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Labour Party fails again

Created by busterwa > 9 months ago, 30 Jan 2011
3777 posts
30 Jan 2011 6:59PM
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I show compassion for the people of Queensland for building on a flood plain. But for the labor government to hand out a stimulus package last year then This year introduce a levi to pay for queensland floods In which many australian housholds cant afford because of rising power utility and interest rates.
,Dont ever think your getting a handout.

Thank you labor party for another epic fail in managing the country.

SA, 251 posts
30 Jan 2011 9:52PM
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If they wanted a emergency levy introduced they should of introduced it after the Victorian Bush fire's where there was significantly more people killed and more destruction in terms in houses destroyed. If I was a Victorian affected by the bush fire's I would be pissed with the labour government.

WA, 14681 posts
30 Jan 2011 7:30PM
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Pittsy said...

If they wanted a emergency levy introduced they should of introduced it after the Victorian Bush fire's where there was significantly more people killed and more destruction in terms in houses destroyed. If I was a Victorian affected by the bush fire's I would be pissed with the labour government.

I suspect it might be that a fire is going to be covered by insurance and a flood may not be, depending on the insurance policy.

I am happy to have a levy for a year, regardless of who is in power.

What I do think is funny though is that if there were no levy the Liberals would be jumping all over themselves to ask why not. You could almost guarantee that if the budget allocated enough money for flood repairs and went into deficit, the Liberals would be there at budget-time asking what happened to the surplus.

Politics.... Mehhhhh...

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
30 Jan 2011 7:37PM
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Call me pessimistic but

(1) We can't afford $8 bil for rebuilding Qld, and need a levy, but we can afford a $43 bil broadband network?

(2) We in WA are still paying the WA Inc levy (to pay for massive Govt losses 20 years ago)
It was about $30 or $50 added to vehicle licences and was only supposed to last a finite amount of time like 5yrs or something.
The vehicle licences never dropped and we are still paying.

The Govt will not make the levy for one year you can guarantee that.

SA, 2865 posts
30 Jan 2011 10:07PM
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I was under the belief that the "Flood Levi" was for the repair / replacement of GOVERNMENT infrastructure ( roads, rail, bridges, power,water etc etc.) rather than for the flood victims themselves.

I thought perhaps it would be more prudent to re-evaluate overseas spending and trimming the belt slightly on other projects.

WA, 87 posts
30 Jan 2011 7:43PM
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So what if there is a levy, previous govt's have used levies before, such as the 'gun buy back' the levy to pay the 'retrenched Ansett workers' and the 'sugar levy' to support the struggling sugar industry. What are most people winging about, the levy is only $5 a week for those earning over $100,000, just over the price of an average cup of coffee in a cafe. Not a lot in the bigger scheme of things.

NSW, 692 posts
30 Jan 2011 11:00PM
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The $5 a week coffee cup analogy again. We won't be paying it per week, it will be a once off levy at tax time.
I can afford my mortgage 1 week at a time, but don't expect me to pay for my house in one lump sum.

I don't have a problem paying to help rebuild QLD, but surely the Govt. Can save that much money. Like Mark said. Scrap the broadband.


3777 posts
30 Jan 2011 8:02PM
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so its another 1 percent pay cut on existing increasing bills. I have already donated 100 dollars to Queensland situation the "people" n which once again a show great compassion for. and now the labor government is double dipping and Indian giving.
I didn't receive the stimulus package and pay enough tax seems like they have run out of money making options with the privatization and the mining tax and now looking to hit the pockets of the working class.

I skeptical that it will be a "once off levi" Once introduced its in for good.

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
30 Jan 2011 8:08PM
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surfnsirhiss said...

So what if there is a levy, previous govt's have used levies before, such as the 'gun buy back' the levy to pay the 'retrenched Ansett workers' and the 'sugar levy' to support the struggling sugar industry. What are most people winging about, the levy is only $5 a week for those earning over $100,000, just over the price of an average cup of coffee in a cafe. Not a lot in the bigger scheme of things.

My issue with it is the 8 billion cups of coffee spend on a broadband network ($5 for every person on the planet)
Or the million cups of coffee spent on Govt funding an arts festival watched by 0.01% of the population each year
Or the 8 million cups of coffee spent to try and secure the world cup (seriously, $40 million to produce a presentation. Fk me!!)
Of a few thousand cups of coffee to send a pollie on a fact finding mission overseas, to get info they could google.
Maybe the 30 million cups of coffee for schools in Indonesia (yes, help Pakistan flood victims, starving people in Africa and so on, but spend on Indo schools??? )
And so on the list goes on

But the GovCo can't afford to support it's own citizens in a disaster

QLD, 5283 posts
30 Jan 2011 10:32PM
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the australian govt could tell insurance companies that flood insurance is just that!
not making up their own definitions such as "rising rivers" are not a flood!!!!!


read your 80 page insurance policies people.

3777 posts
30 Jan 2011 8:55PM
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greenleader said...

the australian govt could tell insurance companies that flood insurance is just that!
not making up their own definitions such as "rising rivers" are not a flood!!!!!


read your 80 page insurance policies people.

just as corrupt as banks.....

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
31 Jan 2011 12:14AM
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What a bunch of winging, miserable deadbeats

QLD, 5283 posts
30 Jan 2011 11:39PM
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we got a bite busterwa!

gotta love fishin!!!!

NSW, 9029 posts
31 Jan 2011 4:01AM
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The Labor Party in NSW equals personal gain at the taxpayer expense.

The latest news is the roads minister's chief of staff resigned after being busted buying drugs.

Guess what the chief of staff's qualification for the job is, a job that probably pays $300K a year or more plus all the perks? He is married to the minister for education.

What a joke. Big deal he resigns. He would have been out of a job in a couple of months anyway.

The NSW ALP treats taxpayers money as their own personal property. The sooner we get rid of them the better. Problem is its unlikely the Libs/Nats will be any more ethical.

There should be a law to stop members of parliament close relatives to be appointed to public service positions unless they are already in the public service.

NSW, 6874 posts
31 Jan 2011 11:07AM
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I ask myself the question why anyone should have to pay anything other than those who made the decision to put infrastructure in places where it is known to flood?

The facade of a building fell on a mate of mine in Bathurst when the wind lifted the awning. They reckon the council shredders were running hot.

Everyone knows the political system is rotten. Here in NSW it is a requirement to have a criminal background before entering the race.

F()ckers have no accountability, that is the problem. They are that keen on measuring teachers performances, time they had a look at leading from the front.

WA, 7671 posts
31 Jan 2011 9:46AM
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log man said...

What a bunch of winging, miserable deadbeats

I presume you mean the Labor party... and not the nice SB users...

WA, 7671 posts
31 Jan 2011 11:36AM
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Just read an interesting article on the events that may (will?) happen next week...

It went like this:

1. Miners announce profits (particularly BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto)
2. Bob Brown says bring on the mining tax, in original form (Kevin's RSPT, not Julia's MRRT)
3. Swan agrees... and says - "we're doing it in the name of helping flood victims” – and to show how genuine we are, we'll even drop the one-off Medicare flood levy.

WA, 4485 posts
31 Jan 2011 11:49AM
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Was taking to wifey about this yesterday and the topic of Vic bushfires came up also.

It's hard to fathom some of the meanspirited idiots that jump on local radio and cr@p on about how we shouldn't be contributing one iota.

I guess the subject of Qld and Wa getting their GST returns severely skimmed is relevant also, but in a time like this maybe politics should be in the back seat and the end of the mess and misery at the forefront.

For my 2c, i am so grateful that it didn't happen here in Perf that i am happy to cough up for the levy as i understand it.

Still out to lunch on whether the BBN is the wisest use of coffers. Will let you know how that panned out in 20yrs.

Diff with BBN etc is it is budgeted - wheras a disater is not planned and if the $$ are loaned comes at a very high price (literally and otherwise) and will also likely to be skimmed off the usual candidates (schools/hospys/essential services).

SA, 4032 posts
31 Jan 2011 3:41PM
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Here's an idea!! let's have a Revolution i'll be the new leader and all watersport people dont have to work and get paid to enjoy themselves, this will create plenty of work for all the land lovers....Win Win

QLD, 14393 posts
31 Jan 2011 3:12PM
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some light hearted political humour

An airplane was about to crash; there were 5 passengers on board, but only 4 parachutes.

The first passenger said, "I am Kevin Rudd, the chosen one. The world needs me, I can't afford to die." So he took the first parachute and left the plane.

The second passenger, Julia Gillard, said, "I am the first female prime minister and I am the smartest woman in Australian history, so Australia 's people don't want me to die." She took the second parachute and jumped out of the plane.

The third passenger, Wayne Swan, said, "I'm the Treasure of Australia." So he grabbed the parachute next to him and jumped.

The fourth passenger, John Howard, said to the fifth passenger, a 10-year-old schoolgirl, "I have lived a full life, and served my country the best I could. I will sacrifice my life and let you have the last parachute."

The little girl said, "That's okay, Mr. Howard. There's a parachute left for you. Australia 's smartest woman took my schoolbag."

WA, 4485 posts
31 Jan 2011 1:46PM
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Only in reality Howard would be saying
"Yerm, fark off Costello you whining little girl!! I did NOT yerm say you could have the parachute - now get out of yerm my way yerm yerm!"

Julia could always wave her hands and fly to safety too "Working families..moving forward..working families.."

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
31 Jan 2011 2:03PM
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log man said...

What a bunch of winging, miserable deadbeats

We are whinging because the Govt spends money hand over fist on sh!t and can't afford to help with disasters.

If you disagree with that, you'd be looking forward to the Easter Bunny coming soon I guess

Oh well, at least when we have the next natural disaster we'll all be able to google it really fast.

WA, 15849 posts
31 Jan 2011 2:15PM
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Mark _australia said...

log man said...

What a bunch of winging, miserable deadbeats

We are whinging because the Govt spends money hand over fist on sh!t and can't afford to help with disasters.

If you disagree with that, you'd be looking forward to the Easter Bunny coming soon I guess

Oh well, at least when we have the next natural disaster we'll all be able to google it really fast.

The tooth fairy stopped coming to my place cos me teeth stopped falling out

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
31 Jan 2011 2:30PM
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doggie said...

Mark _australia said...

log man said...

What a bunch of winging, miserable deadbeats

We are whinging because the Govt spends money hand over fist on sh!t and can't afford to help with disasters.

If you disagree with that, you'd be looking forward to the Easter Bunny coming soon I guess

Oh well, at least when we have the next natural disaster we'll all be able to google it really fast.

The tooth fairy stopped coming to my place cos me teeth stopped falling out

Geez man use some initiative - ask Santa to bring you some more teeth!

WA, 15849 posts
31 Jan 2011 2:35PM
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Mark _australia said...

doggie said...

Mark _australia said...

log man said...

What a bunch of winging, miserable deadbeats

We are whinging because the Govt spends money hand over fist on sh!t and can't afford to help with disasters.

If you disagree with that, you'd be looking forward to the Easter Bunny coming soon I guess

Oh well, at least when we have the next natural disaster we'll all be able to google it really fast.

The tooth fairy stopped coming to my place cos me teeth stopped falling out

Geez man use some initiative - ask Santa to bring you some more teeth!

Now thats thinkin there people, take note!!

NSW, 864 posts
31 Jan 2011 6:20PM
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Do you want dog teeth or man teeth doggie?

WA, 15849 posts
31 Jan 2011 3:38PM
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maxm said...

Do you want dog teeth or man teeth doggie?

BOOBS (.)(.)

Some K9s

QLD, 12327 posts
31 Jan 2011 10:32PM
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getfunky said...
Julia could always wave her hands and fly to safety too "Working families..moving forward..working families.."

Yeah. She is prone to waving her hands (or should I say claws) about. She never holds her fingers (or should I say talons) straight.

Lots of touchy feely words from her but the body language denies it.

3777 posts
31 Jan 2011 10:38PM
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state levi on bailing out INSURANCE COMPANY FINE PRINT.

WA, 647 posts
31 Jan 2011 11:15PM
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The levy is going to happen like it all not.
The problem is now everyone will stop donating to the charity's that will help the people worst effected which isn't a good thing

I don't agree with the levy at all but queensland does need rebuilding and people need homes.I couldn't imagine what it would be like loosing everything you own.A lot of people have lost jobs and now have no income.

I will pay my $260 in June and i will also vote against Labour in the next election as i did in the last one.
I for one didnt want the $900 stim package as i thought the money would be better saved for a rainy day

WA, 14681 posts
1 Feb 2011 5:34AM
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gazza said...

The levy is going to happen like it all not.
The problem is now everyone will stop donating to the charity's that will help the people worst effected which isn't a good thing

I don't agree with the levy at all but queensland does need rebuilding and people need homes.I couldn't imagine what it would be like loosing everything you own.A lot of people have lost jobs and now have no income.

I will pay my $260 in June and i will also vote against Labour in the next election as i did in the last one.
I for one didnt want the $900 stim package as i thought the money would be better saved for a rainy day

Sorry Gazza, but without the stimulus package, a lot of people wouldn't have had jobs with which to pay the flood rebuild levy. I think I would rather have the job AND be well enough off enough to have to pay the levy.

Whichever way you look at it, we are in a good position where we have a government that can give us a good standard of living.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Labour Party fails again" started by busterwa