education, Ms Gillard confessed she had puzzled American youngsters after talking to them for a few minutes.

"I have visited two schools in Washington where the kids asked me, after listening to me, whether or not we spoke English in Australia," she told Macquarie Radio.

WA, 7019 posts
25 Jun 2010 8:23AM
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If you look up the definition of ginger in the dictionary it says 'long hot spicy root'

WA, 4485 posts
25 Jun 2010 10:38AM
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Does she still have that slightly effeminate boyfriend?
Couldn't quite believe that wasn't a sham.
Add to that he is apparently a hairdresser.. WTF!? One look at the ginger helmet and sumpins nort rite!

QLD, 166 posts
28 Jun 2010 9:06AM
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give her a little bit of time!

QLD, 166 posts
28 Jun 2010 9:07AM
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OK that,s long enuff

WA, 15849 posts
28 Jun 2010 12:28PM
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On a bitterly cold morning in Canberra, Kevvy is being chauffeured
to Parliament House. It is so cold that Lake Burley Griffin has frozen over.

As he jumps out of the Caprice, Kevvy looks over the Lake & notices
that someone has pissed on the ice & left a message....."KEVVY SUCKS".

Kevvy is enraged & orders the ASIO to investigate with "no expenses
spared" & to report within two weeks.

Two weeks later, the head of ASIO reports to the PM & says...."our
investigation is over & I have three pieces of news for you....good news,
bad news & terribly bad shocking news".

Well says Kevvy, give me the good news. The head of ASIO says..."We
spent $5 million dollars on the investigation & have come to a successful

Well says Kevvy "What's the bad news?"

The head of ASIO says "The DNA testing shows the urine is Wayne
Swann's". Kevvy is shocked beyond belief. Looking pale, Kevvy says "And what
is the terribly bad shocking news?"

The ASIO chief replies...." It's Julia Gillard's hand writing".

Hey Oliver, this was sent to me by email as well, are you going to cry over this as well?

VIC, 12 posts
29 Jun 2010 8:58PM
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Poor Kevvy....He didn't stand a chance.

Ever done a look-alike with Mr Garrison. mmkay

3952 posts
29 Jun 2010 7:50PM
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doggie said...

On a bitterly cold morning in Canberra...

Hey Oliver, this was sent to me by email as well, are you going to cry over this as well?

No, I'm happy about it. That was funny and credited. You're learning - not so hard is it?

WA, 15849 posts
29 Jun 2010 8:05PM
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oliver said...

doggie said...

On a bitterly cold morning in Canberra...

Hey Oliver, this was sent to me by email as well, are you going to cry over this as well?

No, I'm happy about it. That was funny and credited. You're learning - not so hard is it?

But there was no credit?

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
29 Jun 2010 8:09PM
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3952 posts
29 Jun 2010 8:23PM
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doggie said...

oliver said...

doggie said...

On a bitterly cold morning in Canberra...

Hey Oliver, this was sent to me by email as well, are you going to cry over this as well?

No, I'm happy about it. That was funny and credited. You're learning - not so hard is it?

But there was no credit?

Yes there was - the person who sent you the email.

WA, 15849 posts
29 Jun 2010 8:59PM
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oliver said...

doggie said...

oliver said...

doggie said...

On a bitterly cold morning in Canberra...

Hey Oliver, this was sent to me by email as well, are you going to cry over this as well?

No, I'm happy about it. That was funny and credited. You're learning - not so hard is it?

But there was no credit?

Yes there was - the person who sent you the email.

I wouldnt normally have put that in.

WA, 1305 posts
3 Jul 2010 6:51PM
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Check out the photo of carrot head on page 6 of saturdays West,,,, she has THE LARGEST CANKLES i've ever seen

NSW, 4460 posts
3 Jul 2010 9:12PM
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Damn Labor, throwing our money around like a retard in a candy store.

NSW, 4460 posts
3 Jul 2010 9:18PM
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Damn Labor, throwing our money around like a retard in a candy store.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Julia Gillard for PM" started by Cassa