Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

The Funny Images Thread

Created by evlPanda > 9 months ago, 26 Feb 2009
QLD, 24 posts
2 Jan 2010 8:32PM
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Garlic lovers beware

SA, 112 posts
2 Jan 2010 10:00PM
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NSW, 2495 posts
3 Jan 2010 12:04PM
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is that your mum?

QLD, 24 posts
3 Jan 2010 4:43PM
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mum jokes are for those without wit...try again

WA, 5921 posts
3 Jan 2010 2:55PM
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yer mum AND yer girlfriend?

1979 posts
3 Jan 2010 3:16PM
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Your mumma's on the top of my things to do list.

QLD, 24 posts
3 Jan 2010 5:17PM
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What we have here is failure to communicate. I'll talk slowly for both of you. T h e t h r e a d s a i d " T h e F u n n y I m a g e s T h r e a d". H o p e t h e p u n c t u a t i o n d o e s n ' t c o n f u s e y o u. I posted something i thought was funny. Yes that is my mother and girlfriend btw i was taking pictures because i didnt know where she was gonna come out of.

NSW, 2495 posts
4 Jan 2010 1:25AM
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postmortem said...

mum jokes are for those without wit...try again


NSW, 2495 posts
4 Jan 2010 10:26AM
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your mums so fat she was arrested at the airport for carrying 10 kg of crack.

thommo 000
1670 posts
4 Jan 2010 7:47AM
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NSW, 864 posts
4 Jan 2010 12:00PM
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Quite right, thommo. Let's get this thread back on track of images

And while on the subjects of large body parts and fail:

QLD, 4083 posts
4 Jan 2010 4:44PM
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She also appears to have an oddly deformed left wrist...

WA, 577 posts
4 Jan 2010 3:32PM
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QLD, 21 posts
4 Jan 2010 6:17PM
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On your marks..get set..

NSW, 864 posts
5 Jan 2010 6:19PM
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TAS, 778 posts
5 Jan 2010 8:21PM
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been a while.. I love this thread so here's some more

QLD, 21 posts
5 Jan 2010 8:17PM
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who would argue about soap makeup conditioners or even pink

thommo 000
1670 posts
6 Jan 2010 6:44AM
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NSW, 147 posts
6 Jan 2010 10:38AM
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WA, 15849 posts
6 Jan 2010 9:40AM
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thommo 000 said...

thommo, I dont know where you get them but that is a cracker!!

WA, 577 posts
6 Jan 2010 12:32PM
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You are a pig

WA, 577 posts
6 Jan 2010 3:58PM
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NSW, 864 posts
7 Jan 2010 2:08PM
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What? We're back onto smut again? Seems to be a common thread on this... errr... thread.... OK, well here ya go. I realise two is bending the rules but... meh!

WA, 15849 posts
7 Jan 2010 3:15PM
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Takes teabagin to another level

WA, 15849 posts
7 Jan 2010 3:47PM
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TAS, 753 posts
7 Jan 2010 8:19PM
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NSW, 864 posts
7 Jan 2010 10:05PM
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doggie said...

It took a while, doggie, but I did see it!

WA, 15849 posts
7 Jan 2010 7:12PM
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^^ Classic when I got it I nearly deleted it just couldnt see it, and then

thommo 000
1670 posts
7 Jan 2010 7:35PM
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ha ha thats a rippa,

TAS, 753 posts
7 Jan 2010 11:45PM
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That's Awesome I was looing for some sort of hidden fish...


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The Funny Images Thread" started by evlPanda