Being that most of these music threads seem to think that music stopped being written around 1978 I thought it'd be nice to find some new music too.
I'm liking Angus And Julia Stone's new album. It's neither better nor worse than their previous ones, but different in feel. A little more rock and a little less folk perhaps. Better production. Slightly darker even. I think they have a new drummer and bass guitar, or they've improved a lot, which has made a difference. Their songwriting is still simple/refined yet unexpected and catchy.
+1 for this Thread, and +1 for Angus and Julia!
Ben Howard's new album
I've had this on the ipod since the beginning of the year and have only just watched the film clip - oh to be young again.
With you Davman - saw peep temple a few months back - fantastic
Also from 2014 with an angular bent - Infinity broke -
Nice one Sausage, loved that. Peep Tempel worth a go too.
This is Asa Broomhall, one to watch. Not my normal cuppa tea but a QLD band on the way up.
new music thread - where is the 'new'???
every one of the above would fit in 2004 - or 1994 - but it is actually 2014.
Not been a new genre, or a serious refinement of an existing one, for 20yrs plus ............
so sad that the last big thing was probably Nirvana and Pearl Jam.............. or Prodigy ........ or maybe Crystal Methods weird stuff or that weird semi dance trance thing with the monks chanting in about 1990.....
Good thread Panda, I'm playing it with interest. So what does it say if so far I've resolved to ACDC 2014? Songs go for no more than 3 mins and 20 seconds and musicians gotta tap a foot. I like Yabahar's new invention, very good, but he's going to have to learn to tap his foot before he'll get a tune out of it.
Genre: Footwork
Honestly masty I'm not in this thread to argue but that new Acdc song almost made me cry at how far they've fallen. Looked&sounded like the retirement home Acdc tribute band .plus it was written as an ad for baseball or some other boring yank Sport. Shocking.
evl I'm pretty keen on the new Electribe that's not quite in stores yet. There aren't many vids yet, only a few pre-release models floating round. But it's all in one box, and can run off 6 x AA batteries and will be relatively super cheap at $550. Have a look at these 2 vids - recorded straight off the electribe, no mastering, no laptop, no other equipment. I reckon I could just about disconnect the internet, chuck away the mp3s (except for sampling) and just spend my limited free time making cool music. I picked these 2 for diverse sound/styles, not neccessarily the best use.
we are very lucky if we meet someone else with identical musical tastes, imho it's extremely rare. once we realise this and learn to keep ones opinions about other peoples musical tastes to ones-self, life gets a whole lot more pleasant especially in the studio
but honestly people, this 2014 stuff is just sh!t
Hardware, software, knobs or not, if you step into a music store the walls are still lined with $550 guitars. Can you ever see these things ever taking over as the instrument of choice for the don't-give-up-your-day-job musician?
I never knew what this song was about until I found it on YouTube, I just knew I liked it, now I know what it's about.
Much like Coldplay, kinda catchy, a bit mainstream, but in a reggae sort of way.