In the first article it counts experimental and prototype reactors. Straight away giving a false idea of the numbers.
In the second it says 300-400 million to close down a reactor and must be completed within 60 years. Is that cheap relative to other power plants.
It does look like the Americans are doing a better job than the French.
The comments I have made are about the French reactors that are still running decades after they were meant to be closed.
I will admit defeat. I dont have time to read all the articles properly. As I said I am commenting on the French. Yes there are reactors planned to be decommissioned in 2035. They were planned to be decommissioned years ago but it just never happens. For whatever reason.
In lockdown in France. Helping my wife make masks for supermarket workers as there is a huge shortage here. They know they are not effective but it might help. Even if it's just mentally.
Nuclear power plants is the least of our problems at the moment!
It's nothing. Salute the doctors that warned about this and are now working non stop in over run hospitals. And all the other workers that are going out there unprotected because there is a shortage of masks and other medical equipment.
We all need to help out in whatever small way we can.
Doctors in France have been begging people to stay home for weeks.
To be honest she told me to F off and the most helpful thing I could do was keep the kids away so she could work!