Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Songs that make you want to heave

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 12 Dec 2013
NSW, 4453 posts
12 Dec 2013 10:49PM
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Everything by Timomatic... where did this no talent dick come from, and how did he suddenly get on everything?


QLD, 1003 posts
12 Dec 2013 10:00PM
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so you post them, therebye giving them more playtime

NSW, 4453 posts
12 Dec 2013 11:10PM
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Cal said..

so you post them, therebye giving them more playtime

Just incase you had no idea what I was hating on.

WA, 8725 posts
12 Dec 2013 8:15PM
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Pretty much anything by Oasis

WA, 12133 posts
12 Dec 2013 8:46PM
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Burl Ives, "Royal Telephone"

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
12 Dec 2013 11:04PM
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If you're hearing those top two, you're doing something wrong. I know of the artists but I wouldn't know a song of theirs if it bit me on the @rse. Stop listening to lowest common denominator cheese FM.

QLD, 6493 posts
12 Dec 2013 11:05PM
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kiteboy dave said..

If you're hearing those top two, you're doing something wrong. I know of the artists but I wouldn't know a song of theirs if it bit me on the @rse. Stop listening to lowest common denominator cheese FM.

What is this FM you speak of?

WA, 6277 posts
12 Dec 2013 9:26PM
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Oooh mickey, you're so fine... you're so fine you blow my mind...

I can't understand how anyone could like that song, nevermind how it seems to be wheeled out at every opportunity as a 'crowd pleaser'.

NSW, 5780 posts
13 Dec 2013 12:29AM
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everything after 1997

WA, 866 posts
12 Dec 2013 10:08PM
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Lets keep that vomit focused!

2614 posts
12 Dec 2013 10:17PM
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Hey, you leave Katy alone!

WA, 37 posts
12 Dec 2013 10:21PM
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WA, 866 posts
12 Dec 2013 10:36PM
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kiterboy said..

Hey, you leave Katy alone!


What is there to not like? Not sure why Russell kicked her out of bed...


1862 posts
12 Dec 2013 10:56PM
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This is easy

WA, 1832 posts
12 Dec 2013 11:27PM
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I didn't mind Roar. But as usual, it is now done to death.

536 posts
13 Dec 2013 3:57AM
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SA, 205 posts
13 Dec 2013 7:38AM
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kiterboy said..

Hey, you leave Katy alone!

Katy's hot

NSW, 9029 posts
13 Dec 2013 8:36AM
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That Titomatic song was very ordinary, just like all the other songs where the voices are put through the vocal harmoniser machine. They may as well all be sung by the same person or just get a computer to start singing. Never heard of this guy before and probably never will again. Hey why all the hate against disco songs? Disco is about dancing and having a good time. Nothing wrong with that.

Ace of Base, blah. Crap.

I hate that song "All I want to do is make Love to you" by Heart absolutely awful.

QLD, 255 posts
13 Dec 2013 7:52AM
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Anything described as 'Pop music', anything known as modern R&B, (about as far from Rhythm and Blues as you can get), any processed mass produced crap forced down our throats by cynical record execs, anything without a demonstrable level of talent involved in its creation.

461 posts
13 Dec 2013 6:55AM
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kiteboy dave said..

If you're hearing those top two, you're doing something wrong. I know of the artists but I wouldn't know a song of theirs if it bit me on the @rse. Stop listening to lowest common denominator cheese FM.

Some people don't have a choice. I used to work in a place where ****ty pop stations were played loudly all day. I watched about 10 seconds of timomatic. What a p00f..

461 posts
13 Dec 2013 6:59AM
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QLD, 6123 posts
13 Dec 2013 9:30AM
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from sheer saturation (probably liked it years ago). Every dxckhead AJ outs it on in bogan pubs or defence force boozers (spent too much time in them). It's an anthem for wxnkers, and the ultimate groundhog day whenever i hear it.

NSW, 4453 posts
13 Dec 2013 10:30AM
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kiteboy dave said..

If you're hearing those top two, you're doing something wrong. I know of the artists but I wouldn't know a song of theirs if it bit me on the @rse. Stop listening to lowest common denominator cheese FM.

Yeah, what if you work in a Fitness First, or attend one? There's only so much perspiration your own gear will take.

+1 for Rick Astley Assley.... and the dance!

Buster fin
WA, 2576 posts
13 Dec 2013 8:55AM
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The proclaimers!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
13 Dec 2013 9:06AM
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NSW, 1499 posts
13 Dec 2013 12:27PM
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WA, 1255 posts
13 Dec 2013 9:29AM
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black eyed peas

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
13 Dec 2013 9:29AM
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Dumbest song ever:


Spawned great pisstakes though:
(mega language warning)

1156 posts
13 Dec 2013 9:54AM
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poor relative said..


Hey, what's wrong with that? I often play that while rigging up my windsurfing gear.

QLD, 4873 posts
13 Dec 2013 12:13PM
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30 posts in and not even a mention of Bucks Fizz........

Oh and this one's up there

but the all time best both for song and video............."the 3 second rule" If your eyes and ears aren't bleeding after this then you're not human.

SA, 343 posts
13 Dec 2013 12:45PM
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Of course we're all entitled to hate whatever, but be careful not to frame it in terms of "good" and "bad".... Its all about taste and I think its good that we all have different tastes.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Songs that make you want to heave" started by FlySurfer