Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Psychological observation

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 15 Sep 2011
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WA, 899 posts
16 Sep 2011 10:46PM
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FlySurfer said...

barn said...
No doubt there are users here, who believe we are locked in a Matrix world, and our computers are actually falling green code.. (But then the Matrix was created by computers which were in turn created by Evolved mammals, so Evolution is still true, it's the only possible way for complexity to arise from simplicity)

So which came first the caviar or the sturgeon?

PS: Why y'all red thumbing me, it was just an observation.

created at the same time, evolution is a joke

NSW, 4453 posts
17 Sep 2011 12:53AM
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jsnfok said...
created at the same time, evolution is a joke

So is evolution an Inside Job too?

WA, 2960 posts
16 Sep 2011 11:36PM
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lotofwind said...

God is a forum trolland I think he created atoms????

My main point was on the facts of evolution, but I can't resist.. Who created the creator of the Atoms?, and who created the creator of the creator who created the atoms? Ask a cosmologist about the origin of atoms..

If man evolved from monkeys/apes.
Why are there still monkeys???

Man didn't evolve from monkeys, we both share a common ancestor..

If trees evolved from algae, why is there still algae?

I beleive there is a god,
as much as I beleive that a bunch of atoms ran into each other and created all this.

That's a position arrived at from a failure of comprehension.. It's faith, and faith is a conviction without supporting evidence, often in spite of all the contradictory evidence...

jnsfok said...

created at the same time, evolution is a joke

NSW, 2005 posts
17 Sep 2011 3:16AM
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lotofwind said...
If man evolved from monkeys/apes.
Why are there still monkeys???

Dude, you can't be serious. This false, dishonest argument came from early detractors that twisted the scientific statement in order to strike imagination. Nobody ever said that on the scientific side, it's not even what is purported by the theory.

Lame... (unless you were kidding - not sure anymore).

NSW, 6451 posts
17 Sep 2011 8:46AM
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laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
17 Sep 2011 9:27AM
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barn said...

laceys lane said...

i'm not saying those links are the dead set truth. randomly picked. but my point is evolution is still a theory- not a proven fact

I will refer you to the video I posted from the 4:30 minute mark, there is an explanation of what Scientists mean when it is said 'Evolution is a fact'. I am fully convinced that if you were to watch this video from 4:30, you will be aware of the true scope what you are denying. And hopefully you would be able to admit that your point is wrong.

A scientific fact is defined as "An assertion for which there is so much evidence that it would be perverse to deny it"

If you don't watch the video I have provided, then you would be purposely avoiding information contrary to your position. This would be intellectual cowardice. I was brave enough to visit the references provided to me.

i watched, i still can't buy the theory is fact. i think evolutionists don't want to think there is any other way because that would mean their beliefs and world would come crumbling down. i think there is a fair amount of faith being used to support this theory. you 'believe' that evolution is a fact

i suppose it gets down to whether you believe in god or not. everyone believes in something

everyone has a god, be it money, fame,sport-,surfing etc, its the way we are made

QLD, 2770 posts
17 Sep 2011 9:37AM
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mr garrison explains the theory of evolution from a creationist's view

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
17 Sep 2011 9:42AM
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QLD, 4083 posts
17 Sep 2011 11:33AM
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It probably wouldn't have been such an evolution debate either, had I not mentioned it. Ahh well.

If there's one thing I've learnt since Laurie gave me access to the buttons/banhammer, it's how to be quite comfortable sitting on the fence. Evolution, creation, meh. It's too hard to worry about, so I don't. What I do know is that I'm here on earth for a short time so I'm going to make the most of it.

Oh, and the original subject - yes, there are all sorts of people in the world.

WA, 2960 posts
17 Sep 2011 9:46AM
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laceys lane said...

i watched, i still can't buy the theory is fact. i think evolutionists don't want to think there is any other way because that would mean their beliefs and world would come crumbling down. i think there is a fair amount of faith being used to support this theory. you 'believe' that evolution is a fact

Take the same argument and apply it to yourself. Scientists don't believe in evolution, they accept it because it explains everything, and actually works. Just like Chemists don't believe the molecular formula of Water is H2O, they know, because without the H20 arrangement chemistry wouldn't work..

i suppose it gets down to whether you believe in god or not. everyone believes in something

Yes and no, you won't accept it because of a predisposition, but millions do accept evolution while holding a belief in doG.. Personally agree with you, there is no way you could believe in both, and I respect that you at least understand the consequences of evolution, and therefore wont accept it.

everyone has a god, be it money, fame,sport-,surfing etc, its the way we are made

Well thats just redefining the word! hahah

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
17 Sep 2011 3:39PM
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NSW, 807 posts
17 Sep 2011 4:38PM
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laceys lane said...

i watched, i still can't buy the theory is fact.

Yeah but gravity is a theory too. Try believing it doesn't exist though.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
17 Sep 2011 5:11PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

laceys lane said...

i watched, i still can't buy the theory is fact.

Yeah but gravity is a theory too. Try believing it doesn't exist though.

i believe in gravity. i've done my own experiments, it works

QLD, 2770 posts
17 Sep 2011 6:22PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

laceys lane said...

i watched, i still can't buy the theory is fact.

Yeah but gravity is a theory too. Try believing it doesn't exist though.

gravity is a law, aka newton's universal law. (not that i disbelieve the theory of evolution).

NSW, 4453 posts
17 Sep 2011 6:58PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...
Yeah but gravity is a theory too.

Were you one the smart ones in your pommy school?
Gravity is a force and one the 4 fundamental interactions.
How the force property is generated (cause) is still theoretical.
In any case Gravity can be termed a theory in experimental sciences, until it's disproved.
But it's also part of a Law, Newtons Law Of Universal Gravitation.

No wonder you believe the CO2 tax is to help the planet and building 7 imploded with an office fire.

(Edit stamp beat me to it)

NSW, 807 posts
17 Sep 2011 8:06PM
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stamp said...

SomeOtherGuy said...

laceys lane said...

i watched, i still can't buy the theory is fact.

Yeah but gravity is a theory too. Try believing it doesn't exist though.

gravity is a law, aka newton's universal law. (not that i disbelieve the theory of evolution).

Yes, Newton's universal law of gravitation is a law. It is also wrong. It was shown to be wrong by Einstein's Theory of Relativity which includes the theory of gravitation.

This isn't hair splitting - Newton's "law" is only an approximation. Probably the only reason it's still called a law is because everyone got used to calling it that.

NSW, 807 posts
17 Sep 2011 8:12PM
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FlySurfer said...

Were you one the smart ones in your pommy school?

Yes. And since then as well!

FlySurfer said...

But it's also part of a Law, Newtons Law Of Universal Gravitation.

No wonder you believe the CO2 tax is to help the planet and building 7 imploded with an office fire.

See my explanation above. Looks like you're mistaken - on all points.

WA, 1227 posts
17 Sep 2011 6:40PM
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laceys lane said...
i watched, i still can't buy the theory is fact. i think evolutionists don't want to think there is any other way because that would mean their beliefs and world would come crumbling down. i think there is a fair amount of faith being used to support this theory. you 'believe' that evolution is a fact

You've sussed it spot on.
"In the beginning God created ..." - faith.
"In the beginning there was nothing - then it exploded!" - faith.

... the 1st one, however, requires a bit less faith.

laceys lane said...
i suppose it gets down to whether you believe in god or not. everyone believes in something everyone has a god, be it money, fame,sport-,surfing etc, its the way we are made

barn said...
Well thats just redefining the word! hahah

After you've wiped your chin Barn, try a dictionary.

WA, 1227 posts
17 Sep 2011 6:52PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...
Yeah but gravity is a theory too. Try believing it doesn't exist though.

Where does all this twaddle about gravity being a theory come from? There is empirical, repeatable, scientific data supporting the fact of gravity.

Scientists still don't know how it's caused. The jury's still out on what form it takes (waves, particles etc). This is where they theorize. But there's no doubt in modern science that gravity is a real, measurable, empirical fact.

This same situation still holds in other areas too, such as emr and magnetism.

NSW, 807 posts
17 Sep 2011 8:54PM
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dinsdale said...

"In the beginning God created ..." - faith.
"In the beginning there was nothing - then it exploded!" - faith.

... the 1st one, however, requires a bit less faith.

Without wanting to get into the whole science vs god rubbish, you're wrong as well.

The second requires no faith whatsoever. It is simply the best explanation anyone can come up with that fits all the facts and measurements and theories that we (humanity) can come up with. A lot of scientists believe it's probably a wrong explanation. But it'll have to do for the moment because nobody can think of a better one. The moment someone comes up with a better explanation, that one will be ditched, same as happened for Newton's "law".

The first one can only be done via faith. I suspect that if anyone anywhere discovered some shred of quantifiable evidence for your god, those of your persuation would immediately ditch that god and decide there was another one - an unmeasurable one.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
17 Sep 2011 9:03PM
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a pro creation page- is the science correct?

NSW, 807 posts
17 Sep 2011 9:04PM
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dinsdale said...

Where does all this twaddle about gravity being a theory come from? There is empirical, repeatable, scientific data supporting the fact of gravity.

But that's just describing the way it works and the way it works is pretty solid, as you say. Force of attraction between two masses.. the gravitational constant.. acceleration due to... path taken by an object subject to a gravitational field... etc...

But that doesn't explain much, it only describes. It's like saying the sky is blue. Well duh... but why is it blue? The theory of gravitation describes why gravitation works the way it does.

WA, 2960 posts
17 Sep 2011 8:55PM
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dinsdale said...

You've sussed it spot on.
"In the beginning God created ..." - faith.
"In the beginning there was nothing - then it exploded!" - faith.

... the 1st one, however, requires a bit less faith.

We don't know there was nothing before our universe...


Who created God? Any being capable of creating the universe, would need to be immensely complex... This complex being, needs an explanation just like the universe your calling it in to explain!!!.. Infinite regress old man, learn it..

A complex being who builds universes needs more explanation than a simple universe forming by natural courses..

>Universe created by natural courses... No faith (it's here isn't it?, some nice evidence)

>Superman pooped into existence then created the universe.. Faith..

After you've wiped your chin Barn, try a dictionary.

Find me a dictionary where God is defined as money, fame, sport and surfing???.. Thats a redefinition of the meaning of God if I ever saw one..

Go back to school old man..

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
17 Sep 2011 11:07PM
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ok- how did god come into being

how did life start anywhere

how did anything happen.

how come there's a universe.

and so on.

its mind boggling, you would go insane, too much for anyone to comprehend

see, somewhere along the line you have to have 'faith' and 'believe' something, whether you like it or not

WA, 899 posts
17 Sep 2011 9:55PM
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How can you call degradation of society evolution???

Do you really wanna be a monkey???

And the theroy hasn't been around that Long considering that apparently it takes millions of years!!

WA, 1227 posts
17 Sep 2011 10:16PM
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barn said...

dinsdale said...

You've sussed it spot on.
"In the beginning God created ..." - faith.
"In the beginning there was nothing - then it exploded!" - faith.

... the 1st one, however, requires a bit less faith.

We don't know there was nothing before our universe...

Oh alright, have it your way ...

"In the beginning there was something - then it exploded!" - faith.

barn said...
Who created God?

So where did the aforementioned "something" come from? - faith.

WA, 2960 posts
17 Sep 2011 10:41PM
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dinsdale said...

Oh alright, have it your way ...

"In the beginning there was something - then it exploded!" - faith.

So where did the aforementioned "something" come from? - faith.

I am quite happy do admit that I don't have the slightest clue what caused the universe.. How could I possibly know??

You are the one who is claiming it was created by an unexplained, intelligent Superman.. Which, btw, you have zero evidence for..

A Universe forming from nothing is hard to fathom. A magic man forming from nothing, who then pulls a universe out of his ass is even worse!.

Universe is simple.. Intelligent Designers are complicated...

(Just a quick question, I can't remember if you are from the 6000 year old universe camp? or universe is billions of years old camp?)

On what was before the big bang?? we are working on it

NSW, 4453 posts
18 Sep 2011 12:51AM
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SomeOtherGuy said...
Looks like you're mistaken - on all points.

No, I'm not.

How about reality?
There isn't even a working theory for it any more, as the LHC has kind of disproved some aspects of String Theory

WA, 1227 posts
18 Sep 2011 12:54AM
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barn said...
You are the one who is claiming it was created by an unexplained, intelligent Superman.. Which, btw, you have zero evidence for

You are the one who is claiming it was created by an unexplained bundle of something (or nothing) ... Which, btw, you have zero evidence for

NSW, 6451 posts
18 Sep 2011 9:17AM
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I think the girl next door met god at the pub last night.

At 2am I could hear her screaming out,

Then later that night the son of god must of turned up cause she started yelling

Im going to hell arent I[}:)]

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Psychological observation" started by FlySurfer