Yes it's good to be enthusiastic, but we're only sea breeze after all, there's sure too be folks in the energy game who've looked into the economics and new technologies a lot more closely than us. They don't seem to be writing coal off yet. It'd be wise to get off coal, but I just can't see the coal industry as being full of blinkered, stupid people shuffling deck chairs on a sinking ship.
If you believe Greenpeace coal consumption is down by 4% this year from last year.
If you believe the Mineral Council of Australia it's rising.
Here's a breakdown of plants under construction or approved for construction. From the mineral council of Australia's website. No mention of AGW of course.
According to the international Energy Agency, the world will use 1 billion tonnes more coal in 2019 than today – more than 9 billion tonnes a year.19 There is more coal-fired electricity capacity in the investment pipeline than any other fuel (Figure 1).20 "
Ian K
they really can be full of blinkered, stupid people shuffling deck chairs on a sinking ship. Its human nature