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Shark attack down on the south coast (Albany)

Created by esoom > 9 months ago, 29 Dec 2014
WA, 162 posts
30 Dec 2014 7:19PM
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barn said..
Ok maybe I should have waited 24 hours for everyone to come to grips with this new reality before I posted anything on the inherent dangers of the particular activity being conducted at the time of the interaction.

Reckon 24 hours is long enough?


More like wait 24 hour till you pull your head out of your @rse, you're a disgrace.

SA, 210 posts
30 Dec 2014 10:12PM
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barn said..
While this death is no more or less tragic than any of the others, car accidents, drownings, shootings, I always have the feeling that anyone taken by a shark while spearfishing has less to complain about..

The minute you pull flippers on, grab a spear and try personally hunt down your dinner like a seal you've entered the food chain..

And there's always a bigger fish..

I get what you are saying but every action we undertake has consequences. I just can't believe that any effort went into mocking a tragic event when there should have been nothing but understanding and sympathy....... even a little bit of debate, but not this.

A surfer, kiter, windsurfer, bodyboarder, SUPer even a swimmer all look like tasty meal when in the water. Perhaps we all should be banned from such "negligent" activities.

Is 24 hours long enough? Why bother at all?

SA, 4783 posts
30 Dec 2014 10:27PM
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Why has no one come up with hire a shark shield? Dial a shark shield? Or perhaps the government could just use the money they use for drum lining to buy every water user a shark shield?
Was this young lad wearing such a device while undertaking a risky sport fish? Do you go hang gliding with out a helmet? Motocross no helmet? Etc...
Culling will not work due to public outcrys so why not look at prevention.

WA, 1849 posts
30 Dec 2014 8:56PM
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southace said..
Why has no one come up with hire a shark shield? Dial a shark shield? Or perhaps the government could just use the money they use for drum lining to buy every water user a shark shield?
Was this young lad wearing such a device while undertaking a risky sport fish? Do you go hang gliding with out a helmet? Motocross no helmet? Etc...
Culling will not work due to public outcrys so why not look at prevention.

Southace, there was a dive shop here in Perth that use to hire shark shields. From memory he had one maybe two between two stores. I asked him why so few and basically there didn't appear to be a market. I hired one off him once for a week when on a charter. It's cost me a little fortune. The dive master wasn't impressed and told another bloke and myself to take them off or not get in the water with him.

WA, 467 posts
30 Dec 2014 9:02PM
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Toph said...
southace said..
Why has no one come up with hire a shark shield? Dial a shark shield? Or perhaps the government could just use the money they use for drum lining to buy every water user a shark shield?
Was this young lad wearing such a device while undertaking a risky sport fish? Do you go hang gliding with out a helmet? Motocross no helmet? Etc...
Culling will not work due to public outcrys so why not look at prevention.

The dive master wasn't impressed and told another bloke and myself to take them off or not get in the water with him.

That's worthy of a name and shame and possibly posting on a dive forum? I would think there probably wouldn't be a more appropriate time to use one? Wtf?

131 posts
30 Dec 2014 9:07PM
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barn said..
Ok maybe I should have waited 24 hours for everyone to come to grips with this new reality before I posted anything on the inherent dangers of the particular activity being conducted at the time of the interaction.

Reckon 24 hours is long enough?


I'm up for a joke as much as the next man, but that is extremely poor form.
The kids name is Jay. He did work experience with us for 12 weeks about 4 months ago. He was a great kid with many friends and a bright future ahead of him. He was also someone's son.I bet my @$$ your tone would be different if it was one of your family members that was taken tragically, whatever the circumstances.Have some respect.

SA, 4783 posts
30 Dec 2014 11:37PM
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From what I have seen I would not get in southern waters for a extended period with out such a device same as I wouldn't go hang gliding or bike riding with out some head protection. Same as going swimming in the tropics without stinger suits. Same as using extreme caution when barra fishing not to clean the catch on the banks edge. To kill every shark that attacks a water user is a impossible mission and will never work.

WA, 6913 posts
30 Dec 2014 10:04PM
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Chris6791 said..

wazza local said..

Chris6791 said..

Those beaches are 50-100 km away. The people that needed to know immediately were those in the water close to the attack, not 50km away.


I dont know if you've been to Albany but Cheynes beach is just a couple of miles from Middleton Beach and Emu Point etc etc. All packed at this time of year.

Anyway, you've reinforced my point, that the website service has proved to be lacking when its needed most and the broader population who otherwise dont have much knowledge of the ocean shouldnt rely on it.

I haven't reinforced anything? You first argued Sharknet did a **** job of getting the info out in a timely manner, I pointed out the website itself clearly says it's not the best place to get current info and It says to get that from somewhere else.

Besides, the info on Sharknet and the SLSWA Twitter feed are only as good as the info fed into it. Or not fed into it.

the he fact that people are getting the beach wrong also highlights the importance of getting correct info out in a timely manner. By the time Sharknet got the info it has probably been passed on through 4 or 5 people or more, that leads to errors, which is why there is sometimes a delay in getting info out as emergency services need to get there and get the info first hand and unfiltered. It never ceases to amaze me that some people will call emergency services for a crash and describe it as if it's a car park fender bender but it's a highway rollover and people are seriously injured or killed, then sometimes people will call for a carpark fender bender and think its the end of the world.

The lady who runs the caravan park today said she was notified of the shark in the area. (she didn't say by who though) Her husband was out in his boat looking for it already before the boy was attacked. A system to allow for better warning would be great, but sadly attacks are not always at popular beaches.. It really seems its simply more bad luck than not..

WA, 6913 posts
30 Dec 2014 10:10PM
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southace said..
Why has no one come up with hire a shark shield? Dial a shark shield? Or perhaps the government could just use the money they use for drum lining to buy every water user a shark shield?
Was this young lad wearing such a device while undertaking a risky sport fish? Do you go hang gliding with out a helmet? Motocross no helmet? Etc...
Culling will not work due to public outcrys so why not look at prevention.

Only yesterday morning i reminded a mate to were his shark shield whilst diving this time of year. Today he wore it and had a 9 foot Tiger swim past, this time of year seems to have loads of sightings and detections. The Christmas to New years week seems to be higher than usual , i wonder if that means more people in the water, more eyes

Ian K
WA, 4120 posts
31 Dec 2014 5:14AM
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Toph said..

southace said..
Why has no one come up with hire a shark shield? Dial a shark shield? Or perhaps the government could just use the money they use for drum lining to buy every water user a shark shield?
Was this young lad wearing such a device while undertaking a risky sport fish? Do you go hang gliding with out a helmet? Motocross no helmet? Etc...
Culling will not work due to public outcrys so why not look at prevention.

Southace, there was a dive shop here in Perth that use to hire shark shields. From memory he had one maybe two between two stores. I asked him why so few and basically there didn't appear to be a market. I hired one off him once for a week when on a charter. It's cost me a little fortune. The dive master wasn't impressed and told another bloke and myself to take them off or not get in the water with him.

Of course the dive master wasn't impressed. You'd missed the whole point of skindiving. Being right amongst it is part of the thrill. A hundred years ago the British went big game hunting in Africa. If the lions posed no threat nobody would have bothered.

Captn Scooby
WA, 62 posts
31 Dec 2014 9:35AM
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barn said..
Ok maybe I should have waited 24 hours for everyone to come to grips with this new reality before I posted anything on the inherent dangers of the particular activity being conducted at the time of the interaction.

Reckon 24 hours is long enough?


Wow, is there any line you won't cross? I've been away from these forums for a while, so I don't know if you're a troll or trying really badly to be funny. Poor form though.

Captn Scooby
WA, 62 posts
31 Dec 2014 9:41AM
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Toph said..

southace said..
Why has no one come up with hire a shark shield? Dial a shark shield? Or perhaps the government could just use the money they use for drum lining to buy every water user a shark shield?
Was this young lad wearing such a device while undertaking a risky sport fish? Do you go hang gliding with out a helmet? Motocross no helmet? Etc...
Culling will not work due to public outcrys so why not look at prevention.

Southace, there was a dive shop here in Perth that use to hire shark shields. From memory he had one maybe two between two stores. I asked him why so few and basically there didn't appear to be a market. I hired one off him once for a week when on a charter. It's cost me a little fortune. The dive master wasn't impressed and told another bloke and myself to take them off or not get in the water with him.

The dive master probably didn't want his other divers getting zapped by accident. I don't know what the new shields are like, but 8years ago they were useless. 2 electrodes on wires trailling behind the diver as they swim, never stopped the Sharks coming in, but stung an unsuspecting diver if you accidently touched an electrode!

Best protection you can have when spear fishing is to stop and move locations after 15 mins of spearing the first fish. Harder to do when you're off the beach though.

WA, 6913 posts
31 Dec 2014 10:47AM
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I am a little confused and can't Find Tree Stripes Reef. Is this location correct? As i heard the lady son the radio saying the boys body was bought into Middleton beach

WA, 1019 posts
31 Dec 2014 11:33AM
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I might not be correct but over the years we've fished Bluff Creek we've always known Three Stripes as beach area west of Bluff Creek / Cheynes. I think bluff creek, cheynes and 3 stripes all make up one area called Hassells beach?

WA, 1849 posts
31 Dec 2014 11:51AM
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Ian K said..

Toph said..

southace said..
Why has no one come up with hire a shark shield? Dial a shark shield? Or perhaps the government could just use the money they use for drum lining to buy every water user a shark shield?
Was this young lad wearing such a device while undertaking a risky sport fish? Do you go hang gliding with out a helmet? Motocross no helmet? Etc...
Culling will not work due to public outcrys so why not look at prevention.

Southace, there was a dive shop here in Perth that use to hire shark shields. From memory he had one maybe two between two stores. I asked him why so few and basically there didn't appear to be a market. I hired one off him once for a week when on a charter. It's cost me a little fortune. The dive master wasn't impressed and told another bloke and myself to take them off or not get in the water with him.

Of course the dive master wasn't impressed. You'd missed the whole point of skindiving. Being right amongst it is part of the thrill. A hundred years ago the British went big game hunting in Africa. If the lions posed no threat nobody would have bothered.

But I don't want to be that much "amongst" it. There is still plenty to see without getting close and personal with a noah. As a result, I don't own a shark shield, and I've made the choice not to dive in Perth metro or WA's southwest waters.

6 posts
1 Jan 2015 12:13PM
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Captn Scooby said..

Toph said..

southace said..
Why has no one come up with hire a shark shield? Dial a shark shield? Or perhaps the government could just use the money they use for drum lining to buy every water user a shark shield?
Was this young lad wearing such a device while undertaking a risky sport fish? Do you go hang gliding with out a helmet? Motocross no helmet? Etc...
Culling will not work due to public outcrys so why not look at prevention.

Southace, there was a dive shop here in Perth that use to hire shark shields. From memory he had one maybe two between two stores. I asked him why so few and basically there didn't appear to be a market. I hired one off him once for a week when on a charter. It's cost me a little fortune. The dive master wasn't impressed and told another bloke and myself to take them off or not get in the water with him.

The dive master probably didn't want his other divers getting zapped by accident. I don't know what the new shields are like, but 8years ago they were useless. 2 electrodes on wires trailling behind the diver as they swim, never stopped the Sharks coming in, but stung an unsuspecting diver if you accidently touched an electrode!

Best protection you can have when spear fishing is to stop and move locations after 15 mins of spearing the first fish. Harder to do when you're off the beach though.

Shields have been tested to deter sharks within a few metres radius and given the current this puts out and the way the sharks sense organs operate this makes sense, however there is increasing anecdotal evidence from commercial drivers to suggest that the same diluted field is an attractor to the general area for sharks. People wearing live shields get a trail of fish following them. This means that either you all wear a live shield or noone wears them in the group. Aside from zapping other divers and telling them where they have deep tooth fillings, another option is to dive with it off in the group and if a GWS comes in (assuming you see it first) you can activate it and huddle with prayers.

6 posts
1 Jan 2015 2:18PM
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Unhook3d said..

Meg1122 said...
Funny but in Darwin they have their large population of crocodiles that were once hunted with numbers being reduced to an unsustainable level.

Condolences to the young guys family and friends. RIP young soul.
As for the debate about culling, u do realise that crocodiles are again reaching out of control numbers and possibly need to be hunted again to control wildlife levels.
Same goes for sharks. Let's get some figures on the numbers and if local fisherman are anything to go by, I think you'll find that there are simply excessive amounts of sharks and a cull would be beneficial to society. No one on either side of the debate wants them extinct, just controlled.

The reality is that we exploit and manage just about every living thing on the planet as far as possible. We seek to destroy harmful viruses, bacteria, insects. The manage domestic animals exclusively for our use. We kill many fish in the ocean including sharks for a multitude of reasons. Arguments that sharks are just doing what comes naturally dont get tabled when it comes to dealing with the Ebola virus. The problem when we use invalid analogies is that we lose sight of the fact that we dont understand enough about shark behaviour to make effective decisions, the technology currently in use, like tagging, could itself be an aggravating factor. There is a huge amount of data publicly available that is not dumbed down news reports but it appears that almost noone spends any time studying this to try and address to issues caused by ignorance.

The South Africans had a similar issue around 2005 similar to the one facing WA today. Following a spate of attacks between 2001-2004 they realised there was no single owner of the problem, which they fixed with input from relevant stakeholders and then implemented quite effective measures including the spotters. In WA there are Fisheries whose job is to protect fish, lifesaving whose job is to protect people, and government whose job it is to get re-elected, and the anti cull groups. No single body with any mandate exists to coordinate all involved parties, take a hard look at the science, the available and still limited knowledge on shark behavior and propose a way forward. It means that much time is wasted and facts obscured because of the infighting. South Africa largely addressed this around 10 years ago, WA might catchup and implement a similar body, but there is a lot of flaky and dangerous science involved, a lot of emotion and politics. The truth is usually the first casualty in scenarios like this. Here is the outcome, a lot of the primary research for this is also available.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Shark attack down on the south coast (Albany)" started by esoom