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The green truth

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 24 Mar 2011
NSW, 4453 posts
24 Mar 2011 6:47PM
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There's a back stabbing, two faced, lying wranger who wants to take your money in the name of saving the planet.

I've posted time and time again about the CO2 truth, so I'm not going to write about it again.

What I'm writing about is that the lucky country has picked up our tab. You see all that green in the pictures below?
Well that there greenery has sucked in more CO2 than every Australian resident combined will produce for the next 30 years.

WA, 3519 posts
24 Mar 2011 3:52PM
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Agree with you... it is a big money grabing scam!!

NSW, 5780 posts
24 Mar 2011 7:01PM
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awesome photos flysurfer

and its more than a money stealing scam, we are about to lose more freedoms in the name of the threat from global warming than we ever thought possible under the guise of the equally false threat of terrorism

if only more people would read uncensored, latest issue out this week

NSW, 807 posts
24 Mar 2011 7:32PM
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theDoctor said...

awesome photos flysurfer

and its more than a money stealing scam, we are about to lose more freedoms in the name of the threat from global warming than we ever thought possible under the guise of the equally false threat of terrorism

if only more people would read uncensored, latest issue out this week

I saw a youtube video a while back by this undercover hacker proving that uncensored is a front that's partly funded by the oil companies. Of course, he's dead now and the video has been yanked.

WA, 15849 posts
24 Mar 2011 4:33PM
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Must of been wet season.

NSW, 864 posts
24 Mar 2011 8:47PM
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FlySurfer said...

There's a back stabbing, two faced, lying wranger who wants to take your money in the name of saving the planet.

As opposed to a back stabbling, two faced, lying rabbot who wants to take my money and f##k the planet?

FlySurfer said...

Well that there greenery has sucked in more CO2 than every Australian resident combined will produce for the next 30 years.

Wow, that's great!

What happens to it when it all dies off again?

WA, 15849 posts
24 Mar 2011 5:48PM
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maxm said...

FlySurfer said...

Well that there greenery has sucked in more CO2 than every Australian resident combined will produce for the next 30 years.

Wow, that's great!

What happens to it when it all dies off again?

Dry season.

NSW, 864 posts
24 Mar 2011 8:50PM
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Too quick for me. Caught me adding bits...

NSW, 6451 posts
24 Mar 2011 8:54PM
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doggie said...

maxm said...

FlySurfer said...

Well that there greenery has sucked in more CO2 than every Australian resident combined will produce for the next 30 years.

Wow, that's great!

What happens to it when it all dies off again?

Dry season.

If every I had been a bad boy, my X use to have a looooonnnnggggg dry season
Usually followed by a short wet season,,
but then I would do something wrong again and the dry season would start again

WA, 15849 posts
24 Mar 2011 5:57PM
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lotofwind said...

doggie said...

maxm said...

FlySurfer said...

Well that there greenery has sucked in more CO2 than every Australian resident combined will produce for the next 30 years.

Wow, that's great!

What happens to it when it all dies off again?

Dry season.

If every I had been a bad boy, my X use to have a looooonnnnggggg dry season

Bad lotofwind, no boobs for you (.).)

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
24 Mar 2011 9:03PM
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our tab is what?

Co2 per boob?

Or Co2 per ton of coal that we sell to china to stay lucky?

Good point though. There are trees and someone is going to raise some taxes to encourage people to burn less because most scientists believe it....

WA, 163 posts
24 Mar 2011 6:19PM
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WA, 163 posts
24 Mar 2011 6:24PM
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glad i got to clear this week. This landclearing will be a thing of the past soon

NSW, 6451 posts
24 Mar 2011 9:29PM
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^^^^^you enviromental monster

So when the trees fell,
did they make a sound??
or were the dozers to loud to hear them.

NSW, 471 posts
24 Mar 2011 9:32PM
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Funny thing tho is the planet wouldnt need saving if all you bastards would stop breeding like rabbits!

Anyone who has had a kid has no right at all to bitch about their environmental foot print.

Population growth is the root cause of pretty much every major social and environmental problem.

NSW, 4453 posts
24 Mar 2011 9:40PM
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2 weeks ago = Summer;
Wet season in Darwin; everything was green or underwater.

What happens if it dies off? Well the world continues to spin, the soil gets mulch, flies eat the rest, and you take some more from the wranger

Now seriously, Australia is in good shape, I know QLD got a little flooded, but the rest is looking good.

Dr: Let me know if you want hi-res versions ~10-20MB

@Roar: I'm also in favour of no gun controls.

QLD, 2057 posts
24 Mar 2011 8:48PM
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Will 25,000,000 people reducing CO2 emissions by 10% actually make a stick of difference?

Shouldn't we be getting CHINA, INDIA, US and ASIA to reduce their emissions by 0.5%

I'm sure if you do the maths, whatever we do and however we do it, our contribution will do diddly squat for Mother Earth except make a lot of tax revenue for Princess Fiona and help Bob (I like) Brown sleep a little betterer.

3777 posts
24 Mar 2011 6:55PM
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Economic trends can influence the growth or shrinkage of fiscal deficits in several ways. Increased levels of economic activity generally lead to higher tax revenues, while government expenditures often increase during economic downturns because of higher outlays for social insurance programs such as unemployment benefits. Changes in tax rates, tax enforcement policies, levels of social benefits, and other government policy decisions can also have major effects on public debt.

Why would they introduce a mining tax a flood tax and now a bull**** carbon tax if our country is running at a surplus?

Probably build more detention centres and pay the EU to bail out half of Europe. sounds like a conspiracy again .. we need to get peter mac and cisco onto it asap.

NSW, 807 posts
24 Mar 2011 10:18PM
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busterwa said...

sounds like a conspiracy again .. we need to get peter mac and cisco onto it asap.

I saw a youtube video that proved that petermac is in reality one of a network of undercover Hamas agents tasked with spreading confusion in the west. I saw another youtube video showing cisco being anal probed by weird creatures while being held down by men in black.

Weird but those videos have been removed from youtube now. Apparently the guy who made them hasn't been seen for a while.

NSW, 6852 posts
24 Mar 2011 10:46PM
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The carbon tax is going to happen.

I have not followed it much but on a recent trip out to Trundle to pick up a Kombi we saw thousands of acres of land that has been planted, reforested would be a more apt description. With all the rain they have had the place is transformed.

Apparently BHP et al have bought up heaps of land and they have not cut corners. Quite a lot of the land was marginal wheat and it is now a forest.

They do not go to that sort of expense without having been tipped the nod.

It is planted that thick that it should go up like a torch in years to come. Then they will be able claim losses and profit from a replant

WA, 114 posts
24 Mar 2011 8:18PM
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"Now seriously, Australia is in good shape, I know QLD got a little flooded, but the rest is looking good."

Not so wet in the south west of WA, we have towns trucking in water because their dams dried completely. Its as dry here as anyone can remember.

I reckon its a good idea to put in place policy that can insure us against the rising costs of fossil fuels.

The big users of energy ( Co2 producers) should be taxed more and the proceeds put into developing clean renewable energy sources.

It will cost much less in the long term, I reckon.

WA, 6632 posts
24 Mar 2011 8:29PM
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So from recent threads I am not allowed to like or support :


It's getting to be a grey old world.

NSW, 6852 posts
25 Mar 2011 12:04AM
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Elcoco, good that you have an opinion but think this through.

The technology for green renewable power is already there and has been for years. This country is sitting on a mine of energy that is so vast and so easily accessible that the mind boggles.

I watched a program on this on the ABC back in the early nineties. How simple is it, drill two holes, inject water under pressure and harvest free energy, forever, no emmissions.

There has to be a reason that it still has not been done and the only one I can think of is that it is not in the interests of the people who hold the purse strings.

Imagine if you could get it off the ground then! With free energy we would control the worlds steel markets, smelters at the mine sites.

That would make the coal loader at Newcastle obsolete. They might stop dredging the river and killing the prawns

Dream on

WA, 4564 posts
24 Mar 2011 9:15PM
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japie said...

Elcoco, good that you have an opinion but think this through.

The technology for green renewable power is already there and has been for years. This country is sitting on a mine of energy that is so vast and so easily accessible that the mind boggles.

I watched a program on this on the ABC back in the early nineties. How simple is it, drill two holes, inject water under pressure and harvest free energy, forever, no emmissions.

There has to be a reason that it still has not been done and the only one I can think of is that it is not in the interests of the people who hold the purse strings.

Imagine if you could get it off the ground then! With free energy we would control the worlds steel markets, smelters at the mine sites.

That would make the coal loader at Newcastle obsolete. They might stop dredging the river and killing the prawns

Dream on

Been in action a few years now

NSW, 6852 posts
25 Mar 2011 12:45AM
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But why so long? I have been looking at their page and I cannot believe some of what I see. It is exactly as shown by the ABC 20 years ago. Same locations same technology.

Drill two holes and pump water down. The arseholes do it to harvest gas.

This sort of thing should be a national project like the Snowy River Scheme, only financed by government issued currency. Reckon the population would back it?

Would certainly benefit the population, but like I said it has the potential to shut the coal trade down amongst other stuff.

WA, 163 posts
24 Mar 2011 11:39PM
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ranger is making us a very rich millionaire with carbon tax issue come and see us if you want to buy 200 square metres.

WA, 15849 posts
25 Mar 2011 8:49AM
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Carantoc said...

So from recent threads I am not allowed to like or support :


It's getting to be a grey old world.

(.).) are ok

QLD, 12324 posts
26 Mar 2011 1:10PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...
I saw another youtube video showing cisco being anal probed by weird creatures while being held down by men in black.

Weird but those videos have been removed from youtube now. Apparently the guy who made them hasn't been seen for a while.

The MIBs haven't been seen lately either because I let out an almighty fart just when they thought they had found the holy grail.

QLD, 12324 posts
26 Mar 2011 1:28PM
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japie said...

Elcoco, good that you have an opinion but think this through.

I watched a program on this on the ABC back in the early nineties. How simple is it, drill two holes, inject water under pressure and harvest free energy, forever, no emmissions.

There has to be a reason that it still has not been done and the only one I can think of is that it is not in the interests of the people who hold the purse strings.

That is just ONE bit of technology that has been proven, published and then shelved.

I have mentioned before on this forum the study and practical trial of sustainable, off the power grid, modern urban housing.

The CSIRO did the experiment well over 30 years ago in Canberra. It was successful and the ABC showed a doco on it.

I have tried to find it on the CSIRO web site but I think it must have been archived into the "Things the Government doesn't want the Public to know about." folder.

WA, 4642 posts
26 Mar 2011 12:02PM
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japie said...

Elcoco, good that you have an opinion but think this through.

The technology for green renewable power is already there and has been for years. This country is sitting on a mine of energy that is so vast and so easily accessible that the mind boggles.

I watched a program on this on the ABC back in the early nineties. How simple is it, drill two holes, inject water under pressure and harvest free energy, forever, no emmissions.

There has to be a reason that it still has not been done and the only one I can think of is that it is not in the interests of the people who hold the purse strings.
Imagine if you could get it off the ground then! With free energy we would control the worlds steel markets, smelters at the mine sites.

That would make the coal loader at Newcastle obsolete. They might stop dredging the river and killing the prawns

Dream on

"There has to be a reason that it still has not been done and the only one I can think of is that it is not in the interests of the people who hold the purse strings."

That's right, but probably not for the reason you think.

The reason that it is not being used is because there are serious doubts on it's long term viability.
The problem is that the long term energy output from the system is determined by the thermal conductivity of the earth into which the water is forced.
That is, although when you first drill the hole and squirt water down it, lots of steam comes out, once the rock is cooled, the amount of energy available is hugely diminished and it is recharged at a very low rate because earth and rock is a very effective insulator. That's why caves maintain a constant temperature.

The system can work under rare conditions where there is magma close to the surface and the rock is sufficiently porous to allow the water to permeate down close to the molten rock where there is a constant high rate of heat transfer. There are a few places where this occurs naturally but it's certainly not common.
I don't think this is going to save the planet.

The only long term solution is some form of nuclear fusion.

I would be happy to pay a carbon tax, a petrol tax, any tax, provided the entire amount was spent on research into this.
If it's just going to be recycled back into the community to compensate us for paying the tax then the whole exercise is pointless and nothing more than a money go round. All that does is make the people who run the 'money go round' very rich.

3777 posts
26 Mar 2011 12:41PM
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About changing processes for long human adaption rather than claimate change.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The green truth" started by FlySurfer