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Super Heroes!!! Our Troops in Afghanistan.

Created by cisco > 9 months ago, 9 Jul 2010
QLD, 12326 posts
10 Jul 2010 1:12AM
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Four Corners on ABC featured these guys last Monday night and will present part 2 next Monday night.

Every one of them a total professional and put most of us to shame as they did me.

To a man, none of them wants to leave until the job is done. They are upholding the ANZAC tradition to the highest standard and deserve our highest respect.

Check out these magnificent specimens of human beings on the ABC web site.

It is no wonder the Afghanis want to migrate the country where these guys are bred.

WA, 6415 posts
10 Jul 2010 8:39AM
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if i was from Afghanistan i certainly would be wanting to migrate too, to get away from all that D.U dust and radiation.[[sorry flysurfer]

Perth, probably not the best though, Lancelin U.S military base testing D.U weapons i have heard.

QLD, 2314 posts
10 Jul 2010 12:18PM
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Good call cisco, our troops are there for the right reasons. Unfortunately our casualties will rise, joe public will put pressure on the government to pull them out but we need to listen to the guys on the ground there- if they leave now or anytime soon every life lost would have been a waste as it will just return to the state it was before they went there.

NSW, 4453 posts
10 Jul 2010 1:01PM
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petermac33: don't get the apology... i agree... hell i don't even know what job they need to get done in Afghanistan... i thought we were there to pillage and make a pipe line.

NSW, 5780 posts
10 Jul 2010 1:59PM
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hired killers the lot of 'em.

not even close to heros in my book.

they were'nt conscripted they had a choice.

it has absolutely nothing to do with the freedom of this country or any other, infact the very opposite is true.

reality is the military works for corporate interests.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
10 Jul 2010 3:26PM
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theDoctor said...

hired killers the lot of 'em.

you can say what you like about Iraq, but the taliban were arseholes and the mujeheddin weren't any better.

That said, it was illegal to fly a kite in Afganistan under the taliban

WA, 4564 posts
10 Jul 2010 4:17PM
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theDoctor said...

hired killers the lot of 'em.

not even close to heros in my book.

they were'nt conscripted they had a choice.

it has absolutely nothing to do with the freedom of this country or any other, infact the very opposite is true.

reality is the military works for corporate interests.

There sounds the voice of inexperience

WA, 2960 posts
10 Jul 2010 4:55PM
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what is the job their doing?

is it to introduce democracy?

because a 'democratic' uneducated islamic population will just vote for Sharia law..

which is basically the same as mumbo as the taliban.. stonings, honour killings and fatwas..

WA, 187 posts
10 Jul 2010 5:04PM
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just highly paid merc missionary's. They should send over an extremist islam militia to Salt Lake city, whats the difference, really? there all religiously screwed in the head

"That said, it was illegal to fly a kite in Afganistan under the taliban"

you cant' even do that in Rowville send in the marines

NSW, 5780 posts
10 Jul 2010 7:08PM
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ginger pom said...

That said, it was illegal to fly a kite in Afganistan under the taliban

according to council laws, its illegal to fly a kite in our local park...

maybe we need a foriegn peace keeping 'force' to come and bomb us to the siht, kill us to by the millions, stick their nose in where it don't belong and tell us how to live and 'liberate' us so we can fly kites in our local parks

WA, 187 posts
10 Jul 2010 5:23PM
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My neighbour is pretty cagey about what he does in Afganastan. But the upgrade from a Lexus to a luxury Audi? good for him and his family. But don't tell me these people are heros like "Anzacs", they are Mercenary self serving people, such a huge difference.

QLD, 4177 posts
10 Jul 2010 8:03PM
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I cant believe you blokes The Doctor and the other numbskull , your comments make me sick.Just after another Aussie soldier dies today.

NSW, 5780 posts
10 Jul 2010 8:18PM
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no aussie soldiers would die if they were'nt there to begin with.

how many afghanies died today...?

how many iraqies...?

is it really any different because of a flag on a uniform...?

seeing one life worth than another because of ridiculous jingoistic patriotism makes me sick.

QLD, 4177 posts
10 Jul 2010 8:25PM
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I wonder how many Iraqies or Afghans died when the troops where not their.If it wasnt for the Military and those hired killers you wouldnt be enjoying the life you do today.

WA, 1194 posts
10 Jul 2010 6:27PM
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cisco said...

It is no wonder the Afghanis want to migrate the country where these guys are bred.

everything other than the quote i could understand to be patriotic of you to say .... the last line is ludicrous to put it nicely

NSW, 5780 posts
10 Jul 2010 8:50PM
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teatrea said...

.If it wasnt for the Military and those hired killers you wouldnt be enjoying the life you do today.

with respect to those who have died, thats utter clap trap.

i remember talking at length with returned servicemen in my younger days, my neighbour was a rat of tobruk, i helped him organise his memoirs for his family so his story would never be lost, this lead me to doing the same for a number of other vets, the one thing everyone of them had in common and agreed upon was the desperate realisation of the utter pointlessness of it all and the very real understanding that what they were doing when they got there had nothing to do with the story they were sold to get them there in the first place.

WA, 6415 posts
10 Jul 2010 6:52PM
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most Aussie soldiers are ignorant that the war is a ruse,were it not for this, well....

everyone in Afghanistan, including our soldiers is being exposed to the radiation caused by the use of D.U weaponry and probable breathing in of D.U dust itself.

i feel sorry for the Aussie soldiers breathing in this stuff,most have no idea, until they get sick and do research on it's dangers that it's deadly!

serving in Afghanistan/Iraq/Bosnia is like serving in Chernobyl.

an increase of 12 fold in opium production, military patrolling the opium farms to then sell back to the west for insane profit margins, no smoking gun there some will still say.

WA, 4564 posts
10 Jul 2010 6:55PM
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theDoctor said...

no aussie soldiers would die if they were'nt there to begin with.

how many afghanies died today...?

how many iraqies...?

is it really any different because of a flag on a uniform...?

seeing one life worth than another because of ridiculous jingoistic patriotism makes me sick.

What makes a lot of people sick, is when those who wouldn't have a clue, sound off crap like this, indicating its the front line diggers decision to be there following directives from his Country of origin. Uninformed prattle like this, directed at the common solder and his current predicament makes those who have gone before them sick.
Wake up and smell the roses sunshine. Aim your disquiet at the people who placed them in this position

Mister Dugong
368 posts
10 Jul 2010 7:03PM
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doctor, what is your profession, out of curiosity?
Is it something that benefits the community? Teacher, nurse, mental health volunteer? silverchain? the salvos? Samiritans help line? even lowly tradesman?
I ask because your statements in general are, in an imperfect world, idealistic; and I wonder if you strive to make a material difference in achieving those ideals or is it mainly your voice.

In further comment,
Whilst military intervention is debatable on many levels, especially for those who live in fear of corporate control, it is unfortunately a part of life.

As one of my favoured theologians said roughly,
"We (budists< I cant spell!) are not weak, or as you may think, not use violence at all costs as some Llamas tried or led the west to believe. We will fight, we fight to protect our women, our children our neighbours"

Life isnt easy, some think its owed to them. Some give it all.

NSW, 5780 posts
10 Jul 2010 9:37PM
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don't get me wrong , I understand military insubordination would probably carry a penalty that would make killing babies seem tame by comparison and the level of mind control progaming and brain washing on the front line grunt would be on the level of something most none of us could imagine.

this isn't like the turn of last century when a notice was pinned to local post office, a headline screamed or the radio crackled to roust up the chaps for queen and country.

conscription is not a reality in this country (yet)

the grunt still chose to be a grunt.

the jingoistic patriotism comes from joe public who read the tabloids, watch today tonight and beat their chest scared their right to live within the most taxed and over governed corporate nation on earth is going to be taken away from them by a bunch of towel headed gun crazy women hating camel herders on the other side of the world.

replace guns with shovels, hand tools and service and skills training and i'm all for the military.

Mister Dugong
368 posts
10 Jul 2010 7:55PM
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err doctor, all service pesonel receive skills training, thats why so many "grunts" sign up,, so they can get paid training and qualifications...

your just trying to bait me arent you??? your not thick.

so what is your contribution? Because I know the Samaritans help line is desperate for volunteers to take the night shift on their call line..put that voice to use mate.

QLD, 4177 posts
10 Jul 2010 10:02PM
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Next your going to tell me , 9/11 ,bali , madrid where all inside jobs , the world will end in 2012 and their are aliens amongst us.

Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
10 Jul 2010 8:04PM
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Doc and Petermac do you seriously believe that the Taliban are great rulers? I surmise that you agree with forced circumcision of girls, married women being stoned to death because they were raped and reported it (that is considered adultery, even if raped). Maybe you agree with when some dude stood up and said this isn't right - non violent writing a letter to the paper type stuff, not trying to be militant....... and they cut the throat of his 9 y/o son in front of him and shot up half the rest of the village.

They are savages who should be p!ssed off forever and Australia is doing the country a great service by getting rid of the Taliban.
Makes me sick when you mob think that we as a strong country should not go and help a poor people who can't stand up for themselves.

If this was happening in Australia and the citizens could do nothing about it, you'd be grateful for outside help.

Maybe you should go live in Afghanistan.....

WA, 2960 posts
10 Jul 2010 8:19PM
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Chinese coal miner.. they are the real heros

QLD, 7428 posts
10 Jul 2010 10:19PM
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ginger pom said...

theDoctor said...

hired killers the lot of 'em.

you can say what you like about Iraq, but the taliban were arseholes and the mujeheddin weren't any better.

That said, it was illegal to fly a kite in Afganistan under the taliban

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
10 Jul 2010 8:21PM
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I find the whole war saga thing a bit disturbing.

America storms Iraq and afghanistan under the guise of 'terrorists' and shocking human right violations, yet it stands by and does nothing for Burmese people who have suffered apalling human right violations for decades or even Zimbabwians under the Mugabe regime.

Conflict in the middle East is driven by the Wests need for oil. It is nieve at best to believe that America is defending human right violations in the East - if anything i believe they are the perpetrators.

That said i sympathise with the young soilders (and their families waiting at home) sent to Afghanistan to fight for well i'm still unsure.

Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
10 Jul 2010 8:25PM
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barn said...

Chinese coal miner.. they are the real heros

I saw soem stat about 2000+ people a year die in Chinese mines (all, not just coal).
I was horrified.
Then I did the stats and per capita it is only about 1.2 times the death rate in Australian mines.... not much more at all.


QLD, 7428 posts
10 Jul 2010 10:32PM
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wotzy77 said...

err doctor, all service pesonel receive skills training, thats why so many "grunts" sign up,, so they can get paid training and qualifications...

your just trying to bait me arent you??? your not thick.

so what is your contribution? Because I know the Samaritans help line is desperate for volunteers to take the night shift on their call line..put that voice to use mate.

You appear to be making an ad hominem error. What the Doc does and what his contribution may be is irrelevant to the argument he makes.

QLD, 7428 posts
10 Jul 2010 10:41PM
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Mark _australia said...

Doc and Petermac do you seriously believe that the Taliban are great rulers? I surmise that you agree with forced circumcision of girls, married women being stoned to death because they were raped and reported it (that is considered adultery, even if raped). Maybe you agree with when some dude stood up and said this isn't right - non violent writing a letter to the paper type stuff, not trying to be militant....... and they cut the throat of his 9 y/o son in front of him and shot up half the rest of the village.

They are savages who should be p!ssed off forever and Australia is doing the country a great service by getting rid of the Taliban.
Makes me sick when you mob think that we as a strong country should not go and help a poor people who can't stand up for themselves.

If this was happening in Australia and the citizens could do nothing about it, you'd be grateful for outside help.

Maybe you should go live in Afghanistan.....

You don't do your argument any good by starting with a logical fallacy. It is silly to surmise that the Doc agrees with human rights violations. The general tenor of his comments would logically lead to the opposite supposition.

NSW, 6869 posts
10 Jul 2010 10:48PM
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FlySurfer said...

petermac33: don't get the apology... i agree... hell i don't even know what job they need to get done in Afghanistan... i thought we were there to pillage and make a pipe line.

I cannot believe that anyone actually thinks that the troops are there for altruisitic reasons. Wake up guys.

The foreign presence in Afghanistan, Iraq and anywhere else is for commercial reasons and commercial reasons only. If you do not believe that then you have been sold a lemon.

WA, 2960 posts
10 Jul 2010 9:00PM
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ANZAC tradition - "Land at the wrong place, oh well lets keep fighting anyway!!"

Its not that they are not brave, but why the extra fuss when a soldier dies, while a death on the roads might get 15 seconds on the news.

They are no more super heroes than our miners! or regular road users.

Lets spare a thought for the taliban fighters, those poor chaps infected with a paticular dogmatic mind virus.. should they not deserve our highest respect as well? wheres the ABC feature on them?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Super Heroes!!! Our Troops in Afghanistan." started by cisco