Just returned from winter away and good to see this thread is still going. Number of opinions changed on either side?
ZERO and nor will they be I guess. You either put value of human life above or below that of a fish and thats where you stand end of story.
Spent a few weeks surfing in Durban South Africa on my travels and was good to see the success they have had dealing with their shark problems -
Shark attack FATALITIES in Natal before nets - 44 (including the infamous Black December of 9 attacks and 6 deaths)
And after nets and drum lines? NONE ZERO NADA on any protected beaches. In well over 30 years... (there was a diver killed offshore while i was there though)
And yet we are regularly fed absolute crap from the shark hugging camp saying they dont work! Such a bald faced lie its almost comical it gets so repeated and left unchallenged.