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Postie bike just crashed in to me

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 23 Jan 2012
WA, 14439 posts
23 Jan 2012 6:32PM
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I must admit, I green thumbed those that said you shouldn't be on a footpath, but then again, posties shouldn't really run into you...

Worst case, repair/replace the bike, work out how much it has cost you and file a claim for liquidated damages. See what the response is, and if it starts being a problem, then maybe call in a lawyer or call it quits.

Hopefully your claim is small enough that they don't want to argue the point.

QLD, 2765 posts
23 Jan 2012 9:01PM
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call aussie post and tell them what happened rather than whinge about it on a forum.

the postie should have reported it when he got back to the delivery centre, so the incident will be logged.

i worked as a postie for a while and this sort of thing happens a lot. they will sort it for you.

3777 posts
23 Jan 2012 7:56PM
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Was there any witnesses? Should of grabbed there datails and rang your lawyer

WA, 421 posts
23 Jan 2012 11:47PM
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No!! Don't get a lawyer! What are we, the U.S.?!? Come on! Just maybe lodge a complaint, they may offer to fix the bike. We are human, we all make mistakes!

We wonder why the children of today are all so knowledgable of their rights but not of their responsibilities, but let's look at what is being modelled from their parents. Enough sueing each other! Learn to forgive, especially if he behaved like a good bloke about the incident.

QLD, 825 posts
24 Jan 2012 1:53AM
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PaddlePig said...

No!! Don't get a lawyer! What are we, the U.S.?!? Come on! Just maybe lodge a complaint, they may offer to fix the bike. We are human, we all make mistakes!

We wonder why the children of today are all so knowledgable of their rights but not of their responsibilities, but let's look at what is being modelled from their parents. Enough sueing each other! Learn to forgive, especially if he behaved like a good bloke about the incident.

Very well said.

WA, 421 posts
23 Jan 2012 11:58PM
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Thanks mate. I'm a school teacher. Frustrates me when people talk about 'the kids of today...' as if they didn't have something to do with them turning out how they have.

We face the most underparented generation to ever attend school in Australia. In my opinion, at no stage ever through history of Australian schools has there been such distracted or distant parents for kids at home. With the increased cost of living and house prices, both parents often working etc...

Appologies for the off-topic rant.

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
24 Jan 2012 10:49AM
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FlySurfer said...

The bruise hurts motherfarkers! It's getting more and more painful.
But I just want my bike fixed... apart from the rim there's a dent in the frame.

And my elbow hurts now too.

Riding on the road is suicide... and I wasn't riding I was stopped.

call australia post and a current affair and see if they give a flying ****

WA, 516 posts
24 Jan 2012 10:18AM
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Lets not jump to too many conclusions about riding on the pavement. I ride a bike a lot, on road and dirt. Even when riding a roadie, there are times when certain junctions, roads, you wouldn't last long as it now seems everyone is cashed up, driving massive cars and they would mow you down in no time whist they checking their mail on their iphone or sipping a latte. So in these instances tehre may be a few sections I would hop on up to the pavement for a 100 meters or so. In these cases, I like fly, would go on a pavement, and take it super slow. Not racing or even going fast and looking out for everything and everyone like fly. If I then saw a postie, stopped, and got hit, I would feel pretty annoyed as well. Lets not criticise fly so easily.

Of course, there are idiots in every camp. I also see roadies geared up doing 30 on the pavements or shared paths dodging pedestrians like they own the path. But generally, roadies are ok. They want the exercise and doing it as part of a commute is good.

NSW, 4453 posts
24 Jan 2012 1:24PM
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NR said...

Lets not jump to too many conclusions about riding on the pavement. I ride a bike a lot, on road and dirt. Even when riding a roadie, there are times when certain junctions, roads, you wouldn't last long as it now seems everyone is cashed up, driving massive cars and they would mow you down in no time whist they checking their mail on their iphone or sipping a latte. So in these instances tehre may be a few sections I would hop on up to the pavement for a 100 meters or so. In these cases, I like fly, would go on a pavement, and take it super slow. Not racing or even going fast and looking out for everything and everyone like fly. If I then saw a postie, stopped, and got hit, I would feel pretty annoyed as well. Lets not criticise fly so easily.

Of course, there are idiots in every camp. I also see roadies geared up doing 30 on the pavements or shared paths dodging pedestrians like they own the path. But generally, roadies are ok. They want the exercise and doing it as part of a commute is good.

I may pass 1 person on the footpath going to work... while a couple hundred cars pass me... I kid you not, I would already be road kill riding on the road.

CBD with 100's of people, and slow traffic... road wins.

I was talking to somebody about being hit by a postie... he say I got hit by a bus on the road... technically his fault cos the bus closed in on him and he hit the footpath... had a nice scar on his chin.

WA, 4642 posts
24 Jan 2012 10:36AM
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I'd really like to hear the story from the posties point of view.

QLD, 5396 posts
24 Jan 2012 12:48PM
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Hey Fly you can add this to your... 100 things we discovered in 2012 post

ACT, 2174 posts
24 Jan 2012 2:23PM
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you got to watch out of those posties, had a mate accuse one of
not delivering all his mail ,push come to shove (nearly off his bike ) and had to go to cop shop and explain. all blew over luckly .rain hail or shine the post must get through

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
24 Jan 2012 3:09PM
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Hunt the postie down.
Then cut his legs off and bleed him out while he screams in pain.

Put his head on a stake at the corner to remind other posties to be more considerate and careful

WA, 15849 posts
24 Jan 2012 3:37PM
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poor relative said...

Hunt the postie down.
Then cut his legs off and bleed him out while he screams in pain.

Put his head on a stake at the corner to remind other posties to be more considerate and careful

Bit heavy but might work

NSW, 807 posts
24 Jan 2012 7:49PM
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Is this another one in your "What's your next move" line of posts?

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
24 Jan 2012 11:27PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

Is this another one in your "What's your next move" line of posts?

pawn takes queen .Never underestimate pawn

NSW, 1317 posts
25 Jan 2012 1:48PM
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Mr float said...

SomeOtherGuy said...

Is this another one in your "What's your next move" line of posts?

pawn takes queen .Never underestimate pawn

knight takes pawn. never underestimate a knight to porn 4 !!

WA, 2940 posts
25 Jan 2012 12:26PM
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Prawnhead said...

Mr float said...

SomeOtherGuy said...

Is this another one in your "What's your next move" line of posts?

pawn takes queen .Never underestimate pawn

knight takes pawn. never underestimate a knight to porn 4 !!

bishop takes knight

WA, 1227 posts
25 Jan 2012 3:03PM
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weiry said...

Sorry.. but you have to take responsibility for your own actions

Whaaat?? This is the 21st century. Nobody does that anymore!!

NSW, 4453 posts
25 Jan 2012 6:57PM
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weiry said...

Sorry.. but you have to take responsibility for your own actions

Both my wheels are bent... I can't bend the rear while moving forward... the postie knocked me sideways.

So yes the farker needs to take responsibility.

NSW, 1412 posts
25 Jan 2012 10:20PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

Is this another one in your "What's your next move" line of posts?

How can so much Sh#t happen to one guy (Flysurfer) in such a short space of time (ie. the last coupla months)?

You sure he ain't a troll, Boris? [}:)]

QLD, 5396 posts
25 Jan 2012 9:42PM
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FlySurfer said...

weiry said...

Sorry.. but you have to take responsibility for your own actions

Both my wheels are bent... I can't bend the rear while moving forward... the postie knocked me sideways.

So yes the farker needs to take responsibility.

Man up Fly... what are you doing riding a bike on the footpath when you know yu shouldn't .. sorry mate no sympathy from me. take a spoon of cement and harden the F*** up . what would of happened if you bowled a child over on your bike.Pffffffffffftttt stop being a drama queen and get over it.

SA, 137 posts
26 Jan 2012 1:29AM
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jebus omg!! WTF!! enough forum wasted on this IMO

WA, 453 posts
25 Jan 2012 11:06PM
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sn said...

Hang on fellas-

The postie ran into a stationary bicycle, damaged the bicycle and injured the owner.
It shouldnt matter where it happened. In most states, road rules apply on road reserves, you can even be charged with traffic offences while driving on private property.
The bike was stopped- and the bikes owner had time to shout a warning. he was obviously paying attention to what was going on.just like the law requires us.
Postie obviously wasnt watching where he was going or paying attention to his work area.against traffic laws, and most likely the OHS laws that Aust. Post and its employees are required by law to comply with.

The way I see it, the postie is clearly in the wrong.

Why should he not be held responsible for his actions?
If I was to drive my car/ ride a motorcycle into another stationary vehicle- damaging it and causing injury, you can guarantee that I would (at least) be charged with careless driving/ riding, possibly dangerous or reckless driving causing injury, If I was to reverse out of my driveway and run over a little kid, or pedestrian, or bike rider I would be at fault without a doubt.

First thing I would be doing is reporting the incident to the police and insisting that they follow it up.
Then down to the docs for some xrays to make sure nothings broken or nothing worse is developing from the accident (blood clots?)

In western australia- when you go to the doctor, they want to know if its workers comp (boss + insurance company pays), motor vehicle(Motor vehicle insurance trust pays as far as I know) or a regular visit so its you, your private health insurance and medicare that foot the bill.

not saying go and chase over the top compo, just cover yourself.

I would expect Aust.Post to return the bike to its former glory and your medical costs should be covered by the compulsory third party cover everyone has on thier rego.(Aust.Post motorcycles are regoed just like ours as far as I know)


Hi Steph,

Sorry I react late but I would like to react to your post.

Looking for responsibilities for any misshape is a reflex that I wish would go out of fashion for everyone's good. Everyone do mistakes. I wish one could accept others' mistake. One day, it will be your turn to stuff up. Karma stuff. This is only a push bike and bruises after all. Suing someone only results in massive fights and only makes layers happy.



WA, 2775 posts
25 Jan 2012 11:43PM
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weiry said...

FlySurfer said...

weiry said...

Sorry.. but you have to take responsibility for your own actions

Both my wheels are bent... I can't bend the rear while moving forward... the postie knocked me sideways.

So yes the farker needs to take responsibility.

Man up Fly... what are you doing riding a bike on the footpath when you know yu shouldn't .. sorry mate no sympathy from me. take a spoon of cement and harden the F*** up . what would of happened if you bowled a child over on your bike.Pffffffffffftttt stop being a drama queen and get over it.

And what if the postie does the same thing again- but kills a young kid?

I have to work to rules in my job. If I dont- I can almost guarantee that I will be killed, most likely others as well. In my trade- and any workplace nowdays- telling someone to harden up is asking for trouble.
Fly WAS watching where he was going and riding to suit the conditions. He had time to see the risk, come to a safe stop and give warning.
Postie was (I guess) most likely sorting his mail while riding around a blind corner and not paying due attention to his surroundings and causing an injury.


WA, 2775 posts
25 Jan 2012 11:52PM
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fver/ fred,

I am not telling anyone to go and sue anyone- there should be no need.

The postie stuffed up, causing injury and damage for which he or his employer is responsible for.

Why should Fly need to sue for simple medical costs and repairs to his bike?

All I am saying is for Fly to cover himself IN CASE he has further medical hassles, and with Australia post running a fleet of thousands of bikes I think its pretty easy for them to get Fly's bike fixed.

If Fly is thinking of a big compo case payout for a dodgy lifestyle threatening injury he can go and get stuffed. only fat politicians can get away with that.


QLD, 5396 posts
26 Jan 2012 8:18AM
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sn said...

weiry said...

FlySurfer said...

weiry said...

Sorry.. but you have to take responsibility for your own actions

Both my wheels are bent... I can't bend the rear while moving forward... the postie knocked me sideways.

So yes the farker needs to take responsibility.

Man up Fly... what are you doing riding a bike on the footpath when you know yu shouldn't .. sorry mate no sympathy from me. take a spoon of cement and harden the F*** up . what would of happened if you bowled a child over on your bike.Pffffffffffftttt stop being a drama queen and get over it.

And what if the postie does the same thing again- but kills a young kid?

I have to work to rules in my job. If I dont- I can almost guarantee that I will be killed, most likely others as well. In my trade- and any workplace nowdays- telling someone to harden up is asking for trouble.
Fly WAS watching where he was going and riding to suit the conditions. He had time to see the risk, come to a safe stop and give warning.
Postie was (I guess) most likely sorting his mail while riding around a blind corner and not paying due attention to his surroundings and causing an injury.


Yes you are guessing stephen

NSW, 2450 posts
26 Jan 2012 10:23AM
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FlySurfer said...

I was riding my bike on the footpath and a known corner was coming up so I slowed as usual, when a postie comes round the corner not even looking so I stop and shouted at him... bang farker hits me.

Handle bars when in to my leg... massive bruise... bent rim (DT Swiss $$$), scratches.

What should I do?

The way I see it is you should have treated the said corner like orange traffic lights, don't slow down, maintain speed (even get a little faster)
If you had done this you would have been past the accident point before it happened, leaving the postie in your wake

Following a simular theory, the faster you drive / ride the less time spent on the road / footpath, therefore cutting the chance of a crash

Squid Lips
WA, 708 posts
26 Jan 2012 11:54AM
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Can't get over how many are defending the Postie! I guess it shouldn't be all that surprising given the level of bike bashing there has been in previous threads..

QLD, 679 posts
26 Jan 2012 4:33PM
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I just read that for the first time and found the only thing of any interest was Poor Rellies comment.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Postie bike just crashed in to me" started by FlySurfer