Guys, guys,'re way behind the times.
It's the new world order, EVERYONE is under attack. Get used to it.
Don't let your guard down and be ready to violently retaliate to anyone who doesn't echo your personal beliefs.
Don't think about the flow on effects, just do it.
I wish that one day we may have NON BIAS MEDIA, that just report facts, data, the truth without commentary.
I did proposed one day already TRUTH INDICATOR , attached and displayed at the side of the screen at the side of each window carrying message.
Powered by NON BIAS AI, that feed on whole human knowledge and internet content, then assume probability of the message to be true.
Things going slowly in proposed by me direction and recently Twitter applied such commentary to President's tweet.What we have today is MASS MEDIA performing MASS BRAIN WASHING in desired by station owner direction, regardless of truth behind.
Watch the 60 minutes massive hit piece on Pete Evans last week - absolutely the best example of intense biased reporting you will ever see.
The amount of insults directed towards him just rolled off the tongues of those doing the report.
Nazi Germany would have been mighty impressed.
I lived in Hong Kong around 20 years ago. Back then the Hong Kong Government had a fairly lassaiz fair attitude to what people did or though as opposed today. Back then State TV ads were straight forward saying what was changing and how it would affect us.
This was a contrast to what was happening in Australia back then. When I travelled back the propaganda campaign for the GST was in full swing. There were images of breaking chains with Unbreak my Heart playing.
Pretty ironic to talk about freedom while bringing in a new tax on everything.
It's doublethink.
Oceania is at war with Eurasia. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.
We have the collective memory of goldfish.
Why has this ABC fake news program not said a SINGLE thing positive about Trump.
Sorry lefties, but the bias is idiotic, in all mainstream media except maybe Fox news.
None of any other media is even handed EVER, Trump has a point that none of you can accept.
Industrial scale anti Trump rhetoric must be terribly frustrating for the left, as the more you do it
the more he has proof of BIAS. Discrediting every single word, action by his government is
going to blow up in your faces come November.
Thank god for democratic voting, Your hysteria is both childish and misguided.
Okay here it is, put more simply.
Don't put up clever lefty videos of constant anti Trump rubbish.
You are just proving him right, confirming media bias.
Hillary learnt the hard way, lefties are too stupid to understand this !
^ Right, so given that, and it is somewhat true, especially opinion pieces, what are we left with for "ReAl NeWz" and "Trooth"?
Twitter? Echo chambers like Reddit subs? Facebook?
@ Those that say Trump is being misrepresented in the media.
Bull****. His tweets are the news. He writes them himself. They're insane.
That's Heavy Weather material. It's ****ing hilarious. He has lost his marbles.
I'm growing confident he'll be saying the earth is flat by November.