I'm lovin' ya style Chris 249.
Keep on diggin' no matter what. Just keep on digging.
That's the best way to go on these forums. Eventually you might just come out the other side. I doubt it, but if we don't got hope what have we got eh ?
As an independent observer, who may rely on evidence presented by vs Chris 249, vs eidence presented by Crancntoc, when I run for omnipotent ruler of the world over the current impotent incumbent, the Orange Zepplin....
Defo Chris 249 for me.
Crancantoc can do the DJ set tho.
Hey Chris, not everyone has to leave their laptop to make a difference. We could all make a difference by signing this. (It's a judge who sets pedos free)
Whooping cough on the rise in WA. Anti-vaxxers must be proud.
"Six in 10 parents reported feeling distressed when thinking about vaccinating their child, with no major difference between cohorts.
Alarmingly, nearly one in two parents of unvaccinated children (46.7 per cent) reported not feeling guilty if their unvaccinated child got a vaccine-preventable disease, and more than 43 per cent reported not trusting information they receive about vaccines from their child's doctor or nurse."
Self righteous and willfully ignorant, it's the new black.
On another note, just finished reading Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI. Yuval Harari. Like his other books, almost too much to absorb. Supplies lots of references to consider as humanity dives head first into Ai.