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Shark attack at rotto

Created by Spocktek > 9 months ago, 22 Oct 2011
WA, 2940 posts
23 Oct 2011 9:06AM
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i got bitten by a tailor yesterday . LETS CULL THE FISH SPECIES TAYLOR AS IT ATTACKED A HUMAN .



WA, 533 posts
23 Oct 2011 9:35AM
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They're going out to kill it today, if they can't distinguish which one it is in the area, if there are more then they're gonna kill 'em all."Finally" a bad day if your a shark swimming close to populated land mass.
Great, Shark Steaks for din din's.

3 fatal attacks in 7 wks = not a rare event, do gooders gob on, but something has to be done about it, now. I praise their solution. "here here!"

WA, 293 posts
23 Oct 2011 10:52AM
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I accept the inherent dangers of surfing...including the sharks. Has anyone stopped to thing of the contributing factors of ALL the latest shark attacks? Rather than just ranting on about this so called "Problem"?

Gracetown....**** southerly, overcast conditions
Dunsborough...overcast conditions
Cott...overcast day swimming over the drop off
Rotto...another overcast day..

I even remember Brian Guest here in Warnbro that was a **** day visibility wise in the water as well...

Also Crew as well, from vague memory that was a **** day too.

I was in the water early yesterday, and I didn't feel very comfortable. needless to say I had my eyes peeled for any but of unusual movement.

These types of days the inherent danger is multiplied, we all know the story. last year I took a few groms to bears, on a pretty average overcast day. It was good by metro standards but far from epic bears with only a few guys out. We arrived and the water had that black oily look about was unanimous that we'd flag it. It just didn't feel right. Nothing may have happened to us and if it was a clear day we probably would have gone out but these are the decisions we have to make to persue out water basd interests.

On the other side of, its just dumb bad luck

WA, 2960 posts
23 Oct 2011 11:07AM
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Typical Christian mentality.. Kill everything with teeth, subdue all animals.. RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE..

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Losers can't handle the fact that there is something badass out there..

"ooooo I'm a big wuss who is scared of the big fish, please everyone lets kill them so we can swim without fear again, please!!!"

WA, 792 posts
23 Oct 2011 11:44AM
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barn said...

Typical Christian mentality.. Kill everything with teeth, subdue all animals.. RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE..

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Losers can't handle the fact that there is something badass out there..

"ooooo I'm a big wuss who is scared of the big fish, please everyone lets kill them so we can swim without fear again, please!!!"

Barn did you use to get on the LSD in your younger years?

WA, 1255 posts
23 Oct 2011 11:52AM
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I reckon a massive tagging program should be undertaken every year, this time of year when they are most prevalent...Write some GPS associated software that keeps a tab, or "eye on" the tagged whiteys 24/7.

It can be as simple as turning on a computer, loading up the software and see if any in the area.

Authorities such as sea rescue, water police, SLSC's etc have it running in the background while on shift and check out regularly.

We have the technology. I understand quite an effort goes into the tagging but perhaps now its time for the extra effort and money to be spent here.

NSW, 2496 posts
23 Oct 2011 2:57PM
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BulldogPup said...

saltiest1 said...

BulldogPup said...

chrispychru said...

what a joke. scum everday are robbing,raping and killing innocent people and they get bugger all penalty yet you want to start killing sharks lets clean up society first and let nature deal with it self like it has for millions of years

I agree - butchering GW sharks aint going to stop the attacks , better to spend the $$$ on tagging & warning systems so relevant authorities can better organise getting humans out of their way , jmo folks! ... I'll accept my scorching for mo

maybe equip the game fish mob to do it and form a competition for it. sick fun!

mate I just can't see any reasoning for wholesale slaughtering or culling of anything living if it aint worthy - if there is a fun side to tagging of a living creature then hey , get into it for sure! ... after all we do what we do in the water for sick fun don't we (we all spruik here on SB about what we're into after all)

just the tagging side of it really, keep track of their numbers, then if they tip the ballance in numbers, thered be some well fed pets laden with heavy metals.

WA, 281 posts
23 Oct 2011 11:58AM
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Yesterday was a typical 'sharky' day. light winds, overcast, and the lightning probably didnt help to calm the nerves.
The water was ice cold and viz was way down to about 5 meters. One of those days where the gut says no but the brain says lets do it. I think its time to start listening to the gut.
I share the same sadness with everyone about this tradgedy, a fellow waterman killed doing something he loved.

WA, 726 posts
23 Oct 2011 12:04PM
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Whats with the overcast day/shark attack theory.?
Last time I checked sharks lived under water and cant see **** anyway.
Could be just me or is their some proof to back it up?

WA, 2960 posts
23 Oct 2011 12:31PM
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Woodo said...

barn said...

Typical Christian mentality.. Kill everything with teeth, subdue all animals.. RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE..

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Losers can't handle the fact that there is something badass out there..

"ooooo I'm a big wuss who is scared of the big fish, please everyone lets kill them so we can swim without fear again, please!!!"

Barn did you use to get on the LSD in your younger years?

Nope, it's a valid observation.. You are all trying to convince us that we should Kill The Shark, just so you don't have to be scared to go swimming anymore..

Thats what it boils down to.

Everyone should just harden up.. The reaction this caused is quite disproportionate to the situation.. An accident happened and somebody died, get over it..

WA, 2 posts
23 Oct 2011 12:55PM
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radio tag the dam things!i know where my daughters are all the time ,and they are man eaters.

WA, 1089 posts
23 Oct 2011 3:09PM
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saltiest1 said...

BulldogPup said...

Select to expand quote
chrispychru said...

, better to spend the $$$ on tagging & warning systems so relevant authorities can better organise getting humans out of their way , jmo folks! ... I'll accept my scorching for mo

maybe equip the game fish mob to do it and form a competition for it. sick fun!

Say! here's an idea... joining the already visible dots.

Let Perth be the new Great White Sport Fishing capital of the world!

Sport fishers/Charters (who pay for the tags just like snapper at shark bay) take out willing punters to Tag & Release GW for sport! Funded by licences, paid for by tourists/fishers.

Perth gets some more tourist $$.

Fisheries get a volunteer tagging crew and loads of sharks (not just GW) now have GPS tracking tags! Think of the long term research into where they go etc. I see world first research funded mostly not by the Govt.

All I see is win!


WA, 293 posts
23 Oct 2011 3:17PM
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worrier said...

Whats with the overcast day/shark attack theory.?
Last time I checked sharks lived under water and cant see **** anyway.
Could be just me or is their some proof to back it up?

Prove it yourself go for a swim/dive on an overcast day and another on a sunny day. It's not rocket science. Objects show less contrasting colors when there is less light penetrating the water if not just show as a dark object ie a seal.

Knowing that the last 5 attacks have occurred on low viz days appears to be quite coincidence don't you think?

I'm with spocktek

WA, 485 posts
23 Oct 2011 3:26PM
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rod_bunny said...

saltiest1 said...

BulldogPup said...

Select to expand quote
chrispychru said...

, better to spend the $$$ on tagging & warning systems so relevant authorities can better organise getting humans out of their way , jmo folks! ... I'll accept my scorching for mo

maybe equip the game fish mob to do it and form a competition for it. sick fun!

Say! here's an idea... joining the already visible dots.

Let Perth be the new Great White Sport Fishing capital of the world!

Sport fishers/Charters (who pay for the tags just like snapper at shark bay) take out willing punters to Tag & Release GW for sport! Funded by licences, paid for by tourists/fishers.

Perth gets some more tourist $$.

Fisheries get a volunteer tagging crew and loads of sharks (not just GW) now have GPS tracking tags! Think of the long term research into where they go etc. I see world first research funded mostly not by the Govt.

All I see is win!


They tried that at Gansbaai in South Africa - they great whites cleared out pretty quick (they're not stupid), the industry failed. And seal numbers shot up, therefore also significantly impacting the local extremely important fishing industry. Shut down the shark fishing and seal numbers went back to normal, so did fish stocks and now they have a great industry in cage diving with sharks. So maybe we should start that in perth - great tourism $$$, another "extreme sport" and if the occasional water user gets taken by a shark - well the ocean is still probably safer than a night out in Northbridge.

WA, 4642 posts
23 Oct 2011 3:53PM
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In a free society such as Australia is, people are free to have whatever view they like no matter how stupid it might be. The problem comes when their view gains precedence over a logical view and is then inflicted on the general public.
If they could be separated out I wouldn't mind if they were in favour of as many of them being eaten as the fish wanted.
Unfortunately in this case that's not possible because we swim in the same water.
I don't mind at all when someone gets eaten who has consistently said that it's the sharks territory and they are happy to take the risk and nothing should be done to prevent it.
If the sharks are smart enough to select who to invite to lunch on this basis then I'm happy to do nothing, but somehow I doubt they are.

People are supposed to be the dominant species.
This is not because of our ability to run fast, swim fast, rip things to bits with our sharp teeth or claws, or just to beat the living daylights out of anything with our bare fists, because in all these things we are less than second rate.
If our existence depended on this then as a species we would have been extinct millennia ago.
Why we survived is because we were smarter. Not all of us but some of us, and that is usually sufficient to initiate measures to protect all of us.

Initially, it was just smart enough to hide under a rock when danger was around.
Or smart enough to hide in a cave, or up a tree when danger was around.
Then later, smart enough to light a fire when danger was around and to make spears and throw stones or build walls to defend ourselves.
At this point in time there is very little in this world that we don't have the ability to defend ourselves against, including white pointers.
The only problem is that since we have a democracy, even the dullest mind gets equal opportunity to voice an opinion even though it be in direct opposition to long established logic and precedent.

For my part I do not find it acceptable that I or any of my friends or family be subject to the vagaries of dumb chance as to whether we become fish food or not. If we have the intelligence and ability to do something to prevent this then it is madness that we don't do it.

No one is suggesting that we go out and kill 200 sharks or wipe any species out.

The law should be that any time there is an attack then immediate action is taken to go to the exact area and make some effort to get rid of the offending fish. It's not an impossible job and all this talk that we would wipe out the species is complete rubbish.
As it is, after a fatal attack there is a two or three day discussion on what should be done in which time the shark has long ago left the scene and then nothing is done on the basis that we can't be sure we would get the offending fish.
If the plan for action was already in place the chances of getting the offending fish would be very good.
In the North Cott case of 10 years ago, they followed the shark for two or three days during which time it could easily have been taken out.
Days later when a decision was finally made to do something, the shark had miraculously moved on. What a surprise! Truly pathetic.

As to it being their territory, it's not. It's our territory by virtue of the fact that we are the dominant species.
As such it is our responsibility not to eliminate other species but it is NOT our responsibility to present ourselves as fish food just to sustain them.
70% of the worlds surface is covered by water. I think we have every right to claim a kilometre or two surrounding the land we live on.
Any sharks that want to come inside that area and have a look are welcome so long as they don't decide to snack on the residents.
To do so is an offence punishable by death.

NSW, 2110 posts
23 Oct 2011 7:51PM
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pweedas said...

In a free society such as Australia is, people are free to have whatever view they like no matter how stupid it might be. The problem comes when their view gains precedence over a logical view and is then inflicted on the general public.
If they could be separated out I wouldn't mind if they were in favour of as many of them being eaten as the fish wanted.
Unfortunately in this case that's not possible because we swim in the same water.
I don't mind at all when someone gets eaten who has consistently said that it's the sharks territory and they are happy to take the risk and nothing should be done to prevent it.
If the sharks are smart enough to select who to invite to lunch on this basis then I'm happy to do nothing, but somehow I doubt they are.

People are supposed to be the dominant species.
This is not because of our ability to run fast, swim fast, rip things to bits with our sharp teeth or claws, or just to beat the living daylights out of anything with our bare fists, because in all these things we are less than second rate.
If our existence depended on this then as a species we would have been extinct millennia ago.
Why we survived is because we were smarter. Not all of us but some of us, and that is usually sufficient to initiate measures to protect all of us.

Initially, it was just smart enough to hide under a rock when danger was around.
Or smart enough to hide in a cave, or up a tree when danger was around.
Then later, smart enough to light a fire when danger was around and to make spears and throw stones or build walls to defend ourselves.
At this point in time there is very little in this world that we don't have the ability to defend ourselves against, including white pointers.
The only problem is that since we have a democracy, even the dullest mind gets equal opportunity to voice an opinion even though it be in direct opposition to long established logic and precedent.

For my part I do not find it acceptable that I or any of my friends or family be subject to the vagaries of dumb chance as to whether we become fish food or not. If we have the intelligence and ability to do something to prevent this then it is madness that we don't do it.

No one is suggesting that we go out and kill 200 sharks or wipe any species out.

The law should be that any time there is an attack then immediate action is taken to go to the exact area and make some effort to get rid of the offending fish. It's not an impossible job and all this talk that we would wipe out the species is complete rubbish.
As it is, after a fatal attack there is a two or three day discussion on what should be done in which time the shark has long ago left the scene and then nothing is done on the basis that we can't be sure we would get the offending fish.
If the plan for action was already in place the chances of getting the offending fish would be very good.
In the North Cott case of 10 years ago, they followed the shark for two or three days during which time it could easily have been taken out.
Days later when a decision was finally made to do something, the shark had miraculously moved on. What a surprise! Truly pathetic.

As to it being their territory, it's not. It's our territory by virtue of the fact that we are the dominant species.
As such it is our responsibility not to eliminate other species but it is NOT our responsibility to present ourselves as fish food just to sustain them.
70% of the worlds surface is covered by water. I think we have every right to claim a kilometre or two surrounding the land we live on.
Any sharks that want to come inside that area and have a look are welcome so long as they don't decide to snack on the residents.
To do so is an offence punishable by death.

Anthropocentrism describes the tendency for human beings to regard themselves as the central and most significant entities in the universe, or the assessment of reality through an exclusively human perspective.[2]

The term can be used interchangeably with humanocentrism, while the first concept can also be referred to as human supremacy. The views are especially associated with certain religious cultures. Anthropocentrism is a major concept in the field of environmental ethics and environmental philosophy, where it is often considered to be the root cause of problems created by human interaction with the environment.

Its nature doing what nature does, as more and more of the population enter the water its going to happen more often, as long as we have people thinking along the lines that you do we are farked if you wanna do something to help mankind dont kill a shark sell ya car and walk to work

WA, 2960 posts
23 Oct 2011 4:59PM
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pweedas said...

In a free society such as Australia is, people are free to have whatever view they like no matter how stupid it might be. The problem comes when their view gains precedence over a logical view and is then inflicted on the general public.
If they could be separated out I wouldn't mind if they were in favour of as many of them being eaten as the fish wanted.
Unfortunately in this case that's not possible because we swim in the same water.
I don't mind at all when someone gets eaten who has consistently said that it's the sharks territory and they are happy to take the risk and nothing should be done to prevent it.
If the sharks are smart enough to select who to invite to lunch on this basis then I'm happy to do nothing, but somehow I doubt they are.

Yep, democracy.. People would have killed all the sharks after the last JAWS movie if not for democracy.. They did try, but now GWs are protected.. Suck sh!t Shark haters!

People are supposed to be the dominant species.

WTF, says who? your God?

This is not because of our ability to run fast, swim fast, rip things to bits with our sharp teeth or claws, or just to beat the living daylights out of anything with our bare fists, because in all these things we are less than second rate.
If our existence depended on this then as a species we would have been extinct millennia ago.
Why we survived is because we were smarter. Not all of us but some of us, and that is usually sufficient to initiate measures to protect all of us.

Thanks for the history lesson.. We are currently in a population boom, and our resources are running out and we are killing off the ecosystem.. Population booms are always followed by a population crash.. Really smart aren't we..

Initially, it was just smart enough to hide under a rock when danger was around.
Or smart enough to hide in a cave, or up a tree when danger was around.
Then later, smart enough to light a fire when danger was around and to make spears and throw stones or build walls to defend ourselves.
At this point in time there is very little in this world that we don't have the ability to defend ourselves against, including white pointers.
The only problem is that since we have a democracy, even the dullest mind gets equal opportunity to voice an opinion even though it be in direct opposition to long established logic and precedent.

Tell you what, you get to deal with the Tasmanian Tiger, and we get to look after the White Pointers..

For my part I do not find it acceptable that I or any of my friends or family be subject to the vagaries of dumb chance as to whether we become fish food or not. If we have the intelligence and ability to do something to prevent this then it is madness that we don't do it.

You have the intelligence to stay away from danger. It really is simple.. Don't go in the water..

No one is suggesting that we go out and kill 200 sharks or wipe any species out.

Yes they are..

The law should be that any time there is an attack then immediate action is taken to go to the exact area and make some effort to get rid of the offending fish. It's not an impossible job and all this talk that we would wipe out the species is complete rubbish.

The offending fish? What is this CSI? It's not impossible, it's just pointless.. There is no evidence that a shark involved in an attack turns into a repeat offender.

And yes, there are people claiming we should wipe out the species..

As it is, after a fatal attack there is a two or three day discussion on what should be done in which time the shark has long ago left the scene and then nothing is done on the basis that we can't be sure we would get the offending fish.
If the plan for action was already in place the chances of getting the offending fish would be very good.
In the North Cott case of 10 years ago, they followed the shark for two or three days during which time it could easily have been taken out.
Days later when a decision was finally made to do something, the shark had miraculously moved on. What a surprise! Truly pathetic.

Truly Awesome, swim like the wind, sharkey shark..

As to it being their territory, it's not. It's our territory by virtue of the fact that we are the dominant species.

Again with this ****? you have been reading too much Genesis..

As such it is our responsibility not to eliminate other species but it is NOT our responsibility to present ourselves as fish food just to sustain them.

Fair point, we don't have to present yourself as food.. But if you choose to go into the water you are volunteering yourself into the food chain..

70% of the worlds surface is covered by water. I think we have every right to claim a kilometre or two surrounding the land we live on.
Any sharks that want to come inside that area and have a look are welcome so long as they don't decide to snack on the residents.
To do so is an offence punishable by death.

No it's not. (I love democracy)


So, what should we do about Crocodiles that inhabit the Top End?

WA, 6913 posts
23 Oct 2011 6:51PM
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I love the whole man is the greatest. Man is the smartest. Man is dominate over everything.

What a load if crap. Man is the only animal that will **** in its own drinking water. Man is the only animal that will hunt and kill its only true food source to the point of extinction for no reason. Man will than have no food. Man will have no water and soon man just like all other animals will become extinct. Truth is nature could if given enough time regenerate itself. Man that is SOOOOO much smarter couldn't.

Whats smarter a human or a worm?

Well a worm can survive with out man but man can't survive with out worms

WA, 4642 posts
23 Oct 2011 7:07PM
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First of all Barn, I speak for myself.
I don't speak for the few who want to wipe them all out.
And I don't speak for those who want to let them eat anyone anywhere.

Secondly, if you have any doubt as to whether we are the dominant species or not, take a look around you and show me any other species which can adapt anywhere on the planet or off it, to live in or on as we have done.
Almost all other species are standing in the stream they are pithing and crapping in, with their head downstream I might add.
The only thing that would make us NOT the dominant species is if your brain turns hostile to your own existence and refuses to take any action to preserve itself when it is so easy to do so. I accept that some people do this but mine simply refuses. I don't mind if you do but you cant expect everyone to partake of your insanity.
As to the crocodiles, if they start parading down the main street of Darwin or start infesting the back yards of suburbia and eating people then I would be quite happy to relocate them to the afterlife.
If there are so many of them that they need to infest suburbia then the loss of a few wont ruin their survival chances for the species one bit.
And that's the argument with the white pointers. If there are so many of them now that they need to come into metropolitan beaches and snack on a few swimmers then those few wont be missed one bit.

Thirdly, as I write this I hear ont he radio that COl has authorised the culling of any shark that threatens human life.
Good job Col! Keep it up.

Don't worry Barn. Col has no authority in NSW so you can be happy in the knowledge that you are still available to be eaten.
Bon appetite Sid!

WA, 792 posts
23 Oct 2011 7:16PM
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pweedas said...

First of all Barn, I speak for myself.
I don't speak for the few who want to wipe them all out.
And I don't speak for those who want to let them eat anyone anywhere.

Secondly, if you have any doubt as to whether we are the dominant species or not, take a look around you and show me any other species which can adapt anywhere on the planet or off it, to live in or on as we have done.
Almost all other species are standing in the stream they are pithing and crapping in, with their head downstream I might add.
The only thing that would make us NOT the dominant species is if your brain turns hostile to your own existence and refuses to take any action to preserve itself when it is so easy to do so. I accept that some people do this but mine simply refuses. I don't mind if you do but you cant expect everyone to partake of your insanity.
As to the crocodiles, if they start parading down the main street of Darwin or start infesting the back yards of suburbia and eating people then I would be quite happy to relocate them to the afterlife.
If there are so many of them that they need to infest suburbia then the loss of a few wont ruin their survival chances for the species one bit.
And that's the argument with the white pointers. If there are so many of them now that they need to come into metropolitan beaches and snack on a few swimmers then those few wont be missed one bit.

Thirdly, as I write this I hear ont he radio that COl has authorised the culling of any shark that threatens human life.
Good job Col! Keep it up.

Don't worry Barn. Col has no authority in NSW so you can be happy in the knowledge that you are still available to be eaten.
Bon appetite Sid!

WA, 533 posts
23 Oct 2011 8:47PM
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Thread Hijack.......

WA, 293 posts
23 Oct 2011 9:26PM
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worrier said...

Whats with the overcast day/shark attack theory.?
Last time I checked sharks lived under water and cant see **** anyway.
Could be just me or is their some proof to back it up?

Prove it yourself go for a swim/dive on an overcast day and another on a sunny day. It's not rocket science. Objects show less contrasting colors when there is less light penetrating the water if not just show as a dark object ie a seal.

Knowing that the last 5 attacks have occurred on low viz days appears to be quite a coincidence don't you think?

I'm with spocktek

WA, 4642 posts
23 Oct 2011 9:42PM
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jbshack said...

What a load if crap. Man is the only animal that will **** in its own drinking water. Man is the only animal that will hunt and kill its only true food source to the point of extinction for no reason. Man will than have no food. Man will have no water and soon man just like all other animals will become extinct. Truth is nature could if given enough time regenerate itself. Man that is SOOOOO much smarter couldn't.

Whats smarter a human or a worm?

Well a worm can survive with out man but man can't survive with out worms

Just in case anyone believes this because they saw it on the internet, even though it be on this highly respected and informative site,... jbshack is TOTAL COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY WRONG when he says all this.

Specially,.. "Man is the only animal that will **** in its own drinking water."
It's so very obvious jbshack has never spent any time on a farm or out in the sticks because if he did then he would know that most animals do exactly this. I see it almost daily and I often make the comment to them they would be well advised to at least turn around and drink upstream from where they are doing their business.
Of course it makes no difference even though jbshack would have us believe that they are a smarter life form.
The other statements are equally in error but I can't be bothered explaining why. Hopefully I don't need to.
Unless of course he is speaking only for himself, in which case he may be totally correct in all he says.

WA, 4642 posts
23 Oct 2011 9:50PM
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pooman said...

worrier said...

Whats with the overcast day/shark attack theory.?
Last time I checked sharks lived under water and cant see **** anyway.
Could be just me or is their some proof to back it up?

Prove it yourself go for a swim/dive on an overcast day and another on a sunny day. It's not rocket science. Objects show less contrasting colors when there is less light penetrating the water if not just show as a dark object ie a seal.

Knowing that the last 5 attacks have occurred on low viz days appears to be quite a coincidence don't you think?

I'm with spocktek

I don't know what time this happened but Friday was not all that overcast at Cott or Rottnest. It was mostly sunny with a bit of high cloud over the coast every now and then. It didn't feel at all sharky to me.
I do agree that some very overcast and oily days do feel sharky and I make a point of short swims or surfs on those days, or give them a miss altogether.
I don't think this attack can be blamed on the weather conditions though.

WA, 2960 posts
23 Oct 2011 9:55PM
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^^ It's a figure of speech.. ****ting in your own drinking water means we do things like cut down our forests in slash and burn farming, or the unsustainable overfishing of the oceans, and racing towards peak Oil with little preparation for the days when we run out..

Humans are the only animal that has the ability to look to the future and plan ahead.

Animals can't look ahead and guide their species in a sustainable direction, we can, but we don't.. Thats why we are the stupidest intelligent animal in history..

WA, 4642 posts
23 Oct 2011 10:28PM
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Oh I see. I can't argue with you on that one Barn cos I've said the same thing myself many times.

WA, 2960 posts
23 Oct 2011 10:49PM
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There are a few ways to measure dominance of a species, I think a successful species is one that lasts many millions of years.. So far we have gone a few hundred thousand.

We have temporarily subdued nature, mostly with Guns and Antibiotics.

(Our lethargic stance on microbes and Viruses is what I rate as the all time biggest poop anybody has ever taken in their rainwater tank!!)

Fingers crossed that sharks survive this plague of humans..

NSW, 2110 posts
24 Oct 2011 9:06AM
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pweedas said...

jbshack said...

What a load if crap. Man is the only animal that will **** in its own drinking water. Man is the only animal that will hunt and kill its only true food source to the point of extinction for no reason. Man will than have no food. Man will have no water and soon man just like all other animals will become extinct. Truth is nature could if given enough time regenerate itself. Man that is SOOOOO much smarter couldn't.

Whats smarter a human or a worm?

Well a worm can survive with out man but man can't survive with out worms

Just in case anyone believes this because they saw it on the internet, even though it be on this highly respected and informative site,... jbshack is TOTAL COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY WRONG when he says all this.

Specially,.. "Man is the only animal that will **** in its own drinking water."
It's so very obvious jbshack has never spent any time on a farm or out in the sticks because if he did then he would know that most animals do exactly this. I see it almost daily and I often make the comment to them they would be well advised to at least turn around and drink upstream from where they are doing their business.
Of course it makes no difference even though jbshack would have us believe that they are a smarter life form.
The other statements are equally in error but I can't be bothered explaining why. Hopefully I don't need to.
Unless of course he is speaking only for himself, in which case he may be totally correct in all he says.

Pweedas as you drop your morning turd this morning do you think it gets sucked into a magical little world that turns it into a butterfly or something of course we shat in our own water Malabar, Tweed River Hastings Point just about every major waterway on the Eastcoast has nutrient rich treated sewer pumped into it by the megalitre everyday.
And if you live on a farm and drink water from a tank dont you think there may be a little bird ****, bat **** caterpillar **** mixed in there

NSW, 9029 posts
24 Oct 2011 9:32AM
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Is there an aerial coastal patrol service in Perth? A service that checks for people in trouble on the water and also for sharks and other nasties in the ocean? If a big shark is seen swimming around by an aerial spotter then nearby beaches could be closed which would reduce the likelyhood of an interaction between a shark and a human.

When I lived in Wollongong there was an aerial coastal patrol. Just a little plane flying up and down the coast on the weekends.

SA, 4034 posts
24 Oct 2011 10:32AM
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Gee talk about over reacting! if a shark bites bite you bite it back fairs fair!
Lucky we have'nt got Hippo's


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"Shark attack at rotto" started by Spocktek