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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Skepticism and critical thinking

Created by remery 8 months ago, 3 Jul 2024
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Chris 249
NSW, 3433 posts
22 Nov 2024 8:39PM
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cammd said..

Chris 249 said..

japie said..
Here you go. Let's get critical:

A classic case of NOT applying critical thinking. The claim is that "the media and every late night comedian" did something - and yet there is no evidence whatsoever that the claim is true. So show us where "the media and every late night comedian" did what is claimed and people with critical thinking skills will believe you.

Until you give proof, only the sheep will listen.

What was the Joe Rogan video in the link, didn't that have evidence to support the claim. Am I a sheep

No, it didn't. Let's start with the simplest thing - the vid does NOT show that 'every' late night comic said the rate was 3.4%. It shows two or three comics and there are about 14 late night US shows with comics. It's a simple thing but it shows that the bull**** starts early with the vid.

The second thing that leaps from the vid is that on March 4, presumably in 2020, Trump said that the true rate was "way under 1%". But the clip doesn't include anything about WHERE he said the toll was under 1%, which is an obvious issue from the start since the death rate varied from country to country.

The quote from the WHO was "Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died". Here's a chart of the death rates one month after the relevant date;

The WHO is obviously a worldwide organisation.At the time the claim was made, most of the countries on the chart had a death rate OVER the WHO estimate. WHO was correct. So 3.4% was NOT "a false number" as Trump claimed.

In the USA when Trump made the claim, the death rate IN THE USA was under 1%. A month later, it was 2.78% and rising sharply to a peak, then dropping and rebounding twice.

So let's go to the claims the clip makes about experts saying that the death toll was about 1%. At 1:49 in the Rogan vid there's a bit where Dr Redd says, in response to a question from Cruz about the fatality rate "somewhere between half a percent and one percent". The clip graphics show that 0.5%, as if experts were saying that was the general death rate.

So let's look what Redd actually said. Dr Redd said was that things were still early, and the number was likely to change. He then said that the higher WHO rate included deaths in China. The lower rate he gave was the US rate at the time.

So there is no "big lie" - WHO was talking about the worldwide death rate at the time, Redd was talking about the US situation at the time before the pandemic really hit there, and Trump may have been doing the same - or he may not. He doesn't seem to say.

So maybe some comedians and talk show hosts could have noted that the situation was unclear - big deal. The Rogan clip falls into exactly the same trap.

Chris 249
NSW, 3433 posts
22 Nov 2024 8:44PM
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Carantoc said..
Page 41 summary:

Jaipie is right
Chris 249 got egg on face
remery took out top pedant award

Egg on face for pointing out that if the CTers believed this stuff and weren't gutless, they'd do something about it apart from just whine on the internet? Hardly.

Egg on face for pointing out that the WHO's estimate of a death rate of 3.4% in the clip was a global death rate that under-estimated the death rate in many countries? No.

Egg on face for actually applying critical thinking and looking for facts and noting that the experts who said the death rate was 0.5 to 1% were talking about the US death rate when the epidemic was in its early stages, whereas the WHO was talking about the global death rate including countries where the death rate was over 3.4%? Absolutely not.

Egg on face for noting that the Rogan vid is a hack job that ignores the fact that the US experts were talking about an early-stage death rate in the US and the WHO was talking about the global death rate increased by countries where the pandemic was close to its peak? Hell no.

WA, 7019 posts
22 Nov 2024 5:55PM
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I'm lovin' ya style Chris 249.

Keep on diggin' no matter what. Just keep on digging.

That's the best way to go on these forums. Eventually you might just come out the other side. I doubt it, but if we don't got hope what have we got eh ?

2010 posts
22 Nov 2024 6:53PM
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As an independent observer I'm calling it:

Carantoc: 1
Chris 249: 0

WA, 1798 posts
22 Nov 2024 7:29PM
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As an independent observer, who may rely on evidence presented by vs Chris 249, vs eidence presented by Crancntoc, when I run for omnipotent ruler of the world over the current impotent incumbent, the Orange Zepplin....
Defo Chris 249 for me.
Crancantoc can do the DJ set tho.

WA, 3435 posts
22 Nov 2024 7:52PM
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Carantoc said..
Page 41 summary:

Jaipie is right
Chris 249 got egg on face
remery took out top pedant award

Who's Jaipie?

WA, 3435 posts
22 Nov 2024 9:49PM
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I can see those new-fangled numbers are very confusing for you.

WA, 2188 posts
23 Nov 2024 6:08AM
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Hey Chris, not everyone has to leave their laptop to make a difference. We could all make a difference by signing this. (It's a judge who sets pedos free)

NSW, 7075 posts
23 Nov 2024 11:24AM
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psychojoe said..
Hey Chris, not everyone has to leave their laptop to make a difference. We could all make a difference by signing this. (It's a judge who sets pedos free)

Signed. The institution of the law is on the nose. Worse than three day old fish.
My wife's ex, resident Perth, was convicted of three child sex offences. In 2019 he was sending dick pics to a 14 year old girl who turned out to be a copper. He got an 18 month suspended sentence. One of only two people to not have been sent to clink for that offence. Had a neurological injury when he was a kid. Didn't stop him playing football or working mind you!

The POS now thinks he is bullet proof. Cost me a small fortune to get the missus and kids over to NSW. He still has visiting rights! The girls are 8 & 11.
So yup. Institution of the Law? You can have it!

WA, 3435 posts
23 Nov 2024 10:33AM
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psychojoe said..
Hey Chris, not everyone has to leave their laptop to make a difference. We could all make a difference by signing this. (It's a judge who sets pedos free)

What a disgrace, the pervert and the judge.

WA, 2188 posts
23 Nov 2024 4:01PM
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Thanks guys. Appreciate your support on this one

WA, 3435 posts
25 Nov 2024 8:57AM
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QLD, 4047 posts
25 Nov 2024 11:40AM
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remery said..

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it could be duck

Sometimes you need to trust your own judgement Remery, you can't out source all your thought and opinions to others even if they purport to be experts.

You need to use your own brain, that is the beginning of thinking critically.

Good luck

WA, 14921 posts
25 Nov 2024 10:02AM
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cammd said..
remery said..

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it could be duck

Sometimes you need to trust your own judgement Remery, you can't out source all your thought and opinions to others even if the purport to be experts.

You need to use your own brain, that is the beginning of thinking critically.

Good luck

Where do you draw the line? I know little about particle physics, so should I just assume other people are making it up?

Some things people just don't understand because they haven't seen something. It doesn't mean that their perception of it after thinking is correct though.

I have had a few people tell me now that Trump staged the assasination attempt. It tells me straight away that they have probably never fired a gun, whether its a pistol or rifle, and assume that you can get that sort of accuracy needed to knick someone's ear without killing them with 100% certainty.

I agree with Remery. It is a cop out to avoid thinking about something. But at least its a cop out that you can share with plenty of other people.

QLD, 4047 posts
25 Nov 2024 12:18PM
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FormulaNova said..

I agree with Remery. It is a cop out to avoid thinking about something. But at least its a cop out that you can share with plenty of other people.

that's why your a leftard, like remery

WA, 7019 posts
25 Nov 2024 11:29AM
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FormulaNova said..
Where do you draw the line? I know little about particle physics...

There is a fair difference between physics, mathematics and the pure sciences than there is to the action of individuals and societal responses / reactions.

We listened to every expert about the forecast for the recent US election. Turned out that the vast majority were wrong.

I am not sure you can equate theories about actions taken or not by groups and individuals with ideas (or lack of them) that deny science.

Could also make a text snipping saying something like 'Labelling people CTers is like a cheat code for those who have expertise in a field, spent countless hours in a lab or reading books and still got it wrong. It is easier to label them full of bull**** than admit, despite being an expert, you still got it wrong and they got it right'.

Although I feel most of the time it is the media (and others) translating what the self proclaimed experts say, not what what the actual experts actually say. As indeed the end of the last page proved, creating the sticky egg situation we had at the start of this page.

2010 posts
25 Nov 2024 11:36AM
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cammd said..
that's why your a leftard, like remery

What is in the posts by both Remery and FormulaNova that warrant the offensive label 'leftard'?

I'm convinced you are NQR.

WA, 14921 posts
25 Nov 2024 12:18PM
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cammd said..

FormulaNova said..

I agree with Remery. It is a cop out to avoid thinking about something. But at least its a cop out that you can share with plenty of other people.

that's why your a leftard, like remery

No, I might be a leftard, but I am not a leftard because I think its a cop-out. I am one because I lean towards a lot of left wing beliefs.

It's a great grouping isn't it. I might agree with you on 90% of things, but because I think conspiracy theorists are generally stupid, I become a leftard.

Maybe I should just go completely one way or the other? Far right or far left, and it would be easier as I could just agree with people and get onboard with everything.

Don't believe in dinosaurs; yep, I've gotta agree with you there.
The world is flat and there is an icewall that stops us going of the edge; of course.
Polio is a made up disease and the vaccines are to keep us enslaved; you would be an idiot to think otherwise.
A steel wall will keep out 'the Mexicans' and make America great again; well duh!

WA, 14921 posts
25 Nov 2024 12:24PM
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FormulaNova said..

I have had a few people tell me now that Trump staged the assasination attempt. It tells me straight away that they have probably never fired a gun, whether its a pistol or rifle, and assume that you can get that sort of accuracy needed to knick someone's ear without killing them with 100% certainty.

Not that anyone asked, but I wonder what would have happened if DT had actually gotten assasinated instead of had his ear nicked?

Would we be now seeing a rebellion in the US of people that think it was a conspiracy to keep DT out of politics and for their team to be kept under control?

Now that we have passed that mark, are those people confused because they were assuming it was a conspiracy up until DT won the election and they were really expecting him to be killed?

The mind of a conspiracy theorist could be a creaky one. If something happens it was clearly a conspiracy. If something doesn't happen it was clearly a conspiracy. But this only applies to things you want to believe in of course

QLD, 4047 posts
25 Nov 2024 3:05PM
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myscreenname said..

cammd said..
that's why your a leftard, like remery

What is in the posts by both Remery and FormulaNova that warrant the offensive label 'leftard'?

I'm convinced you are NQR.

Fair call Formula Nova doesn't warrant that offensive label, it was just a bit of banter. But Remery that's a different story.

QLD, 4047 posts
25 Nov 2024 3:23PM
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FormulaNova said..

cammd said..

FormulaNova said..

I agree with Remery. It is a cop out to avoid thinking about something. But at least its a cop out that you can share with plenty of other people.

that's why your a leftard, like remery

No, I might be a leftard, but I am not a leftard because I think its a cop-out. I am one because I lean towards a lot of left wing beliefs.

It's a great grouping isn't it. I might agree with you on 90% of things, but because I think conspiracy theorists are generally stupid, I become a leftard.

Maybe I should just go completely one way or the other? Far right or far left, and it would be easier as I could just agree with people and get onboard with everything.

Don't believe in dinosaurs; yep, I've gotta agree with you there.
The world is flat and there is an icewall that stops us going of the edge; of course.
Polio is a made up disease and the vaccines are to keep us enslaved; you would be an idiot to think otherwise.
A steel wall will keep out 'the Mexicans' and make America great again; well duh!

Most conspiracy theories are stupid, some have been close to the mark as well. All I was saying is use your brain, don't just believe the narrative sprouted by "experts" either.

And umm try not to avoid thinking too, even if it does help you bond with others

WA, 3435 posts
25 Nov 2024 10:53PM
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QLD, 4047 posts
26 Nov 2024 7:05AM
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remery said..

I'm confused, why is the one posting links to fox news calling the other a libtard.

944 posts
26 Nov 2024 5:29AM
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cammd said..

remery said..

I'm confused, why is the one posting links to fox news calling the other a libtard.

There seems to be there cute online terms of endearment thingy where if your friends post links to Fox News then you call them a MAGAt, and if another friend then says they don't believe anything on Fox News you then call them a libtard. All very cute and endearing, and a great bonding experience amongst friends.

QLD, 4047 posts
26 Nov 2024 12:32PM
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myscreenname said..

cammd said..
that's why your a leftard, like remery

What is in the posts by both Remery and FormulaNova that warrant the offensive label 'leftard'?

I'm convinced you are NQR.

Excuse me, its an endearing label, ask philin

WA, 3435 posts
4 Dec 2024 9:37AM
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Whooping cough on the rise in WA. Anti-vaxxers must be proud.

"Six in 10 parents reported feeling distressed when thinking about vaccinating their child, with no major difference between cohorts.

Alarmingly, nearly one in two parents of unvaccinated children (46.7 per cent) reported not feeling guilty if their unvaccinated child got a vaccine-preventable disease, and more than 43 per cent reported not trusting information they receive about vaccines from their child's doctor or nurse."

Brent in Qld
WA, 1183 posts
4 Dec 2024 9:48AM
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Self righteous and willfully ignorant, it's the new black.

On another note, just finished reading Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI. Yuval Harari. Like his other books, almost too much to absorb. Supplies lots of references to consider as humanity dives head first into Ai.

WA, 7019 posts
4 Dec 2024 10:38AM
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remery said..
Anti-vaxxers must be proud.

Maybe the vaxx-mandaters and unconscientious non-objectors should share some of the blame ?

COVID-19 ORIGIN: COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China

GAIN-OF-FUNCTION RESEARCH: A lab-related incident involving gain-of-function research is most likely the origin of COVID-19.

SOCIAL DISTANCING: The "6 feet apart" social distancing recommendation - which shut down schools and small business across the country - was arbitrary and not based on science. During closed door testimony, Dr. Fauci testified that the guidance, "sort of just appeared."

COVID-19 VACCINE: Contrary to what was promised, the COVID-19 vaccine did not stop the spread or transmission of the virus.

VACCINE MANDATES: Vaccine mandates were not supported by science and caused more harm than good.

VACCINE INJURY REPORTING SYSTEM: Vaccine injury reporting systems created confusion, failed to properly inform the American public about vaccine injuries, and deteriorated public trust in vaccine safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

VACCINE INJURY COMPENSATION: The government is failing to efficiently, fairly, and transparently adjudicate claims for the COVID-19 vaccine injured

Both sides of the pacific ocean....

In the years since he served as deputy chief medical officer, Nick Coatsworth has also been reflecting a lot.... "But because [vaccination] was the way out of the restrictions and the lockdowns, you can see how there could have been a tendency across the whole of the medical community to underestimate the side effects that were occurring."

WA, 7019 posts
4 Dec 2024 10:41AM
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Brent in Qld said..
Self righteous and willfully ignorant, it's the new black.

Self-righteous, hypocritical and willfully deceitful, it's the new Green, Blue or Red (depending which great democracy we are talking about)

Brent in Qld
WA, 1183 posts
4 Dec 2024 12:22PM
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Carantoc said..

Brent in Qld said..
Self righteous and willfully ignorant, it's the new black.

Self-righteous, hypocritical and willfully deceitful, it's the new Green, Blue or Red (depending which great democracy we are talking about)

Nothing to do with politics. Everything to do with the reducing levels of education and rise of populism.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Skepticism and critical thinking" started by remery