You fail to comprehend my point. Go back. Read slowly. I said that it is very hard to do the tricks the pimps are insenuating can be done because of inherent limitations of all foils. The heavily edit foiling videos. It's very obvious. It is hard to land off and recover, and dangerous. There is no good stuff being done or landed. They have inherent limitations. You may find it hard to grasp, especially if you paid thousands and they're your favourite dxck beating vids. I don't like pimp fests. Are you a sponsored rider? Or do.yo have a foil? Show me some good tricks.beimg ridden awy from.
No I'm finding it hard to grasp how your opinion has any relevance -- you don't admit to ever riding a "stand up" foilboard behind a kite but believe it to be so difficult to ride that even pros can't land simple jumps and ride away, and any video that shows that you dismiss as not being "stylish" or "good stuff". And it's just too dangerous!
Now, if you're talking about towing behind a boat on a foil board, then *yawn* I'm not interested. That **** looks like cancer, but I'd like to know what you consider "stylish" or "good riding".
But I guess if you've paid tens of thousands for boats and outboards and life jackets and whatnot, then I guess you're obliged to beat your meat to dead boring air chair videos of endless back loops...
If I find the clip of of Ollie Bridge doing a foiling 360 boardoff and Woodies in 2016/17 and riding away will that end this silly "can't do tricks standing up" thread ?
Or watch any of kai Lenny's wave foiling videos and see what the surf side of things is like.
No because that'll be the exception not the rule, and it's just so difficult to do that if airchair pros can't do it, then mere mortals have no chance and it's not stylish.
lolol it was like 25 years ago with the guys from seaworld
just one of the many waterskiing disciplines i used to do...
yeah they are a bit clunky. was fun though. at the time you could get three times higher than any wakeboard.
flame me all u like. monkey on a foil vid ****. product has flaws for that style of riding (centre of gravity too high) . hence the editing.
watch out for the strut if you do want to try that style of riding or big air - it could kill you.